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Through Fire and Smoke, life goes on.

Kevin Kingswell

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Atlanta City, Atlanta City Zoo

It was a lovely day in Atlanta as the sun shone brightly down from on high and only a few fluffy white clouds dotted the sky. Many families had taken advantage of the nice weather to visit the attractions that the capital city offered and the Smithson family had decided to visit the Atlanta City Zoo as their five year old son had wanted to go see the animals for some time now. So it was that they were just making their way down to the ticket booths at the entrance that fateful day when the skyline was lit up brighter than anything seen before and they and thousands of other citizens were wiped from existance as two nuclear devices were detonated in the city of Atlanta. The intial death toll was unknown but estimated between fifty to sixty thousand in the intial explosions and most of them were civilians with only a few hundred being military related.

Command and Control Bunker, Atlanta City Outskirts

Chancellor Sanders stormed in the C&C bunker with her fury barely contained her hair flailing about her and her fists clenched white in anger. The updates on what had happened in Atlanta had only just reached her as well as the intial reported death toll and as the assembled officers and soldiers turned to face her she began to shout. "Gentlemen what the hell is going on!!" she ordered loudly using one hand to point at the tight knot of officers standing before her. General Alexander, a man she had personally despised for always shirking from duty preferring the desk to the field, stepped forward trying to and failing to hide the smile from his face. "Ah dearest Chancellor so glad you could join us. We were afraid you wouldn't make it. It is time for a new age of prosperity for the Ascendancy, one without you. Kill her!!" he shouted and the bark of automatic fire rang out in the bunker.

However, the smile on Alexander's face quickly disappeared as he noticed that Sanders still stood unharmed before him and as he looked around in panic he saw the bodies of those soldiers whose loyalty he had personally bought lying dead on the floor. Their weapons either flung away in death or still in thier holsters and this time it was Sander's who smiled quite evily back to him. "You underestimated me General and for that you and your men have paid the price" and as she finished she drew the chainsword at her side thumbing the activation rune as she did and cut down Alexander who died with his entrails falling from his ruptered body and a scream upon his lips.

Looking up from the rapidly cooling body of the traitorous general Sanders turned her gaze on General Oliver who of the other officers standing was the only one not currently looking upon the Chancellor with fear. "General Oliver. Report on the current situation" she ordered and he turned to show her the nearby computer terminal which was currently showing the whole of the old American state of Georgia. In many places there were different coloured marks all showing different military units and their currently known allegiances.

"To be honest Chancellor it is a nightmare. Military units across the whole of the nation are in open rebellion. From what we can tell a large amount of the military had banded together in secret to assassinate you and take control of the nation. However, at the last moment they seemed to have broken out into arguement and then hostility with each other which most likely is the only reason we are still standing here alive" Oliver replied with some small sense of relief.

"I see and what forces remain loyal to me?" asked Sanders.

"Only the units under my command here in Atlanta plus your personal guard and of the former I lost almost a quarter in those nuclear detonations" said Oliver both grief and fury in his tone.

"They will pay for that in blood General, mark my words they will all pay for what they have done" replied Sanders her eyes narrowing as she made her threat. "For now have your troops pull back away from the blast zones and change into their NBC gear. Atlanta is our only refuge of strength right now and that means fighting in the fallout" she ordered and Oliver quickly had his subordinates sent out to coordinate the troops movements.

War had come to the Ascendancy and Sanders was determined to be the victor.

OOC: This is an internal war to represent the change in my IG stats. I would prefer that any responses be restricted to comments and statements only but if you would like to take part please contact me before hand. Thank you.

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[b]CNS Comfort AH-6[/b]

The Flagship of the Confederate Navy Hospital Ship Fleet, the Comfort, began its journey towards the waters of the afflicted region with an escort of two destroyers. A message was sent in advance informing the region's government that a single hospital ship, two destroyers, and freighters of relief supplies are to be expected in a strict noncombatant role.

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[b]Across the Hellghan Ascendancy[/b]

Conflict raged as soldiers turned against one another and the streets and roads of the nation were soon covered in corpses of slain soldiers and civilians caught in the crossfire whilst numerous civilian and military vehicles burned fiercely where they had been destroyed. In the sky the air was criss crossed with vapour trails as planes engaged and destroyed one another before falling to the ground below in flames to add to the destruction.

[b]Atlanta City[/b]

Chancellor Sanders, now clad in full nuclear, biological and chemical gear, stood in the turret hatch of the armoured command vehicle she had taken command of as it rolled through the rubble that had been Atlanta City Centre her hands wrapped around the pintle machine gun. All around her lay countless dead citzens the innocent victims of the nuclear bombs used at the start of the conflict and her heart hardened and burned with righteous fury to see them avenged. Behind her the other vehicles that formed her loyal troops rolled each one ready to follow her to death if she required it, Oliver had demanded that she stay behind in the C&C bunker but she had refused stating that she belonged at the front line fighting with her soldiers.

The radioman within the vehicle heard the equipment crackle as the forward recon teams reported in that they had found a large concentration of traitor forces attempting to herd any and all fit civilians into trucks most likely to serve as slave labour near to the city docks. Leaning back he reported this to Sanders who angrily slammed her fist against the hull of the vehicle ignoring the ringing ache it put in her fist, turning her attention to the soldier she held out her hand for the radio which the man quickly handed over and she pulled it up to her mask to speak.

"Loyal soldiers of the Hellghan Ascendacy as we speak traitorous former soldiers are kidnapping civilians to work in their camps and factories and those that resist are being executed where they stand. We will not accept this, we will purge these traitors from our lands in righteous fire and lead. Unfurl the banners and play the music. We go to war."

As she handed the radio back to the radioman she leaned back and unfurled the banner that hung from the back of the vehicle whilst at the same time from speakers mounted on other vehicles the new war song began to play.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJNz2QgSNsk&feature=autoplay&list=PLABDBCC357DD7C366&playnext=5"]War Song[/url]

The troops that had been driving in a single column split into three armoured wedges and began to advance in a massive pincer movement towards the city docks ready to catch the traitors against their armoured might and crush them beneath their tracks.

[b]CNS Comfort AH-6[/b]

Unfortunally for the Comfort the detonation of the nuclear devices meant that the Chancellor was unable to recieve their message and thus unable to warn them to stay away. Instead it was the rebel forces at the docks that recieved the Comfort's message and deciding that they could use both the supplies and extra labour told the Comfort to come into the docks where they would meet them and begin to unload the supplies.

To ensure their own safety from the ship's defenders they had a large portion of the expendable civilian prisoners moved to the actual dock area, though out of sight of any ship sailing into port that way they would be killing civilians if they were fired upon.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[b]Northern Ascendancy Territory[/b]

Far to the north of Atlanta city a terrible tragedy occured when two of the nations greatest monuments were destroyed in vicious fighting between three rivial army groups. The Great Temple and the Great Monument were both reduced to bare rubble through the fighting and the only positive side was that all three army groups were wiped out almost as if they were paying for their crimes.

[b]Atlanta City Docks[/b]

Sanders' attack on the traitor forces at the docks was fast and brutal, using their armoured vehicles for cover Sanders forces brutally punched through the few barricades that had been thrown up in some cases even driving directly through or over them crushing the defenders to a pulp beneath their treads. High calibre bullets and shells tore limbs and bodies apart in a hail of blood and gore and those few survivors that lived through the opening attacks retreated to the actual docks themselves however, they were given no time to regroup as Sanders' soldiers followed with Sanders herself leading the charge from her command vehicle manning its turret.

The surviving traitors either died where they stood or attempted to flee by jumping into the war though all that meant was that they were easy targets from the dockside and were gunned down staining the water red with their blood. In a short time the dockyards had been purged of the traitors and the civilians freed many of who wept and thanked the soldiers for freeing them. Spotting the South American vessels not far offshore Sanders decided to wait for them to come in and dock before continuing with her mission to free Atlanta of the traitor scum as she wanted to see what these other Americans had to offer.

[b]UNCA Message response[/b]

The UNCA would recieve a few hundred civilians, though they were the lucky ones that had managed to cross the borders without being killed, but all they had were the clothes on their backs and horror stories of all out conflict raging through the nation with many homes, buildings and infrastructure being layed to ruin. In fact they reported that the fighting was so bad that even roads and highways were being rendered unusable by the conflict and many doubted how life could ever return to normal in the Ascendancy and with the nuclear devices aftermath still keeping any contact cut with Atlanta no one knew if any form of government survived.

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[quote]The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella is willing to deploy its the Umbrella Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Search and Rescue Division. They are a non-combat unit specialised in working in hostile environments. In addition, we offer to deploy the Second Umbrella Humanitarian Disaster Relief Service Division and the First Umbrella Dedicated Military Medical Service Division.

These three units are well experienced in working in such environments and will save lives and recover and identify any deceased that are found. I must re-iterate, they are a non-combat unit and do not carry any weaponry.


A. Wesker
Empress of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella[/quote]

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[b]The Comfort[/b]

Medical care is given to all who ask for it. Stations are set up to cook meals, hand out blankets, and to provide a modicum of sanity to the people in their time of need. The two destroyers keep their 5 inch turrets in the ready to provide covering fire for the Comfort should the ship or her crew be taken under fire. Shore teams are provided as well from the destroyers to provide several dozen burly naval ratings with shotguns and truncheons for crowd control duties as the freighters begin to bring aid to the Ascendancy. Bulk supplies are not yet avaliable, but contributions of water and soup from soup kitchens set up on the docks are.

Repeated attempts are made by wireless and telegraph to make contact with the Ascendancy's Central Government as well. In an act of desperation a single photo-reconnaissance plane is sent to make photo-recon runs of the atomic disaster sites.

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[b]Atlanta City Docks[/b]

As shore teams from the Comfort came ashore and began to set up their equipment they would be mobbed by hungry and weak citzens of Atlanta all of whom had been dragged from their homes against their will by the traitor forces. As the remaining survivors of the said traitor force were executed Chancellor Sanders would approach the men and women of the Comfort along with a handful of her officers and request to meet with their captain as soon as was practically possible.

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Supplies from the Comfort and the incoming freighters would become rapidly more available. Large tents are set up in open areas to provide shelter and several nearby warehouses are put into use as temporary quarters for the civilians being fed and cared for by the Comfort's teams. The freighters that arrived earlier brought even more food, water, medicine, clothing, and badly needed manpower that is assigned to both the docks and parties being prepared for other duties.

These other groups are medical teams that are formed and made ready to head inland to network with hospitals. With them go high powered transceivers and so forth to allow better communications with those vital medical centers. These teams are created from medics and doctors taken from the Confederate Army and sent in by freighter. Each squad consists of 12 men, three Willy's Jeeps, a set of three powerful transceivers, and trailers of supplies.

The Captain of the Comfort, Captain Charlie Charles, orders his ready room immediately prepared for the Chancellor's visit and sends a guide to fetch him. Upon arrival the Chancellor would notice a spread of sandwiches for him and his men along with coffee, tea, juice, and water. Comfortable chairs are ready for the Chancellor and his party as well. A large scale civilian map of the Ascendancy and the latest intelligence take from the photo-recon flight is spread out along one wall waiting for the Chancellor's eyes should he desire to avail himself to the meager haul of what information is available to SUSA.

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Chancellor Sanders quickly ordered a captain and sergeant to join her as she crossed to the Comfort to meet with Captain Charlie Charles and after getting directions made her way with them to the ready room. Entering the room the two men she had chosen to join her immediatly moved to the provided maps to see what information they could gather from them whilst Sanders herself walked over to Charles and offered him her hand in greeting.

"I must say it is good to see you Captain, it is nice to see a friendly face considering what has been happening and I must say thank you to you and your men for all that you are doing for the civilians caught in this mess. Me and my men are equipped for fighting not relief aid so its good to know that he people won't have to suffer" she said with full conviction and relief.

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"My President wishes to know the exact nature of your immediate needs. In essence, what do you really need to bring this crisis to a speedy conclusion? Further, what is the status of your government and just what exactly happened? As you can see we sent photo-recon flights over what appears to be atomic disaster zones. Could you please brief me on the specifics so that I might advise my President?" asked Captain Charlie Charles as he turned on an old fashion reel to reel recording device so to not miss a word of the much needed information. "A copy of this audio recording will be going directly to the President and will be available for yourself as well."

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A wasp class amphibious assault ship and its littoral combat ship escort approached the shores of the Ascendancy. Searching for a secure position to dock, they located the CNS Comfort AH-6 and its escort. Seeing that the ships were obviously not belonging to the Ascendancy, they approached the ships hoping they had already found a safe position to land. They would send a message to the fleet alerting them of the ships approach and that they pose no danger.

Docking a short distance from The Comfort, Cuban troops poured out of the ships to secure a perimeter around the docks. Medical teams and supplies would be sent to The Comfort to assist in the relief efforts while Cuban soldiers prepared for search and rescue operations for the Cuban investigators in Atlanta.

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[b]Operation Manna From Heaven[/b]

"Pilots, the good lord giveth and the good lord taketh. Today the lord commands us to giveth. Prepare for immediate departure!" ordered General Jackson as he watched the hundreds of DC-3 Transports begin to start their engines to take off. Each of the planes is loaded with relief supplies for the Ascendancy. Rice, cooking oil, beans, blankets, bandages, medicine, and other vita have been packaged into wooden boxes in quantities enough to last a family of four for an entire week. The parachutes themselves can be converted into shelters and instructions on how to do so are included along with guides for properly treating water and basic first aid.


The first wave of aircraft are not the DC-3 Transports, but P-51 Fighters that are tasked to broadcast on all frequencies extensive requests to not open fire on the incoming aircraft. With them are a single squadron of photo-recon planes that have orders to do recon runs on major population centers, major transportation centers, and other areas of interest. The photographic intelligence will be immediately shared with the government of the Ascendancy as a means of adding to their working information regarding ongoing conditions within their nation.

The DC-3s would pay any mind to the P-51s and so forth, they would come in a long stream of planes and continue to do so until nearly 1500 flights with 6 containers dropped from each have been made to drop relief supplies on the afflicted areas. Great care is chosen for the dropzones so as to not drop the supplies near fires, chemical spills, and other dangerous places. Follow up flights are being planned should they be required, but it is suspected that for all the damage wrought on the Ascendancy, their road to recovery would soon begin.

Once this journey is started a different sort of relief aid would be needed in the form of heavy machinery and money for rebuilding. First things, first though, people need to be fed and the pilots of the CAF aim to see to it that just this happens.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[b]The Comfort[/b]

"What do I need Captain?" replies Sanders repeating the question before letting out a low sigh, "what I need is a miracle right now. This whole nation has erupted in to chaos, from early reports it seems that a number of officers in my standing military felt they could do a better job at running this nation than myself and had planned to kill me and take power. Unfortunally for them they seemed to come to some disagreements near to the start of their operation and turned on each other and now my country is divided by warring military forces all looking for power. Under my control is what few loyal soldiers remain plus my personal guard."

Stepping over to the table she brushed one hand across the air above the photos showing the atomic strikes and a look of pain and fury crossed her face. "As you can see some of these general's had been building nuclear devices unknown to myself, all I had authorised was scientific forays into nuclear power but clearly others went further in secret and I have no idea how many more of these devices are out there. However, getting back to your earlier question all I can ask for is that you continue to care for my people whilst I defeat those that are attempting to destroy this land and its people."

As she finished speaking the air would be filled with sudden high pitched shrieking before being followed by the solid crump of explosions and the Chancellor ran to the windows of the room and looked out to see explosions hitting the dock areas where he troops were currently waiting. "Hell. That looks like artillery. Captain I have to go. Again thank you and your president for providing for my people this effort will not be forgotten" and with that she and the two soldiers with her quickly left the room running back through the terrified civilians to her waiting soldiers. Mounting up into their vehicles they quickly drove off in the direction from where the shelling was coming to quickly put an end to it before any more lives were lost.

[b]Cuban Vessels[/b]

The cubans would be met with the same civilians who were clustering around the SUSA personal, women and children of all ages along with those to injured or old to fight all seeking shelter, food or medicine. Many had little more than the clothes they wore having been torn from their homes by the traitor soldiers and were glad to see even more saviours coming to their rescue.

The squad of troopers sent to meet with the cubans had been killed by one of the incoming artillery shells leaving the cubans without anyone to communicate with though if they looked quickly enough they would see Sanders' forces leaving the docksides into the inner city limits at quick pace and if they had their own motorised transport should be able to follow them.

[b]Operation Manna From Heaven[/b]

The SUSA transports and fighter planes would indeed not be engaged though this was because anti-air defenses had either been destroyed through fighting or were busy being turned against their brothers in arms and thus were not being used against the SUSA planes. As the supplies were dropped any of the air crews watching the ground would spot hundreds if not thousands of hungry and hurt civilians swarming them and taking what they could though if quite a lot of cases soldiers would also swarm them cutting down any civilians too slow to get out of the way and in rare cases the supplies would be destroyed by errant weapons fire.

The pilots and aircrews would also be witness to two horrific events as well, first the planes flying in the far eastern reaches of the nation dropping supplies would be witness to the detonation of another nuclear device, this one in the middle of contested city and when the dust cleared most of said city had been reduced to rubble and what was left standing would quickly be covered in fallout. Hopefully none of their planes had been over the city and thus been caught in the blast. Secondly to the north any planes flying that way would easily spot the sight of three major sized towns that were completely aflame, this had happened when a low ranking colonel had ordered the use of a supply of black market Napalm he had been stockpiling and the flames had quickly grown out of control catching his forces, his foes forces and many many civilians in the fires leaving the streets choked full of smoke, ash and charred bodies.

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[b]President's Home[/b]

"Well then, General Jackson given the irreparable harm we just inadvertently inflicted on civilian lives I find myself inclined to agree with you. You are cleared for Operation Roll Tide," the President stated with an angry voice as he signed an executive order authorizing an invasion of a foreign nation.

"Don't blame this on yourself sir, give a man a rifle and he's apt to use it when desperate. For everyone civilian put into the ground, there are dozens more with food in their belly as we speak. This just calls for a more hands on approach to our relief efforts," the General responded.

"And should our men find themselves stranded?"

"I remind you of the story of Xenophon's Ten Thousand sir, they will fight their way across land and back to safe haven," the General replied.

"I worry that the Dixie Confederacy that has shown an remarkable amount of unconcern regarding a great many things. Should they refuse our troops the right of passage, what will be our recourse?"

"I will not leave our men to fall under the guns of another nation without giving everything we have in return. I will lead our divisions to the east and smash my way through to them and bring them out. Our cause is righteous, we can not fail sir," General Jackson replied somberly.

"Let us hope it does not come to that General," the President replied wearily.

"I find myself in agreement Mr. President."

[b]The First Airborne Division, The Orphans[/b]

Ten thousand airborne troopers of the Confederate Army got their orders to prepare to depart the soils of the Southern United States of America. Their mission was just to them as it suited them to hurl themselves out of a perfectly good airplane to turn their weapons on those who might do harm to people who were not able to defend themselves. There is more than one paratrooper with a deep suited desire to skip all the protecting business and skip right to the killing, but such tends to be the case when dealing with a body of highly trained and aggressive men.

While they are young, cocky, and arrogant to the man, they are well equipped and prepared by the standards of their era. Each man has his personal weapon, extra ammunition, his pack, and his parachute strapped to him. Some need help as they stood up to line up for their planes. Despite their massive loads of supplies, the men clambered onto the waiting DC-3s and the planes once against grumbled their way into the sky to follow a well worn path to the east.

The DC-3s are not alone as they are joined with nearly the entire strength of the 40 squadrons of P-51 Fighters is a full force display of Confederate Air Force Fighter strength. That's not all, of course, as they are joined by another 20 squadrons of B-29 Bombers that have their orders to stand on the ready should they be needed. One might think this is all that was intended to be hurtled upon the soils of what once was known as Georgia. Far from it as the ships of the Confederate Navy steam off the beaches of the Ascendancy with the maws of their heavy guns pointed at the land as they waited for orders.

A message was sent to Chancellor Sanders that was timed to arrive after the first wave of paratroopers touched down, it read as follows:


You asked for our help and you shall receive. Four regiments of Confederate Army Airborne Troopers will have landed by the time you get this message. They will set up four large heavily guarded camps for the expressed purpose of feeding your civilians and defending them from the predation of a few rogue evil-doers. Know that our mission is a just one and we take it seriously. Together the future of your nation will be assuredly a promising one and will not go into the ash heap of history like so many others have done so and have been forgotten.

Our rightness shall prevail.

-President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines[/quote]

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[b]Traitor Artillery Group[/b]

Bouncing and tearing their way across the rubble and debris that lined the roads and streets of the capital Chancellor Sanders' armoured force approached the park that the hostile artillery had deployed in and from where they were bombarding the docks. As they got close the defenders in their barricaded positions began to fire on Sanders' vehicles and a massive wall of bullets and rockets came flying out at them. Relaying orders over the radio Sanders ordered for the drivers to push on through the fire intending to over run and dominate the artillery crews before they could bring the heavy guns to bear.

Moving back to the hatch that lead to the pintle machine gun she pulled herself up and emerged in a world of gunfire, smoke and explosions and pulling back the firing handle on the machine gun she swung the barrel around to face the enemy and let rip. Swinging the weapon left to right she riddled the enemy soldiers with bullets watching them be either flung back as they were hit or disappearing in puffs of blood and gore, to her left one of the armoured carriers exploded in a hail of metal and bodies as a rocket punched through a weak point in its armour.

The surviving vehicles came upon the defenders and with their armoured prows smashed right through their defensive barricades scattering the defenders who had been hiding behind them. Driving into the park itself Sanders grinned as she saw the artillery crews trying to bring the heavy guns around and knew if she had been more cautious then they probally would been firing on them by now and she took delight on gunning down the crews standing in the open. All around her she could see her vehicles spreading out and disgorging the infantry they held who immediatly went to ground and opened fire on the enemy.

It was just as her command vehicle came around a burning pile of fuel drums that Sanders found herself thrown from the turret, the ground coming up to meet her and she closed her eyes and yelled in pain as she hit it and rolled to a stop. Lying on the ground with her vision blurry and distorted she could feel that her right arm was broken and that her ankle had been badly twisted too, she was just starting to pull herself up from the floor when a team of eight traitor soldiers began to walk towards her, grinning madly as they brought their weapons up to face her. Looking around for a weapon or something she quickly noticed that she had nothing and it seemed she was going to die but she wasn't going to die like some meek civilian. Glaring at the men she dared them to get it over with quickly.

It was then that a heavily armoured male figure leapt over a fallen crate of ammo, a shotgun held in his hands and in a few quick blasts he gunned down each and every one of her would be executioners before running to her side and helping her up. "Chancellor. Sergeant Malcolm Renault, 1st Special Forces division. We need to get you to safety follow me" he ordered her from behind his visored helmet slinging the shotgun onto his back and picking up one of the fallen rifles from its dead owner's fingers. Heading off Sanders followed without arguement knowing it was in her best interests to just do as he said though she did take up a handgun from one of the dead and the pair of them made their way across the battleground.

The two of them came across a squad of loyalist infantry bunkered down behind a wrecked APC and exchanging fire with an equal number of traitors behind their own cover. Sliding into place Malcolm took the place of a wounded man who moved back to allow a medic to see to his wounds. Sanders herself moved over to the corporal leading the squad, firing a few rounds at the enemy and pleased to see one of them go down from her shots. "Corporal you in charge here?" she shouted to be heard of the sounds of the battlefield. "Yes ma'am. Sergeant didn't make it out of the vehicle in time" replied the man not turning to face her instead concentrating on the enemy as he should be. "I see do you know what the current situation is?" she quickly asked him as she slid a new clip into her weapon.

"As far as I know Chancellor almost all the artillery pieces and their crews are dead or destroyed but enemy numbers were higher than expected and the attack has bogged down. We have lost most of our mobile vehicles and the ones that are still capable of movement have pulled back to give fire support where they can. Oh and a message came in saying that the Confederates are sending paratroopers to help set up safe locations for our civilians" reported the man cursing as he was forced back into cover by enemy fire.

"Well thats good to hear, keep up the fight soldier" the Chancellor encouraged as she stepped over to Malcolm who expertly picked off two enemy soldiers with two single rounds as she did. "Nice shooting Sergeant hope you can keep it up as we need to get moving. I need to find the other commanders and coordinate our movements" she told him resting her back against the cover trying not to wince from the pain in her foot and arm. "I understand ma'am but the area is too hot to move out straight to the other units. Best suggestion is to head out of the park and round to the entrance where our remaining vehicles are" he replied simply.

"All right. You lead and I'll follow" Sanders said with Malcolm inclining his head in agreement. As the two of them stepped back and prepared to make a break the corporal turned to his men and pointed at the enemy soldiers position. "Covering fire!!" he roared and switched to fully automatic and began to lay down bullets. Following orders his men did the same and Sergeant Renault and Sanders tore out of cover heading for a ruined fountain and then quickly moving into a slit trench dug by the orginal defenders. The two of them had just made it inside when a loud detonation came from behind them and a shower of mud came down around them. Looking back Sanders saw that the corporal and his men had been hit with a direct mortar strike killing the lot of them.

"!@#$%^&*!!" cried out Sanders in fury and grief almost turning back only to feel a heavy armoured hand clamp down on her shoulder and turning she saw Malcolm shake his head. "Nothing you can do for them now ma'am. Don't worry we won't let their sacrifice go to waste" he said as he lead Sanders onwards to the park outskirts the sounds of battle growing quieter as they moved away from the focus of the action.

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Cuban medical teams met the civilians and began distributing their own food and medicines. The amphibious assault ship soon became a refuge ship from those taking cover from enemy artillery. A second wasp class amphibious ship was deployed, but instead of it being filled with soldiers and weapons it was filled with relief supplies.

Firefinder radars and Cuban artillery were rolled off the ship. When artillery fire began to fall the radars quickly picked them up, transferring the location of the battery fire to artillery teams they began a counter battery barrage on hostile artillery positions.

Drones took to the sky with the mission to locate areas of conflict for Cuban soldiers to avoid and also to locate a sign that there is still a government to make contact with. Several Sea stallions took off from the deck of the ship and 6 Stryker APCs where readied to move into the city. While locating the Cuban investigators was priority, they would transport any civilians out of Atlanta and to the docks, which was being secured by Cuban forces.

Medical teams moving to make contact and assist those at the Comfort noticed Troops that did not appear to be SUSA or Cuban. When they left the teams reported it to Cuban troops who sent their 6 strykers to intercept and make contact with them.

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The nuclear explosions were detected by Commonwealth satellites and it was something that caused great concern. While Georgia didn't share a border with the Commonwealth it was close enough to warrant a response. Normal communication channels were down and communications with the government of the Ascendancy so a naval task force centered on the battleship Pennsylvania was ordered off shore to establish contact. When they arrived the task force began transmission of messages in an attempt to ascertain the situation from the Ascendancy government. They also noticed activity by foreign forces and broadcasts were made to them in the hopes that they might be able to relay the messages to whatever government was left.

The American Commonwealth has detected a nuclear event in the Hellghan Ascendancy and we are attempting to contact the government of the Ascendancy in order to render assistance and humanitarian aid. If possible we would prefer direct contact due to the situation. If this message is received by any non Ascendancy forces we would like to inquire about the situation and hope you would be able to also put us through to the Hellghan Ascendancy government.[/quote]

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[b]Just outside the park perimeter[/b]

Sanders and Malcolm had been making steady progress after slipping out through a damaged section of the park wall and into the ruined houses and apartments that were clustered about the location. The sound of heavy fighting could be heard echoing off in the distance but it was much quieter and Sanders found that fact both alarming and disturbing. Everywhere she looked she saw only destruction and it broke her heart to see her nation's capital reduced to such a state even though she told herself it wasn't her fault she still felt she was to blame. For his part Malcolm remained silent staying ahead of the Chancellor sweeping his rifle before him and watching every nook and cranny for any sign of the enemy, the pair of them were just crossing between two wrecked cars when Malcolm spotted a glint of light in the distance and threw himself on top of Sanders just in time to knock her down so that the sniper round crossed through the space she had just been standing in.

He raised his head carefully only to duck back down as another round pinged off the hull of the car they were hiding behind with another two striking almost the same spot. Cursing their luck Malcolm looked around for any route to try and crawl out through but found that they were well and truly pinned down and he sighed heavily to himself as he loaded a full clip into his rifle and lifted his helmet to face Sanders face, meeting her eyes in level with his visor.

"Chancellor it looks like we walked right into a sniper's trap. From what I can judge we have three snipers out there and they know exactly where we are. This is the plan I will spray their estimated positions with covering fire whilst you make your way out of here. Just stay low and run as fast as you can. Don't stop for anything" said Malcolm already turning to engage the snipers. Sanders leapt forward wrapping her good arm around the special forces sergeant's shoulders and pulled him back.

"No sergeant!!" she shouted at him her face red with anger and her tone full of concern "I will not have you throwing your life away like those troopers back in the park." Malcolm was about to argue that there was really no alternative when he heard the radio in his helmet click as someone connected to his channel. "Hey sarge why don't you listen to the chancellor and stay put. I got these bad boys" laughed a young woman's voice on the other end and the loud roar of a high calibre round tore through the air quickly followed by a death cry as one of the snipers was killed, the round having gone through his chest and exploding out his back. A second round followed the first and the pair watched a body tumble out of a nearby window and hit the ground below with a heavy thud.

From his hiding spot the last traitorous sniper was currently experiencing the tactical situation known as !@#$ting your pants and he was wildly swinging his scope back and forth over the area looking for whomever had killed his comrades. He was still looking around when he heard the sound of something striking the rubble above his head and he rolled onto his back and looked up to find himself staring at the visor of an armoured helmet only a few inches from his face. "Boo" said the armoured figure before thrusting the combat knife it had in between this ribs and into his heart killing him instantly. As the figure withdrew her knife and quickly climbed down to street level, her sniper rifle across her back, Malcolm lead Sanders out from behind the wrecked cars and over to where their saviour was just climbing down from.

"Fancy meeting you here sarge" chuckled the woman bringing up her right arm to clasp the forearm of Malcolm who did the same in greeting, the same insignia showing on her shoulder pad as the one on Malcolms. "Lance Corporal, Susan its damn good to see you" replied Malcolm with a slight cheer in his voice as they broke contact. "Whats the mission sarge?" asked Susan moving straight onto business. "We need to escort the Chancellor to the southern entrance of the park and link up with friendly forces there as soon as possible" replied Malcolm his tone serious once again as he they focused on the mission ahead. "Right. Good to meet you Chancellor" said Susan before turning back to Malcolm and continuing to speak giving Sanders no chance to respond, "From what I have seen hostile forces have this section of the city locked down so our best bet is to head down to 16th street. George is meant to have been deployed to that area and if he is alive we could use his muscles and his machine gun."

"All right then. Move out" ordered Malcolm and with that the three of them set off keeping their eyes open for any more signs of the enemy in the ruined cityscape around them.

[b]Cuban Armour[/b]

The six Cuban Strykers would encounter no hostiles as they followed the same path that Sanders' armoured vehicles had taken though they would have to be careful to avoid all the wreckage and rubble that lined the roads and as they approached the outskirts of the park area they would first hear the sounds of heavy fighting and then as they crested a rise in the road would come across a scene of chaos with burning vehicles and dead bodies all over the place. The surviving loyalist vehicles were parked in hull down positions at the park entrance using their light weapons to add fire support to the infantry that were dug in and and exchanging gunfire with their traitor counterparts.

It was also here that the remaining command elements of Sanders' force were trying to coordinate the battle though they were having little luck and were sorely missing the presence of the Chancellor herself. Upon being sighted the Cubans would be waved over to one side by a handful of loyalist soldiers where a lieutenant waited to meet with the Cuban commander and see what they wanted.

[b]American Commonwealth Message[/b]

With the Chancellor out of contact and the remaining higher ups of the command element engaged in combat a poor lonely communications trooper left behind at the docks suddenly found himself representing the Hellghan Ascendancy. he would quickly stammer out a report on how the nation had descended into massive civil war and that Chancellor Sanders was attempting to secure the capital of Atlanta from traitor forces. However, he had lost contact with her shortly after they had stormed a hostile artillery unit at the nearby park and that her forces were pinned down and under heavy fire there at this very moment.

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The Strykers pulled out of the firing range of the rebel forces, and the commander climbed out of the lead Stryker. He was tall, lean, dark latin skin dark green eyes, His helmet covering his hair. "I am Lieutenant Sardina, commander of this platoon. We were ordered to make contact with you and locate any kind of government to make contact with, but it would seem you are busy at the moment. Allow us to provide some assistance." He put his hand up to his headset, radioing in to the docks. "This is lieutenant Sardina, requesting air support." "This is command, request accepted. 5 AH-1Z Vipers are on their way." "Much appreciated, command. Targets will be targeted via laser." "Very well, happy hunting." He turned to his soldiers. "Alright, lasers on. Target hostiles only, they will be the ones shooting at you incase you were wondering." The soldiers ran out towards the fight, the Stryker's pulling in to assist friendly armor.

The AH-1Z's arrived, carrying a total of 16 hellfire missiles, should any enemy armor make an appearance. Using its turret it would weed out the rebel forces and force them out into the open to be cut down by friendly forces.

Elsewhere in Atlanta, the search had begun for the Cuban investigators and Super stallions were always on the move, carrying citizens to the docks and soldiers to the city. More supplies would be sent to assist in humanitarian operations and in the search for the investigators. Soldiers flying above the city would see the full extent of the damage, destroyed buildings, raging fires, dead bodies all littered the city. The city was destroyed, to put it lightly. But the mission would continue until it is deemed that the investigators would not be found.

Edited by supercheese
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[b]Landing Zone 1 through 4[/b]

The Paratroopers quickly began to deploy and set up large perimeters as the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wave would soon begin to arrive. Once the entire division was on the ground in established organized perimeters a large airlift of supplies and manpower for four massive refugee camps would begin. This airlift would continue until relief operations were completed. The B-29 bombers return home, but the CNS Task Force remains offshore, with a rotating presence of 4 P-51 squadrons Fighters above the camps at all times.

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[size="6"][b]Once again, the offer of aid was transmitted by every available means from morsecode, to courier pigeon, to the Helghan Government.[/b][/size]
The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella is willing to deploy its the Umbrella Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Search and Rescue Division. They are a non-combat unit specialised in working in hostile environments. In addition, we offer to deploy the Second Umbrella Humanitarian Disaster Relief Service Division and the First Umbrella Dedicated Military Medical Service Division.

These three units are well experienced in working in such environments and will save lives and recover and identify any deceased that are found. I must re-iterate, they are a non-combat unit and do not carry any weaponry.


A. Wesker
Empress of the Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella[/quote]

You may have missed my first offer, on the first page, fourth post.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Having heard the message in Morse code, President Raines of SUSA sends a response to the Umbrella to apprise them of the situation.

[b]Morse Code Response to the Umbrella Empire[/b]

"Things are a bit hectic in the Ascendancy, I have enclosed the location of the CNS Comfort for you, I suggest simply sending assistance to this point and joining in with the ongoing SUSA, Cuban Relief Efforts. Near total chaos seems to have broken out in some sort of violent rebellion as well, do not send unarmed aid workers. 10,000 Confederate Army Paratroopers are on the ground along with a Confederate Navy Task Force of shore. Locations of Landing Zones 1 to 4 inclosed as well to prevent confusion. Will provide any assistance to your forces if needed. Do not encourage the introduction of more military forces unless violence escalates beyond it's current point, which given the situation probably could require stabilization rather quickly.

President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines,
President of SUSA"

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After being apprised of the situation the decision was made to attempt direct contact. Even though the man in contact wasn't really able to speak for his whole country a request was made to allow a Sea Stallion with a marine contingent and a representative along with a small escort to arrive and attempt to meet with someone in charge.

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[b]22nd Tank Battalion[/b]

When the fighting had began the 22nd had been on exercise and for once had even been using live ammunition and thus they were lucky enough to not be caught in the awkward situation of trying to rearm themselves whilst the nation descended into anarchy. They were also one of the rare forces to not forsake their loyalty to the Chancellor and knowing that she would most likely need them in the battles ahead they had began to move out for Atlanta where they expected her to be. When they received confirmed reports of nuclear explosions over Atlanta the commanders feared the worse but vowed to carry on to investigate and if need be lead the fight in the Chancellors name. Events had been going smoothly right up to the moment the forward recon vehicles began to get near the outskirts of Atlanta city when a number of them were destroyed by either tank rounds or anti-vehicle missiles. Clearly hostile forces intended to keep them out.

An attack was attempted with the main force whilst a smaller flanking force of lighter vehicles tried to circle around and hit them from a more vulnerable side, unfortunately this failed as the flanking force ran into more dug in defenders and were forced back whilst the main assault force lost a number of battle tanks trying to brutally punch their way through the defenders. Leaving the battlefield littered with the burning husks of their destroyed vehicles the commanders of the 22nd gathered together to discuss alternative plans for getting into Atlanta. Some of them suggested looking for other entrances to the city but many doubted that they would find them without defenders that weren't loyal to any traitorous commanders and either way it would take too long and leave them too exposed. It was during these discussions that two developments occurred and were reported.

The first was that a small group of loyalist aircraft had managed to escape destruction and were lying in wait at a small nearby airbase who like the pilots were still loyal to Sanders and that they were willing to provide close air support for the next attack by the 22nd. Second was that contact had been made with forces from Cuba and the SUSA with the former ready to give artillery support if required and the second having established safe zones for civilians, and seeing as how a large amount of civilians had formed in the wake of the 22nd's advance they were now able to direct them to somewhere safer which they all quickly did so. Thus with this information the next battle was planned the Cubans would bombard the defenders whilst the pilots hit them from above as this happened the tanks would roll forward and overwhelm the defenders before they had a chance to recover.

Thus the stage was set and the tanks moved forward to where they would be able to launch their attacks from, not far away Alpha Flight lead by flight lieutenant Noemi Laporte were taking off with their wings laden with bombs ready to drop them on the rebel defenders. Now the only thing that they were waiting from was for the Cubans to begin their artillery bombardment.

[b]Response to the Umbrella Commonwealth[/b]

The same radioman in current contact with the American Commonwealth would also contact the Umbrella Commonwealth and inform them that any help they could provide would be greatly appreciated however, they should know that so far only the Atlanta city docks were known to be secure so any troops should land there or inland at the SUSA secured safe zones otherwise their safety couldn't be assured.

The radioman would also be the only contact the American Commonwealth representative could meet in person at the city docks though he was willing to do whatever he could to meet and discuss what future actions the American Commonwealth could do.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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