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NADU Summit 20XX

Isaac MatthewII

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[quote][u][b]To:The members of the North American Defense Union
From:The Republic of the United Carolinas
I call the leaders of the NADU to join in a summit in Raleigh North Carolina to discuss the current state of the union. We have seen quite a few things happen recently in the union. I trust that this discussion will be fruitful, transportation will be arranged.[/quote]

Due to political issues and death threats, the West Virginian delegate would be welcomed to the meeting through video feed if West Virginia deemed it necessary.

A week later:

The President stood up and walked to the podium to begin the meeting. He saw some faces he hadn't seen in a very long time. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the union. A lot has happened since the last meeting between our states. I propose a restructure of the union into a more direct yet peaceful treaty. We have lost Mexico which was a blow to the union, but this union isnt about military might, it is about North American Union. I open the floor to propoitions from fellow members first and then we will go into discussion on proposed changes."

OOC: Assume arrival, no need to post "Here" posts.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Flanked by two black armoured and helmet guards who remained standing diplomat John Geary was representing Georgia stood up to speak. "After the war in North America we in Georgia feel that the NADU should be more focused on diplomacy than actual defense. We already saw that a few nations took no part in the war for whatever reason and diplomacy was never truly attempted, we suggest that everyone work on redesigning the NADU so that nations can voice their concerns and have them worked out through talks not violence." With his piece said John sat back down to see the others responses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the importance of this meeting, Chief Praefect Harold Vilhjálmsson, responsible for the entirety of Greenlandic foreign affairs, had personally flown to Raleigh to attend the talks taking place. Vilhjálmsson sensed the apprehension present in the room. He knew many nations were re-evaluating their commitment to the NADU, much as Greenland had been doing, in light of the recent events that had transpired. He had heard the talks going on in the Greenlandic Senatus. Unless substantial changes were made at this meeting, it was a very real possibility that Greenland would be exiting from the pact.

Vilhjálmsson greeted the others present before the meeting began and allowed the Carolinian and Georgian to speak before motioning to talk next. Rising to the podium, he thanked those gathered and spoke to those before him.

"As had already been mentioned, this treaty needs to be extensively restructured. In light of recent events it is clear that the level of trust needed to support an ally in mutual defense has not been established, and I will be the first to say that at this point in time Greenland does not feel as though every nation present in this room is worthy of such a degree of trust after the recent debacle.

The recent invasion of Texas and Mexico's leaving of the NADU are a clear reminder to each of us that much work remains on continental unity and cohesion. And I refuse to avoid the elephant in the room - West Virginia's suspension of the pact to invade one of its members is against every ideal embedded in the NADU's charter. The NADU is not meant to be something ignored when convenient.

As Georgia has mentioned, this treaty should for the time being focus on diplomacy and improved relations amongst its members. In order to accomplish this, I motion for the mutual defense article to be removed for the time being, establishment of a cultural exchange program between member nations, and increased effort on economic measures. Additionally, the NADU should focus on establishing cooperative dialogue with the other nations of North - and South- America. While it is unlikely we will see eye to eye on everything, or even on many things, removing some of the tension from the American sphere would be conducive to furthering relations. Nations such as Cascadia have petitioned to establish ties with NADU and we should move immediately to consider such requests. We also vote to relocate the capital of the NADU to Washington, D.C."

Edited by Californian
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On receiving notice of this summit President Bronson decided to fly down himself to attend it. Many in Congress had been pushing him to leave the organization as it had been completely ineffective in achieving its goals but Bronson felt the NADU still held some promise. It was a short flight down to Raleigh from D.C. and he arrived at the meeting pretty quickly after landing and took his seat where he awaited his turn to speak.

After the last speaker finished President Bronson stood up and spoke. "I'd like to thank you for allowing me to speak here today. As everyone ahead of me has said the NADU as an organization needs to rethink its goals and its policies. I definitely believe that member nations need to improve their relations with each other for this organization to be effective. We saw with the West Virginia debacle a nation that was part of the NADU suspended its membership and attacked another member nation without cause. We are more than willing to engage other member nations in cultural and diplomatic exchanges. I understand that nations disagree on many policies and actions but I feel that for the collective good of our nations such things need to be put aside. I do understand that recent events have put many nations off on the mutual defense clause of the NADU. I respectfully disagree on that. Collective defense is just that, an effort from all parties to defend each other when the time comes which was something that fell apart in the West Virginia-Carolina conflict due to apathy by NADU member states".

"I feel that the organization right now needs to focus on building not only inter-member relations but relations with other nations outside of the NADU as well as coming together on the issue of mutual defense. If we are able to demonstrate that we are willing to act in the defense of member nations then future conflicts are very likely to be averted. While it is my feeling that retention of the mutual defense clause is desirable and more beneficial for the NADU it is not conditional for our continued membership and we are supportive of any other measures proposed to improve the organization".

"We do vote in favor of membership for Cascadia and we will abstain on the vote to relocate the NADU headquarters to Washington D.C. If that is the decision we will be more than happy to accommodate it but it is my opinion that the location of NADU headquarters is a minor issue compared to what we have on our plates at the moment. Thank you for your time". With that Bronson finished and sat down.

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On receiving notice, Dominic was hesitant to show. For fear the house may vote Newfoundland&Labrador out of the treaty before he even arrives. He managed to convince the house to hold off on such a vote for a few months to see what will come from it. So far, not so well, and the outcome of this meeting will tell weather or not we stay or leave. He decided to show in person, with a few guards and family. The flight wasn't the longest, but it was also not the shortest.

Dominic would be the next to speak, as he would stand before doing so. "As a small country, we can't afford a military conflict, we feel that we have to agree with what was previously said, and try a more diplomatic approach to any conflicts. Or at least do such first.

As for the mutual defense clause, we tend to try to help in the ways that we can. Unfortunately however, due to our small size, we simply don't have the manpower and sufficient resources at our disposal to help any nation that may need it. Witch may be a main reason for why we want a more diplomatic approach to conflicts.

I must also support what Greenland proposed, an establishment of a cultural exchange program between member nations. Such a program could help us grow in knowledge and prosper. It might also show that people of different cultures are willing to work together as needed."

Edited by Shadow hawk
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President Beckett sighed after receiving word of the upcoming NADU Summit. He had remembered the last one and what had gone on since then. The war between two of the member-states of the Union had severely dampened public support for it and now Congress was starting to turn against the alliance. Ah, what did it matter anyway? Whether it was in the Union or not, the Confederacy was still a scrawny backwater surrounded on all sides by giants who could very easily wipe it off the map without so much as a sweat should they decide on a whim to sweep this little nation away.

Nevertheless, he headed to the Summit via his personal Boeing 707 jet. Despite the age of the plane model in question, this particular one was actually in good condition. Quite fortunate that Confederate factories produced machines like this even as other countries had long ceased production on their local equivalents. He managed to arrive at the site of the Summit and entered the room where it was to take place. With luck, this should certainly help keep the Union together, despite the wishes of the Confederate people, Congress, and possibly even Vice President Enfield.

When it came his time to speak, Beckett stated, "I support the notion of the NADU, for certainly it helps strengthen North American unity and ensure it is a poster boy for stability and peace. I also support the notion of the various member-states improving relations with each other. Should crises like the one we went through continue unhindered, then we face the fracturing of the NADU itself. That is something we do not want, for the Confederacy is small and weak. Her soldiers are brave and adequately trained, but are unfortunately issued equipment that became obsolete decades ago. We would stand no chance against a foreign invader, especially one who is far larger and more powerful than we are.

"Thus, we must ensure the survival of the NADU, for the sake of ourselves and North America as a whole."

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"I understand everyone's desire to place more emphasis on diplomacy than conflict but in the world we live in the only way to achieve any amount of success through a diplomatic approach first requires a decent military capability. Why would an invader engage you in diplomacy if they are crushing you with little effort? If we come together and that military capability is more than an opponent wants to deal with then we will have succeeded in avoiding conflict. Ours is a world where martial strength, more than not, determines what nations survive and what nations fall. I know this places larger nations in a position where they seem to have a larger share of responsibility than the others but that is merely a fact that comes with being a larger power and it is their choice to accept this burden or not. The American Commonwealth is not the smallest nation but we are not the largest out there as well. Most nations here lack the status and capabilities of a major world power but it is through coming together where our combined might can bring success against an individually larger nation. This way larger nations can also benefit from the combined forces of smaller nations. I would like to point out that North America is probably the most fractured and conflict ridden continent on the planet and it is time it has an organization tailored to address these problems."

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The president stood and began speaking "The Republic would agree with previous statements, though we believe that in this world that is losing stability and civility every day, we need to stand as a military power as well as a diplomatic "poster boy". You can not simply function in this world without being able to defend your self. Take the attack from West Virginia for example or the Umbrella-Gallifrey war, or the wars in the middle east like Khalistan-Tianxia, or the Tianxia-Texas war. The current powers that be will always push their will on the small in this world. We can not be an aggressive union, and we are not meant to be. We can, and as was meant when I brought this union to the attention of your respective nations, be a union to defend our great continent against foreign aggressors trying to take our land. I would love to not have to have a military, United Carolina had little functioning military before our war with West Virginia, but we learned that it is needed to defend ones self. We may have our differences, but guess what is stopping our union from functioning as it was intended. Us, we are the only thing that can make or break this union and I suggest for the common good of our nations we begin working togeth-." The president paused for a moment as a secret service agent whispered in his ear. "Ladies and gentlemen of the union, this very moment the blatent aggression of the powers that be has hit South Carolinian shores and attacked Hilton Head and is on its way inland, I hope that I have allies to defend me in this war, the force shows evidence of Vostokslavian force. I dont know if my homeland will be there tomorrow if help does not arrive. I must go to my military, I leave my advisor, he has full authority to speak for my nation. He will also be able to send me the message of your decision to act or not. Please consider our homeland." The president rushed out of the room nervously but attempting to keep his composure.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"Gentlemen any talk of mutual defense is pointless unless we all agree to have mutual relations with one another. If we can not establish a system where we all learn to respect one another and to be allies regardless of differences then any attempt to have a strong defense will fail. That is why I suggest that we for the time being leave the issue of defense to one side and instead start a number of cultural programs so that each and every one of us can learn about our neighbours and from there improve relations" said Geary trying his best to steer the conversation away from military power and defense.

Watching the United Carolina's president leave so suddenly after giving his reason John shook his head feeling a little upset. Yet again war was coming to North America and this time he knew Hellghan could do nothing to help them in their struggle.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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Thompson stood and began "I apologize for the presidents leave, during times of war the president is a major factor in the republic. The president has given me the full authority to speak for his office so the Carolinas as just as much in membership of this meeting as before. Now, I totally agree with Mr. McCrory, the union is attempting to get closer, in no way is cutting ties such as a diplomatic tie by definition increase ties with our nations. The only ones responsible to keeping this union united is its members. The treaty is sound, we need to act on it. We need to communicate and trade more, we need to cooperate more technologically. Together we can be unstoppable like our nations used to be united in history. We may have had our differences, but nothing is stopping us from uniting but us. We have common history, many of us have been united under one union on multiple occasions. We have been a center power house that the world trembled at the sight of. We have also been a voice of peace and prosperity in the world and maintained civility in areas that had none. We share a common language, a common resource chain, a common heritage. We have no reason to disagree, now is the time for the Americas to unite again under a union. The NADU has the makings to be a defensive and peacekeeping force to think twice about attacking. Only we stand in the way." He took a sip of water and sat down, his first public speech went well.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1340660990' post='2996201']
Thompson stood and began "I apologize for the presidents leave, during times of war the president is a major factor in the republic. The president has given me the full authority to speak for his office so the Carolinas as just as much in membership of this meeting as before. Now, I totally agree with Mr. McCrory, the union is attempting to get closer, in no way is cutting ties such as a diplomatic tie by definition increase ties with our nations. The only ones responsible to keeping this union united is its members. The treaty is sound, we need to act on it. We need to communicate and trade more, we need to cooperate more technologically. Together we can be unstoppable like our nations used to be united in history. We may have had our differences, but nothing is stopping us from uniting but us. We have common history, many of us have been united under one union on multiple occasions. We have been a center power house that the world trembled at the sight of. We have also been a voice of peace and prosperity in the world and maintained civility in areas that had none. We share a common language, a common resource chain, a common heritage. We have no reason to disagree, now is the time for the Americas to unite again under a union. The NADU has the makings to be a defensive and peacekeeping force to think twice about attacking. Only we stand in the way." He took a sip of water and sat down, his first public speech went well.

Vilhjálmsson kept a stoic face throughout the speech but he couldn't help but feel disappointed as the man from Carolina continued to speak. These men were too busy pushing the end goal of a united continent without getting involved in the actual mechanisms needed to make it happen. The representatives, especially from the Commonwealth and Carolinas, were not wrong but they were sidestepping the big issues that needed to be discussed.

The Chief Praefect stood up and began to speak once again to those that were gathered. "It appears that we're all keen on the concept of maintaining a united continent, which I'm glad to hear given recent circumstances. But in order to get there, we need to look deeper than diplomatic and military ties and examine the current political situation before us. Continental unity, NADU, it all ultimately comes down to trust, gentlemen. I don't know about you, but I don't see a whole lot of it right now.

It's not exactly a secret that nations seek reliable, honorable allies to defend each other when its required. Greenland is no different. But then I look to my fellow North American nations, those in NADU and those that are not. The Norther Imperium invaded us. West Virginia invaded the Carolinas. The Carolinas conduct foreign affairs in such a way that they are consistently antagonizing others and burning bridges. Cuba turns to Tianxia for its defense, and acts as though it expected to be invaded. The Dixie Confederacy is plagued by inactivity. And I ask you, why should Greenland trust your nations, when the instability of North America continues to be perpetuated?" Vilhjálmsson was tactful enough to leave out his Newfoundland-Labrador allies. However, he knew that officials in the Greenlandic government were questioning whether Newfoundland would actually help if it was required of them, especially militarily.

"Greenland seeks improved American relations, but do not blindly ask for Greenland to vow to protect you when you give us no reason to have trust in you. We are the largest nation in the NADU by a large margin, and we realize that in any agreement Greenland will have do to a proportionately larger amount of the heavy lifting, so to speak. We have no desire to exert a hegemonic influence like Tianxia or Athens, but we will look after our self interests. Defending a small nation who antagonizes others and then expects Greenland to support them is not in our interests, nor the interests of the continent as a whole.

I ask each of you to make a conscious decision on whether you plan to take NADU seriously. Any nation that truly wants to make a difference on this continent will find a loyal, respectable ally in Greenland. But we need to show each other that a strong foundation of trust exists between our nations before we can consider adopting further relations such as mutual defense."

Edited by Californian
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[s]"The Carolinas would agree with all other sentiments other then the calling our nation unstable and insulting our foreign affairs capabilities. At the same time we could call your nation an unstable ally by not acting in our defense in multiple occasions."[/s]

OOC: wiped because I didnt understand how closed wars worked ICly. I was jsut trying to clarify that I didnt know it was assumed to work out ICly.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines arrived at the conference and stood outside the closed doors. Much like a starving Irishmen in upstate New York looking through the windows of a prosperous restaurant at the lobster and sherry he waited with a bit of a glum look on his face. It certainly wasn't a promising start in the greater scheme of things. Rather than be deterred he hands the guard at the door a hand printed note that reads:

[quote]Illustrious Sirs,

The Honorable President Nathan Bedford Forrest Raines of the Southern United States of America wishes to join your meeting for the purposes of conducting affairs of the state.

-President Raines[/quote]

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1341444375' post='3003644']
"The Carolinas would agree with all other sentiments other then the calling our nation unstable and insulting our foreign affairs capabilities. At the same time we could call your nation an unstable ally by not acting in our defense in multiple occasions."

Vilhjálmsson immediately stood up, frowning. "I'm sorry if what I said offended you, but the Carolinas have the distinction of being invaded multiple times in the span of a short period of time. Your nation is young, and for whatever reason, you have already managed to make enemies out of much of the global community. Do you understand why that may be debilitating to an organization such as the NADU, if not just Greenland-Carolinian relations alone?"

He held in his indignation as he responded next. "As for your accusation against Greenland, how dare you lie like that. Greenland was specifically requested, by your government might I add, to remain out of the conflict to ensure it didn't escalate. This is unacceptable and I question why I, or rather you, are at this conference."

OOC: Not cool, dude. It was a closed war and I was asked to stay out.

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OOC: wiped because I didnt understand how closed wars worked ICly. I was jsut trying to clarify that I didnt know it was assumed to work out ICly.


"What escalation are you speaking of, the Carolinian government never made any such statement."[/s]

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The Cuban representative spoke for the first time, hearing the mention of Cuba. "We have not acted in any way which would make it appear we expect any invasion." After saying that he lost interest in the conversation again, returning to drawing doodles in his notepad.

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Geary leapt to his feet, his annoyance at the bickering between the Carolinian and Greenland representatives having finally reached its peak. "Gentlemen please. We are here to discuss about American unity lets not have it break down into a shouting match between each other okay. Let the issue drop and move on to working out what we can do to better unify the nations of America" he said looking from one representative to the other.

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