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How to Choose an Alliance?

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Things you'll want to consider:
Alliance Tendency to get Into War (if you're not at all interested in the war aspect of the game, you're better off looking for a neutral alliance like GPA, if you're interested in the war aspect, pretty much any non-neutral alliance would work)
Alliance Size (some people have a preference for alliances that are smaller in size rather than large alliances and vice versa. If you feel more comfortable in a smaller alliance, probably alliance under 100 members or so would be worth a look at. If not, alliances above 200 or so members would be worth your time).
History (An alliance's history reveals a great deal about an alliance, their government structure, and how said alliance has changed over time. Definitely look at an alliance's wiki on [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page]CN Wiki[/url]).
Money (Some alliances offer a considerable amount of cash aid for new recruits. It's something to consider, though not all alliances will offer cash to new recruits).
Recruitment Messages (You'll get a bit of information about some of the more recruitment heavy alliances via your inbox through recruitment messages. Sometimes, you may find that an alliance's recruitment message is good enough for you to seriously evaluate said alliance as an alliance for you.)

Main thing is does the alliance feel like a place you can call home? If yes, congrats, you've found your alliance. If not, keep looking.

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[quote name='Iceknave' timestamp='1334431031' post='2953272']
Main thing is [b]does the alliance feel like a place you can call home?[/b] If yes, congrats, you've found your alliance. If not, keep looking.

Iceknave whole reply is very truth, specially the part in bold. Is very important to choose and alliance where you feel at ease with the members, where you can have fun. That means that probably you may enter an alliance and then decide to check others. I guess you can select one you may feel that it could be [b]the one[/b] (almost like a girl :) ) and give it a try. If that's not home, then keep looking.

I am a reroll, and in my previous life I went to different alliances. Now that I have come back I realized that the best alliance for me was the first I choose when I entered CN the first time. They are a great group. If you want to check my AA, PM me for details.

Good luck on your decision.


Edited by Jocar
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What others have said I believe is the most important, wherever you fell comfortable with the members and it feels like "home". You should also take into consideration an alliances theme, as well as size, and etc as others have mentioned. It depends are you looking for a laid back group or a serious one? Big or small? There are many ways to define an alliance by size. Two of the most prominent are score and members, though I tend to use the latter. An old, established alliance like GATO or a new one like ION? Not too old, not too big, not too small, not to serious, there are many factors. Looking up their wiki page, chatting with some members on IRC, or in-game can be ways to help you decide too.

I hope that helps a little bit. If you're interested in checking mine out though, just send me a message :).

Good luck wherever you go.

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[quote name='Extractum11' timestamp='1334430223' post='2953267']
I'm a young nation (5-6 days old) and the peacetime grace period's running out. How should I go about choosing an alliance? And no, I'm not looking for advertisements about your fantastic, wonderful alliance; I just want to know how to make the decision.

I'll ask you a few key questions and based on your answers I'll give you some honest advice if you like:

Wars - never, occasionally or constantly

Moral Stance - Love beating up the smaller kids / Defending the Smaller kids / staying more in the middle

Community - Small up to 50 members / mid sized with 50 - 100 members / Large 100+ members

Your Age - some communities are made up moreso of younger teen groups, others more mature players.

Theme's - what themes apeals to you most? (there are hundreds out there so name a few general things that apeal to you... ie. Post-Apocalyptic, Ancient Rome/Greece, Star Wars, Beer Drinking, Lulz, Elitism, social justice/morals, Pro-Nukes, middle ages, gaming, and many generic ones as well with no set theme)

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[color="#FF0000"]Wally has some good things to choose from and in each of those areas there are more choices. My comments are in this color! [/color]

Wars - never, occasionally or constantly [color="#FF0000"]This is okay like it is[/color]

Moral Stance - Love beating up the smaller kids / Defending the Smaller kids / staying more in the middle
[color="#FF0000"]Moral Stance does not stand alone. I would change this to alliance values. While raiding is a value to some, there are other values to consider: Integrity, how the community is organized. Do you want to remain just a member, or grow in the alliance. Maybe government type of the alliance is important: Some are monarchies, some play at democracy but the leaders never change, some are meritocracies.[/color]

Community - Small up to 50 members / mid sized with 50 - 100 members / Large 100+ members [color="#FF0000"]No matter what, look for one that is growing. Some alliances just exist. They gain new members now and then, but there is really no growth. Growth is more than just numbers.[/color]

Your Age - some communities are made up moreso of younger teen groups, others more mature players. [color="#FF0000"]And some are mixed. Age is important mostly if it matters to you and to the group you become a member of. I'm of the firm belief that being open to all ages, colors, beliefs make for a better and stronger place to grow, but that's just me[/color]

Theme's - what themes appeals to you most? (there are hundreds out there so name a few general things that apeal to you... ie. Post-Apocalyptic, Ancient Rome/Greece, Star Wars, Beer Drinking, Lulz, Elitism, social justice/morals, Pro-Nukes, middle ages, gaming, and many generic ones as well with no set theme) [color="#FF0000"]And for some, the them is at the core of how they behave. For others, the them is just a way to organize themselves. [/color]

[color="#FF0000"]You are in one of the best places to start looking. As you look through the threads here, look first at what they have to say. Then look at how often the alliance touches the thread. That's not gospel, but it is something about activity. Then take a look at that alliance by searching them out in CN itself. Look at the stats. Look at their wars, their growth graphs. Do not hesitate to get in touch with several, ask questions about them. You can even look them up on the CN Wiki.

Good luck with your search. It's good to see someone taking the time to look at what people really stand for.

Cerridwyn, Chief, Pax Corvus and well known coffee drinker[/color]

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I would like to invite you to join our alliance.

We are currently a mid-sized and growing alliance, but still small enough to be free of the drama that mires many alliances, but we are led by experienced players.

We all get along very well, and assist each other in getting trades and tech deals, and personally teach newer players how to best improve their nations.

In the Terran Empire, you will never feel like you are just another number.

We can offer very solid protection, as well.

There are gov positions available if you like to participate in alliance affairs.

We are a strictly no-raid alliance.

Come check us out, it's a good place to be.


Please ask me if you have any questions.

Chancellor Prime of Terran Empire

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