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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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To: African Leaders
From: Dellion

As per request of the government of Kwazulu, the offices of Legion Ltd has organized the following forces to service directly under the banner of the African Union Security Forces.

1st African Corp- 80,000 Men
Located- Port Sudan Garrsion
5 Divisions
2 Armored Divisions
2 Mechanized Armor Divisions
1 Services and Support Division

2nd African Union Corp- 80,000 men
Located- Kwazulu Garrison
5 Divisions
2 Armored Divisions
2 Mechanized Armor Divisions
1 Services and Support Division

African Union Firebase Garrisons

Firebase Andy:
1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons F-23 Brownwidows
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Lion:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Bossaso:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Opie:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Port Sudan:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

African Union QRF Units

African Union 501st Airborne Regimental Combat Team
African Union 502st Airborne Regimental Combat Team
African Union 503st Airborne Regimental Combat Team

African Union 10th Armored Cavalry Regimental Combat Team
African Union 11th Armored Cavalry Regimental Combat Team
African Union 12th Armored Cavalry Regimental Combat Team

African Union 21st Combat Engineering Regiment
African Union 22nd Combat Engineering Regiment
African Union 23rd Combat Engineering Regiment
African Union 24th Combat Engineering Regiment

30th through 38th Special Services and Support Battalions

1st through 15th Civil Action Teams

All African Legion QRF Forces are located jointly between the Port Sudan Garrison and KwaZulu Garrison.

75 Squadrons of Legion Strike Fighters
15 Squadrons of Legion Fighter Bombers

1st African Union Fleet

Per directives of KwaZulu all Legion identifiers have been removed in favor of the African Union identifiers. Standing orders for the time being are to defend Africa, promote growth in protected zones, and to assist in regional security.

-Major General Dellion
African Union Security Force
"Africa for Africans"


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While we have a few forces in the protectorate south of us we seem to be missing out on which AUP bases need supplies and soldiers. If any country wishes to be relieved of some of the expenses of having their troops deployed to bases we would gladly move some of our own into them. And if any bases are undermanned we could also deploy troops and supplies there as well.

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To: African Union Leaders
From: President Pierre Mkanava

The Tanzania Federation would like to commit to the African Union Security Forces the following:

[u][b]1st African Corp (Tanzania Federation)[/b][/u]

[b]Based at Dodoma African Union Base[/b]

3rd Armoured Mechanised Division
8th Armoured Infantry Division
10th Armoured Infantry Division
15th Motorised Infantry Division
23rd Motorised Infantry Division

Also allocated would be three Fighter Squadrons which would be attached if the need for an expeditionary force came.

This is subject to rotation due to constant redeployment cycles but a minimum five division strong force would be dedicated in the task force.


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"With Tanzania providing a Corp, the 1st African Union Corp provided by KwaZulu will be rotated back to the active reserve. This will leave the KwaZulu contribution at the before stated levels minus 80,000 men. Further reductions will be made as other nations make contributions to share in the responsibility of protecting Africa.

At some point, quickly, the African Union Security Forces needs to agree on a central command structure, coherent logistical system, and a joint shared intelligence apparatus. To assist in the effort, KwaZulu is willing to spearhead the construction of a dedicated central command center (ooc: gotta use my pentagon for something).

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[b]To: African Leaders
From: King Mandella[/b]

I will be willing to commit Division 1 from my nation to the security of Africa. This division contains 50,000 soldiers, 500 tanks (AZ7 Protector Mk II), 500 S-400 Triumfs, and 500 Strykers). Part of the Northern Fleet will also be committed at a later time, but for now, 30 Patrol Boats will be committed.

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The Principality recognizes the added military responsibility is owes the AU and its members. Burdened by a disproportionately sized military, we will earmark the following forces to be immediately folded into the pan-African AUSF.


3rd African Union Corp - 72,000 men
Located- Adahunat Air Base
5 Divisions (Aeon Standard)
2 Air Assault Divisions
2 HAHO/HALO Paratrooper Divisions
1 Armored Infantry Division

4th African Union Corp - 72,000 men
Located- Khartoum District
5 Divisions (Aeon Standard)
3 Armored Infantry Divisions
2 Mechanized Infantry Divisions

5th African Union Corp - 72,000 men
Located- To Be Announced
5 Infantry Divisions (Aeon Standard)
3 Mechanized Infantry Divisions
2 Armored Infantry Divisions
2 Rocket Forces and Artillery Divisions

Of course, is additions forces are required, the Principality is able and willing to devote additional warriors to supplement the AUSF.

Edited by Executive Minister
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"We will be able to contribute 3 infantry and 2 tank divisions (30,000; 200 respectively, not including support personnel), to be used in whatever duty Legion and our other allies deem suitable for them.
We'd also gladly help finance the construction of a central command center with ~5 billion Luna."

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The PRA shall be able to put forth 5 infantry divisions (50,000 soldiers) in addition to 5 tank divisions (500 tanks), 800 BTR-90s, and an assortment of mobile SAM launching platforms for the AUSF in a show of faith and solidarity with the continued union of African nations.

Edited by Axolotlia
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"With the ongoing contributions to Africa's stability the KwaZulan contributions will once again be pared down to give way to other contributions. The 3rd African Union Corp will be returned to barracks leaving the current QRF forces, 2nd African Union Corp, Firebase Garrisons, and Fleet units under African Union control.

For purposes of identification the national forces will be identified by their Nation name unless a specific numerical identifier is requested. For example, rather than the Tanzanian African Union Corp, the 1st African Union Corp is what the Tanzanian government has requested.

With the various differences in weapons, training and equipment it is the opinion of KwaZulu that at least one of these new units be one that is jointly staffed by members from all of Africa to give rise to a common ground of tactics, languages, and equipment for the purposes of drawing our forces closer together."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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To: AUSF 3rd Civil Action Team


Major General Charles Beckwith[/quote]

With the financial collapse of the Evonian government, the men of the 3rd Civil Action Team quietly come out of their barracks and deploy via aircraft from Firebase Lion. Funding for government services in the area is donated via KwaZulu.

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The Principality would provide logistic backing for both the Haven and KwaZulu initiatives for Evonian restoration.

Two flights of Bestower ultra heavy transports would be sent immediately pending allied military successes in the theatre. Onboard would be a substantial amount of rations and humanitarian supplies.

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Report on Evonian Situation:

The AUSF 3rd Civil Action Team touched down with no real issues. The Evonian Government, due to incompetence and absenteeism, fell apart while the civil services were left to limp along at their own pace. Systems of payment are being established through verified legitimate financial institutions to keep the civil services at work under the new African Union Protectorate Authority.

Evonian Army has been payed off with six months pay.

Evonian elected government has been encouraged to remain in their homes where most of them are anyway. Termination of payment has been authorized and letters of censure have been entered into the files reminding African Union Administrators to show extreme caution when considering one of these former elected officials for employment.

Evonian fire, medical, social services, and all the rest of them are being ordered to turn in a report detailing their expenditures for the last six months, projected expenditures for the next year, reviews of their administrators, and are being issued a new policy and procedure manual to bring them into accordance with the African Union Civil Administrations Policy and Procedures Civil Code, which coincidentally looks exactly like the same one Legion used in West Africa, with the names changed on it.

Until a top to bottom review of all government organizations has been completed, payment of salaries is being continued until further notice.

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Arctica offers to provide any requested assistance regarding Evonia, particularly with any records of the former Transvaler government that may be needed to resolve civil disputes, as well as any required humanitarian aid or logistical support.

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The intent of the offer was more along the lines of resolving something like a land dispute between two parties taking advantage of the chaos and loss of records by employing old Transvaal records to remedy the situation. Arctica will not accept any shooting of its citizens without good reason.

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"They aren't your citizens. If they are breaking the law and using violent force they will be shot on sight. If they are attempting to return to the bad ol' era of Transvaler racism and apartheid they will be eliminated with extreme prejudice. That's been Legion and now Legion Ltd forces within AUSF policy since we assumed control of the region when Levantia fell.

Fairly put the same rules apply for everyone. However, it is mostly the Transvalers in the area that have caused the most problems with racism and other odious race related tactics. Levantia's civil war was in large part due to the Christian religious extremism brought in by white folks, and guess what, most of them were Transvalers, and guess what, we killed those @#$@#$@# by the thousands and felt damn good going it."


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If it eases Arctica's worries, Haven forces in the area will make sure Legion Ltd. doesn't commit mass genocide for no good reason. Simply put if the Transvaaler's don't use violence we wont shoot them, and we'll try to keep Legion forces from doing it too..

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"Major General M'Tembe of the AUSF Corp of Engineers reports that the harbor in the new AUP base in the PRA is near completion. Barracks, airbases, helicopter ports, fuel dumps, munitions storage sites, and so forth are at various levels of completion and are expected to be completed within one year's time."


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