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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1340430638' post='2993334']
KwaZulu places an order for 30 Squadrons of XF- 32 Grey Widow Fighters and another 50 Squadrons of the Brown Widow Fighter (I do believe the BW is 5th gen?). With this order comes a request for the trial purchase of an armored division sized set of equipment to fully equip an entire armored division from the ground up with all of the needed equipment. Further orders of will be forth coming if the logistics work out properly.

At the meeting with the Edean party the KwaZulan President Jacob Zuma and two of his higher ranking cabinet members make their way into the room. They acknowledge their Legion comrades and take their seats. With them is Major General Charles Beckwith, one of the few surviving Legionnaires who fought in the Red Sands War and participated in what most Legionnaires call Mama Denard's Folly with her sudden about face when presented with a storm of media criticism. They all take their seats and wait for the meeting to start.

[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1340455333' post='2993506']
The nation of Atlantis would like to procure a additional five squadrons of the Grey Widow

Minister Teguse would quickly slip back into the proceedings, having an aide give a procurement cost and estimated time of arrival to both the Atlantean delegates and the aides of President Zuma via data pad. The information would refer to both 5th + generation Brown and Grey Widows, as well as an assortment of Aeon ground force vehicles and equipment.

Taking her seat beside President Zuma, Teguse would clasp her hands lightly infront of her as she waited for Gildan to speak.

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Just a reminder to fellow AUP nations, the PRA's advanced technological capabilities give us the ability to manufacture Grey Widows should any nation wish to procure them through us. We ourselves shall begin producing them to phase out older aircraft within our air forces as of the writing of this message.

OoC: Long time, no post eh?

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The Principality would take initiatives along with the AUSF and AU to catalogue and re-deploy Tanzanian and Atlantean military hardware back into Aeon or AUSF stores, with emphasis on the highest tiered items being returned to the Principality's armed forces. The likes of MILAC, NMI and NDII would adopt a more conventional approach to its exports and implement black box technologies on sensitive Aeon advances.

Everything from naval vessels to aircraft to tanks and munitions would be accounted for. With the recent losses of the Republic, Federation and Atlantean governments, Principality AUSF troops along with Aeon regulars would begin co-ordinating with trusted neighbours in securing the continent and its arms.

In unrelated news, the Principality proposes a Bill for the harsh punishment of poaching. Poachers and other individuals that harm rare African wild life are to be shot on sight should this Bill be passed.

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Major General Charles Beckwith dispatches orders for a pair of Civil Action Teams to be sent to the fallen states. One is sent to Tanzania and the other to Atlantis with orders to formalize an AUP controlled Civil Administration by piggy backing the former government's organizations and putting them back to work. Given the sudden nature of the collapse, each is sent with a Brigade Combat Team. The 501st African Legion is sent to Atlantis and another KwaZulan Brigade Combat Team is sent to Tanzania.

With that messy business concluded, Beckwith returns his attention to the meeting.

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((OOC: Sorry about being a tad bit late on these))

Triumvir Gildas graciously accepted the stand in front of the AUP, knowing that the situation had been less then calm given the recent announcement of the dissolvement of Tanzania.

"Esteemed members of the African Unity Pact, I am humbled to stand here today before you. I am of course, honored to have the chance to speak to so many great nations and any day would be a good day to build upon the relations between South America and Africa and especially Edean and the many people's of Africa." he began with a smile, but paused, given the gravity of his purpose here, "However, this day, this time period, is of particular importance and I came here today in the hopes that we could work through several problems that have cast themselves upon us."

"Of course, chief among my hopes was that Edean could alleviate South American trade issues revolving around the Lunar Republic. When I had left Edean, the Lunar Republic had been cut off from trade to South America through several South American nations. I believed that we could work things out by a brand change. However, time changes many things. Today, the Lunar Republic no longer calls itself a member of the African Unity Pact and has all but left the Earth. The Umbrella Commonwealth and others continue to hold a sense of tension, but the entire situation seems beyond our control and potentially beyond the interests of this meeting." The rabbit shifted his body, as if letting go of the one weighty subject only to lift another, "On the other hand, I am also here today to plea on behalf of my people and in no short mannerism, to wage economic war upon an enemy that has scorched our shores with the fires of battle for months now. Although Edean is perhaps seen as far from the shores of Africa, the name should not be unfamiliar. Zarfef The Terrible, along with his forces of the Aether Empire, who launched chemical weapons against Mecca, have come to South America, bringing nuclear weapons which he has shown no issue with using. He has made declarations, in fact, that any future land resistance to his forces will be met with the use of nuclear retaliation."

"Until this point, our people have stood united, willing to fight for the families and communities, for their very freedom. But the use of the bomb changes that resolve, when weapons come into play that destroy all that you fight for, it has a way of plundering one's will to fight. Within the month, their forces will be at the Andes mountains and the lack of supplies from closed ports has left us in an ill state. We have gold, but few means of getting our supplies inland." Pausing, he looked down at his notes again, reviewing his speech that he had practiced the night before, "These things do tend to have a silver lining however. Our intelligence firms, which naturally deal with many things financial for a multitude of companies, noticed a strange dip in the oil supplies of the globe and upon doing further digging, we have discovered that the Aether Empire purchases it's oil almost exclusively from Somalia. It makes sense, one doesn't simply fuel an army out of a hat. Their success there in gathering so much oil, is most likely the result of internal company contacts that result from their prior African regimes. We know where they're gaining their oil and we intend on stopping it."

"As a man of business, I have no intention of asking you to cut off their oil at cost to yourselves. Instead, I would rather buy it myself and wish to break their back by cutting off access to their supply by vastly increasing the demand - to your own benefit of course. We can't of course, move it out, so we'd be selling it once we gain it through a secondary market, one which, will of course, exclude the Aether Empire from said market. We would, of course, be quite willing to subsidize other nations who desire the oil during the war, with the idea that doing so will make them higher bidders then the Aether Empire, granting them access and taking it away from our enemies. All that remains for you then, is rooting out the insiders who are likely losing you money by artificially making the Aether Empire look like a better trading partner then they actually are."

"Along a similar vein, I have come here today to ask if our friends within Aeon's advanced aerospace companies might have something else critical to our fight. The use of nuclear weapons has crippled our ability to fight our enemy until now and while Dr. Bladeborne of Lagrange informs us that they are working on changing this situation, the truth is that the people need a means of feeling safe from nuclear threats as soon as possible. While I am confident that Lagrange can develop a solution, it will take them months to perfect it - and in that time, who knows what will be left of our land. We would like to ask if it would be possible to purchase a defensive mechanism for such a system, anti-ballistic missile systems - particularly, one capable of intercepting the Aether's missiles, most of which are based around the Banshee-II design from the days of their 2nd incarnation."

Gildas paused then, noting a change in subject, "Outside of this, even with the departure of the Lunar Republic from the AUP and issues at home, Edean would like to discuss the possibility of how we could build positive economic relations with the AUP. No matter what, I am confident of our resolve and that in time, we will manage to turn the forces of the Aether Empire back into the ocean. It simply a matter of time. When that day comes, we have many things to look forward to. We have begun to launch supplies into orbit and in a short time, we will have a valid base of operations on the Lunar Surface, from which, we hope to provide the people of Earth with access to rare silicates and metals such as new lightweight titanium alloys."

"The end of the war will bring about a new age in Edean, new infrastructure will be needed to replace the ruins left by battles. Likewise, new industries will rise with the potential for vast amounts of wealth to be made by others around the globe that seek to take advantage of these situations. We would love to build a powerful economic trade exchange with the people's of Africa and to be the port into all things South America by proving ourselves to be the best value on the market - and a stable one at that. When the rest of South America closed it's doors, we did not and that's how we hope to remain, a people that businesses can count on for extraordinary value, innovation and quality."

With this, Triumvir pulled back and motioned with both silence and body language that he awaited question and for other leaders to speak to him.

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I should just add in here, that my economic war was against only Lynneth, I made no posts regarding the rest of the AUP, and ICly as reflected in my factbook, hold them in a neutral manner, meaning Im not hostile towards them.

A fly buzzed around before flying into an exterminator light. He died.

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1340863431' post='2999179']

"You indeed speak the truth when you say the name "Zarfef the Terrible" is a name well known amongst our peoples", Minister Teguse said with an even voice. "I might add that I express my deepest sympathies at the news that this man has beset your nation with war and strife."

Teguse paused, bringing up a display for everyone in the room to see. "You will see that the AU's interactions - save for the unsavory actions of the Commonwealth and Neo Roma - with South America have been little, if any. The AU is a pan-African organization aimed at preserving African self determination, economic as well as military security. It also acts as a means with which African nations can help one another facilitate Africa's entrance into a technological golden age. It does not determine the individual foreign affairs of its members - it may only give suggestions, and protect the continent as a whole against unnecessary or disproportionate reprisal."

A harder tone was taken as she switched gears, "The Lunar Republic made its choice. We have no intention of living with the mistakes and missteps of a former ally. We respect its wishes to be an almost purely exo-atmospheric entity, and have thanked it for its time here in the AU."

She softened her gaze at the peculiar creature for a moment, addressing concerns the AU could actually help it with. "This Zarfef... this Aether Empire... It is an entity even Nod took measures to distance itself from. I understand that while martial and brutal - even they had the sense to abhor attacks on purely civilian populations. This man is a threat to both Edean and Aeon - if he is not a threat to the entire world. IF what you say is true, that the Aether Empire has acquired its own nuclear weapons - that could spell out grave ramifications for all of us."

Tapping the pad again, Teguse began using her authority to carry out a few choice orders. "As of this moment, the Principality will crack down on Somalian suppliers that have chosen to sell to the Aether Empire. The AU will not suffer the sentiment that it allows its member states to fund such terrorist actions. We will repurpose this supply as we see fit - if Edean requires it, and is unable to get fuel elsewhere, we can arrange an economic agreement on the Principality's behalf-" she added quickly, looking at the remaining AU members. She was not going to speak on anyone else's behalf but her own.

"The Principality deems the Edean state to be a responsible one - one that has been entrusted with sensitive military equipment in the past. We shall earmark a number of purely defensive strategic systems to be sent by escort to ports you currently hold. In addition several tactical anti-missile solutions will be flown to you via heavy lifter. These weapons should prove more than capable of countering a multitude of threats."

With ugly business out of the way, Teguse would move on to address other points of Gildas' speech. "While the AU made strides in creating an African space presence, it has re-evaluated the necessity. We are afraid the Principality owns very little in the way of actual existing exo-atmospheric infrastructure, although it does have growing launch infrastructure on Earth. We have at most a small enclave present on the move, near the Copernicus crater*. The Principality would welcome external cooperation in order to push the AU back towards space."

Clasping her hands lightly, she smiled. "This Golden Age is one the Principality looks forward to. We would be honored to help you build towards this bright future when all is said and done."

OOC: *or any crater currently uninhabited, I didn't really look too much into space I'm afraid.

[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1340883693' post='2999287']

I should just add in here, that my economic war was against only Lynneth, I made no posts regarding the rest of the AUP, and ICly as reflected in my factbook, hold them in a neutral manner, meaning Im not hostile towards them.

A fly buzzed around before flying into an exterminator light. He died.

OOC: Thanks I guess? But in the future, the AU has specially designed ladar based anti-bug defenses at all entrances and windows. We are far too advanced to allow flies to be buzzing around - its quite insulting.

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The Principality has issued several new weapons to its security forces, and has earmarked the designs for AUSF usage as well. The hope is to turn the Principality's mix of new and old, Aeon and Nodic technologies into a single unified whole. The Principality has abandoned Nodic virtues of intimidation and reckless, excessive violence, a trait that manifested itself in the weaponry it used. The Principality in turn aims to release weapons that exemplify the tenets all warriors loyal to the beloved Princess. Weapons that extol order, control and authority.

[b]NMI M-96 Mattock "7.62 x 54 mm" Assault Rifle[/b]


Bullpup Assault Rifle
Fire mode: Semi Auto
Rate of Fire: 750 RPM

A medium-range, semi-automatic rifle effective against armored targets at all ranges. It is a hybrid weapon with an assault rifle's rapid fire and a sniper rifle's punch. While it lacks the a precision scope typically featured on its larger cousins, Aeon marksmen and soldiers alike favor its power and precision when facing hardened targets. Its lack of a full-auto setting is advertised as a feature rather than a shortcoming since it curbs an operator's tendency to spray inaccurate and costly fire under duress.

On the battlefield, the Mattock fills a tactical role similar to that of the contemporary Nodic battle rifle, the NMI M-24 Sentinel. Chambered for much smaller rounds than its bigger brother, the Mattock is engineered for an extremely light trigger pull weight. Although the Mattock is a semi-automatic, it has very little delay between shots, allowing it to be fired almost as quickly as the user can pull the trigger. The Mattock is very versatile and can be wielded as a main weapon, or even a sole weapon in almost any circumstance. Its only performance weakness is at close range against multiple enemies. While armor piercing or Semi-Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds guarantee kills in as little as one shot, a squad of enemies can cause real problems due to its lower capacity and its semi automatic nature.

The Mattock features several stock features including swappable, integrated x 2.0 reaction sight and provisions for either an underslung 40mm grenade launcher or 10 ga shotgun. The Mattock houses a next generation Digital Ammunition Display (DAD) similar to the one used on the legacy NMI M-15 Ripper. The onboard electronics suite can act as a standalone operator interface, as well as interact with onboard EVA systems in the current and future Aeon TACARM infantry protection suites. Bareboned abilities include ammunition displays, compass, as well as rudimentary IFF and targeting features.

[b]NMI M-55 Halberd "9.55 x 91mm" Battle Rifle[/b]


Bullpup Battle Rifle
Fire mode: Semi Auto
Rate of Fire: 73 RPM

Toting a much greater punch than the Mattock, the Halberd is a fearsome weapon capable of extreme stopping power at a variety of ranges. When outfitted with SAP-HE rounds, the large 9.55 x 91 mm round is capable of penetrating engine blocks of lightly armored vehicles, causing havoc against internals with its secondary explosive punch. Suffice to say, this weapon is given only to the most trusted designated marksmen, or higher ranking warriors.

Of particular note, the Halberd (and to a lesser extent, the Mattock) are gifted with a considerably sturdy design, able to be used as a crude bludgeoning weapon in the hands of powered and unpowered armored militants. The Halberd comes equipped standard with only iron sights and a well for underslung attachments - lacking the integrated sights of its younger sibling. This in turn allows for a wider range of customization in the Halberd in the form attachments of accessories up to and including Picatinny Rails, ambidextrous operation tools, suppressors, silencers, reflex sights, laser designators and various hardpoints for bayonet attachments.

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While most of our troops are trained for the SAR-1's 6.8x43mm rounds as our standard assault rifle, Haven is interested in the possibility of training squads of troops with the Halberd. The Royal Guards are even interested in the battle rifle. The soldiers of Haven in the AUSF would begin the training immediately. As for the Royal guards a small group of of them would be sent to train along with them to test the guns capabilities.

Haven would also like to see improved relations with Edean. A member of the Haven Economic Corporation would be sent to the meeting with them to help set up a deal.

The Minister of Science would like to continue what the Lunar Republic had started with the capabilities of launching supplies and ships into space. It requests supplies from both Aeon and the PRA to build new Launch Loops using the Republics leftover designs.

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When silence had returned so that he could speak once again, Gildas proved that it was his intent to not simply bring words, but also evidence. "I can assure you that the question of 'If' the Aether Empire has nuclear weapons has long been resolved. Dr. Zigmund, who works for Lagrange Aerospace now, was the former child prodigy of Zarfef during his reign in Djibouti. While I cannot make sense of the data he shows me on his computer, he has claimed to the effect that he stopped the Aether Empire from launching missiles to destroy the Aswan Dam and since his self-imposed exile, he has gathered data on the Aether Empire, which of course, was also of interest to Edean's Human Salvation Comittee, the founders of Edean, an organization which I am a part of."

Gildas then paused to pull up files of his own, "To this end, our intelligence has access to little circulated videos from the age of yesteryear, relating to the Aether Empire and describing it's nuclear ascendancy,"


[quote] The screen flickered to life to reveal a familiar face to the world - Zarfef had returned.

"Hello again. I'm back and I've brought fun for all!" Zarfef smiled, it was as though he was possessed by an unspeakable mania and this visibly showed on his face. "Some time ago, the world thought it would be fun to rain nuclear bombs down from the sky over our little piece of happiness. Odd thing there isn't it? You think the world is nice and peaceful and then someone burns it all up. Needless to say, we felt bad, they wouldn't let us play too. "

Zarfef began to laugh, the mania... maybe he should have taken his meds after all. "But as I'm sure you're leaders will soon reveal. We've been invited into the club too now! But I thought you'd be happy to hear it from me first. I hope you didn't miss me too much. Well, I'll have to make it up to you in the future. I look forward to our future discussions. Farewell..."[/quote]

"Dr. Zigmund has estimated that, at the time, he believes the Aether Empire had produced as many as ten nuclear devices. However, he did not believe that Zarfef had the know-how to build larger strategic weapons, nor the willingness to make use of them to achieve his goals. Our own history tells a different story however. We have taken blows from two nuclear weapons, both of which I have ample evidence of here today. While large scale media outlets are rarer in Edean, there is plenty of video coverage of the devastating strikes at Mistwood Citadel during the early phases of the war, along with long distance and military shots of the strike that occurred at Montechristi*. Furthermore, while Dr. Zigmund believed that the Aether Empire only had access to tactical weapons of roughly 25kTons, the attacks at Mistwood Citadal and Montechristi were both on the order of roughly 100kTons in strength."

The rabbit paused, to allow the information to settle in as he passed around pictures of the devastated region. Then he changed his tone to one of gratitude - "In any event, your aid is graciously appreciated - you're actions will be the saving grace of the people of Edean and I should hope that they will never forget that. With your help, I am certain that we shall be defeat Zarfef and his forces of evil so that he cannot threaten anyone else with his weapons of mass destruction or indeed, any weapons at all should I have any say in the matter."

"In terms of economic affairs, I have heard that the Capernicus Crater on the moon is quite fertile ground for the acquisition of titanium alloys, critical to the construction of lightweight, but strong metals. We ourselves, were hoping to establish an operations point on the southern pole of the moon, which is known for it's access to year-round constant sunlight, consistant temperatures and access to liquid water. We hope to become a breadbasket for the lunar economy - however, many of our companies are also highly interested in the prospects that the mare offer, particular in terms of it's access to rare Earth metals. I am certain that they would be happy to work with Aeon in terms of constructing lunar mines which could be profitable to everyone involved. Likewise, we're hoping to construct a monorail grid system between the major lunar partners with the hopes that we might be able to start up not only lunar trade but also to help facilitate easy Lunar-Earth trade as well."

"I am not certain if you have heard the rumors from our friends in the Lunar Republic, but Edean has a spacecraft developed for the journey to the Moon and it would be far more profitable if it could receive cargo both over the region surrounding South America and over the continent of Africa as well."

[center][IMG]http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f368/pascal19/Arkbird2.png[/IMG] [/center]

"It was known as project [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=111120&st=0&p=2973464"]Edeastar[/url] - but of course, if all of our people's were to make use of it, it would certainly require a different name. It's primary purpose is to transport goods between Earth and the moon and I am certain that it could provide both of our bases of operation with the ample goods it needs to thrive on the Lunar Environment. We were confident that we could achieve the goal's set out for us - but ultimately a chance to work side by side in creating a joint project with the AUP in bringing our people's into space could produce a multitude of rewards."

*The nuclear strike at Mistwood Citadel is RP'd [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110637&view=findpost&p=2961446"]here[/url] and [s]while I'm still writing up the detailed report of the nuclear strike at Montechristi[/s]. Actually, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110637&view=findpost&p=3001689 "]here[/url]! Hah, how's that?

Edited by Zarfef
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[size="5"][color="#0000FF"]STARS - Air Defense of the Future[/color][/size]


It has become increasingly apparent that in order for an enemy to successfully take and hold a target location or state, he would have to in whole or in part neutralize a victim's capability against a variety of air breathing and exoatmospheric targets, as well as the ordinance those platforms deploy. An aggressor must neutralize or occupy this capacity quickly in the beginning of invasion in order to begin to attempt campaigns of rapid dominance.

High density attacks, or attacks designed to flood or saturate a dedicated air defense have become the norm. Today, contemporary defenses must contend with hundreds, if not thousands of false, exaggerated, or highly uncooperative targets - each a potential source for destruction and mayhem against positions air defense complexes are designed to defend. In addition, the added threat of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) or Destruction of Enemy Air Defense (DEAD) missions and aircraft poses a danger to the very lives of the defenders themselves.

The Principality, in conjunction with both the African Union Security Forces (AUSF) and Air Militant Command (AMC) has finished finalizing the release of the Strategic, Tactical Air Repulsion System, or STARS. It is a series of integrated standards, practices and protocols incorporating a variety of hard and soft systems designed for maximum survivability against small, or protracted attempts at hindering, bypassing or destroying African air defense capability. It is designed as a STANAG or Standard Agreement the Principality and its allies can use to better coordinate defenses on a truly strategic level, incorporating both imported and indigenously designed systems for better cohesion in the face of a determined enemy.


[left]STARS is designed to address current and future threats. It has been developed to provide a highly tiered, redundant and flexible network with which a variety of weapons can be deployed against a variety of targets to maximize kills and overwhelm extreme threats. Systems under the STARS architecture will be able to engage and destroy ballistic and hypersonic cruise missiles, as well as low and high flying aircraft, helicopters, UAVs and terrain hugging ordinance. At the lowest levels, STARS has functionality designed to allow even anti-precision guided munitions (PGMs) systems in on the action.


Lightweight, efficient STARS elements improve strategic deploy-ability and provide much needed tactical mobility. STARS units need only a fraction of the current air defense systems' airlift demands, and an initial defensive capability can be transported using just two C-17 equivalent aircraft. Once in theatre, STARS elements are quickly redeployable using tactical aircraft. STARS elements can simply drive off, deploy and are ready to fight.

All mobile STARS elements use armored tracked and untracked vehicles, and can quickly assume road march configurations to keep pace with fast moving maneuver forces, redeploy to new positions or protect themselves from retribution easily. Priority is placed on mobility and flexibility for both survivability, rapid response and gap-fillers in the case of enemy breakthroughs in conjunction with stationary units to help provide a multi-faceted coverage at all times with continuous 360 degree air and missile defense coverage.


Advanced, wired and wireless STARS elements operate as individual nodes on a closed network. These elements themselves may be composed of a miniature network of their own. This results in unprecedented flexibility and security for a Commander. Unique 'plug n shoot' capability lets STARS elements attach to and attach from a network node at will, with no requirement to resynchronize, or worse - shut the system down. The STARS architecture has provisions to accept fibre optic, secured frequency hopping radio or point-to-point laser mediums for communication, resulting in a hard to pin-down, hard to disrupt connection at all times with a high degree of overlap.

With STARS, a Commander can dynamically extract elements to protect a fast force moving out of the protective umbrella a given STARS network provides. The minimum STARS engagement capability requires only one launcher and one battle manager/fire-control radar. More robust systems are available that provide a Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR) package entirely on one vehicle for the added mobility and survivability that comes with the ability to field a larger number of redundant systems. As more STARS elements arrive, they can automatically and seamlessly network with other systems following the STARS model. Modular battle packages can be created for differing types of missions - from early entry minimum configurations, to multiple fire unit battalions working for homeland defense.


The proliferation of a number of high performance cruise missiles and UAVs now means our nations and forces can be attacked from anywhere at any time. That's why STARS radars are designed to work in tandem with a number of active and passive systems to scan a complete perimeter. 360 coverage and 180+degrees over the horizon lets a single STARS fire unit protect critical assets from an enemy attack in any direction.

Extremely high powered Over-the-Horizon/Backscatter (OTH-B) radars give an extremely early warning to large or obtrusive formation attacks and ordinance, powerful enough to direct non-STARS systems to engage sea borne surface targets while being precise enough to give long range surface to air missile systems a detailed enough first look to direct lock-on-after-launch systems to the target.

Active Electronically Scanned Array radars provide a track while scan capability, able to distinguish targets amidst high clutter and jamming environments, with even the highest concentration of targets being quickly disseminated to individual units under the STARS umbrella in order to bring about a coordinated response from multiple systems.

Smaller UHF surveillance radars placed on mobile platforms and in strategic locations increase detection ranges and provides added protection in filling gaps larger systems might not be covering. Working together with sensitive passive arrays and X-band multifunction radars to improve target tracking, and provide better performance in stress and clutter environments.

STARS deployment systems themselves are designed to be robust, with a number of launchers and radars being placed on modified armored vehicles. The natural ruggedness such platforms provide is further augmented with standard, built-in active protection systems akin to those used by the Principality's armed forces, designed to protect more against enemy submunitions, penetrative and shaped charge weapons at ranges of 50 m or less. Rapid response units are easily transportable, by being lighter and afforded the ability to fire on the move to negate the lack of heavy armor. All units are designed with rapid deployment or rapid reload in the case of mobile platforms.

The STARS node systems allow for networks within networks and thus allows for future additions to be present under its umbrella. It also has provisions to incorporate many elements from the Active Denial- Mission: Anti-Radiation Response (AD-MARS) presently used to resist massed anti-radiation attacks along with a newer survivability systems slated to be released in the coming weeks.


STARS is designed to interoperate with a wide range of platforms and command and control structures. STARS can also seamlessly and quickly incorporate non-STARS sensors and shooters into its 360 degree model, giving nations taking part in national or AUSF initiatives greater flexibility and more defense options. Using a wide array of common communications links and nation specific networks outlined in the STARS STANAG codex, AU nations can share and receive crucial information with a wide range of systems.

Through interoperability, STARS will dramatically improve combat effectiveness and situational awareness, reducing the potential for fratricide, jamming and cyberwarfare, as well as extremely high amounts of enemy targets. The result is air and missile defense designed for coalition warfare. STARS units from all AUSF participant nations will seamlessly integrate into each nation's or the AUSF's combat architecture as required. The 'plug n' shoot' functionality allows STARS to evolve as allied states develop new weapons to counter existing and future threats.

[/left] [/center]

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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1343691838' post='3017112']
Haven would like to note that it still exists and is busy dealing with an internal mess.

The PRA commends Haven on its continued existence and offers support in dealing with its internal mess should it desire such assistance.

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As its territory spans the entire southern coast of the continent of Africa as well as much of the southeast coast, the Union of Arctica is very interested in the proposed STARS defense system and is willing to provide it funding as well as test beds. A reasonable number of eligible ground vehicles as well as the frigate [i]Edmond Albius[/i] are offered on temporary lease for testing and implementation of STARS as a trial for entry into service with Arctica. Arctican representatives are also eager to see the possible uses of STARS on stationary defense platforms. If the trial proves satisfactory for the Union, we will begin gradual implementation of the system throughout our force.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[size="5"][color="#0000FF"]STARS - The Throne Advanced Medium Range Air Defense System (AMRADS)[/color]
[i]Pictured: A Throne 6x6 Variant TEL equipped with a dedicated anti-saturation load-out of 32 Valiant SHORAD missiles[/i] OOC: Obviously the launcher should be bigger in comparison to the vehicle, sue me.

[b]DESCRIPTION:[/b] The Throne AMRADS is the first, purpose built weapon system based on the STARS principles and standard architecture. A highly modular system able to use both the unified STARS semi-mobile chassis line of vehicles (tracked, 6x6 and 8x8) as well as more conservative stationary launchers and launch sites, the system is designed to engage a wide variety of targets including the latest generation fighter and strike fighter aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, precision guided munitions, hypersonic and tactical ballistic missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a wide variety of situations and combat environments.

The weapons system consists of a command module/'Pugio' low altitude search and track radar, 'Gladius 'X-band multi-functional fire control, tracking and surveillance system and three dedicated missile launchers in addition to the two previous Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR) vehicles. A typical Throne battery, however, may consist of the Gladius and Pugio TELARs as well as up to eight Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) dedicated launch vehicles.

The Throne system utilizes a trio of separate missiles in order to cover a wide range of target types, distances and threat ratings while providing a system that covers several different tracking and target acquisition modes in order to assure kills in even the highest clutter or jamming environments. Specifically, the system uses the 'Valiant' SHOrt Ranged Air Defense (SHORAD) missile, the 'Heroic' Intermediate Range Air Defense (IRAD) missile and the 'Warrior' High Performance Air Defense (HPAD) missile. The system boasts both the mobility, inter-connectivity and modularity the STARS architecture provides, while also coming standard with a high degree of survivability, even in today's high saturation, SEAD and DEAD environment.

Dedicated TEL vehicles in a Throne battery can hold a maximum of 10 Heroic/Warrior missiles, or 32 Valiant weapons. TELAR vehicles can hold a maximum of 7 Heroic/Warrior missiles, or 28 Valiant weapons. The modularity of the purpose designed Throne launcher systems allows for any mix of the three missiles to be on board a single launch unit, so long as the rule of 1 Heroic/Warrior to 4 Valiants is followed.

Being a part of STARS, the Throne system allows for targeting and intelligence data from other STARS compliant systems to be used in lieu or alongside the provided systems a standalone Throne AMRADS provides.
'GLADIUS' X-Band Multi-Functional Radar:[/b] The 'Gladius' is a roof-mounted X-band phased array radar. The system provides simultaneous target detection, multiple target tracking and missile data uplink. As the primary radar for the Throne system, it affords a unit the initial standalone capability of detecting and tracking over 65 targets simultaneously over a 130 km range. In the case of data-link reliant missile modes, the Gladius system can supply data to allow 8 targets to be engaged by 2 missiles each. The radar consists of a rotating phased-array rated at 60 RPM, with full electronic scanning.

With electronic beam steering, very low sidelobes and a narrow pencil beam mainlobe, the Gladius is difficult to detect and track by an aircraft's radar warning receiver when not being directly painted by the radar itself, making it also vastly more difficult to jam, damage or destroy in ECM, SEAD or DEAD operations employed against it. As most anti-radiation missiles rely on sidelobes to home in, the window for a SEAD aircraft to attack the Gladius is relatively small. The primary search signal is chirped to provide a very high compression ratio, intended to provide extremely high range resolution of small RCS targets. In addition, the system uses a high power traveling wave tube (TWT) source and frequency hopping techniques to provide good resistance to jamming.

The Gladius provides a highly-mobile 3D search and acquisition capability, but is limited in its low level search capability. It is also capable of operating in an ABM role by providing rapid acquisition and tracking of inbound tactical ballistic missiles.

Maximum Simultaneous Detect and Track: 65
Maximum Data Links Provided: 16
Search and Track Range: 130 km
Search and Track Height: 35 km
Frequency: X Band

[b]'PUGIO' Low-Altitude Search and Track Radar/Command Module: [/b]The 'Pugio' is a G/H frequency agile, low to medium altitude pulse doppler air search radar and combat control center. It can be used in both the mobile and static versions of the Throne system and is attached to a launch vehicle via extendable boom-mount, making it a Transporter Erector Launcher and Radar (TELAR) much like the Gladius' roof-mounted operation. It is designed to detect low-altitude, low cross-section aircraft targets in conditions of severe clutter and electronic countermeasures. As an air-defense command center, the Pugio provides an air picture to an entire Throne battery system using STARS standard communications.

The Pugio provides an integrated command, control and communication (C3) system, and is responsible for 'outside' communication between a STARS wide area network and the Throne local area network, allowing for it to be integrated into STARS and non-STARS sensors and shooters. The Pugio provides multi-beam, 3-Dimensional air coverage with instrumented ranges of up to 100 km, and altitude coverage from ground-level to 20 km with 70-degree elevation coverage and a similar detection and tracking count of 65 shared with the Gladius. A maintained pulse density suppresses high clutter and assures operation in adverse weather conditions. Ultra-low antenna side-lobes combined with pulse-to-pulse and burst-to-burst frequency hopping provides both resistance to jamming and a low probability of warning to targets. Hovering helicopter and artillery/mortar locating functions are automatic, allowing the radar to detect incoming rounds and give 20 seconds or more of warning before impact to C-RAM and anti-PGM systems in the area.

Search and Track Range: 100 km
Search and Track Height: 0 m to 20 km
Frequency: G/H Band Agile

[i]Pictured: Up-armored, tracked version of the 6x6 TEL launcher minus missile box.[/i]

[b]'VALIANT' SHORAD missile:[/b] The 'Valiant' is a short ranged air defense missile designed for both the self defense of a Throne AMRADS position against enemy saturation, SEAD and DEAD missions, as well as providing short range protection for combat units assigned to its care. The Valiant itself is based on a proposed design for a joint service short ranged hypersonic missile useable in both air to air and anti-tank roles. It is a relatively small, inexpensive weapon, able to be configured for slower speed, high maneuver applications or high speed interception, line of sight attacks.

Guidance primarily relies on either the 'Pugio' low-altitude search and track radar or 'Gladius' X-band radar first being used to determine an initial position and heading of an enemy target. The missile is then cold launched to a height of 30 m before the missile's main rocket sustainer ignites. The Valiant uses an inertial navigation system (INS) to travel to the predicted location the Pugio or Gladius tracking radar provided at launch. This mid course INS guidance does not require constant updates or processing power from fire control due to the missile's speed and relatively short distance to target, theoretically allowing Throne battery systems to dump almost the entirety of their Valiant weapons onboard all launchers into the 65 target positions provided by the search and track functions either radar. Once a Valiant reaches a pre-determined distance from the INS location, its combined EO/IR seeker is activated, homing in on the original target or any other targets present in the weapons search envelope.

The relative simplicity of the Valiant, in addition to its cost effective guidance allow it to be fired enmass against (artificial or not) target rich environments. It is a weapon not easily overwhelmed with high numbers of incoming targets, and easily wins any wars of attrition. Its fire-and-forget (FoF), lock-on after launch (LOAL) capability allow it to be a rugged weapon in almost any situation against enemy aircraft, helicopters, PGMs, UAVs and other air breathing targets. Its inert, hit-to-kill warhead provides protection against ammunition cook-off.

Target Max Altitude: 5 km
Target Max Range: 5 ~ 10 km+
Guidance: INS + EO/IR
Diameter: 125 mm
Length: 2.5 m
Speed: Mach 4 to 8
Warhead: Hit-to-Kill Penetrator
'HEROIC' IRAD missile:[/b] The Heroic Intermediate Range Air Defense weapon is an advanced surface-to-air missile (SAM) designed to engage a wide range of air breathing and ballistic targets in extremely severe clutter and jamming environments with unprecedented effectiveness. The missile is able to intercept targets traveling at a maximum speed of Mach 15 and at a maximum altitude of 35 km.

During operation, the Heroic is fed with a initial position and heading supplied by either the Pugio or Gladius system and uses it for an INS guidance much like the smaller Valiant. Its much larger engagement range, however, requires the need of a secondary Semi-Active Radar Homing (SARH) data link provided by a tracking radar, limiting a Throne battery to firing at maximum 16 Heroics at 8 distinct targets. The terminal Active Radar Homing nature of the Heroic allows for the feasibility of relying solely on INS for mid course and forgoing usage of the SARH in jamming/ECCM scenarios, but is reserved for only the most dire of situations.

The Heroic's cold launch consists of ejecting the missile to a height of 30 meters above its launch tube, where as its motor ignites. A Thrust Vectoring Control (TVC) system based on gas emission provides extreme maneuverability to the missile, and a 24 kg Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Warhead (MHE) allows for tailor made intelligent explosively formed penetrators to guarantee kills against targets. Both the Heroic IRAD and Warrior HPAD share many components and are similar in terms of weight and dimensions so much so that they share the same launch tube on a Throne TEL or TELAR. Variants of both the Heroic and Warrior missiles have variants dedicated to differing mission patterns with -A (home-on jam) and -B (passive radar homing) models giving the Throne system added utility.

Target Max Altitude: 20 km
Target Max Range: 1 - 40 km+
Target Max Speed: Mach 14 ~ 14.75
Guidance: INS + SARH Data link, ARH
Diameter: 240 mm
Length: 4.75 m
Weight: 333 kg
Speed: Mach 3
Warhead: 24 kg MHE

[b]'WARRIOR' HPAD missile:[/b] The 'Warrior' High Performance Air Defense missile is essentially a fully compatible, enhanced design Heroic IRAD with a stronger booster, higher ceiling, range and speed along with a hit-to-kill terminal mechanism.

Target Max Altitude: 35 km
Target Max Range: 1 - 120 km+
Target Max Speed: Mach 14 ~ 14.75
Guidance: INS + SARH Data link, ARH
Diameter: 240 mm
Length: 4.75 m
Weight: 420 kg
Speed: Mach 5
Warhead: Hit-to-Kill Penetrator

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Arctica will look into testing the news STARS platforms for possible implementation into its forces as part of a modernization effort. The Union's SAM platforms in particular are very out of date, as was shown in its fight against the Transvaal Nationalists some years ago.

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"The Principality would like to submit a formal request for an emergency summit of both civilian and military leadership for all African Union and African Union Security Force member states. AUSF units on the ground are providing troubling engagement reports of armed gangs engaging in racially motivated violence and reprisal attacks on one another," Minister Teguse would announce the Principality's concerns with a murderous serenity.

"The Transvaal-Afrikaner Front and the United Greater Zimbabwe Front have begun open clashes amongst one another in large population centers. There are many dead on both sides, and there is a clear and imminent danger that more will be added unless severe actions are undertaken by the AUSF."

Teguse slammed a gloved fist on the mahogany desk she shared with the other representatives, "Clearly, someone has chosen to test the African Union's resolve and willingness to lay down the law on its holdings. There will be no massacres, no chaos under our protection. I will personally see to it that these individuals are given the harshest terms for their daring."

Ushering an aide to the floor with an angry hand wave, Teguse sat back in her chair seething. Placing a hand to her chin, she began to speak over the projections that soon rose from the floor to stare the AU representatives in the face.

"Currently, AUSF personnel are engaging unauthorized armed civilians with multi-lingual orders to relinquish weapons and surrender, with the severity of engagement being carried out on a case by case basis. Patrols have been doubled, and fully armed and armored AUSF peacekeeping personnel are walking the streets and maintaining a heavy presence-"

Teguse paused, letting scenes of burning buildings being tended to by white armored fire fighters and machines, of power armored infantry engaging rifle wielding criminals and dead and wounded being tended to by Sisters of the Monastic Order of Medicine fill the hallowed halls of the AU council.

"-it is not enough. I request permission to deploy reinforcements immediately to the war torn regions. Due to the necessity of swift action, these forces are already in transit and will wait for authorization at any unavoidable checkpoints. The Principality will commit three divisions of Armored AUSF and Nascent Militant Command infantry. In addition, we will be deploying several squadrons of counter-insurgency UAV and UCAV units to monitor enemy movements and engage potential leadership elements when permission is granted by the rest of the council to allow for lethal force in dealing with this crisis."

Teguse glared at the projections in front of her as she inhaled deeply, "I will request, as soon as the council gives permission, the Ministry of National Intelligence to deploy a number of 'cleaners' to the region. Leadership elements of these provocative attacks will be dealt with silently, with no chance for them to become martyrs. There will be no glorious final stands, last speeches or embellished sword battles for these characters and their deserved deaths.

We face a critical juncture in the AU's history ladies and gentlemen. Let us not disappoint."

Edited by Executive Minister
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The PRA shall heed the call of its allies and begin to deploy its current AUSF designated troops in addition to peace-keeping technology to be deployed alongside them (UAVs). We will be landing additional AUSF troops at Firebase Lion shortly but in the meantime can deploy the 4,000 PRA AUSF soldiers currently there to assist in peace-keeping measures.

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Minister Teguse has the full support of Haven as well. Haven would immediately move 10,000 AUSF troops and 1,000 armored vehicles with another 30,000 troops being prepared to move if the conflict escalates more. When the additional troops got there they would immediately begin deploying UAV's and covering the areas of importance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a note to all other nations, the PRA is experiencing some mild political dissension/protests in our Nothern Algerian territories and we wish to inform all those who intend on traveling to the region proceed with caution. Also due to these protests we have been unable to keep up-to-date on the current situation in Southern Africa. Our troops remain in place and ready to proceed in support of the AU if the situation still remains.

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[u][b]Report to the AU regarding ongoing testing and implementation of STARS, compiled by the Arctican military[/b][/u]

Ongoing testing of several STARS platforms has, in our opinion, produced sufficiently successful results so as to warrant gradual implementation in the Indian Ocean Territory, the Union's main barrier against air attack coming from the east. This first line of defense from an attack force moving west across the Indian Ocean is highly valued, and thus we need to have the best possible equipment in this regard. It is our conclusion that STARS fits this role quite adequately, certainly moreso than our current air defense systems. If further trials as to widespread deployment produce results to our liking, STARS may gradually replace older systems throughout the Union, but this has yet to be seen. Until that time, we shall continue to purchase STARS platforms for deployment to the IOT and for extensive testing.

Until then, we would like to inquire as to the possible development of shipborne platforms, particularly those that may be implemented aboard the Arctican FFG that is currently on loan to the AU for this purpose.

Edited by Vedran
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Several STARS compliant defense systems are currently in the works. Nascent Military Industries (NMI) also has several offensive systems scheduled for release some time next year. Rest assured that the stationary/mobile nature of the STARS architecture would easily allow for current and future systems to be deployed at sea.

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The Arctican ambassador to the AU, Vincent Vance, relayed to the organization the recent events in Tunisia.

"The government of Terre Regius declared its sovereignty recently, and with Arctica not knowing its official protectorate status, the we sent an envoy to meet with their leader, King Andrea Gloval. It was ascertained that the declaration was premature in regards to protectorate protocols, and our envoy secured an agreement with the King to assist in presenting his state's case before the AU. My government wishes to let my fellow representatives know that our envoy will be working with myself to resolve this situation before the AU, in regards to their candidacy for formal recognition. It is evident that Terre Regium is [i]not[/i] an attempt by a foreign power to colonize Africa. Thus, we deem their claim eligible for consideration, but will reserve further judgment."

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