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African Unity Pact Actions Thread


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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336444233' post='2964986']
"Until some clarity can be thrown onto the question of why a Euro-centric monarchy somehow rose up in the midst of an Arab dominated region, KwaZulu, will have to vote no to the inclusion of this new nation into the African Union."

Upon further inquiry, the PRA wishes to echo these sentiments.

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Hiring of the former Legion forces to take up the role of African Union Security Forces for the expressed purposes of serving the needs of the African Union.

Specifically, the manning of various bases in conjunction with other African forces, internal African security issues, and providing stability in areas experiencing economic or political collapse.

Putting this proposal forward for discussion at this time.

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It wouldn't hurt, however, every force needs a strong structure of support, which Legion Ltd could provide given their long history in Africa. National Forces could provide QRF units to act within the AUSF while the Legion Ltd manpower could provide the bulk of the logistics, heavy armor, and naval power needed to conduct a medium sized long term campaign, and do so unsupported, and maintain several bases within the AUP.

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Still, if you need me to stock soldiers in Firebase Andy, just tell me. Right now, the only deployment is 1,500 soldiers, 15 tanks, 15 Artillery, and 15 SAM to that tiny island off my coast.

Edited by Joel James
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What forces you choose to provide and deploy to the proposed AUSF are at your discretion. I would recommend that you keep a reinforced brigade combat team of mechanized infantry on standby for immediate deployment at all times. A force of 10,000 men plus machines that can deployed by sea or air ought to be more than enough to deal with most small scale emergencies. Keep this unit ready and waiting for deployment within the AUSF structure at all times and you'd be doing a highly useful thing for all of Africa.

Particularly given you can stage these forces through the Legion staffed AU Firebases or National AU Bases belonging to AU members.

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With ongoing rebuilding efforts in South Africa having transitioned to civilian control and the situation in Natal winding down, many military assets in Arctica have been freed up and are available for joint endeavors by the AU. Engineers in particular are available to be tasked in developing infrastructure in AU military bases in addition to aiding construction for regions in need.

Additionally, a maximum of 10,000 infantry and complement hardware have been allocated to fill gaps in staffing on joint projects, on a rotating basis to provide the maximum amount of experience for each soldier. Several training facilities in the Mozambique wilderness have also been reserved for use by AUP members, upon request to the respective base commanders. The locations provide for ample access to jungle and mountain environments, and have been used for years to train scouts and snipers, as well as to acclimate regular troops to fighting and moving in such conditions. The facilities are still in use by Arctica, and visiting forces will need to schedule their operations accordingly so as to not intrude on ongoing activity.

The government is open to requests by the AU to build similar training facilities on its territory for use by the organization.

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A force of 1,000 soldiers and ten each of tanks, MHGs, S-400s, and Strykers have been dispatched from the nearest base to join their African comrades in Firebase Andy. Another deployment of 1,500 soldiers and their equivalents in armor are expected to join them after the first battalion has reached their destination, but it is not confirmed.

OOC: Don't chew my head off for this one TBM, please.

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"As a rapid decision can't seem to be made regarding the issue of Legion Ltd. Forces acting as an African Union Security Force, KwaZulu, will underwrite the expense of maintaining Legion Ltd. current deployments for the next five years as part of KwaZulu's ongoing commitment to African Union Security."

[b]Firebase Andy[/b]

Barracks space is made available to the arriving units from Atlantis.

To: Jacob Zuma
From: Major General Charles Beckwith, Legion Ltd.

Current dispositions-

Firebase Andy:
1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons F-23 Brownwidows
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Lion:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Bossaso:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Firebase Opie:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Port Sudan:

1 Services and Support Brigade
1 Armored Regimental Combat Team
1 Air Assault Regimental Combat Team
1 Artillery Brigade
12 Squadrons Legion Strike Fighters
6 Squadrons transport planes
6 mixed squadrons of helicopters

Port Sudan Ready Reserve Forces will commence Operation Ark shortly. This will begin the full scale migration of Legion Ltd's physical assets and manpower to KwaZulu for the purposes of creating the Legion Special Economic Zone within KwaZulu's borders. This migration will transport the bulk of Legion Ltd. current modern equipment, while leaving a detachment at Port Sudan to look over the Dengali Memorial Battlefield Site and to secure Legion Ltd's stockpiles of surplus equipment that are currently on the market.

Legion Ltd's AirForces

- Major General Charles Beckwith


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We in the PRA would wish to request support in establishing a new AU Base in Northern Algeria at the following location:


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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1337125961' post='2967858']

Heavy earth movers, concrete, empty shipping containers, reinforced steel, and eight foot steel sewer pipe would be the most useful in the short term."

-Major General Charles Beckwith
African Union Security Force
'Scourge of Africa'

Items are being sent as I send this message.

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The PRA is glad that such support is being received and shall be supplying necessary construction supplies and manpower as well as lemonade with little umbrellas on it for those supporting the construction.

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