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A State of War Exists...


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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1325991232' post='2895313']
OOC: Yall realize this is non canon until Vedran pm's with me right?

OOC: no.. It's canon alright. You don't get to change it at the last second to save your allies from a beat down in the making.


Sovann nearly chokes on his breakfast of Cheerios as he reads the morning dispatches. "Get me Suvah on the phone!"

"Sir, what are New Cambodia's intentions towards this blatant act of aggression?"

"Well my old friend we are a neutral nation. However, should people volunteer to act in the defense of the peaceful nation of Artica we will allow them to go."

"Hmmm.. I suppose a supply of munitions could be dropped off at a certain point if you catch my meaning."

"You are a horrible man Sovann," Suvah replies.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1325995175' post='2895365']
OOC: no.. It's canon alright. You don't get to change it at the last second to save your allies from a beat down in the making. [/quote]
OOC: Blame the GMs for their sudden emphasis on "war needs to be planned for it to be canon" notes. I have no idea how that even applies now.

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OOC: The rp is on hold.. not non-canon. There is a huge difference and believe me, I intend to argue as much when I get into GMCNRP in a few minutes.


"Are you kidding me? The entire 2nd and 3rd Spartan Marine Divisions have put in requests for leave?" Sovann asks.

"Yeah along with the 555th and 556th Air Strike Wings."

"Oh god, well grant it I guess. Bury the paperwork somewhere," Sovann says.

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OOC: The rule that requires an attacker to attempt to plan exists to enhance the quality of RP and shield the defender from overwhelming blitzing strategies. It does not exist to stifle RP and provide an aggressor with a get out of jail free card by neutralizing the community's ability to respond. You are not allowed to advance in your war until verdan responds, but that shouldn't stop us from responding or initiating secondary planned wars with you.

IC: "Avalon is deeply disturbed by the actions of its new trade partner." - Michael Atrevier, Councilor Superior of Avalon

Edited by iamthey
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[b][OOC: Alright, there appears to have been some miscommunication on the issue at hand here, currently, the GM Team is considering this roleplay on HOLD until Vedran responds to it, or graniteknight and he can plan this whole shindig. Interpreting Centurius' earlier post, graniteknight's actions to jump the gun and go without planning basically puts this thread into a freeze on actions on it, giving Vedran a chance to plan it with graniteknight, or a chance to respond to it.

The HOLD on this thread will NOT allow graniteknight to retcon this thread, since his actions were his own doing, so are consequences for them. In regards to war planning, antagonists are expected to make a "concerted and honest" effort to plan their wars with their opponents to reduce OOC banter. That being said, if war planning cannot be achieved between two opponents, the aggressor [i]still[/i] has the chance to continue with their invasion.

The benefit of prior war planning, before launching the invasion or initiating a declaration of war, allows for aggressors to avoid the declaration altogether if they have second thoughts after the planning session, but in this case, graniteknight jumped the gun on it, and invaded anyways. Therefore, these actions are CANON, but they are currently on HOLD, and I suggest all of you planning to do deployments to keep your guns holstered and wait for Vedran and graniteknight to work this out, or until the hold is lifted. Official statements by diplomatic agencies are fine, but keep the troop alerts and deployments/military actions out for now. Sorry for the OOC post, and what appears to be a simple misunderstanding, any further discussion on this matter can be made in the GM's Court or in #gmcnrp to reduce OOC banter in this thread.][/b]

[b]Edit: Edited for clarification on a few points.[/b]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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In other news, McDough Publishing received an purchase order from President Natas for a few dozen thousands of "Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy for Idiots" textbooks and a request to mail them to Australia's government.

The request also specified mailing two of the textbooks to John C. Flemming...

Edited by HHAYD
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