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News of The Solar Kingdom

Joel James

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[color="#FFA500"][size="5"][center][b]DEFCON 3[/b][/center][/size][/color]

[b][color="#FF0000"][u]Rogue/Unstable Nations[/u][/color]

[color="#00FF00"]Democratic Republic of Gallifrey
Socialist People's Republic of Australia
Republic of Peru[/color][/b]

[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
1. The Solar Kingdom proclaims its existance today
2. A treaty with The Pricipality of Gallifrey signed (the old treaty)
3. King Joel James is seeking entrance into USAN
4. The capital, Solar City, and various port cities are being constructed
5. Census is undertaken
6. The Constitution of The Solar Kingdom is being written.
7. 5 Factories are being constructed.

Edited by Joel James
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[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
[b]1.[/b] King Joel James has approved of a program to develop the BrahMos Missile. Upon its completion, the BrahMos missiles will be supplied to all Destoryers and Cruisers. They wil also be modified to be used on aircraft and on land.

[b]2.[/b] King Joel James has scrapped the idea of writing a constitution, stating that it is "time consuming and not worth it". To placate the people, he has appointed district judges and a 100-representative national Congress to help deal with national matters. The King can overturn any of their dicisions.

[b]3.[/b] The Congress has been elected.
37 representatives elected are Radicals
51 representatives elected are Moderates
12 representatives elected are Independents

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[i][u][b]Immediate News[/b][/u][/i]
1. King Joel James has released a statement in the name of The Solar Kingdom. "While The Solar Kingdom does not support the conflict between The Grand Principality of Vicidalia and New Panama, it does not oppose it either. This kingdom will stay in a state of neutrality regarding the New Panaman conflict" The people of The Solar Kingdom thank there king for this choice, which will hopefully keep them out of war.

Edited by Joel James
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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1325083704' post='2887962']
[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
2. A treaty with The Pricipality of Gallifrey signed (the old treaty)


"New Cambodia can't help but being confused as to how your new nation carried over a treaty from one nation to the next. Is your nation truly a new nation or is your nation an cabal of former failed leaders from West India who are imposing a colonial regime on the natives of South America through tyranny and force?

Further, existence is not spelled with the use of the letter 'a'."


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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I will try to explain this as easily as possible. We are the old leader os West India, and we decided to move our nation to South America. I no longer have any power in India. The ogvernment of Gallifrey and I did not feel like re-writing a new treaty, so we will use the old one. The only thing is I forgot to edit it and repost. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
[b]1.[/b] In the BrahMos missile project, scientists have managed to create thrusters to move a payload similar to the size of the real missile at Mach 1.2. There goal is to reach Mach 3 before constructing the missile.

[b]2.[/b] The construction of the capital city and it's airfields are completed today. The other major cities are still under construction.

[b]3.[/b] The manpower needed in the military and for construction is so great, unemployment has fell from 16% to 1.3%.

[b]4.[/b] King Joel James's approval rating has gone from 25% to 60%.

[b]5.[/b] The construction of the port city Santiago was started today.


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The Solar Kingdom has sped up its BrahMos missile research and started researching nukes in the face of war. They Kingdom is placed at DEFCON 3 due to the threat of war.

Edited by Joel James
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When the last visitor had left his room, King Simon temoved his plastered smile and sat down, holding his head in his hands. "Is it always this hard running a country?" He asked himself. "It was so much easier being on the staff". He thought back on what he had donw today. He wrote the Bill of Rights for the citizens in his country. Three hours of work put in there. It took so long to create the Bill. A few in Congress thought it wasn't needed, and other thought that it wasn't enough. It barely passed with 81 votes. He only managed to sway the last group of seven Congressmen by telling them that we will add on to it within 6 months.

King Simon stood up and dragged himself into the shower. No better way to release your stress than by taking a nice long shower. Je turned the water up to full blast, and let the water carry away all of his troubles. After his shower, he put on a pair of clean clothes and slipped into bed. He wanted his 8 hours, the time that he could keep to himself. The rest of the Constitution would have to wait. He was exhausted.

Edited by Joel James
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After consulting his maps, King Simon authorized the drilling of a know oil reserve. He knows that making the drill and hitting the offshore oil will take some time, but it will be well worth it. This oil will help fuel the military vehicles, and reduce the kingdom's dependence of on foreign oil. The king, with the authorization of COngress, hopes to sell some of the surplus oil to the world market. Some of the kingdo's top scientists estimate that their good be between 25-40 billion barrels of oil in this one reserve.

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BOOM! The explosion stretched of in the distance, 290km away, on a dummy Corvette 10 miles of our coast. Tje good think was even though it had to travel that far, it. made it in under 5 minutes, around 4 minutes and 36 seconds. The Solar Military, after a while of work, had managed to make the BrahMos missile fly at Mach 3 and accurately hit a target. It was there third try. At the first attempt, the missile did hit the target, but it only travelled at Mach 2.5. At the second attempt, the missile traveled at Mach 3, but it was inaccurate. Now that had perfected it. The Solar Kingdom government, upon hearing this news, put an order for 1,750 missiles, enough to outfit each aircraft with 2, each Corvette with 5, each landing ship with 5, each cruiser and battleship with 10, and each destroyer with 25. There will also be 290 land based missiles and launchers. This is a $5.6 billion contract, and the missile company is happy to receive it.

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While King Simon does not like the government head of the false state of Florida, he could not stand by and let those people suffer due to the injustices initiated by the Flordian government. King Simon takes out a piece of paper and a pen and writes a short note. We calls an aide into his office, and hands him the note, telling him to bring it to Congress. The vote was quick and overwhelming. Congress had apporved of the king's pla to send a Corvette to the false state of Florida to help with relief efforts. The Corvette had already been dispatched, containing in its cargo food, water, and medical supplies to help the inhabitants of the foreign region.

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[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
Needing to replace its Eurofighter Typhoons with a modified version of the F-22 Raptor. Considering the kingdom's technology, the modifications will include new and improved radar jammers, electronic warfare, and a user interface helmet, to make the controls simpler and more easier to use. They will also be modified to carry BrahMos missies if needed. They will also be fitted with larger tanks and fuel efficient engines, so they will have a maximum range of 3,000 miles. 400 fighters are planned to be produced.

The Solar Air Force is also looking into bombers. They will construct the B-1 Lancer with a few modifications. Radar Jammers and User Interface helmets will be included., just as the fighters. The fuel efficient engines will also be replaced to fly at Mach 1.8-2. They are planned to have a range of 4,500 miles. 290 of these bombers are planned to be produced.

The Solar Airforce is looking into building stealth bombers. The choice is the modified B-2 Stealth Bomber. The same UI helmet will be included, including a better engine to increase speed to Mach 1.2-1.3. They will have upgraded radars, be outfitted for electronic warfare, and have a maximum range of 7,800 miles. They will also have newer radar jammers. 30 stealth bombers are planned.

Even though the order is large, the technology is available, so fitting all these aircraft shouldn't take too long. It is expected to take 3 months for this project to be completed. The total cost for this contract is $80 billion.

[u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u]
Each navy Corvette will be armed with 2 76mm guns and 2 40mm guns. They will also be armed with 3 BrahMos missiles. They will also contain 6 light torpedos and 6 heavy torpedos. Each landing ship will have 3 76mm guns and 3 40mm guns. They will carry 5 BrahMos missiles. They will also carry 10 light torpedos and 10 heavy torpedos. Each Battleship will have 8 76mm guns and 8 40mm guns. They will be armed with 15 BrahMos missiles. They will also carry 12 light torpedos and 12 heavy torpedos. Cruisers will carry 3 76mm guns and 3 40mm guns. They are also armed with 10 BrahMos missiles. They each have 10 light torpedos and 10 heavy torpedos. Each battleship will carry 5 76mm guns and 5 40mm guns. They will also be armed with 15 BrahMos missiles. They also have 10 light torpedos and 10 heavy torpedos.

For defense against aircraft, the Slar Kingdom military is looking into the Russian P-400 Triumf. It looks like a good investment, and is being researched right now.

OOC: If any of this seems unreasonalbe, please make a post in this thread explaining why.

Edited by Joel James
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325387716' post='2889823']
Ooc: so corvette with slanted front and brahmos missiles.Yeah
It had a sloped hull and was BrahMos missile CAPABLE. It doesn't contain any missiles itself. Other than that, it is a downsized version of the Type 45.

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Finished. It was finally finished. The Solar Kingdom Government was always worried abut the potential of enemy aircraft, and had no way of defensing themselves or their country against it-until now. Research for the S-400 the 40N6 missile version. This technology cost billions, but it was well worth it. With the research and testing put together, they were finally able to formally record these statistics:

Propellant: solid propellant rocket motor
Operational Range: 250 miles
Flight Ceiling: >116 miles
Boost Time: Cold Launch Ejection System
Speed: Mach 12
Guidanance System: Inertial guidance with radio command corrections
Steering System: gas dynamic flight control system

The production of 3200 of these systems and 16000 missiles and underway, and will cost a projected $96 billion

Raptors, Lancers, and Stealth Bombers finished construction

The 2 Corvettes have been called back from NA.

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The Solar Kingdom, with the threat of war, has begin to fortify the kingdom. Every city will have a giant trench dug out to surround it, leaving only two lanes - one for an entrance and one for an exit. Artillery pieces, SAMs and tanks have been deployed to every one of the six major cities. Division one and two will be placed in the North, Divisions three and four and five will be placed in the south, Divisions six and seven will be placed in the west, and The RRF and Division eight will be placed in the east, by the coast in the east. The BrahMos missiles are being checked for problems, and the aircraft available right now are spread throughot the nation. They aren't very good, but they will work well. Radar is up and running, and Sonar has been given to the coastal defenders. Pillboxes, trenches, walls, and other barricades are being constructed in the coast and in all the borders and cities. the navy is guarding the coast from any possible attack. The two Corvettes are coming back to the Solar Kingdom as fast as possible.

The Solar Kingdom is placed in DEFCON 3

OOC: I will try and pu in a map, but no promises.

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