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Hello, my name is Inquisitor Tolkien, formerly known as Tolkien. Use to be a pretty active member/government leader in my old alliances (whom are now all defunct and merged, sadly). I went into retirement after subbing for our MoD during the C&G-TOP war thingymagig. Now I have, for reasons unknown to myself, come back out of retirement. Not quite sure what I'll do, or who I'm going to join for an alliance. I may look into going to TLR, considering that is where GR merged into. Then again, maybe not.

Anyone here looking for a veteran, by some coincidence?

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[quote name='Cress' timestamp='1323970942' post='2878938']

Check us out!
By any chance, do you have a link to your charter and diplomatic relations (i.e. treaties and such)?

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Here check us out here [url="http://www.edsmatrix.net/adude/index.php"]Forums[/url]

We are experienced and very active. We all know each other from the TE edition where we are in various govt positions throughout.
IRC Channel #Oceania-cn

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104875&st=0&p=2792023&hl=oceania&fromsearch=1&#entry2792023 link to charter.

Also We are protected by NPO at the moment and that is the onyl treaty we hold at this time

Edited by Stelios
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[quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1323973445' post='2878974']
Here check us out here [url="http://www.edsmatrix.net/adude/index.php"]Forums[/url]

We are experienced and very active. We all know each other from the TE edition where we are in various govt positions throughout.
IRC Channel #Oceania-cn

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=104875&st=0&p=2792023&hl=oceania&fromsearch=1&#entry2792023 link to charter.

Also We are protected by NPO at the moment and that is the onyl treaty we hold at this time

Come to Deinos we always like nations with experience


IRC: #deinos

I'm usually on so stop by and have a chat.

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Like Cress has said, I believe you could make GPF (Global Protection Force) A nice little home for you.

We are small, we are young, we are new, but that't changing.

We are a young alliance, but we are humble, we understand that there are different needs for every player. Some people don't like gov, great then gov isn't for you, but some people do, and we try to give everyone that opportunity to grow and have fun doing something they like to do in their alliance..

We are one one of those alliances that have 4 people that run the entire alliance, and that is how it has been and that is how it always will be. Nope not us.

If you just look at our status you can see how we recruit, and how robust our recruitment department is for an alliance our size.

We have an active government, those screenshot are from our "Members Channel" And from our forum. Pics or its not true, well just look below you, I'd say its true, we are an active bunch going places, looking to accommodate anyone within reason, who is willing to grow up and help shape our alliance.



And I just want to say, I believe in this cause, because my alliance believe in it <3 GPF

FOURM: http://cn-gpf.info/forum/

Edited by Evella Vada
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Hey Tolkien. I remember your name fondly, and I'm sure I'm not the only Deinosian to do so.

We're currently the fastest growing alliance in CN, and have very strong forums and IRC activity. We are treatied to Umbrella and TLR. I have no idea what else to throw in here to entice an experienced CNer, so I'll just say that if you want to know more, #deinos is the channel to do that.

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Hey Tolkien I remember you!

Why don't you take a look at my alliance The College of Winterhold, it is based off the game Skyrim, so if you're a fan its the place for you. We have solid foundations and we are building up our numbers. Our theme seems to make an impression on a lot of people within Cybernations and I feel that this alliance will be a great home for you.

We have open spots in government that you could be great in, with your background and experience. Our gov and members are active so there is not a problem with "being alone" on IRC or the forums.

This is our DoE: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107287 it seems to be a little rough around the edges considering the time we DoE'd, but we have been consistently bettering throughout CN.

We have great goals and are extremely motivated to keep CN active and provide a great community for each of our members. I feel that you're looking for a place to plant your roots, TWC is the place for you and we would love to have more experience, we have some brand new nations, but a few of us have YEARS devoted into this game.

I'm not gonna force you to join or send you how many people are on our forums or IRC ( ;) GPF <3 )

If you have any further questions you can come to our forums http://winterhold.net and check us out or you can drop by our IRC channel #TCW and chat it up with us.

I hope in the end, you pick the best alliance for yourself, but we'd love to see you in TCW.

Thanks and good luck Tolkien

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1324007249' post='2879462']
Hey Tolkien. I remember your name fondly, and I'm sure I'm not the only Deinosian to do so.

We're currently the fastest growing alliance in CN, and have very strong forums and IRC activity. We are treatied to Umbrella and TLR. I have no idea what else to throw in here to entice an experienced CNer, so I'll just say that if you want to know more, #deinos is the channel to do that.

Join Deinos trust me you will not be sorry if you do so.

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well, I sent you a message awhile back, and I don't know if you're still looking for an alliance. If you have in-fact found one, I wish you luck at you're new home. If not, I believe The Dark Empire is the place for you.

We're new in the grand scheme of things, and we're always looking for older more experienced members. We focus on economic growth, and have gained a reputation for being honorable and reasonable when it comes to tech selling.

If you're still looking, visit us at #thedarkempire on coldfront, or on our forums:http://darkempire.forumotion.com/

Hope you find a good alliance.

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Ahh, I would recomend Deinos if there wasn't a better alternative ;)

Join the ODN, and get your voice heard :P, we are also part of THE BEST BLOC, C&G.
Also you can try to get the millionth post on our forums :D
We are certainly active and all that Jazz

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Gruß Gott!

As a government minister, I can say that [b][url="http://tgecn.com"][u]The German Empire[/u][/url][/b] would love to have you, and I'm sure you'll be interested after you take a look at us. We've reformed as of late July and have a completely new line-up, new Propaganda Ministry, and a new direction. As an experienced member, if you're looking for an alliance you can be heavily active in and contribute a great deal to, TGECN is definitely the choice for you.

Even if you don't choose us, though, we invite you to visit our forums and see what we're all about. I am confident you'll be impressed with what we have. Also, on a more personal note, as a fellow Tolkien fan, I can say that I personally would very much like to see you join us and add to the appreciation of history and language that I have been fostering in our AA.

We're also the home of my own graphics corporation, Eccardopolis Graphics Co., which does commission work for all alliances, but only does free work for members of The German Empire. To take advantage of the huge benefits of having E.G. & Co. work exclusively for [i]you[/i], join us at TGECN. Come chat with us on #TGECN if you're not sure or if you have questions, or just feel free to PM me or any of our government ministers.


[b]Reichsminister für Propaganda und Volksaufklärung, TGECN[/b]


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