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The GM's Court


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There was a grievous infraction that transpired, a member of the CNRP community, two of them in fact, have recently taken it upon themselves to betray the trust of their fellow rpers.

That's a serious problem my good man. I vote for Gloval and Lord Liam to be expunged from the map, failing that they should be loudly abused in IRC.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1353713158' post='3056631']
failing that they should be loudly abused in IRC.
I am habituated to this and as such would even expect it even if I were not accused. Therefore, I accept your charges, Mr. Tidy Bowl Man and shall plead guilty. I am how ever, still opposed to the punishment of being erased from the playing board as I do not believe such an infraction warrants such punishment.

In addition to that, I would also like to bring charges against Mr. TBM for insulting me indirectly, thus causing harm to my honour. I propose that the harm to my and my nation's honour shall be redeemed if TBM is made to write a haiku that describes the natural wonders of Scotland favourably as punishment.

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Could I have an auto advance on Lordliam for the purposes of securing Dumfries/Galloway and the Borders? For those who are not familiar with counties of Britain, they are the first two Scottish counties on the border with England.

My reasons for the request are that whilst he has responded to a naval skirmish, he has not made any effort at all to respond to the ground invasion since or the air war I posted it on the 16th of November. He has not responded at all to the damages inflicted on the mainland beyond recognizing the attacks on his communications/internet.

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Could you please have a look at this thread. It's quite obvious that TBM does not care about roleplaying. He'd rather turn the entire thread into one big troll fest, ignoring and mocking my last post.

This is becoming annoying, and I would like to move on with my life. Please tell him to accept his losses and move onto somewhere else, because he is not welcomed in Ireland.

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Something that has been bothering me for some time: How do we differentiate between tanks and other AFVs? Under current rules you can basically have a "reasonable" number of the M1128 Mobile Gun System because it isn't a tank by technical definition. Perhaps we should just expand the definition of IG tanks to include all AFVs?

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As TBM hasn't surrendered or signed anything of the likes, he doesn't really need to accept his loss. He could go on to RP an insurgency. He could also argue that what I think is a fighter plane spotting two/three men from thousands of feet in the air is a godmod, he also never stated that the football pitch was near the mayors residence so you very well might of bombed a child's football team, although it could be argued that TBM is godmodding there under common sense... ireland was nuked into the ground, and children are out playing football just over the border? It makes no sense. Not to mention that all these "accidents" are within viewing range of the mayors position.

Just take a breather, sit back and do it the old fashioned way with soldiers and arrest him in person. Its less work for the GM's to deal with for a simple solution.

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Or Malatose could politely refrain from trying rp Irish citizen's actions like he's done so on two separate occasions. First by claiming Belfast was in the middle of a rush hour, second by picking up my mayor, in the wrong place no less, and doing the mayor's actions for him.

Now I do admit the kiddie soccer team is a bit much, I will change it to something else, perhaps a Senior Citizen's Prayer group.

And really, is this the state of CNRP? Trying to force someone out via the GM court because they aren't rolling over like the properly beaten dog they ought to be? Which is a bit ironic because this is exactly what the Irish did, rolled over and surrendered, I just never gave up control of the Irish OOCLy, and I fully intend to rp them as an occupied power/race/whatever their status happens to be.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Two rolls to learn about the general advancement of troops by Chris via routine reconnaissance. One is for three hours before border, and the second is for half an hour before border.

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[quote name='Poseida' timestamp='1354494326' post='3059718']

Two rolls to learn about the general advancement of troops by Chris via routine reconnaissance. One is for three hours before border, and the second is for half an hour before border.

Roll 1: 75
Roll 2: 11

1 win, 1 loss

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