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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1336072487' post='2962940']
Just want to clear something up, agree or disagree with anything else, the last move before the long wait was hers, making her wait for Triyun, so if anything, the Autoadvance should have been hers...because from what I understand, autoadvances have always been granted to the LAST person to reply.

Just saying. *Shrugs* Not going to contest the ruling, as I'm not affected, but I thought this should be brought up if we're going to change precedent on autoadvances of any kind.

You've got to request an auto advance to get one. I posted my request well after I made my last post which was the last post in the topic.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1336073713' post='2962957']
You've got to request an auto advance to get one. I posted my request well after I made my last post which was the last post in the topic.
And how, before precedent was set, was anyone supposed to know autoadvances applied to character RP's? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1336073479' post='2962952']
I for one call both of the rulings BS.
RPs should go inactive after some time, so that something like Triyun did or TBM is planning will not happen again.

Umm.. NO.

I've been waiting on Jesbro to resurface for a very long time so I can force him to finish. Why should the work I did in helping corner those Deltadweebs be for nothing? Doesn't matter when it happened, it's still valid rp. The only difference is most people forget about them or just don't bother.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336083377' post='2963054']
Why wouldn't an autoadvance apply to a character rp? Are you somehow saying character rp is less worthy and not deserving of the same consideration and respect that nation state rp is afforded?
You would twist words to say that. They are worth the same consideration, equal inasmuch the respect they deserve, but they are not the same, any more than a cat and dog are the same. Doesn't mean you can go kick one but respect the other simply for its difference.

Character RP is NOT WAR. And War is a very SPECIFIC subset of national RP. You can't apply the same rules to an entire kind of RP that only apply to a subset of another.

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War RP is just an extension of Character RP. Autoadvances should be requested, because otherwise if someone waits a few days to post their attack, then the other can just kill the character without requesting it. It makes sense.

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[quote name='Bacharth' timestamp='1336098753' post='2963221']
War RP is just an extension of Character RP. Autoadvances should be requested, because otherwise if someone waits a few days to post their attack, then the other can just kill the character without requesting it. It makes sense.
errr, no. War RP is an extension of NATIONAL RP. Character RP can be used to illustrate war RP, and yes, if it's done like that, then it can be called a subset of it. However, this was not a war.

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And a nation is nothing more than a character we create. What's so hard to grasp about that? The only difference is that our characters (nation) we create can be destroyed at will, and characters have a special set of rules attached to them. A battle between two characters is as much a war as a battle between hundreds of thousands of characters. If you seriously, untrollingly fail to see no difference, other than that of sheer numbers, I weep for you.

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There is no real difference between national role play and character role play. It's a macro/micro sort of thing and of course a character has to be put in a place of deliberate danger to be attacked.

However, there is nothing stopping me from making a place dangerous for another person's characters for the purpose of me taking them out. That's a shift from macro to micro by using national level events to drive the character rp to a desired conclusion.

Get used to it spanky, your characters never were all that safe, despite people thinking they were.

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[quote name='Bacharth' timestamp='1336100703' post='2963237']
And a nation is nothing more than a character we create. What's so hard to grasp about that? The only difference is that our characters (nation) we create can be destroyed at will, and characters have a special set of rules attached to them. A battle between two characters is as much a war as a battle between hundreds of thousands of characters. If you seriously, untrollingly fail to see no difference, other than that of sheer numbers, I weep for you.
Except for the thing that it wasn't anywhere near a battle, or a fight...but with TBM's thread, I can see the justification, kind of, if we accept the assumption that they are the same.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336110034' post='2963298']
There is no real difference between national role play and character role play. It's a macro/micro sort of thing and of course a character has to be put in a place of deliberate danger to be attacked.

However, there is nothing stopping me from making a place dangerous for another person's characters for the purpose of me taking them out. That's a shift from macro to micro by using national level events to drive the character rp to a desired conclusion.

Get used to it spanky, your characters never were all that safe, despite people thinking they were.
Alright, if we ARE insisting that autoadvances apply because there is no real differences except for scale, then there's another aspect that comes into play...mutual agreement--i.e. preplanning.

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Yes and no. If someone places their character into harms way on their own accord I see no reason why I need to preplan the event providing I'm not jumping into the middle of another person's rp using means that would be obviously moronic just to make a kill. If someone's character is forced into a dangerous situation by an ongoing national rp that's another story, but the war will have already been preplanned. The only preplanning I need to do for a war is make a genuine effort, if during that war I make it a point to go after characters due to me turning someone's entire nation into a danger zone, that's war.

It's always been that way, no one has pushed it until now.

The shot is there, take it.

Now random encounters due to foolhardy rpers... It's not my problem someone put their character in a pickle, but I certainly will take advantage of the situation if I feel like it.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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A problem here is that considering promises were made on what a specific character was supposed to do in the planned RP, completely changing the promise in this matter is no different from what Mara did with one particular RP. If we as players are going to be breaking promises made like this for OOC objectives, then what exactly are we doing? The basic fabrics of agreement between players are being broken, and this is a problem. If we accept such changes, then now everyone will be at the mercy of sudden changes of RPs outside the boundaries of player decency. This is something the GMs are supposed to prevent, not support.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1336128037' post='2963361']
A problem here is that considering promises were made on what a specific character was supposed to do in the planned RP, completely changing the promise in this matter is no different from what Mara did with one particular RP. If we as players are going to be breaking promises made like this for OOC objectives, then what exactly are we doing? The basic fabrics of agreement between players are being broken, and this is a problem. If we accept such changes, then now everyone will be at the mercy of sudden changes of RPs outside the boundaries of player decency. This is something the GMs are supposed to prevent, not support.

The rule has always been you can't simply kill a character, it does not cover imprisonment or any other similar RP events.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1336128037' post='2963361']
A problem here is that considering promises were made on what a specific character was supposed to do in the planned RP, completely changing the promise in this matter is no different from what Mara did with one particular RP. If we as players are going to be breaking promises made like this for OOC objectives, then what exactly are we doing? The basic fabrics of agreement between players are being broken, and this is a problem. If we accept such changes, then now everyone will be at the mercy of sudden changes of RPs outside the boundaries of player decency. This is something the GMs are supposed to prevent, not support.

In any nation I've ever rped a character guilty of a crime against my nation or another is liable to get a spanking for it no matter who they are or what is going on.

You took on Akeiko Sumeragi's crimes when you "inherited" her characters. Don't want to do the time, don't do the crime and so forth.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1336132126' post='2963377']
The rule has always been you can't simply kill a character, it does not cover imprisonment or any other similar RP events.
Except Triyun clearly stated the fate of the character on IRC.

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yeah.... applying auto advance rules to character RPs are something I don't like... Don't translate the inherent competitiveness of war to character RPs. CRPs, if not done purely to get back at another RPer, should be a cooperative endeavour between two rpers to create a well done story. If both parties consent to writing a good story, why would the other party need an autoadvance over the other? I'd hate to see CRPs be relegated to the same distasteful medium of advancing one's own goals at the expense of another as war currently is.

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No, going to disagree with you there, good character role play involves an element of risk for your characters. This artificial rule based safe harbor CNRP has afforded character role play has always been a bad idea in my opinion, I've never liked it, and I will always oppose it.

Role play also involves with having things happen to your nation and character that you don't like as well and things make you mighty angry. That's part of the game, you don't always win and sometimes another person will carry the day at your expense. Too bad, that's what brings some people to the table, some people want to win, and by winning I mean mounting your character's head on their wall above their fireplace.

It's about time CNRP start applying appropriate levels of aggression towards characters, this coddling... ball cupping of people's sensibilities is just pathetic.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336168318' post='2963498']
No, going to disagree with you there, good character role play involves an element of risk for your characters. This artificial rule based safe harbor CNRP has afforded character role play has always been a bad idea in my opinion, I've never liked it, and I will always oppose it.

Role play also involves with having things happen to your nation and character that you don't like as well and things make you mighty angry. That's part of the game, you don't always win and sometimes another person will carry the day at your expense. Too bad, that's what brings some people to the table, some people want to win, and by winning I mean mounting your character's head on their wall above their fireplace.

It's about time CNRP start applying appropriate levels of aggression towards characters, this coddling... ball cupping of people's sensibilities is just pathetic.

Yeah TBM, not everyone is a maverick willing do that. Then again, there are the gems that ARE able to throw away characters at a whim... but this ain't the wild, the strongest do not necessarily need to be the only survivors here.

Not all good RPs need be competitions, i'll keep saying this again and again. Your statement is correct for part of the time, but definitely not an all encompassing fact.

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You don't want your characters killed, don't put them in a place where others can get at them. Nothing is sacred in RP, and I literally mean nothing.

The sooner some of you crybabies man up and accept it, the sooner we can start gunning down people in violent orgies of death and destruction.

Besides, your vision of fun clearly does not jive with mine. My idea of a good time it killing someone's character, but I willingly accept the risk that what can go wrong, will go wrong and that I could very well lose my own character.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336195759' post='2963792'][b]
You don't want your characters killed, don't put them in a place where others can get at them. Nothing is sacred in RP, and I literally mean nothing.[/b]

The sooner some of you crybabies man up and accept it, the sooner we can start gunning down people in violent orgies of death and destruction.

Besides, your vision of fun clearly does not jive with mine. My idea of a good time it killing someone's character, but I willingly accept the risk that what can go wrong, will go wrong and that I could very well lose my own character.

I didn't necessarily agree or disagree with this... I merely disagree with the fact that all Character RPs are competitions and should have autoadvances (obviously disregarding Kankou/Triyun interactions when I say this).

Edited by Executive Minister
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