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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335254829' post='2958423']
Another round please~

1-50 Win
51-100 Lose

2 54

One win, one loss, guv'nor.

Remember that these rolls give you the ability to roleplay members of your own military acting as your opponents, and you gain [i]no[/i] control over their troops at all.

[quote]<TheShammySocialist> I disapprove of atrocities.
<TheShammySocialist> Especially if they are like the last ones.
<Kuko (Kankou)> I assure you, they aren't like the last ones
<Kuko (Kankou)> purely military false flag operations[/quote]

I suggest avoiding any further graphic descriptions of atrocities or the use of them in general, given the last roleplay of them was rather distasteful as it was. Of course, you are welcome to write what you want, but there are forum rules that oversee us all, and this is a message to everyone, and I think its bad taste to see such roleplay used in this environment. Given the wide variety of ages for the CNRP community, I suggest that writing these scenes, which could be construed as going against forum rules as they stand, as a personal [i]request[/i] to the community, be avoided at all costs.

I suggest that these "military false flag operations" be much more in line with such types of attacks; like, for example, attacking one of your own ground convoys and blaming it on someone else, something like that.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Because I'm nice, I'm requesting a roll to disable the failsafe bomb in Mara's armour instead of outright disabling it through RP.

Chance for failure and whatnot.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335398345' post='2959323']

2 nuke killer rolls please.

1-30 Lose
31-100 Win

95 77

Two wins!

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1335402477' post='2959378']
Because I'm nice, I'm requesting a roll to disable the failsafe bomb in Mara's armour instead of outright disabling it through RP.

Chance for failure and whatnot.

1-10 Fail
11-100 Win



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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1335404546' post='2959406']
1-10 Fail
11-100 Win


Much obliged.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1335404597' post='2959407']
So you want a role to determine if you can even safely disarm it?

Personally, I'd just launch her and the bomb into space and use her for orbital gunnery practice.
I was being nice. Also, I need her alive, and want to examine the suit. Roleplaying purposes.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1335312534' post='2958717']
Id like to request a second roll since I posted that like 3 pages ago. If not its whatever but it seems only fair.

69 32

First a fail, second success.

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I'd like to request SDI rolls against the nukes that were sent at me. Additionally I'd like to question 20 megaton 'dirty' bombs. Two more nuke destroying spyrolls too please.

I would also like to restate the policy the GMs have now adopted regarding Kankou. As Kankou has consistently refused damage we three GMs have determined that if she fails to take reasonable damage in a post, she simply will surrender the right to RP damage to the author of the attack against her. This method is harsh, but she's simply failed to improve her behavior and thus it is unfair to other players to have to spend days after each post fighting with her to take the most minimal of damage. God moding is god moding.

Also for the Record since we should keep track:

Kankou's completely is out of WMD as she's not had a nation and been firing them off since the Swede thing began
She's also lacked a nation to regenerate nukes. Currently she had fired by our count 20, I've destroyed two with spyrolls, three nukes remain.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335476789' post='2959859']
I'd like to request SDI rolls against the nukes that were sent at me. Additionally I'd like to question 20 megaton 'dirty' bombs. Two more nuke destroying spyrolls too please.

I would also like to restate the policy the GMs have now adopted regarding Kankou. As Kankou has consistently refused damage we three GMs have determined that if she fails to take reasonable damage in a post, she simply will surrender the right to RP damage to the author of the attack against her. This method is harsh, but she's simply failed to improve her behavior and thus it is unfair to other players to have to spend days after each post fighting with her to take the most minimal of damage. God moding is god moding.

SDI Rolls:
52 4 13

3 nukes intercepted.

Nuke killer:
42 100

One success, one failure

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335476789' post='2959859']Additionally I'd like to question 20 megaton 'dirty' bombs.[/quote]
Don't know how to express this particular weapon. Should I edit it to say "spreading of radiation along the entire coastline with a range of 10 km inland, at the rate of 10 mSv/h"?

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335476789' post='2959859']I would also like to restate the policy the GMs have now adopted regarding Kankou. As Kankou has consistently refused damage we three GMs have determined that if she fails to take reasonable damage in a post, she simply will surrender the right to RP damage to the author of the attack against her. This method is harsh, but she's simply failed to improve her behavior and thus it is unfair to other players to have to spend days after each post fighting with her to take the most minimal of damage. God moding is god moding.
I should say that attacking locations covering more than 97,024 square kilometers that had been almost completely overrun by iKrolm, of which there are few of the lightly equipped and mobile troops who've already moved outside of the peninsula, loss of all long-range missiles with the use of the last shots, should be sufficient.

BTW, I'll state my casualty rate at the moment: 10,000 troops out of the original 90,000 (which had been discussed with Triyun by query sometime earlier), which has been expanded by 200,000 as of my last post, leading to the post of "a force of 280,000 infantry with another 250,000 possible recruits"

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Not really relevant the first part as my SDI intercepted it. Additionally, you have about 290, 000 troops you simply can't respawn, we had agreed your maximum troops are 400, 000. Only the initial 90, 000 troops you had could be experienced. The rest are raw recruits, and you're capped at 400k, last I checked 280+250k were more than 400k. So no, that is not allowed. Further you no longer have the right to RP the armed forces in their entirety which you previously had RPed in your old nation.

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[quote]The Tianxia Launch Loop was used to launch up a two stage fractional orbital rod bombardment bundle. Using the Launch Loop to put up the massive weapon a second stage booster would put it into a polar orbit for part of the way before deorbiting a bundle of three tungsten rods down straight onto the enemy force. The result would be that they'd melt upon impact creating a massive area effect triple blast on the targets.[/quote]

Can someone explain to me how this is not a space weapon? I thought they were banned? If this is what it takes to get around the "no-rods from god" rule then slap me in the face and call me Dolly.

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I can explain quite easily. We've always allowed for transitory weapons that go from Earth to Space to Earth. What an ICBM is both conventional and nuclear. Further we've allowed for Earth to Space weapons, thats what an ASAT is. What we don't allow is space based weapons. This weapon starts out on the Earth and re-enters before completing even one full orbital cycle. They count as WMD just like any other weapon and can be defended against by MD.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335478176' post='2959873']
Not really relevant the first part as my SDI intercepted it. Additionally, you have about 290, 000 troops you simply can't respawn, we had agreed your maximum troops are 400, 000. Only the initial 90, 000 troops you had could be experienced. The rest are raw recruits, and you're capped at 400k, last I checked 280+250k were more than 400k. So no, that is not allowed. Further you no longer have the right to RP the armed forces in their entirety which you previously had RPed in your old nation.[/quote]
The initial discussion was 90,000 troops and 400,000 recruiting cap. Furthermore, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110493&view=findpost&p=2958179"]Owed-You sentenced the 200,000 POWs[/url]. Unless you're saying I cannot RP the 200k for the next 60 months or so because of the sentencing, I would think that taking out 150,000 (Malatose's POW and reserves of 50,000 for another RP) out of 690,000 equals to 540,000 top cap. Don't see anything particularly wrong with this.

If there's a question on whether those freed troops would be raw recruits or veterans, that can be discussed.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335478964' post='2959880']
I can explain quite easily. We've always allowed for transitory weapons that go from Earth to Space to Earth. What an ICBM is both conventional and nuclear. Further we've allowed for Earth to Space weapons, thats what an ASAT is. What we don't allow is space based weapons. This weapon starts out on the Earth and re-enters before completing even one full orbital cycle. They count as WMD just like any other weapon and can be defended against by MD.

An ICBM does not use a fractional orbit. The only ICBM that lingers in LEO like your rods do is the Soviet FOBS based on the R-36. How exactly is the endgame of your FOB system and a banned rods from god system any different? The time it stays in space? At least Rods from God platforms can be destroyed by ASAT weapons before they can fire/as soon as someone launches one into space.

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I've already stated you can defend against this like any other WMD with your MDs, that you've chosen to ignore that isn't my problem EM.

At Kankou. Yes you are supposed to wait, at least till you get an actual nation minimally. This is your fault for trying to game the system. Furthermore you don't get to decide what the GMs discuss or do not discuss in the GM Court.

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We do not, it was your post where you declared that the question which could be discussed was whether they were veterans or not rather than your troop counts. It appeared that YOU were saying your total troop count couldn't be disputed. If you weren't saying it thats a different story. However, you can't regenerate troops that are experienced who died or were taken captive in Sweden.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335474335' post='2959843']The nuclear missiles flying overhead were immediately picked up on radar. Tianxia F-5s engaged the targets with the HPM and Pulse Laser weapon systems knocking out their detonation mechanisms and causuing the weapons to crash down to earth before they entered in explosions. As the Tianxia beach head grew, their forces were able to recover the three nukes getting them out of theatre where they could be safely dismantled. Tianxia forces now numbered 40, 000 as they continued to make their way inland fighting hard with close air support to continue their advance. Allied local armies were reinforced by two additional ranger battalions, though the B-2s had managed to knock out a few squads before the F-6 fighters had intercepted the Australians.[/quote]

Woah, this is so incorrect coming from a GM. First, an SDI roll is used to shoot down incoming nukes at one roll per nuke, never two spy rolls for three airborne nukes. Second, it a past GM team ruled that SDIs only cover your homeland. They don't cover an LZ, and they don't cover captured territory until it has been fully secured.

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