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[b]Even more important than before..[/b]

I think she shouldn't be allowed to revise her rp. She's done it once already. It should go forward as she intended it without constant revisions and face the consequences of that poor decision..

And no Rota, after dealing with your lunacy the first time, I'll keep it here in the GM thread for the sake of transparency. At least here I don't have to put up with your... well put up with you. I have utterly no desire to go through the same business I went through with you the first time.

Not gonna happen.. no way.. no how.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1329110055' post='2919399']
Rotas attack is either incomplete, or its successful but the identity is discovered. Work it out amongst yourselves which you prefer.

Why is it incomplete or why is my identity discovered? I did 2 spy rolls and have done my part of largely roleplaying it.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1329109974' post='2919398']
[b]Even more important than before..[/b]

I think she shouldn't be allowed to revise her rp. She's done it once already. It should go forward as she intended it without constant revisions and face the consequences of that poor decision..

Well I wouldn't have to be revising it if you would hush and take it that bad stuff CAN happen to you. I already took the risk by rolling it as a spy roll. If it was a failure it would have been under the 10. It wasnt, so it isnt a failure.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1329110604' post='2919402']
TBMs argument is a pretty solid one Rota. Its always been that spyroll isn't an automatic success. He made a solid case, you did not. Simple as that.

Whipe it. Im done dealing with this guy, He needs to discover that he isn't invincible. RPing is to have fun not to "win" everything you're involved in.

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I have no problem with bad things happening to me. I have no problem with getting burnt on making a bad judgement. Ask EM how we came to like each other. It involves him shooting half my bombers out of the sky on the basis of reading a map wrong.

I do have a problem with just about everything you've done over the last week. Rping my citizens, launching 1700 missiles at me, using 374 proxies to try and hack me, ignoring RP, denying RP never happened, and now changing rp to suit your circumstances 2 times now because you had ruling against you.

It's a pattern on your part.

Please stop it because it is getting annoying.

Also, I'm going to rp that I detected an attack of some kind but couldn't figure out who it came from.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1329111045' post='2919405']
I have no problem with bad things happening to me. I have no problem with getting burnt on making a bad judgement. Ask EM how we came to like each other. It involves him shooting half my bombers out of the sky on the basis of reading a map wrong.

I do have a problem with just about everything you've done over the last week. Rping my citizens, launching 1700 missiles at me, using 374 proxies to try and hack me, ignoring RP, denying RP never happened, and now changing rp to suit your circumstances 2 times now because you had ruling against you.

It's a pattern on your part.

Please stop it because it is getting annoying.

If you seriously want to rp something for the sake of rping something I'll work with you. You know this.. I still have your former government sitting in a 5 star hotel in Mogadishu in the event you change your mind and come back to Africa. If you want to spy on me.. that's fine.. do a better job next time, this time though.. you got caught with your fingers in the cookie jar from the sounds of it.

As I'm sure there will be next time as indicated by the previous OOC trail you've left in your wake.

The RP has been editted many times to suit your needs. This last one was fool proof, and you finally just blew it up. Im done, you wont see me until you invade The Republic of Texas. Which im sure you will soon just to attempt to troll yet another person.

Edited by Rotavele
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Rota, as a "neutral" individual, I can say this: Your post was in no way foolproof. It's just a mash of inaccurate layperson's information. At most a person would use 20 servers, not over 300. It would have been better if you used a satellite connection in one of those links, which would have been severed and as such untraceable without having been able to get at the satellite itself.

I'll tell you what: when you do something like this, PM me. I'll look it over and help you with it.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1329112182' post='2919409']
Rota, as a "neutral" individual, I can say this: Your post was in no way foolproof. It's just a mash of inaccurate layperson's information. At most a person would use 20 servers, not over 300. It would have been better if you used a satellite connection in one of those links, which would have been severed and as such untraceable without having been able to get at the satellite itself.

I'll tell you what: when you do something like this, PM me. I'll look it over and help you with it.

Had she asked me I would have referred her to the case of Max Vision, an alias of course, and how he leeched wireless and ended up causing something like 87 Million in ripping off credit card accounts. However, she didn't ask me and while I normally don't offer people help in attacking me I am not completely unwilling to work with someone if they approach me for the sake of a reasonable storyline.

Max Vision's approach worked well because the Feds never could trace him electronically. They nailed him through other means.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1329106948' post='2919381']
I see how this may have slipped past Shammy however I request that for the sake of the continuity of RP that the GMs decide if a spyroll is within the rules or not when they approve the spyroll.

I understand that the information within the roll was change - just giving a simple request that can get things to run smoothly in the future.

Usually I do check these things, however, when I'm exhausted at one o'clock in the morning and after dealing with a certain pile of steaming crap, I tend not to read things and just want people to stop buggin' me.

Usually GMs do decide if a spyroll is legit when it is made, but we're not always going to be paying attention, we're not perfect, and we're certainly only human.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1329110604' post='2919402']
TBMs argument is a pretty solid one Rota. Its always been that spyroll isn't an automatic success. He made a solid case, you did not. Simple as that.

Respectfully, you seem to be pretty one sided on this. Perhaps I'm ignorant to this, but I have never seen a spyroll that has not succeeded if it was said to succeed. Further, TBM posted a few sentences and then you said you agreed with him. Shammy has allowed people to change their RP in order to suffice to a different situation, so saying that it is suddenly not allowed is foul play. Perhaps the six of us should talk on IRC this afternoon and talk about this since we can't solve it here and this thread is getting huge.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1329136302' post='2919485']
Respectfully, you seem to be pretty one sided on this. Perhaps I'm ignorant to this, but I have never seen a spyroll that has not succeeded if it was said to succeed. Further, TBM posted a few sentences and then you said you agreed with him. Shammy has allowed people to change their RP in order to suffice to a different situation, so saying that it is suddenly not allowed is foul play. Perhaps the six of us should talk on IRC this afternoon and talk about this since we can't solve it here and this thread is getting huge.

Simply because a spy roll succeeds does not mean an RP automatically succeeds. If the spy roll succeeds, and the person RP's out the following action in a way that makes it very easy to catch them, the spy roll can fail. That's always been the rule.

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PI is 100 percent correct in this ruling. The necessity of decent RP was one of the core underpinnings of the spyroll reform when it happened. TBMs the first person in a long time I remember raising an issue and arguing it well. That is why this is the first time you have seen this sort of objection upheld. Its undeniably within the rules though

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1329143740' post='2919509']
PI is 100 percent correct in this ruling. The necessity of decent RP was one of the core underpinnings of the spyroll reform when it happened. TBMs the first person in a long time I remember raising an issue and arguing it well. That is why this is the first time you have seen this sort of objection upheld. Its undeniably within the rules though

Alright then, thank you for explaining.

[size="1"]Perhaps there should be a thread where we put all of the rules so we actually know what the rules are.[/size]

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1329180345' post='2919736']
Alright then, thank you for explaining.

[size="1"]Perhaps there should be a thread where we put all of the rules so we actually know what the rules are.[/size]
Yes - I'm sure many would appreciate this kind of creation. The current ruleset seems to be spread out in various threads, and some just aren't there.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1329239077' post='2920379']
And your odds are?

Also anti-ship ballistic missiles which are air launched?

The odds for Ty.

The odds for JED.


Also, the Eviscerator is pretty much a modernized kh-22 air launched anti-ship missile. I called it an air launched ballistic missile (erroneously? Not sure) because of the flight trajectory the kh-22 uses. That, and to sound scary.

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Two rolls against Australia, first to locate and identify naval facilities(harbors, drydocks, naval bases, etc.), second to locate and identify air facilities(airports, air bases, factories, etc.). Both using satint with the rp already done.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1329731166' post='2924480']

Two rolls against Australia, first to locate and identify naval facilities(harbors, drydocks, naval bases, etc.), second to locate and identify air facilities(airports, air bases, factories, etc.). Both using satint with the rp already done.

1-30 Loss
31-100 Win

27 92

One win, one loss, guv'nor.

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