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Joint European Announcement


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[size="5"][center][b]A Joint Announcement from Europe[/b][/center][/size]

Decades ago the European continent was united against foreign influences, even a single foreign base would be cause for war. In recent years we, the people of Europe, have maintained a less strict approach however we can not ignore the facts. For years a non-European power has maintained a base on European soil, not only have they defended their strategic interests but on more than one occasion they have gone as far as directly influencing regional events and pushing regional powers to further their own agenda, unlike other foreign powers with bases in Europe. In the greater interest of Europe and the continued stability of the region we hereby give the Kingdom of Cochin twenty-four(24) hours to announce their withdrawal from Europe and two(2) months to actually complete this withdrawal. Likewise any further involvement by the Kingdom of Cochin will void the deadline and cause immediate action. If these terms are not met within the provided timeframe where applicable military action will be taken to enforce the terms of this announcement.

Signed for the Athenian Federation,
His Imperial Highness Valerio Moretti of Bourbon, Emperor of the Western Athenian Federation, Lord Protector of the Delian League, Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Forces, Hero of the revolution.
Hektor Gabris, Chief Magistrate of the Athenian Federation.

Signed for the Continental Empire of Dalmatia,
His Imperial Majesty of the Continental Empire of Dalmatia
Michael Visari

Signed for the Germanisk Förbund,
the Germanian Folksthing

Signed for Ireland,
James Price
President of Ireland

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While we have no position on this ultimatum. You can hardly call the UFE telling one country to get its troops out of another country, after that country switched governments as interfering in European internal affairs. There will be no UFE troops in the British Isles or in Finland. Once British sovereignty is restored in the Shetlands, the UFE will return its forces to base and consider the matter resolved.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote][center][u][b]Statement from the Kingdom of Cochin[/b][/u][/center]

With the dissolution of the United States of the Islands and the negation of the rationale for our very presence in the British Isles, the Kingdom of Cochin announces its withdrawal from Fort Anchengo. Considering our level of investment and deployment in Fort Anchengo it would be physically impossible for the withdrawal to be completed in 2 months. We thus announce a complete withdrawal from the island of Barra within a period of 12 months (OOC: 1 month RL). In the meantime we hope our neutrality would not be violated.


HH Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin[/quote]

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"In line with the British argument this is an unacceptable compromise. We are willing to extend the timeframe but not to a year. Likewise our forces will be monitoring the withdrawal, if any moves are made that suggest something other than withdrawal we will strike without further warning."


Satellites would remain focused over the affected region while U-2As would observe the base from the upper atmosphere to have a clear and permanent feed.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1316875409' post='2807371']
"In line with the British argument this is an unacceptable compromise. We are willing to extend the timeframe but not to a year. Likewise our forces will be monitoring the withdrawal, if any moves are made that suggest something other than withdrawal we will strike without further warning."


Satellites would remain focused over the affected region while U-2As would observe the base from the upper atmosphere to have a clear and permanent feed.

"If the Cochin Army understands that a withdrawal is necessary and they place their efforts in making it timely. I do not understand why a year is unacceptable. We have averted a crisis and more so everyone has left without causing harm to each other. Since your coalition, Excellency, will be monitoring the withdrawal, I humbly ask for some leniency be granted to the withdrawing force."

-Empress Maria Theresia II

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1316875409' post='2807371']
"In line with the British argument this is an unacceptable compromise. We are willing to extend the timeframe but not to a year. Likewise our forces will be monitoring the withdrawal, if any moves are made that suggest something other than withdrawal we will strike without further warning."


Satellites would remain focused over the affected region while U-2As would observe the base from the upper atmosphere to have a clear and permanent feed.

The time frame quoted by us is the only way to mount an effective and complete decommissioning and withdrawal of our quite substantial deployments in Barra. We have been courteous to your request for withdrawal and it is only reasonable that a certain measure of courtesy be extended towards us. Any attack on our forces while withdrawal would elicit the declaration of total war on the entities mounting the attack.

We also warn you that any attempt to harass our withdrawing forces would be considered as a hostile action against the Kingdom of Cochin.

- Ministry of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1316876961' post='2807385']
The time frame quoted by us is the only way to mount an effective and complete decommissioning and withdrawal of our quite substantial deployments in Barra. We have been courteous to your request for withdrawal and it is only reasonable that a certain measure of courtesy be extended towards us. Any attack on our forces while withdrawal would elicit the declaration of total war on the entities mounting the attack.

We also warn you that any attempt to harass our withdrawing forces would be considered as a hostile action against the Kingdom of Cochin.

- Ministry of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin

"Considering the timeframe in which the Kingdom has shown to be able to transport forces to the base and after internal discussion in the coalition the Kingdom of Cochin will receive 6 months to withdraw. At the same time we will take any action taken against a coalition ship during the withdrawal as a violation of terms."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1316878694' post='2807401']
"Considering the timeframe in which the Kingdom has shown to be able to transport forces to the base and after internal discussion in the coalition the Kingdom of Cochin will receive 6 months to withdraw. At the same time we will take any action taken against a coalition ship during the withdrawal as a violation of terms."

Fully two years had been taken in the construction of the Fort Anchengo. A complete withdrawal is impossible in a time frame less than one year. If a coalition ship attacks a Cochin entity during the period of withdrawal it would be considered as an act of war. And lest you misunderstand, our withdrawal is solely a result of the dissolution of the United States of the Islands. Do not deceive yourself by thinking your declaration or any threats you may merit any substance in our intention to withdraw.

OOC: Here is the link for the base deal if you want to check. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100218"]Link[/url]

Edited by king of cochin
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Any attack on Cochin personnel before the lapse of the one year withdrawal time would be considered as an act of war against the Kingdom of Cochin. You have been warned. Return the courtesy we have extended to you or face the consequences.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1316880010' post='2807415']
Any attack on Cochin personnel before the lapse of the one year withdrawal time would be considered as an act of war against the Kingdom of Cochin. You have been warned. Return the courtesy we have extended to you or face the consequences.

Only a simple response would be sent over international channels honoring a legend from a war long gone "Nuts"

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"Ceylon would like to ask Athens to be reasonable, and give the Kingdom of Cochin the appropriate time of one year for a full, clean withdrawal.
Attacks upon Cochin assets before the year is over may be interpreted as aggressive move, thus activating Ceylon's treaty of mutual defense with the Kingdom, should Cochin interpret such assaults as act of war."

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"As the ranking member of the British government I feel it imperative to ask the obvious question. Does the Kingdom need such a large force in the territorial waters of Great Britain?

Absolutely not, the Kingdom is free to take their six months but the British people would rather not have a force that was recently threatening our nation with wrack and ruin over a war instigated by the renegade territories of the USI with its illegal holding of British soil. Mind you we considered all of their territory illegally held, but the recent ones all the more offensive.

We believe the Kingdom needs to draw down it's Naval and Air forces to 1/8th of the levels they have now and focus on using commercial shipping to withdrawal from the area. There is no practical use for warships in this situation. If anything they take up berthing space used by the ships more useful.

If it pleases the Kingdom to loiter in the Atlantic to assure the security of their forces, I'm hardly one to complain. International waters are perfect for such a thing. Further, we'll state it again as it seems there is some trouble with the Kingdom Internal Communications.

The British Government will buy the buildings and large equipment on this base if it helps get rid of the Kingdom of Cochin all the quicker.


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1316880768' post='2807419']
"Ceylon would like to ask Athens to be reasonable, and give the Kingdom of Cochin the appropriate time of one year for a full, clean withdrawal.
Attacks upon Cochin assets before the year is over may be interpreted as aggressive move, thus activating Ceylon's treaty of mutual defense with the Kingdom, should Cochin interpret such assaults as act of war."

"We've made a fair offer to purchase the buildings. It is the Kingdom who seems to be dragging their feet. They hardly need a year for this and six months are five months twenty nine days too long in the opinion of the British public."


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Perhaps Great Britain needs to be appraised of the facts relevant here. Here is a rough breakdown of the units that have to be withdrawn from Fort Anchengo.

Camp Barra - A well equipped Pre Positioned storage system to station equipment worth an Armored Cavalry Regiment, a Mechanized Division and an Airborne Division.

The Prepositioned equipments amount to 450 Main Battle Tanks, nearly 11520 Support Vehicles and nearly 1000 helicopters. This is apart from the 3rd Marine Division which is being embarked now, a force of roughly 46000 soldiers and 2500 vehicles.

Naval Station Anchengo - A naval base with capabilities of docking and supporting upto 10 vessels at a time with sufficient stocks of Ammunition, Fuel and Replenishment Stocks

The NS Anchengo itself stores a considerable amount of Ammunition, Fuel and Replenishment Stocks which all would be withdrawn.

Forward Air Base Barra - A large air base with at least 3 heavy duty runways capable of supporting GN225 flights. Armor reinforced hangars for a full regiment (50) of combat aircrafts and support facilities including open parking bays for 3 regiments of aircrafts (150) with sufficient fuel and maintenance facilities.

The FAB Barra has installed infrastructure for maintenance and overhaul of several classes of aircrafts along with considerable stocks of spare parts, ammunition, fuel etc.

Barra Air Defense Network - Replication of Cochin Anti Air Defense Network to provide integrated air defense coverage to the entire For Anchengo facilities and capable of extending air defense coverage to USI. This would also consist of one HAWK Strategic Air Defense radar

A sensitive technology which would require complete dismantling.

As regards the necessity for our warships and aircrafts lingering on during the period of withdrawal? It is simple. Continued hostility from Great Britain and other European nations. We do not trust European nations to provide safe and unharassed passage for our merchant marine and that our technologies would be untampered with.

The choice is yours wait for a year for Cochin presence in British Isles to be removed or start a war for no reason other than pointless loss of lives of thousands of Europeans and Cochin soldiers.

As regards the Cochin Special Economic Zone, we realize that the British Government is incapable of understanding the difference between a military base and SEZ so we shall do the needful to ensure that our investments in Cochin Special Economic Zone do not go to waste.

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"We submit the photos of the destroyed industrial centers for the International Community to view the Kingdom's efficiency in destroying what is clearly a rather massive industrial center in a startlingly rapid pace and are finding it curious they are weeping and crying for more time with their military base."


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"The English raise a good point, if it can be done that fast your other assets shouldn't be a problem either, you'll actually have time to enjoy a vacation with this timeframe!"


U-2As would begin flights over the Cochin base at a much lower altitude and in greater numbers, due to the high speed at its current level it would be easier to see but the images taken would be even clearer than before.

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The Air Defense Batteries waiting to be dismantled in Fort Anchengo would maintain continuous target lock on the Athenian aircrafts assisted by the RCN warships and MERAT AWACS from the CNS Malabar and a Halob AWACS from GSF202.

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[b]Hebrides Defense Theater[/b]

The Royal Air Force begins to deploy its forces with an eye at sending in the security teams, logistical supports, supplies, construction workers, ground crews, and then the planes themselves. The three chosen runways are in decent enough repair and seem to be capable of housing up to 24 to 36 Fighters apiece.

Within hours a single C-130 to each strip is followed by several more. After a few more hours come several more. Following them comes several ships that begin offloading supplies and lumber.

Five mobile radar stations are set up on the Isle of Skye. Joining them are several more on the South Island of the Outer Hebrides. They pump enough wattage into the air to fry a chicken with the intensity of their waves. Four small ships are placed into position as well surrounding Barras Island. They too add their radars to the electronic hue and fury.

The next layer comes nearly 182 Fire Control Radar Units that the basic transmitters mounted on civilian vehicles and kept pointed at Barras Island at all times from various parts of the South Island and the Isle of Skye. The transmitters were pulled out of obsolete Royal Army Armored Air Defense Vehicles that were gathering dust in the salvage yards. The men manning them have orders to randomly move about giving the Island a burst of emissions at random intervals decided by coin tosses and whenever else the fancy strikes them.

On the Island of Skye the first of several Cruise Missile bases are being constructed as well. It is expected that once completed the Royal Corp of Artillery will have the throw weight of an entire Artillery Corps worth of cruise missiles in this theater alone. Temporary mobile launchers using MLRS platforms with medium range Block-D Cruise Missiles are rushed into position on the Island of Skye and the South Island with a total of 28 available missiles for the time being.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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"Told you it was enough time" The Magistrate of Defense would comment to the press as news of the explosions reached the homeland.


"The Athenian Federation thanks the Kingdom of Cochin for fulfilling the terms in such a swift manner. We wish you a good day and farewell."

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