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Founding the Church of Violence


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Some Run Down Island Resort in Hawaii

Ryu sighed as he entered into the meeting room for a morning breakfast. There were many plain clothed guards with automatic weapons lining the compound. After all, it was not a very reputable crowd they were expecting. Ryu having been well acquainted with mercenaries and the under world as well as not being an official member of the Federation Government was to be point man on this operation. The assassin was dressed in a pink Hawaiian shirt and blue shorts, and wearing a pair of sunglasses as he stepped in the conference room. He smirked, seeing a large bottle of Johnie Walker Black on the table. You knew you had a good breakfast meeting when you saw that. He smirked as he sat in a chair pouring himself a glass and grabbing a jelly donut before he waited for the rest of the men to arrive.

[i]Now where are those soul less French middle men, German mercs, and South American Warlords, its about !@#$@#$ time we did some bad ass !@#$.[/i] he thought to himself.

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Rafael Gomes arrived to the meeting wearing khaki pants and a light blue collared shirt, with only two buttons keeping it from opening up in the windy weather, and a pair of sunglasses. He had a light-toned tan, a large muscular build, and dark brown, curly hair down to his shoulders. He took a spot opposite of his host, buttering a slice of toast and leaning back in his chair as he waited for the meeting to begin.

Edited by Biohazard
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Gaius Atilia entered the room with a large cigar sticking out of his mouth. He smirked at the armed guards, Asian faces still looked funny to him and he could not help but laugh at how his bodyguard seemed to dwarf some of Asian men. Gaius could not help but wonder if these guards were even capable of fighting without their guns, they looked as though one punch from his bodyguard would send them through a wall. His gaze returned to the looked over to the Asian man sitting in the chair.

"I assume you are Ryu"

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It was by far the most expensive suit in the room, in fact it was perhaps one of the most expensive suits money could buy. It looked woefully out of place however in this room of thugs and barbarians. Unlike these mercs, assassins and other undesirables, Pierre Danton was a businessman with a taste for the refined, a strong love of money and little in the way of a concience. For some years now he had operated a very profitable import/export business out of RdlL, and in particular was known for his expertise in doing business across the UFE border. With a dignity that was somewhat lacking in the room thus far, Monsieur Danton took his seat. He was used to dealing with lowlifes, and he had made a lot of money that way and today he saw potential to make a lot more.

He was of course accompanied by two young gentlemen who were also dressed quite finely, with the bulge of their machine pistols evident underneath their jackets and an intimidating SMG slung over the shorter man's shoulder who remained in the back of the room.

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[url="http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_288/1215757079m90L30.jpg"]Mitsuko Hannigen[/url] arrived with two bodyguards, equipped with machine pistols and probably more knifes than they required, the woman didn't know much about the rest of the people at the meeting, only that the head of the meeting had a proposal that interested her boss, one of the many new warlords in south America, though the one she happened to work for happened to be quirkier than most, wanting to save the animals and whatnot, not that it really mattered to her as long as she continued receiving her sizable paycheck that was paying for her family to live well off across the pacific in Brisbane. Taking her seat, she decided to grab a glazed doughnut and wait for the meeting to begin, her bodyguards standing a few feet behind her chair.

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For some time, a rather interesting set of individuals had taken an interest in Argentina. Francesco Frega, an Argentinian, accompanied by someone that seemed to be a veteran of European wars, and from his looks, a Germanian or Nordlander even - Karl Gustav Henkel. Frega was dressed in a black suit much reminiscent of old-time Italian Cosa Nostra, while Henkel was in an outdated Gray Nordlandic Uniform. Frega looked quite elegant, while on the other hand Henkel with his Skorzenyan scars on his face seemed to be one to be feared.

They speak not a word and take their seats.

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Ryu looked up at Gauis Atilia, "Heh, I'm relieved to see that Gorillas are not extinct. You'd think with the instability in Africa today they'd be on their way out."

Ryu leaned back in his seat, "Gentlemen welcome to the first meeting of the Holy Church of Violence. As you may or may not know I am Ryu Akisuki, and I'm your liaison for this. I represent a consortium of international businessmen. We're very much interested in doing some aggressive overseas expansions.

Now the Pacificans are out and the Federation Authorities are still getting their bearings in these islands so if we want to move under the radar to get the ball rolling we should do it quickly. South America.... is a !@#$@#$ treasure chest waiting to be unlocked. Those here represent political, economic, and cultural interests with an eye on this treasure chest. I am here to see we all get a piece of the action.

Our consortium will be able to supply everything you need... bases... weapons... bigger weapons... all at a price. In exchange you get to be the new masters of your own continent.... so gentlemen are we all here interested in doing some business?" he said with a smirk.

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Gaius Atilia leaned forward in his seat at the mention of "bigger weapons", he had always had a soft spot for big weapons, he had an even bigger soft spot for ones that made stuff explode. Some concerns quickly came to him "While I may look like a mindless brute I am smart enough to ask a couple questions. How do you plan for us to challenge an empire that dominates a continent? And what are you getting out of this?"

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OOC: I know I'm taking a while to post my story; sorry :( If you want the general end-result, !@#$ got real and WMDs of every variety got flung back and forth. There are only a few cities left with any population, and a few military bases left for general RP flavor if you guys feel like it. The only bit I'd like to keep out of my land is the Southern half of Argentina + Chile and Antarctica.

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"You get land, countries, territories, the chance to develop and use them. We're willing though to act as your economic engine till you can stand up. We have contacts that can give massive strike capabilities to allow your forces to land ashore. We're will to provide transportation and once on land a combination of heavy weapons, small arms, and other equipment you'll need to sustain a war effort. I do not believe that you need to fear too much South America is already in a state of chaos. The one who wins this will be the bold and aggressive. My job won't be to fight this war for you but give you the tools which you need to succeed." Ryu said.

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"This "Empire" is one which is rusted and corroded, if we kick it hard enough it will come crumbling by itself. It is the world's largest paper tiger, we should not hesitate to act. Now is the time to free our respective countries."

OOC: Hmm. But I think someone's aiming for Chile and Argentina, while I'm aiming for Argentina myself. Well I guess I could do the rest of argentina and add uruguay instead. Not like I'm gonna actually reroll there anyway.

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"My superiors welcome the offer for assistance to their goals in the turbulent south american region, and we look forward to working with you Ryu to free our continent from the shackles the empire has kept us under for many years now."

OOC: go for it dotcom, [url="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w82/M0gar/amerika.png"]Just let the rest of us know what exactly you'd like to claim, [/url] that goes for you too shadow, so Martens and Jeff can figure out their !@#$%*.

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OOC: [url="http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/1208/amerika.png"]This[/url] is generally what I want; and Antarctica; the IC explanation being this is the remnant that sat out the civil war and, so horrified by the death throes of a continent, generally tends to its' own affairs.

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One of the first things Isabelle Haniya noticed upon entering the room was that it was largely-male dominated--only one another woman, and she too was guarded on either side by two men, clearly armed. The rest were men, though this was a rather inconsequential factoid that Isabelle saw no need to place any importance on. Some may have said that this was still a male-dominated 'industry'--and maybe it was, in the numbers. That didn't mean a woman couldn't be just as lethal a weapon--just as often, more so.

At 5'10, Isabelle did not strike an imposing figure against the group that currently populated the room--nor was she dressed altogether luxuriously, wearing a durable pair of pants, boots, and a jacket of similarly tough materiel. Her faded black hair was trimmed to a relatively short cut, springing up slightly as it was wont to do; her features were indicative of her Mohawk heritage, with high, prominent cheekbones and dark, rough skin. Her eyes, keen, sharp, vaguely almond shaped, scanned around the room, taking into account all the details they took notice of. She had already made a note of the positions and patterns of the armed guards she had passed so far, stationed outside the room--this attention to detail, an immaculately calculating mind, was what had enabled Isabelle not only to survive in the business she worked in, but to succeed and dominate.

Having seated herself as the talking began, Isabelle remained, for the moment, silent, hearing what was being said.

OOC: Definitely gonna be aiming for [url="http://imageshack.us/f/5/mapfek.jpg/"]this[/url].

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OOC: Just so you know you do have to contend with both mine and Lynneth's military which has surrounded South America. I hope claimants for the Eastern sides of South America, especially Brazil dont mind waiting a while as I have some RPs planned out for there for a few months.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1316850065' post='2807263']
OOC: Just so you know you do have to contend with both mine and Lynneth's military which has surrounded South America. I hope claimants for the Eastern sides of South America, [b]especially Brazil[/b] dont mind waiting a while as I have some RPs planned out for there for a few months.
OOC: *aiming especially for Brasil*

DAMN IT. <_<

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1316818296' post='2806940']
OOC: What exactly are we doing here? Establishing new nations or doing some Legion-type PMC territories?
OOC: A mixture

[quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1316819387' post='2806953']
OOC: [url="http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/1208/amerika.png"]This[/url] is generally what I want; and Antarctica; the IC explanation being this is the remnant that sat out the civil war and, so horrified by the death throes of a continent, generally tends to its' own affairs.
OOC: Yeah, I can work around that pretty easily, though for IC purposes you may have to repel some incursions to solidify the border though.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1316850065' post='2807263']
OOC: Just so you know you do have to contend with both mine and Lynneth's military which has surrounded South America. I hope claimants for the Eastern sides of South America, especially Brazil dont mind waiting a while as I have some RPs planned out for there for a few months.
OOC: Good thing I am concentrating the west side first then

Now, back on track so we can get this rolling.

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The native Peruvian's ears pricked up at the sound of weaponry exchanges. His life goal, ever since he had fled Peru, had been to return and liberate it from the Empire. Now, with all of this power at his fingertips, for the right price, he could fulfill his dreams of retribution and freedom, for the people of Peru, and end the hegemony that had overpowered them.

"How will we divide up the theaters? Will we all be collaborating on a single area and then moving on, in a retro South American way?"

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"Concentrating in one area makes us all the easier to be forced into decisive battles and crushed, my men will no be made to suffer for another leader's error. We will fight our own way and in our own place, you should do the same"

Edited by jeff744
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"Rather than focusing our collective forces in a single area and moving progressively through South America," Haniya spoke at last, her voice slow and deliberating, as if placing thought into each word. "or instead fighting our battles entirely separate of one another, I believe it would be best to maintain a coordinated overall plan that allows each force flexibility to pursue its specific goals in a region while playing a part in the purposes of the collective aims of this group. A coordinated plan of battle, but rather than focus our forces into one theatre at a time, we should maintain our forces divided up into their respective areas of interest."

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