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Celebration under the Southern Cross


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With a sigh Ariadne walked over the deck of the ship and into the bar, she had never liked these kinds of events too much and would be spending most of the time using her blackberry during the journey to check up on matters of state and keep in touch with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the entire time. After a few minutes she decided to take a glass of vodka after which she would return to what she was doing before.


Valerio would do almost completely the opposite, the court in Rome had mostly gotten to him and he had grown sick of the hypocritical codes of conduct. While still wearing a suit he walked over the deck looking around and enjoying the view. He had never been much of a drinker so did avoid the bar. When he heard a sound he walked to the port side of the ship seeing the Governor General who was obviously enjoying his time. Once there he noticed Maria and Angelika at the edge. With a grin on his face he walked in the direction of the sisters and once there would slightly bow, he had never liked Angelika however this was something he would keep strategically hidden for Maria.

"Empress, Princess, a pleasure meeting you again"

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"Oh, its our pleasure, Valerio." Maria smiled as Theresia walked out of the ferry's bar. "We were just about to disembark and journey up to our suite, if you'd like to join us? We'd love to have you."

"Some of us more than others." Angelika whispered under her breath with a smirk only to be responded by a quick elbow to the stomach and Theresia's laughter.

"Forgive my sisters, they don't understand the proper way to converse with other people. Theresia, thank God, has picked up on the ability." The Empress' glare returned to her middle sister. "Others continue to be a problem."

Angelika chuckled as she watched Maria take Valerio's hand. One moment she could be as sincere as if they were back in Bavaria on exile, the next moment, Maria would be come the archetypal ruler, complete with a narcissistic tendency to ignore facts and wallow in a dream world. That was her choice of course and the Middle Hapsburg fell into line beside Theresia and behind her sister and the Western Emperor.

Walking off the boat and up towards the sandy path where the Australian Prime Minister was waiting, Maria made small talk with Valerio while the two younger sisters were serenaded by her quick moving voice.

"To be quite honest," Maria began, "This kind of vacation couldn't come soon enough. With Europe the way it is, its a wonder that any of us have any time for ourselves. Running to and fro and over ourselves. I don't know how many times I've been to Zurich in the past two months. We never have the kind of time that we used to have, Valerio, like when the Duchy first declared itself independent from Germany. Those were the days, the fireworks and everything, visiting the Pope. I'd give a lot for those days to return."

"You act as though they happened twenty years ago. You met the Pope, what? Two years ago and visit him at least monthly if not weekly?"

"It was a rhetorical statement, Angelika." Maria looked back and narrowed her eyes. "Don't be so condescending."

"Well then maybe open the conversation up a bit." The Princess jumped from behind them and smiled up at Valerio. "Why not talk about something more interesting than politics and since we're talking about things in the past. It feels like its been ages since you've been up to Vienna, Valerio. You should bring Ariadne up too, she never comes up. I only see you, how are we supposed to be great neighbors if only one party comes for balls and parties and such."


Before an argument could start however, the entourage approached Prime Minister Whittaker. She stood there smiling, dressed in beach wear that made the entire feel of the island much more festive. The three Hapsburgs bowed and and Maria extended her hand. "Prime Minister Whittaker, its a pleasure to be here, thank you for having us. May I introduce, my two sisters Princess Angelika and Theresia von Hapsburg and of course the Western Emperor of the Athenian Federation, Valerio Moretti."

Given that she had already made enemies with her older sister, Angelika had few people to fall back on, aside from Theresia, who for all purposes might follow Maria's lead. The Governor General who she had done little more than wink at, and Elisabeth. She hoped at least that the Prime Minister, given she might have the free Australian spirit would be thrilled to have a bit of fun for the weekend. "A pleasure I'm sure Prime Minister." Angelika said, after Maria introduced her. "Hopefully we'll see a lot of each other over the next few days, you'll have to show me around, maybe head in to Townsville for shopping or something? Anything to get away from the political nexus forming here." She smiled and laughed.

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Wei intercepted the Athenian Empress as she was disembarking the boat. "Ah Empress Ariadne I am glad I caught you. I was relaxing reading over the program analysis for the Quantum Project and I found some irregularities in the project specifically pertaining to the Athenian work on the port side altitude control module. You see it seems that the sub contractor hired out for that unit's photonics is overcharging by at least 6% per unit if the math in my head is correct." he said charging head on into a rant before receiving any sort of acknowledgement.

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Valerio had to laugh several times during the walk it always was amusing to see the sisters fight amongst each other.

[i]"Why not talk about something more interesting than politics and since we're talking about things in the past. It feels like its been ages since you've been up to Vienna, Valerio. You should bring Ariadne up too, she never comes up. I only see you, how are we supposed to be great neighbors if only one party comes for balls and parties and such."[/i]

"I'd love to visit Vienna more often but I am afraid your sister is right, business is keeping us away from having any kind of free time. That said I think you know just as well as I do Ariadne isn't going to Vienna anytime soon, she has grown to accept Austria as an ally but she wont like it anytime soon. Just a Greek prejudice." Valerio replied.

[i]"Prime Minister Whittaker, its a pleasure to be here, thank you for having us. May I introduce, my two sisters Princess Angelika and Theresia von Hapsburg and of course the Western Emperor of the Athenian Federation, Valerio Moretti."[/i]

Valerio bowed slightly to the Prime Minister. "Thank you for receiving us, I truly hope we can all have a great time here." After finishing the formalities he would take a look around himself and the place they were. "Want to have a few minutes alone Maria?"He asked as soon as they were away from the welcoming party.

Upon approval they would head in a random direction, the Imperial Guard had decided to stay behind so at least from that side there would be no issues at all. "Now Maria, I have read your letters and talked to you on the phone, but how have you really been?"

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302656959' post='2689774']
Wei intercepted the Athenian Empress as she was disembarking the boat. "Ah Empress Ariadne I am glad I caught you. I was relaxing reading over the program analysis for the Quantum Project and I found some irregularities in the project specifically pertaining to the Athenian work on the port side altitude control module. You see it seems that the sub contractor hired out for that unit's photonics is overcharging by at least 6% per unit if the math in my head is correct." he said charging head on into a rant before receiving any sort of acknowledgement.

Ariadne looked up at the Grand Vizier truly wondering what had just started. "I see, isn't it true though that due to changes from the initial designs and recent measures in the local economy work for the subcontractor has increased and become more expensive and thus caused a higher production price? I am sure that explains the over expenditure. I will make sure the Athenian Ministry of Defense pays for the additional costs."

Edited by Centurius
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As the delegations disembarked from the ferry, Lizzie put on a kind and bright smile, that was clearly sincere. She had been elected into office about a month after independence had been formally declared, and she had been working just as hard with the Governor General and the people of Australia. Like the Governor General, she was looking forward to this weekend, and was glad to see that the guests already seemed to be enjoying themselves. At 29, she looked young for her age, but she spoke with a voice of maturity and authority, her strawberry blond hair pulled back into an efficient bun underneath her straw hat. She had been part of the fighting element of the Free Australia movement, and had an old bullet wound that was evident to her upper right where her lightly freckled skin had been hastily repaired. She had a degree in communications and was a former corporate branch manager for Qantas Airways, the official air carrier for the Southern Cross.

When the trio of Austrians approached with the Western Athenian Emperor, she smiled warmly, and shook all of their, "A pleasure to have all of you here, please, no need for formalities here, we're on vacation, so break out your sunblock and your first names. I have quite been looking forward to this weekend for some time now. The weather looks gorgeous for the entire weekend, nice and sunny, very warm." She spoke very animatedly, waving her hands skywards when she indicated the clear skies. "I look forward to getting to know everyone here a little better, so many cultures and people to meet, so very exciting!"

When Angelika spoke to her, her excitement seemed to keep its staying power, "Oh my, you are going to love the island, m'dear. There is a nice stroll that everyone is welcome to take up to the top of Magnetic Hill, which is that spot of a hill there," Lizzie said, indicating a large point of land covered in green that rose like the spine of the island. "There is a lovely area up at the top cleared away, lovely place to watch sunsets and sunrises. And you'd love Townsville, the old port has been restored, lovely cobblestone streets and lots of local shops that sell products from this region, you can find a bit of [i]everything[/i] there. I'd love to take anyone interested on a little venture to town, if you'd like to."

"Your cars should be the-," Lizzie looked at the line of jeep-like vehicles behind her, then pointing out, "fifth and sixth ones in the line." All of the vehicles sported tiny hood flags, the Athenian and Austrian delegations, considering their size, were both granted two vehicles.

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After the pleasantries and Maria having been able to separate herself from her sisters, she was able to join Valerio privately on the walkways overlooking the sandy shore of the island. She listened as her and Valerio's heels clicked against the pavement and how there was some unison to the clicks and swirling of the water against the beach. Beating her fan against the palm of her hand, she looked out against waves and nodded her head.

"How have I been? That's a rather loaded question, Valerio." The Empress chuckled and looked up at him. "But I guess to answer it easily enough, I've been doing okay as best as I can be with the world seeming like it's going to explode in the next month or so. Truth be told, Valerio, I haven't been sleeping well because of it. Traveling to Zurich, day in and day out, trying to perform some kind of balancing act between the Germans, the English, and the Irish." She sighed, "I should say Scottish and Russians, but European politics has all become so confusing of late, it just makes no sense anymore. Things don't help that Angelika nearly brought the country to war against the Pravus Ingurians and the man that I selected as Viceroy of Austrian America is turning out to be a racist and a German Nationalist."

Straightening her figure, the Empress gave a soft smile with a light laugh and took her counterpart's hand. "But such is life, one great nightmare that we have to fight through constantly. It's why I thank God for the weekends like this. To get away from the chaos and confusion of the world and sit down where people actually make sense."

Then twirling herself around him, Maria's face glowed bright with happiness as she pushed herself into him. "But how has the Western Emperor been? You know, as much as I hate to agree with Angelika, I would have liked to see you in Vienna more. I know you're busy and all, but so am I. I'm sure we could manage at least a few meetings. Whether or not Ariadne doesn't like me, you like me and that should matter for something, shouldn't it? It's your country and destiny as much as it is her's." She blushed and looked down at the ground. "Though I apologize for ranting. But maybe, could you try a bit harder than you have? For me?"


Meanwhile, Angelika and Theresia stood with Lizzie making small talk as she greeted the other guests and leaders coming up the walkway. Lizzie came on a bit strong at first and both Hapsburg's stopped for a moment, thinking and wondering just what they were going to get themselves into, but as the day wore on, the Prime Minister's demeanor seemed to calm and both Austrians figured they weren't exactly the elite of conversationalists either.

"Well you're the expert Lizzie," said Angelika as the crowds passed the trio at the dock. "But I'm all up for painting Townsville red. We need to do something fun, as much as I'd love to sit around here and drink myself into a stupor and tan until my skin fries. There's so many other things I'd like to on my 'vacation', if that's what I'm allowed to call it."

"Among the other things I'm sure we'll get ourselves into." Theresia smirked.

"Indeed." The Middle Hapsburg put her hand on Lizzie's shoulder and nodded. "We're going to head up to the suite now though. When you're done here, come and get us, we'll figure out something to do."

With that the two younger sisters began their descent up the path towards the island center. The sun was warm and the water was welcoming. There wouldn't be enough time in the day.

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[i]"I should say Scottish and Russians, but European politics has all become so confusing of late, it just makes no sense anymore. Things don't help that Angelika nearly brought the country to war against the Pravus Ingurians and the man that I selected as Viceroy of Austrian America is turning out to be a racist and a German Nationalist."[/i]

"Yes, Europe has been quite a confusing continent as of late. As for Austrian America I am honestly sad it isn't working out like you planned. I for one welcomed the growth of Austria. I'll be honest though there has been a lot of balancing in the Federation too, especially almost going to war over Spain caused a lot of headaches, not to forget Italy is seeing a serious fortification." He sighed as they walked on but gladly took Maria's hand.

[i]"But such is life, one great nightmare that we have to fight through constantly. It's why I thank God for the weekends like this. To get away from the chaos and confusion of the world and sit down where people actually make sense."[/i]

"Amen to that, this vacation is exactly what I needed, a vacation away from work and especially a vacation alone with you. I know we're officially for business here too but I'd love to..." His eyes widened as Maria pushed herself onto him before he could even finish the sentence, however he quickly put his arms around her. He looked at the sky and sea as Maria was talking, they were in paradise and something had to happen.

"I will Maria, as soon as we get back I will make sure I visit Vienna regularly. Work be damned"

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The 'resort' complex that the guests would arrive at was a long row of bungalows situated along the north shore of the island, overlooking the open ocean. They all lined along a large crescent-shaped beach that sat back between two long points of land that jutted out into the Coral Sea. The first house in the row belonged to the Southern Cross officials, which would be the main gathering spot. It was large, with its own ballroom and large dining hall, as well as an extensive sitting area and a large deck with many patio tables and sunning chairs. It would play host to the dinners, as well as breakfasts and lunches, if the delegations decided to come down to those meals from their own residences.

It was lined with large windows that faced the open ocean and like all the buildings that lined the boulevard, was based on an Italian-villa architecture on the outside, complete with low slanted half-circle clay tile roofs. The large complex had a fully staffed bar with liquors from all over Australia and the world, and with a full-time catering staff on hand. The ballroom that also doubled as a large dining hall had a sound system that could connect to the entire house, with a DJ on hand that had all genres of music available.

The other houses along the boulevard were a little smaller then the extensive complex, each one had a particular flag flying in front of it, to mark whose bungalow was whose. Some of the delegations, like the Athenian delegation, were accorded two bungalows next to each other. They were spaced out by hedges with at least one hundred and fifty feet between each of them, to ensure some privacy. The bungalows were all three stories high, including a basement level with its own sliding door built into the sloping hillside that went down to the beach. They all had at least three bedrooms on the upper levels, with full bathrooms accorded to each, with bedrooms for staff on the lower floors.

The residences were stocked with food according to country as well, so that the delegations could have breakfasts and lunches at their own residences if they so chose. The ground level-floors had their own sitting rooms, and were also accorded their own bars, and food was available at all hours from the main Southern Cross building. The back porches overlooked the beach and had some wonderful views of the ocean, and had their own jacuzzi. All of the bedrooms faced the north, so that all occupants could view the ocean when they woke up in the morning through large bay windows. The occupants were accorded a number of 'Club Car' gas-powered golf carts, so they could travel around the island, each one was equipped with a CD player and communication radio as well.

The only presence of security, would be the ASLAV armored vehicle that was parked off to the side at the front gate of the facility amongst the foliage and a small detachment of the 69th Infantry Regiment. A number of pieces of motion detecting equipment had been installed along the perimeter of the resort, and a patrol of men were kept, fast reaction teams were on standby on the reverse side of the island. Plainclothes members of the Southern Cross' elite Z-Unit also moonlighted as bartenders at the main hall, and the Southern Cross Navy and Coast Guards' contribution to security could be seen offshore. The [i]Phantom[/i]-class Littoral Combat Ships, as well as a number of frigates, kept their distance from the compound, so as to not give an overarching sense of security, but they still maintained a presence close enough to make sure the guests felt safe.


"And the rest of the naval elements arrived this morning?" asked Robert, turning to the commander of Task Force 'Gamekeeper', Commodore Percy Gibbon.

"Yes Governor, we have a solid presence here, the [i]Indefatigable[/i] and her own task group is nearby as well, but of course, well out of sight," responded Gibbon, with a confident smile. The two were slowly rounding towards the north side of the island, Gibbon had been picked up from another 47' Motor Lifeboat that had come from the LCS [i]Phantom[/i], the task force flagship.

"Very good, we don't need our guests feeling like they're in an inescapable ring of security, they're here to relax," nodded Robert, with a polite smile.

"Of course, the SCNDF did the best it could to provide enough security, while not making the guests feel like they're in a police state. Magnetic Island is well secured and very safe, and I confidently say that," nodded Gibbon, as Robert looked through some binoculars at the naval vessels patrolling the waters off the island.

"Thank you again for meeting me for one last go-over of the security situation, time to start our vacation. I must say, Percy, you should join us for dinner tonight, a token of my appreciation," said Robert, with a smile, turning to the middle-aged flag officer.

"I would be delighted sir, until then," he nodded, offering his hand, which the Governor General firmly shook. The Commodore then signaled for his boat, which had been following Roberts', to come alongside. He quickly hopped over, and the two boats split once again, and Robert's zipped towards the resort complex quickly.


Lizzie was a little nervous being around so many world elites, despite her being able to work well with the corporate big boys over at Qantas, these men and women were much more powerful then a bunch of airline CEOs. But the distracting presence of Theresia and Angelika kept good company as she greeted other world elite while they chatted in between greetings.

"Of course, it'd be lovely to enjoy time together, I rather look forward to making some new international friends," she said, when Angelika mentioned she'd like to do things other then get blasted and enjoy the copious amounts of sun. "There are plenty of things to do around here then just get baked and bombed, and a trip to the mainland could certainly be one of them. I am sure we'll figure it out as we go along, all great fun starts spontaneously usually," she laughed, and grinning when Theresia made a statement of her own.

When they announced their departure, she nodded, "I'll be along as soon as I can, I need to do just a few tidbits of last minute things at the main building before I call on you. I'll be along shortly though, no worries." She smiled, and waved warmly as their group broke up.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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The grand vizier nodded, "Ah well then I suppose the issues has been settled." Wei said to the Empress. "I was talking to the Nords before I left, according to them their reconstruction plans are nearly complete for the beginning preparations of Barbarossa, our forces are of course redeploying from the action in Japan now. How are your preparations for the upcoming operation coming along?"

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New to the rigors of diplomacy, this was one diplomatic mission that General Mahesh Varma enjoyed thoroughly. The sexagenarian was quite used to the rough campings of Army field deployments as well as subdued luxury of Officer Accommodations in Headquarters areas. However this, a duty for which he was required merely to relax and hob nob with the mighty and powerful of the world seemed strange to the General. With his aide de camp and MoEA assistant squared away in one of the rooms in the capacious bungalow assigned to him, Mahesh Varma changed into casual beach shirt and a pair of cargo shorts and stepped out onto the beach in his sandals. The Cuba Libre he nursed paid a fitting accompaniment to the calm and casual atmosphere. His trained soldier's eyes did not miss the covert and overt security details, including the unnaturally well built and well trimmed bartenders and the odd warship that were seen patrolling the waters. All in all the Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces, one of the largest standing armies in the world was impressed by the arrangements prepared by the Southern Cross.

The only thing that would improve the day would be some pleasant conversation.

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A lone figure walked around the resort, his right hand in his pocket, his left one holding a glass of water. Union President Suhadi Kalla, as he had indicated earlier, had arrived in the lands of his ally. Upon his arrival, Kalla had been wandering along the guests, silently watching the UFE, Athenian, USC, and other delegates chatting with the each other. He smiled to himself as he sipped his glass. He was wearing casual, and yet formal, attire. His normally-long hair was cut short, and his eyes were penetrating.

It was his first visit to a foreign country, Kalla thought to himself as he watched the guests, and he was glad it was the lands of his ally, the Union of the Southern Cross. Hence the reason he chose to attend alone, without bodyguards, which indicated the trust he had placed in his ally.

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Prince Harry and Princess Jessica mingled with the crowds on their first goodwill mission. Their guards remained on the mainland, the logic behind it was that if they were going to be assassinated on the island, then the chances would be that everybody on the boat would be killed aswell. Well, thats how Harry saw it.

He saw some familiar figures from his wedding, the Austrian duchess, Valerio and Ariadne and even the elusive Wei. He had gotten over his nerves when it came to social engagements by sheer luck, now that he had met some of these people before he was much more comfortable. Looking around he spotted Jessica talking to one General Mahesh Varma, her words flowing in Hindi towards one of her former guardians. Harry went to the bar and got himself comfortable with a smoke and a beer, just watching the world go by.

Jessica approached the Cochin General with hesitation before she mentally told herself to man up.
"General Varma, it is a pleasure to speak to you after so many years. I dont know if you will remember me, but I certainly remember you General." Jessica blushed as she realised if this man had no idea who the hell she was, she had better introduce herself.
"Princess Jessica Bonaparte Windsor, pleased to re-meet you"

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1302720345' post='2690121']
A lone figure walked around the resort, his right hand in his pocket, his left one holding a glass of water. Union President Suhadi Kalla, as he had indicated earlier, had arrived in the lands of his ally. Upon his arrival, Kalla had been wandering along the guests, silently watching the UFE, Athenian, USC, and other delegates chatting with the each other. He smiled to himself as he sipped his glass. He was wearing casual, and yet formal, attire. His normally-long hair was cut short, and his eyes were penetrating.

It was his first visit to a foreign country, Kalla thought to himself as he watched the guests, and he was glad it was the lands of his ally, the Union of the Southern Cross. Hence the reason he chose to attend alone, without bodyguards, which indicated the trust he had placed in his ally.

"Good day, Mr. President, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Pacita Arellano, First Director of the Selenarctos Popular Division," Ms. Pacita Arellano smiled warmly, preforming a half-bow and offering a handshake in the culturally-mixed greeting that had become commonplace in Selenarctos over the past two decades. "Please allow me to congratulate you on your independence and the significant economic growth your nation has undergone in such a short period of time."

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1302734608' post='2690217']
"Good day, Mr. President, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Pacita Arellano, First Director of the Selenarctos Popular Division," Ms. Pacita Arellano smiled warmly, preforming a half-bow and offering a handshake in the culturally-mixed greeting that had become commonplace in Selenarctos over the past two decades. "Please allow me to congratulate you on your independence and the significant economic growth your nation has undergone in such a short period of time."

Kalla smiled warmly at the Selenarctos Director as he performed a half-bow in return and shook her hand gently but firmly. "It is a pleasure to meet with you too, ma'am." Kalla greeted pleasantly. "And thank you for your congratulations. It had not been easy, but the Union is well on the road to economic prosperity, and I can only hope it will remain that way."

He paused to take a sip from his glass of water.

"Enjoying the party so far? It is quite fitting, given that we had triumphed over Japan. Well, the UFE, USC, and Buryatia, anyways." He grinned.

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A man approached the crowd. "Greetings" George Fincham said a bit nervously. This was his first time out of the country and he couldnt help himself from being a bit nervous surrounded by so many powerful people. At the time had had wished to go to the celebration without security despite his security advisers calling him crazy but now he was starting to wish he agreed being so close to all these powerful people.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302726603' post='2690157']
Prince Harry and Princess Jessica mingled with the crowds on their first goodwill mission. Their guards remained on the mainland, the logic behind it was that if they were going to be assassinated on the island, then the chances would be that everybody on the boat would be killed aswell. Well, thats how Harry saw it.

He saw some familiar figures from his wedding, the Austrian duchess, Valerio and Ariadne and even the elusive Wei. He had gotten over his nerves when it came to social engagements by sheer luck, now that he had met some of these people before he was much more comfortable. Looking around he spotted Jessica talking to one General Mahesh Varma, her words flowing in Hindi towards one of her former guardians. Harry went to the bar and got himself comfortable with a smoke and a beer, just watching the world go by.

Jessica approached the Cochin General with hesitation before she mentally told herself to man up.
"General Varma, it is a pleasure to speak to you after so many years. I dont know if you will remember me, but I certainly remember you General." Jessica blushed as she realised if this man had no idea who the hell she was, she had better introduce herself.
"Princess Jessica Bonaparte Windsor, pleased to re-meet you"

"Jessica, my dear child, how can I forget you. It is really good to see you again! I am sorry that I could not be present for your wedding but Vikram had been there conveying all our blessings to you. I know it is belated but I hope you would permit this old uncle to bless you thus, [b][i]"Deerkha Sumangalee Bhava"[/i][/b] ( May you have a lasting and happy married life; Sanskrit)," Mahesh Varma said thus before raising his two palms joined together in the Vedic blessing posture towards Jessica.

"So how are you now, Jessica? Or should I now address you as Your Excellency?" General Mahesh Varma asked with a smile and a wink.

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"I just want you to do it for yourself, Valerio, no one else. If you're coming up because I'm telling you to see me, that's not the same as you wanting to see me and pushing to see me. There's a difference." Maria tapped the Emperor's face with one finger and smiled. "I know you'll be up, you never disappoint and I'll look forward to the day when Europe and the rest of the world isn't sitting on the brink of war then maybe we can get some time to ourselves. Until then, we'll have to enjoy the time we have here and the time when Ariadne isn't listening in on our conversations." The Empress laughed and released herself from the Emperor's grasp and looked over at the shore line and the waves lapping up against it. "Though I should probably get going, make sure that Angelika and Theresia aren't getting themselves into trouble." She turned back around to Valerio, "I will be seeing you later I hope?"


After leaving Lizzie, Angelika and Theresia arrived at their bungalow overlooking the northern shore of the island. Sliding open the door and finding their luggage already inside, both Princess' eyes nearly fell from their heads at the sheer beauty of the building. The view was utterly spectacular, the warm air from the sea blew in from the open windows, and trays of fruit, vegetables, and cool drinks had already been poured and set out by the servants. Angelika nodded as she stepped into the bungalow and threw her purse off on one of the wicker chairs.

"So this is Heaven? The way Bishop Koering made it sound, Heaven seemed rather dull, but I think I can get used to this."

Theresia closed the door behind her and took out a piece of cut pineapple and plopped it into her mouth. "Pity that we only have two days to enjoy this. Weather like this makes me with I always lived in the Southern Hemisphere."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You've been in China for the past year." Angelika said slipping through the back door and removing her sandals stood out looking at the beach. "Hello, Guam, how are you complaining about anything? I was in the Pacific Northwest, I didn't know anything other than rain, cold, and snow for at least eight months at a time."

"Yeah but here I'm not being watched by the Asian elites. Speaking Chinese with an Austrian accent isn't exactly smooth sailing and even though I've been in the Federation for a year, its still rather hard to find friends." The youngest Hapsburg's eyes brightened as she swallowed the pineapple. "Oh, Angelika, you have to eat this, it's amazing."

"Jia doesn't take care of you?"

"Oh, no, he does. He's a darling, its just the fact that well, I don't think the Chinese have gotten over the Age of Imperialism yet, I don't blame them, there's a lot of people who still don't trust the Athenians, Dalmatians, or Germans." Theresia said as she stepped out onto the deck.

"Well that's politics, a bunch of brainless old men with build up prejudices and grudges." The middle Hapsburg shook her head. "But when people die, it's never their fault. That's what I worry about Theresia, I worry that we're all going to become like them. You, me, Maria, and I don't want that to happen. It was like when Maria was talking about her 'old' days. They're just her days with Valerio, when she was Duchess. She probably doesn't even remember all the trips and adventures we used to have."

Theresia beamed, "Angelika? Are you getting sentimental?"

"You best not tell anyone." She smiled and took Theresia by the shoulder. "I have a reputation to keep up."

"Everyone thinking you're a revolutionary and a trouble maker?"

"Hey, there's a fan base somewhere. But, c'mon, let's enjoy ourselves while we're here." Angelika turned and looked out towards the azure horizon. "I'm as pale as a ghost and we're going to fix that right now. Shall we relax on the beach and wait to see how many old farts we can attract before Lizzie comes to get us?"

"Sounds like a plan."

About a half hour later, the two Austrians took to the beach, along with a battery stereo, two bottles of carrot oil, sunglasses, beach towels, and a bucket of margarita mix. Angelika sported her pink bikini with the black strings that tied around her neck and waist, while Theresia sported her own green with yellow strings. Their towels were laid gently out onto the sand and the two women were prone on top of them with the mist of the ocean beginning to make their white backs glisten. Turning up the stereo, the sounds of the island echoed across the shore and to the sounds of being wasted away in Margaritaville, Angelika felt her eyes begin to fall from her face and the trance of paradise over taking her.


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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1302739912' post='2690264']
Kalla smiled warmly at the Selenarctos Director as he performed a half-bow in return and shook her hand gently but firmly. "It is a pleasure to meet with you too, ma'am." Kalla greeted pleasantly. "And thank you for your congratulations. It had not been easy, but the Union is well on the road to economic prosperity, and I can only hope it will remain that way."

He paused to take a sip from his glass of water.

"Enjoying the party so far? It is quite fitting, given that we had triumphed over Japan. Well, the UFE, USC, and Buryatia, anyways." He grinned.

"Oh yes, it was quite the display of allegiance. I'm glad the Japanese ruling body agreed to surrender and occupation so quickly; no doubt many lives were saved by their actions. As you know Selenarctos did not participate in the show of force against Japan, though the UFE has our support, however my counterparts in the Security Division could not help but notice the Union remained outside of the conflict for maritime logistical reasons. I know the Union does not currently possess a navy and has not announced plans to create one, however if you are interested I can place you in contact with the major companies responsible for the design and production of the Selenarctan navy."

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About one hundred and fifty yards off the beach, a floating dock was anchored in the cove, and as the Governor Generals' boat rounded around the northeast point, he smiled, seeing that people were already mingling on the beach below the resort bungalows. He was 'fashionably' late to the party, but it was no matter, he was sure that Lizzie, with her upbeat and bubbly attitude, had been a good hostess. The boat crew deployed the bumpers on the side of the forty-seven foot boat, as he carefully guided it into the cove, turning the boat sideways as they approached the float. A small rigid inflatable outboard was waiting on the dock, as well as one of Roberts' favorite possessions; his surfboard.

He had already been surfing earlier this morning, the waves being churned up by a tropical depression that had luckily turned to the north instead of ruining their party. It was a good omen that the storm had blown away, but it had left them with some lovely waves and a nice gentle but continuous breeze. The boat bumped against the float, and Robert quickly cut the engine as three coast guardsmen jumped onto the dock and secured the boat to multiple mooring points.

"We good?" asked Robert, looking at the female Coast Guard lieutenant whose boat he had 'commandeered' for the trip out.

"All roped off sir, we're glad we could have you aboard," said the brunette, with a smile. Robert shook hands with her and the crewmen again. "The Commodore has us stationed here, basically as lifeguards and fast reaction sir, so we'll have our boat here if you need to get anywhere quickly," noted the lieutenant, with a nod.

"Very good, thank you for letting me take her for a spin, been awhile since I've been able to take a boat out for some skips on the swells," grinned Robert, his smile wide, almost like a kid at Christmas.

"Anytime sir, we'll take the motor launch in, it looks like you have other plans," chuckled the lieutenant, eying the surfboard.

"Thought I'd get in a ride before I met with the Prime Minister," said Robert, as he hopped onto the floating dock. "Mind taking my shirt, shoes, and shades in for me?"

"No problemo, boss," laughed the lieutenant, as the Governor General handed over his bright Hawaiian-print shirt, sunglasses, and boat shoes. Her smile faded slightly when he turned away from her, revealing a large crisscross of scars that covered his back, obviously from a large burst of shrapnel. It was no secret that the Governor General had been a rebel commander during the Free Australia insurrection. The official records stated he had been wounded and subsequently captured during the Coonan Street Bridge battle, but 'wounded' never gave a full description of the extent.

"I always knew I liked the Coast Guard for some reason," said Robert, turning to look at her, as he picked up his surfboard. He saw her eyes avert to his back, but his warm smile didn't fade. The scars on his back, for him, were not a mark of testosterone-based manliness or some sort of male rite of passage.

They were a constant reminder to him of the blood he had spilled for this country, marks that couldn't be erased, ones that he wouldn't forget when he was serving the people of this country. A dis-figuration that was a constant reminder to him that he should never, ever let something like that happen to his country again. One of the pieces of shrapnel had missed his spinal cord by less than an inch, it was miss that was symbolic to him, his mobility and maybe his life were spared, and he vowed to make that life as productive as possible.

The lieutenant quickly came out of her stupor, stuttering out, with a nervous chuckle, "Of course you like us sir, we're the ones who save your ass when you get in trouble." Her face turning slightly crimson when she knew she had been caught staring. "Catch a good ride for me, sir, I need to grab a few before that storm moves off too far." She put her Coast Guard ballcap on and hopped into the rigid outboard with her crew, and they untied and quickly headed for shore.

Robert put his board aimed at the shore, then crouched down on the dock, and slid forward onto the surfboard carefully. He began paddling for shore quickly, still wearing his faux-flower necklace, he looked over at the Coast Guard crew. A few of them gave thumbs up and were smiling wide, probably because they were hoping to see their leader wipe out, he smiled at the thought. He loved surfing when he could get to the beach, which was very rarely, and he was looking forward to getting a couple rides in this weekend, and his smile widened even more at [i]that[/i] thought.

The waves were beginning to crest at about sixty yards off the shore, which he observed, and he timed himself carefully between swells, he maneuvered the board to the point at about seventy yards off the beach and sat back on it for a minute. He sat on his board for a few minutes and observed the waves with a trained eye, before keeping his eyes out for a good swell. As soon as he spotted a swell he liked, which looked like it'd turn into at least a good eight to ten foot wave, he began to paddle furiously to get himself astride it, as it approached. He nimbly hopped up on the board as the wave began to build up as it approached the shore, and he began riding the front of the wave as it curled.

His path took him at a diagonal angle which would hopefully take him out of the curling 'pipeline' without wiping out, which was pretty much guaranteed, but he was all smiles as he rode the large wave. He let a whoop as he balanced himself carefully, the wave crashed down, and although he escaped the 'pipeline', the force of the wave still sent the board sideways and he fell into the water with a cheer. He popped up out of the water with a cough followed by a great laugh about fifteen yards off shore, and he swam to gather his board before wading into the shallows towards some of the guests already on the beach. His brown hair was all askew, his faux-flower necklace was over one shoulder, but he was all smiles.


[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1302746865' post='2690343']
A man approached the crowd. "Greetings" George Fincham said a bit nervously. This was his first time out of the country and he couldnt help himself from being a bit nervous surrounded by so many powerful people. At the time had had wished to go to the celebration without security despite his security advisers calling him crazy but now he was starting to wish he agreed being so close to all these powerful people.

Lizzie Whittaker recognized the Chief Director of Pihana easily amongst the crowd, the recent spate of bad relations between Pihana and the Southern Cross had made Fincham's face a very recognizable one in the Southern Cross amongst the media. He looked very nervous as he stepped off the ferry onto Magnetic Island, she raised an eyebrow. Most of the other guests seemed to all be comfortable, but Fincham's posture and demeanor showed an undertone of nervousness.

"Welcome to Magnetic Island, Director Fincham," said Lizzie, with a polite tone. "I trust your travel in from the West was smooth?"

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302757467' post='2690415']
"Jessica, my dear child, how can I forget you. It is really good to see you again! I am sorry that I could not be present for your wedding but Vikram had been there conveying all our blessings to you. I know it is belated but I hope you would permit this old uncle to bless you thus, [b][i]"Deerkha Sumangalee Bhava"[/i][/b] ( May you have a lasting and happy married life; Sanskrit)," Mahesh Varma said thus before raising his two palms joined together in the Vedic blessing posture towards Jessica.

"So how are you now, Jessica? Or should I now address you as Your Excellency?" General Mahesh Varma asked with a smile and a wink.

"Your blessings are wonderful Uncle, alas dont worry about the wedding, and please, call me Jessica, we need not be official in paradise, especially since Cochin has done so much for me, I wouldnt ask anybody in the Kingdom to address me as Princess or anything, I am indebted to you, as is my Mother." she responded beaming before reaching out and giving Mahesh a hug.

"Everything is fine, me and Harry are enjoying our new life, I love England aswell, its so different from Canada and India. Of course its culture is not as rich, but its people are fascinating. I believe your undergoing some work in the Isles aswell with the United States of the Island? Bless President O'Reilly. His hearts in the right place but I cant help thinking he is simply being led astray by the other... powers in the Isles." Jessica winked mischieviously.

"You should visit Eton sometime and see the castle, I would say Buckingham, but it is not yet fully restored. I know Alfred is thinking of travelling to Cochin to see Uncle Kerala. He believes the compassion you showed an exile and her infant daughter is the sign of a good King and a good peoples. Something he believes the world lacks at the moment. For example King Dinsmore, I dont need to explain but whilst Alfred has been busting his nuts to make things better, Dickie just turns a deaf ear, King Franklin of the UKIM, a fool for every example of the word and finally the Austria Duchess. A lovley, inteligiant woman, but I dont think he understands what impact the Austrian colony is having with Euro-American relations. It is my grave fear that war will soon break out, especially after that madman Harlands latest outburst."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302787686' post='2690539']
"Your blessings are wonderful Uncle, alas dont worry about the wedding, and please, call me Jessica, we need not be official in paradise, especially since Cochin has done so much for me, I wouldnt ask anybody in the Kingdom to address me as Princess or anything, I am indebted to you, as is my Mother." she responded beaming before reaching out and giving Mahesh a hug.

"Everything is fine, me and Harry are enjoying our new life, I love England aswell, its so different from Canada and India. Of course its culture is not as rich, but its people are fascinating. I believe your undergoing some work in the Isles aswell with the United States of the Island? Bless President O'Reilly. His hearts in the right place but I cant help thinking he is simply being led astray by the other... powers in the Isles." Jessica winked mischieviously.

"You should visit Eton sometime and see the castle, I would say Buckingham, but it is not yet fully restored. I know Alfred is thinking of travelling to Cochin to see Uncle Kerala. He believes the compassion you showed an exile and her infant daughter is the sign of a good King and a good peoples. Something he believes the world lacks at the moment. For example King Dinsmore, I dont need to explain but whilst Alfred has been busting his nuts to make things better, Dickie just turns a deaf ear, King Franklin of the UKIM, a fool for every example of the word and finally the Austria Duchess. A lovley, inteligiant woman, but I dont think he understands what impact the Austrian colony is having with Euro-American relations. It is my grave fear that war will soon break out, especially after that madman Harlands latest outburst."

The hug was affectionately returned by the old soldier and replied ," You really should visit Cochin again sometimes, Anaswara, Vikram's wife for one talks quite often about you. Yes, our new diplomatic initiative in North Atlantic could once again bring us into greater bonhomie. The United States of the Island are a fascinating people, not the most open and forthcoming of all societies, but I am sure they have their reasons too. All in all, we have found them fitting allies in the region seeing as our initial diplomatic initiative with another European power was treated with apathy. But let us not dwell on such unpleasantaries.

Also I think I just might accept that invitation to visit you at Eton. Also perhaps Sandhurst too, that if the Royal Military Academy is still functioning. Yes, the Austrian colony in Americas, the reactions of Pravus Ingruo. To be honest I sympathize with Pravus Ingruo. The Kingdom would not tolerate a non regional nation setting up colonies in South Asia or Central Asia. Then again diplomacy and sagacity are two crimes that we can never accuse upon the Pravus Ingruoans. War if it starts would be bloody of course. Question is how much consequential such a war would be in European politics?"

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The princesses were having fun relaxing at the soiree on Magnetic Island (as they were there the whole time :ph34r: ). There wasn't much to do. The Brits were conversing with the Indians. The Austrians and the Chinese were having their special time. Perhaps it was best to grab a beach chair and enjoy the non-Siberian weather for a while. Sarah was well acquainted with foreign relations due to her father, and Katherina was extensively versed in the ways of international business and trade, but they didn't really want to use these skills. At least not while the daiquiris continued to present themselves.


Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302716961' post='2690106']
The grand vizier nodded, "Ah well then I suppose the issues has been settled." Wei said to the Empress. "I was talking to the Nords before I left, according to them their reconstruction plans are nearly complete for the beginning preparations of Barbarossa, our forces are of course redeploying from the action in Japan now. How are your preparations for the upcoming operation coming along?"

Ariadne chuckled at the thought of how the operations were progressing, they were going great. "I am pleased to announce the preparations for Operation Dragoon are going perfectly, our forces in Italy and Spain are ready to move on within a matter of weeks, not to forget our surprises. I assume the UFE is still planning on participating? Our bases are ready to have you"

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1302764255' post='2690469']
"I just want you to do it for yourself, Valerio, no one else. If you're coming up because I'm telling you to see me, that's not the same as you wanting to see me and pushing to see me. There's a difference." Maria tapped the Emperor's face with one finger and smiled. "I know you'll be up, you never disappoint and I'll look forward to the day when Europe and the rest of the world isn't sitting on the brink of war then maybe we can get some time to ourselves. Until then, we'll have to enjoy the time we have here and the time when Ariadne isn't listening in on our conversations." The Empress laughed and released herself from the Emperor's grasp and looked over at the shore line and the waves lapping up against it. "Though I should probably get going, make sure that Angelika and Theresia aren't getting themselves into trouble." She turned back around to Valerio, "I will be seeing you later I hope?"

Before Maria could walk away Valerio would pull her back and kiss her on her mouth. "Yes we very much will be seeing each other, have fun out there." He said after which he would release Maria and walk towards the building reserved for the Western Athenian delegation. By now he had been wearing his suit long enough and the weather deserved something which was more comfortable. In the meantime he gave his guards off so they could enjoy themselves.

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1302787370' post='2690536']
Lizzie Whittaker recognized the Chief Director of Pihana easily amongst the crowd, the recent spate of bad relations between Pihana and the Southern Cross had made Fincham's face a very recognizable one in the Southern Cross amongst the media. He looked very nervous as he stepped off the ferry onto Magnetic Island, she raised an eyebrow. Most of the other guests seemed to all be comfortable, but Fincham's posture and demeanor showed an undertone of nervousness.

"Welcome to Magnetic Island, Director Fincham," said Lizzie, with a polite tone. "I trust your travel in from the West was smooth?"

"Thank you. And yes it was comfortable." He said becoming slighlty less nervous. "Thank you for having me, and congratulations. It is wonderful to see your nation prosper over the past 6 months and look forward to the future." He said with a smile while trying to get himself to relax. This was a celebration... whats there to worry about? He shook his head. "I look forward to a great celebration."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302818765' post='2690787']
Before Maria could walk away Valerio would pull her back and kiss her on her mouth. "Yes we very much will be seeing each other, have fun out there."
The princesses looked at each other, mouths agape, after seeing this. "Oh. My. Gosh," they said in unison.

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