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CNQ-Tabloid Tribune #162 Joint Issue

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[quote][size="7"][b]Pacifica Criticized For Existing[/b][/size]
[i]Pacifican protestors continue to remind the world that they unfortunately still exist.[/i]

FRANCOGRAD: In a move that enraged the Cyberverse Pacifican Officials continued to exist. The continued existence is clearly the result of the last spams of a dying alliance that should be disbanded. Said IAA spokeseman, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100083&view=findpost&p=2670615]Omniscient1[/url], "I now have a new piece of advice to NPO, I would like to recommend disbandment."

Pacifican sources say that the continued existence was issued because of systemic changes in the Alliance and a desire to move on from past grievances. NPO Clerk and MK sovereign Sir Paul stated that “I can be proud of my alliance without being proud of everything my alliance has done. This is a way to continue existing and offer something to everyone who takes issue with our continued existence.”

However, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100083&view=findpost&p=2671606]Jens of the Desert[/url] was not impressed, and went on to say "Oh no, we are having to pay for past crimes. What a foreign idea to us humans!" NPO officials dismissed this claim by pointing out that that the Karma war and their surrender terms had supposedly paid for their crimes.

However, the chorus of nations has clearly indicated that their actions did not go far enough. [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100083&view=findpost&p=2670627]Omniscient1[/url] is quoted as saying "This depresses me" in response to Pacifica's continued existence. To address this valid criticism, the Emperor has ordered Pacifican officials to satisfy the troll in the most sarcastic way possible.

Despite these steps, Pacifican detractors continue to state that the Order’s continued belief in Pacifican Exceptionalism is a driving force in the need to periodically destroy the alliance. But then again, if a single alliance warrants this much attention, perhaps they are exceptional.
Written by Shan Revan
The Tabloid Tribune - One Step Ahead of the Truth
Magnificently a Member of MMM[/quote]

Someone had to make one, it was too good to let go unused regardless of anyone's personal opinion of Pacifica.

EDIT: bloody hell I really need to update my sig. That's what I get for not posting in forever.

Edited by Shan Revan
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[quote name='Shan Revan' timestamp='1300882679' post='2673760']
Someone had to make one, it was too good to let go unused regardless of anyone's personal opinion of Pacifica.

EDIT: bloody hell I really need to update my sig. That's what I get for not posting in forever.

haha nicely done. I'm no longer "an IAA spokesman" though. I am the Great Imperial Advisor to the Pacifican clown.

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This is what is needed a counter attack. A counter to the lies. A counter to the propaganda. And a counter to the 'lulz' posts of the genital fungus known as Doomhouse.

You are in the right, grasp it and and let loose your dogs of PR :ph34r:

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[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' timestamp='1301012011' post='2675298']
Hey, SirPaul can announce you the awards? It's almost been a month.

You should really hire Obama or Clinton though.
Forgive me, but I've been busy with other matters. I expect to do the non-live annoucement of the CNAA in April.

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