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Everything posted by Masterchief777

  1. lol. They weren't threatening you to join. They we're threatening you to join the right way by posting an application or get the heck off their alliance affiliation. Alliances don't want ghosts (whats it called when you join the alliance affiliation but don't post application on the forum.) If you would have just posted an application on their forum or removed yourself from their alliance affiliation there would have been no problem. When you read an alliances charter and don't agree with it, that means the alliance is not for you. Don't complain to them about it when you are not even a real member, did you really think an alliance like IRON, which has been around for years (since 2006), is going to conform to the will of a noob?
  2. You, my good sir, are an idiot. Thanks for the laughs. Might want to actually grow before you attack next time you reroll. Otherwise you are just gonna be an annoying fly being swatted away.
  3. We're not European based but we have a couple of Europeans within our alliance I'm sure you would get along with :) Though, I think UCR is a very suitable home considering they are our allies, but if you really need a switch we could always use some need blood.
  4. How is this a "please don't roll us thread?" I've said countless times they can go ahead if they so choose and use some ludicrous reason to do so. It was more of a "use these claims to try and roll us or move along thread" If their truly was a valid CB here then I'm sure we'd be seeing something to follow it knowing how hungry for war Bob is. We don't, so move along.
  5. So just save the trouble of making these guys butt hurt and join NSF: www.ns-federation.net also 420th post. yay.
  6. Discussing in terms of thats what Kashmir wanted when they messaged me. Not that NSF or I personally wanted to war with them.
  7. The pissing contest I was referring to is a war over non issues with no evidence. I am however allowed to respond to clear up any inconsistencies posted or point out hypocrisy. but I suppose I shall wait till someone posts something of actual substance. Instead of people just whining about NSF "whining" as would seem to be the case.
  8. We didn't want to come to this thread with a CB, if you haven't read anything that was clearly not this intent. but w/e let me whine in my thread then and you go whine in yours :P
  9. It still failure, you were the leader and if the internal situation sucked, well guess what? Its you job to fix it, you didn't, so its failure ;) maybe in your eyes but if you can't tell, I don't care what you think.
  10. You're gonna merge a decently successful 36 man alliance into a smaller alliance membership wise? Alright then its failure not abandonment. Apologies.
  11. Meh can't really call yourself mature and take the moral high road when you abandon an alliance you lead. It really has nothing to do with the real issue, its just a reminder that you are not really what I'd consider to be the perfect judge of someones maturity levels. Especially looking at half the posts from your alliance and your allies.
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