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Everything posted by daggarz

  1. ahh thats right. Thanks for the reminder. And thats fine!
  2. Last time i checked RDD have a MDoAP with Echelon? And the issue has nothing to do with you, its a private joke between me and Augusta
  3. Augusta, echelon and AB? Tell me this is a joke. Still love you ex oh ex oh -daggarz
  4. RyanGDI what are you doing!!!!! Oh wait its not you... oh wait and its a normal announcement... Continue..
  5. Is it true that this alliance really is full of free speech? And that it is made up of members of various experience and age in cn? Is it also true that we have quite a few infamous people??
  6. daggarz

    Next war?

    Can you enlighten we all about what the reasons were because i havn't the foggiest Edit: Not siding with TPF or anyone just.. well I don't know a thing about it and you said we all know...
  7. daggarz

    Next war?

    I know i felt like saying to jack diorno in his post just then. Ummm... Opsec?
  8. daggarz

    Next war?

    The only issue i have with that statement is that Karma was never one voice. It was a collection of many voices. There for you cant say everyone wanted the same thing. More or less yes they did, but some alliances like to go to war, its a fun way for them to play the game so i doubt they would have agreed with some of these things.
  9. daggarz

    Next war?

    And then do you wake him up? I hope you dont lick his feet to wake him up
  10. lol he has been falling out and back in with everyone lately.
  11. daggarz

    Next war?

    does your dog still wake you up at the crack of dawn mhawk?
  12. Nemesis would like to say that through our NOIR treaty with MFO, they have our full support at this time.
  13. Why should private means be any more courteous than public means? It achieves the same ends and if i may say so lets everyone know that Justitia is still kicking it
  14. Through our ODAP treaty with CoJ, Nemesis fully supports CoJ at this time.
  15. I even heard we're better than you
  16. You better sign me up!!!! I hear you guys have a great artists team! Edit: Only just read the 1 hour bump rule. Sorry!!!! If you have to delete it do so!
  17. As much as i will miss Rapture, MA is a great new home. Cossar... come to Nemesis
  18. Bilrow shouldn't make public claims unless he is willing to back them up. And if he isn't then we have every right to call him out on it. Edit to respond to Palpatine: He wasn't trying to prove he had secret SS only that he wanted Bilrow to show that he could infact trace an image of a forum as he says. I'm not sure what thread your reading, but its different to this one.
  19. So what your saying is, Bilrow can't go to the government of NPO (which he is supposedly part of) and find someone who does know the security traits and then prove to us all that NPO truly can find whoever took it? Public Forum or not it's still part of their forum and would still work towards proving a point so you are either stupid, thick as a brick or got dropped at birth or something.
  20. See bob, I'm meant to be the diplomat to RIA but i totally couldnt be troughed.
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