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Everything posted by daggarz

  1. Hey guys give them a break. Their war music is the chariots of fire theme song. You try listening to it and not do everything in Slow Motion
  2. Was waiting for this! Also, if you still love us, come back home before our allies pound your alliance into the dust. Its only fair!
  3. We are not allied to any of the alliances at war...
  4. Yeah, sure, thats why I did it. For attention.
  5. Nemesis official states its frustration with no update DoW's Please Consider Planet Bob before you put us through another update Signed: Daggarz - Frustrated aussie
  6. It was said by your underlings that DF's owf post was an act of war against NSO. Therefore if they thought NSO was being declared upon, following procedure and policy, issuing a threat of war makes perfect logical sense... if you are an No Stones Order underling
  7. NSO prepared for war... we could only assume that You have until update is a threat. In fact why are we arguing that. You did threaten DF, stop denying it. And we rallied to support our black sphere brothers
  8. You have until update. For what? At update we are going to cuddle you???? The only logical conclusion to draw from someone saying you have until update is that you will declare war on them at that point. Its damn obvious
  9. <Doppelganger> All that being said, we want 500 tech and a public apology in the form of an OWF topic as restitution. <Doppelganger> That, or come up with the proof that it was indeed an NSO member who tried to sic /b/ on your forum. <Doppelganger> If you do the proof required, we will be more than happy to expel the culprit and you all can do what you must with them. We will wash our hands of the situation. <Doppelganger> Either way, you have until update.
  10. Defensive war. NSO issued a threat to attack DF, we would defend them to ZI and back
  11. Doppleganger told SCM he had until update. And than your military mobilized. Doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.
  12. You give an ultimatum to Dark Fist, letting them know that unless they apologise by update you will declare a state of war with them. Then all of a sudden you realised that the majority of CN doesn't actually like you and support rallied behind Dark Fist in an incredibly numerous manner and all of a sudden your "threat" went away. So are you the big man in this picture? Not a chance. Dark Fist hasn't come off great in this situation, but NSO is a laughing stock.
  13. The same is true of NSO however. Public opinion is seeing NSO hanging itself again and again. DF is an extremely tight bunch and they all work together really well, I can't see them going anywhere in a hurry
  14. DF will have no trouble surviving this. I wager you 100 tech on the fact that DF will come out on top if NSO were not too cowardly to back up their threat
  15. hehehe $@! >:-| I cant leave this thread. How about we agree to drop this thread, STA can drop FB and everyone is a happy camper
  16. even my girlfriend tells me i exaggerate all the time. I am sorry.. its how I am
  17. Well sure, there are some people who want to see this go away. But NSO have pissed off far to many people for them to easily get out of a situation. I have said it before, there is very little love for them in this digiterra and a smack on the bum might do them good
  18. NSO threatened to roll someone a lot of people are allied to. It was the chance of a life time tyga!
  19. They were threatened albeit hollow like, with an ultimatum. I will be honest with you, how you have spoken in this thread hasn't diminished you in my eyes at all really, it was you signing a treaty with NSO.. i mean come on man! Edit: hasn't instead of has
  20. Tyga you used to be such a political role model to me. SCM did not need to smear NSO, there is little love for NSO in planet bob, made obvious by the fact that a huge coalaition formed almost immediately to counter roll them had they not wimped out. Tyga and SCM you are both stubborn alliance leaders, nothing good will come from you bickering, DF feel slighted, NSO feel slighted, its a vicious cycle.
  21. but the ultimatum? When is NSO going to make good on their "threat"?
  22. No. They are in a state of war with Dark Fist, tech raiding would be messing with the co-ordinated counter attacks against the rogues.
  23. Interesting I always thought it was Car Gay
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