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  1. Wow, is this a joke? Seriously? You're declaring war on an alliance for absolutely no reason other than you want to be more powerful than them...oh, and I guess cause you don't like them. Why did anybody ever give NPO peace in their last war? Why not just continue on with in for eternity. Do you think that anybody will EVER end a war now, knowing that it means absolutely nothing, that people will just go ahead and attack whomever they want, whenever they want, for any reason they think up. This is the end of cybernations, congratulations.
  2. War, schmar, we all know we're going to fight eachother, I'm glad we finally are. But I have to agree with my pen chucking friend here. Lennox, I used to consider you a friend. Yes, an untrustworthy trouble causing friend, but for the most part a friend. Dajobo is just about the nicest guy I've ever met in cybernations. Always happy to help, always willing to give people a second chance, never quick to judge or jump to aggressive actions. For you to choose him to be the patsy in this plan is just disgusting. He was hurt by how he was used, and everybody who knows him surely feels the same way. I'm just happy to see that Polaris sees Dajobo for the wonderful officer he truly is. Where others might have turned their back on him, we know better.
  3. Gee, I sure do love that a good ol' curb stomp doesn't fulfull anybody's destructive desires anymore and public humiliation has become the norm as part of surrender.
  4. Reps for Sparta? Wow, the easter bunny certainly was generous.
  5. Well I for one am shocked at this announcement...who knew MHA was at war with anyone? Surprised the treaty wasn't canceled by either party ages ago. Good luck to both parties, yada yada yada.
  6. Thanks for the heads up. Fortunately I only use that generic password for things that I don't particularly care about security wise. If this wise hacker could also figure out my dummy e-mail address, I suppose he could also rate movies for me at IMDB.com, or upload recipes to allrecipes.com, but that's about it.
  7. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' date='24 February 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1267042874' post='2201895'] So a beer review is truly [i]that[/i] inconvenient? Yeesh, God forbid you commit to such a minor thing for peace. [/quote] If it's so minor, then why are Fark insisting upon it? Besides, I believe it is a beer review AND not re-entering the war in support of their allies who are still fighting. Something which I'm sure their opponents would not agree to.
  8. Good luck Ivan, I'd probably have done the same thing if I were you.
  9. I never said anything about this announcement offended me, but please continue you passive aggressive mocking, it makes you appear oh so tough and clever.
  10. Sounds like a typical \m/ reply. We can do whatever we want, but don't do anything it's just a joke, haha!
  11. Yes, but it seems that these days the standard CN "war" tactic is to simply call other people cowards and infra huggers. I see far more name calling than I see actual war in any given conflict
  12. You don't see anything immature about mocking somebody for being offended by racial slurs? It is essentially passive aggressive childish name calling.
  13. I believe Polar has made about 100 declarations on \m/ in less than 24 hours, which ain't too shabby considering they only have about 50 nations in war mode.
  14. Let us hope that is not the new global precedence! Otherwise we might have to declare war on people for not declaring war Anyway, regardless of all else said, I respect PC for honouring their treaty. I think the DoW is incredibly immature, but is still a welcome sight.
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