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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. i suggest mIRC. But, I just started working on the guitar hero one. Shouldn't be long.
  2. Wait, do you want a flag or a sig,or both? Get on IRC if you can, #DT on Coldfront.
  3. I can do it. 3mil to a smaller nation to send me 100 tech, and the 50 tech from you.
  4. Nope, theres nothing to stop them from messaging you, unless you block every single player in game. In reality though, if you want to play this game and not get raided, you're gonna need to find one of those alliances. My advice would be to ignore the ones that spam you messages and offer startup aid, and go look on the CN wiki for an alliance you think you will like. Most alliances will give out aid anyways, if they have to bribe you, ignore them.
  5. Message me, I'm Masterof9puppets there too =p
  6. See, I have fish and wheat, and need to switch to black, but I need my circle to have Uranium =/
  7. Horrible idea. And don't forget, to have a navy you must have more than 1k land too, right?
  8. Nice try though... Are you positive you didn't overdeploy?
  9. Edit: I should really look to see where the topic is before I post. Thought it was regular CN =p Edit II: 100th post.
  10. Under maroon team, The Order of Halsas forums are at forums.theorderofhalsa.com and our IRC is at #halsa on coldfront.
  11. I will get you a $20 donation if you find 4 Tech dealers willing to send me 100 tech each, and a 5th one that would send 200 tech. Deal ends up costing the seller 18mil, and 5 slots for 10 days, and another slots for another 10 days. How it would work: Day One: YOU send each tech seller 3mil Each tech seller sends me 50 tech. Once I receive $250 tech, I buy your donation. Day Eleven: Each tech seller sends me 50 tech. Day Twenty-One: YOU send the 5th tech seller 3 more mil. 5th tech seller sends me third 50 tech. Day Thirty-One 5th tech seller sends me last 50 tech. End of deal. YOU will be responsible for finding 5 trustworthy tech sellers, and having them get the tech in on time. -Masterof9puppets
  12. Your tech should equal around, or more than 1/5th of your infrastructure. What Fort Pitt says is very, true. Don't overload tech, try to stay around where others at your level are.
  13. Apparently I did not follow most; but I stopped selling tech at 2k infra, on my rise to 3k infra bought up to 300 tech, used two aid slots for tech deals until 4k infra, and after that kept four slots dedicated to tech, forever.
  14. 3mil for 50 tech, are you kidding me...? And this is your first day?
  15. Why do I not have permission to use the search feature, or the View New Posts feature? This has always bothered me, is it just a problem with my account, or does no one get access to these features?
  16. Posting Sir Goode's surrender from NADC for him, he does not have an account. He, Sir Goode of the NADC, surrenders to the forces of BLEU and also resigns from his current position in the NADC, and he agrees to all surrender terms.
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