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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. You mean Alliance Affiliation? And no, there isn't. Double topic?
  2. I've got me 20 shiny ones, and I'd use them without a thought back.
  3. Well, this could be in the report a bug forum for a reason =p But I dunno, maybe it's just him
  4. He said he hasn't bought infra for a while.
  5. That would raise his infra bills to 4mil, not 7
  6. Many alliances out there on blue, look at them here: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Allianc...ms_and_IRC_List Or you can find a multi, multi's are always good.
  7. Would losing labor camps change the infra bill that much? And, do you have different trades?
  8. Is there any way to replace one of those resources with fish and have this still work?
  9. Just made this, if you want a new signature, or are interested in a new one, check it out! Linky
  10. It means uh for the win. ftw? You've never heard it?
  11. 300 tech for the sig for your new alliance? Works for me. If you ever get IRC working, join #DT, chances are I'll be there.
  12. Again, fish and wheat. And this is the circle I need as well. Why is fish not included?!
  13. Are fish and wheat needed at all? I need to switch to black.
  14. No problem, should I just contact you when I have free slots?
  15. Like this? I kept it sort of small, otherwise it would throw off your name.
  16. No rush at all for the tech, my slots are booked for a bit. I think 15 days the soonest...
  17. It'd be better if you could find a tech seller, give him the 3mil, and have him forward me 100 tech. 3mil isn't much use to me at this point =p
  18. No problem Westside, heres the version with your name: And, I'll do that now Wiley.
  19. Well, there's his. When he tells me what to have as writing I'll change the Name Here to his name, and add whatever else.
  20. What is the first guys name, or what does he want the sig to say?
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