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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. I'm not sure if Will raided red to "be cool/tough/spite NPO", but I believe it was a more of an abundance of targets on the Red sphere that are a lot easier to find than on other spheres.
  2. Actually, Merrie might have already, he has done this in the past.
  3. Being one of Will's leaders, I have much more business in this than you. As Myworld stated, anything else can be discussed in private on IRC. Goodnight.
  4. Will is not DT High-Government. If you're going to play that card, you might have wanted to come and check with government and see if it actually was an approved fight. And, tbh, I don't see you as anything more than a prick who meddles in affairs that aren't his.
  5. You have no relation other than team color to Will's raid, and DT doesn't recognize that as MDP-able relation. If NPO decided to come to the targets defense, this would be a different case. Merrie =/= NPO.
  6. See, we have a different policy for our nations being tech raided than our policy of our nations tech raiding. I'm not sure if you don't understand that, but it seems to make sense.
  7. Peace is always offered immediately after the two ground attacks. Without exception. K? Nothing did? Protecting Will from Merrie is not protecting him from his raid target.
  8. Yes, it would seem like that to you. But, you also haven't been on our private channel for the past hour, eh?
  9. Being DT Gov, High Templar of War, I have every right to dictate and change DT's Tech Raiding Policy as I see fit. That being said, I don't feel the need to notify you personally on every raid that I approve. So no, Willrica did not go rogue.
  10. Find a quote of me slamming NPO's policies. Do it.
  11. Well, right now I believe we have another problem to solve. Going rogue generally isn't the best way to solve a problem, aye?
  12. Right now the problem is that Merrie decided to attack one of our members. Unless she is willing to pay reps, the problem will be solved with her being attacked.
  13. I suppose we should probably just ZI for him for his actions, shouldn't we?
  14. You won't be able to continue hitting him for long.
  15. One, your allies at SSSW18 didn't get the same terms as you because you also did not happen to be fighting with us. Not everyone is going to get the same terms. Two, everyone has got to really shut right up about the whole "principle of the ordeal" bs. Principle of the freaking deal is that Alliance X is surrendering to Alliance Y. Alliance X is the losing side. No one made a law that says the losing side gets to skip away happily ever after from the losing side of a war. What would that teach alliances? Thirdly, after the above stated, DT and MOON were nice enough to give SSSW18 terms that actually benefited them; this is not something that should be complained about. Yes, it is a forced tech deal. Yes, it is a surrender term. Yes, it is beneficial. Now stop whining like an idiot, especially if you are not even part of this.
  16. Fail at trolling fails. You're fishing now.
  17. I'm sure if SSSW18 didn't (somehow, this would be impossible though) see the benefit in mutual tech deals, they would have mentioned it in our talks for peace and the terms change. You sir, however, were not involved in those talks.
  18. 3mil for 100 tech, sounds horrible. What monsters are we?
  19. Sorry, what time is that? 11:59:99? Hmm.... Well, o/ Peace
  20. I need to chill out? No sir, I am actually very calm. I am glad that our wars have given you a positive impression of us and our allies, it is opponents like you that I look forward to fighting Trolling is not necessarily a "winging over loss of infra" as you had stated, as I really don't mind any infrastructure loss to my nation, it is just an eventful thing to do during boredom
  21. I'm not really buying that you knew several alliances would hit you for hitting us; especially as all of our MADP's were already involved in offensive/defensive/both wars. Luckily for us, our ODP's in NOIR agreed with the fact that you are all complete cowards for attacking an alliance 1/8 your size.
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