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Everything posted by Thrash

  1. Sometimes change is needed. Good luck GLOP!
  2. Don't think this needed to be posted on here, but that's just my opinion. Good luck, Compound!
  3. Welcome and congrats to the new signatories!
  4. Hmmm.. I feel tempted... o/ CATO and Good Luck!
  5. Congrats to the new members! o/ Blunity
  6. Putting aside the way you trolled our threads, Good Luck!
  7. Good to see.. Looking forward to a new friendship!
  8. I toured Yuengling like 15 years ago. Was worth the trip. It's about an hour and 30 mins from me. Their beer, I don't particularly care for though.. As an American, I drink beer cold/warm whatever. Makes no difference to me. Warm beer is tastier and more filling, but more often than not I'm drinking cold beer, so it's prob just the default American thing to do.
  9. This. Hey, don't knock PA. We have drive through beer stores!
  10. GDA has just been informed of a message that was sent to all Karma POW AA's from an ex-GDA member, Prime-Minister-Leq. If you can remember, this is a member, who was determined to be withholding vital information from us before the start of the war. Because Leq is an ex-member of GDA, and used GDA's name in his message, we find it necessary to announce this. This must be his attempt to get even with the GDA for the punishment he was sure to face because of his actions while he was a member. Below is the message: These actions were in no way endorsed by the GDA, and finds any one who would stoop to such a low level to surrender to gain false peace to be completely dishonorable. Because Leq is an ex-GDA member, and he used the GDA's name in the message, we find it necessary to have brought this information to light. Signed for GDA, Sippyjuice, President Thrash, MoFA PopCap, MoIA BacTalan, MoE On behalf of Karma, LiquidMercury, Death Incarnate, Wrath of Karma Archon, Karma Incarnate, Voice of Karma Roquentin, Vigilance Incarnate, Shadow of Karma For CSN, Goose, Head of State to The Commonwealth, Warmonger of GUARD, and Old Man with a Cane
  11. Second time's a charm? Good luck, nubbins!
  12. Do you honestly think that we are like that? I know that GDA doesn't make very many posts out here. We are a laid back alliance, open to all discussions, and surely not trying to take over alliances and make them do what we want. The most directive we would give is "enjoy yourself in CN". Something that quite a few have forgotten about.
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