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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. [quote name='Crymson' date='06 February 2010 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1265435693' post='2163314'] I'll dispense with the usual format of flag signatures and keep this straight and to the point instead. Well before we, IRON and TORN attacked MK and GR, we were notified by Grub that he would not honor the treaties he had with those two alliances. We came into this war alongside Polaris and we were given statements in poor faith. For only the second time in this game---the first was seeing the NPO declare war on OV and starting the Karma War, right in the middle of negotiations I was mediating between the two alliances---I find myself speechless. [/quote] So you're announcing......that you are speechless, Cool story bro. Next
  2. Kzoppistan is the Oversear but Sulmar is the true [s]man[/s] thing of power behind Zenith, Kzoppi doesn't even announce his own announcements! o/ My old alliance, I'm glad you finally get to go to war
  3. [quote name='Alterego' date='03 February 2010 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1265178353' post='2155762'] Congratulations STA. You weighed up everything and went with the massively superior side (56m V 118m) in this war to fight against the people who had your back only a a week or so ago for the side you were fighting against. This will never be forgotten and regularly brought up in the future. I cant see it as anything other that picking the larger side, which is sad because I never expected an alliance like STA to do something like that. [/quote]Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Or are just trying to poke us? Seriously, what goes on in your mind?
  4. [quote name='wickedj' date='03 February 2010 - 05:28 PM' timestamp='1265182129' post='2155994'] Theres a positive in all of this, Skippy gets nuked more! also, obligatory: /me mauls bzelger [/quote] I love the smell of casualties in the morning... Outback Australia glows green again! o/
  5. [quote name='kpcurley' date='31 January 2010 - 08:26 AM' timestamp='1264890375' post='2145686'] I suppose you don't get the pun. So ill spell it out for you. "Greece" as represents Sparta since they are Greek nation. "Greece" is also a homophone for "Grease". Grease as we all know is delicious by product of bacon. Bacon also happens to be our acronym. So since we are defending our ally in war we decided to call the operation "Greece Fire". It also happens to be the same pun we used in the "BACoNGreece Protectorate Agreement", so i guess you can see a theme. [/quote] I didn't see the Greece-Grease pun at first [ooc]might have something to do with my bacon being on one of those cookers that don't have as much fat/grease/oil, something about eating healthy [/ooc], so touche there [quote]But then again I suppose you wanted to make us look stupid.[/quote] If I wanted to make you look stupid, it would of happened on a far better scale than that. I wouldn't of just made an "attempt" at correcting you. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' date='01 February 2010 - 11:32 AM' timestamp='1264987923' post='2148858'] I spent a good minute trying to figure out why it said Greece Fire instead of Greek Fire. [/quote] Glad someone was thinking on the same lines as me
  6. So having a CB on someone now means this? D: o/ WarriorConcept, good luck
  7. Normally it is called "Greek Fire" but meh Good luck I guess
  8. I'm still on MCXA's PZI list (blame Damsky) for disbanding TIO
  9. /me waits for Zenith to join the fun o/ All of you, glad to see you with us
  10. When I saw Stickmen on one side, I knew you'd take the other <3
  11. You finally got your own flag! Congrats, that one one of my "pet peaves" [ooc] that you were using the Micronesian flag[/ooc] Also o/ Honouring treaties etc
  12. See? That wasn't so hard was it! Oh, I'll throw in a aswell
  13. Well I'm sorry to hear you were sick, but surely you have some form of deputy who was able to provide this boilerplate. The "common ground" is not just their quantity/quality of text, but more to the additional factor of timing. If this was just a one off, I wouldn't really care.
  14. We're doing his bidding whilst he is on a long field trip, imagine what we'd be like with Tyga actually here! A little slow of course, but our armies make the earth shake! Fat Tigers ftw!
  15. In my opinion, if you can't be arsed to write up a proper treaty (which can take like what, 5-10 mins? Not even that if you use a pre made draft, edit it to your liking, and bam, treaty), then you aren't actually arsed about the friendship. Hell you don't need a treaty to say "I love you." VE did this with Athens in the WWE, they do something similar here, of course you can see why I am thinking this way.
  16. Surely you noticed we (NSO/STA) both still have a strong ally in Polaris, even though we are no longer tied together.
  17. With these short treaties made just before/in the middle of a war, I'm liking VE less and less
  18. Meh, knew you'd jump in ASAP. Go get 'em NSO
  19. o/ STA Good luck FCO/iFOK, you will need it. Lets make this nice and fun
  20. I see our allies have gone the other way
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