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Everything posted by BacTalan

  1. We wouldn't do this to one of our founders for nothing.
  2. No, it's just that he was the right person to contact and they assumed the info would get to us. We had a meeting to ask what they thought of this, and through that meeting found the missing info.
  3. You missed the part about our gov member lying to us and convincing us that NPO wasn't communicating anything to us.
  4. Without going into specifics, he made us think that the NPO wasn't communicating with us at all regarding the war even when we specifically asked for information. Read the last 4 pages of the thread, please.
  5. After that disastrous announcement, we went over to talk to NPO, who gave us info they said they'd already given Leq but which none of us had heard, and that info (regarding the treaty) caused us to take back the cancellations. Again, it wouldn't have happened if not for a rogue government member.
  6. We are rescinding this announcement. See http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54985 for more details.
  7. We decided to stand by NPO when we went to them and ended up getting some important info they'd given Leq, who hadn't given it to any of the rest of our gov. Leq was the lunatic. I know you probably won't take my word over your assumptions, but I can assure you this would not have happened had he not been lying to us. From Leq, our (former) Minister of Defense.
  8. NPO will confirm this story if you go talk to them.
  9. o/ GDA Good to have people like that out of positions where they can do harm. (Obligatory first first.)
  10. So it begins. I see this being long and interesting. Good luck to all.
  11. And we go down again today. Our strength chart looks like a stock chart..
  12. I stayed up until 6am the past 2 nights waiting for war.. Nothing I can't stay up tonight because of school, so I'm sure that's when it'll happen.
  13. Epic. Classic Schills. I can't wait for the next one..
  14. Aaaand goodbye to our biggest nation. Biggest loser goes to GDA today?
  15. I foresee a big gain for GDA today.. We'll almost be back at where we were 2 days ago.
  16. Aaaaaaand goodbye score. A 60k member decided to up and leave. )):
  17. (As in, he spammed us..)

  18. I've transferred the data to sippyjuice, so send PMs to her instead of me. I'm leaving in a few hours and probably won't be on for a few days.
  19. I can put you in a repeating 3x3 deal, which would use 3 of your slots every 10 days and earn you the same profit as three one-slot deals. PM me on here or ingame if you're interested. Please reply ASAP.
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