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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. And as the stats have shown, CLAMS didn't deserve to be in the same conversation as FTW. Your entire alliance is slapped together inactive garbage. Probably why you were so desperate to cling to NPO so that you'd never have to be exposed like you have been. Grow a pair, be like FTW, change the paradigm of CN.
  2. I think our position has been quite consistent. NG is here to support our friends, and Kapleo is an irrelevant turd.
  3. And we just asked you TWICE for those examples and you still haven't delivered.
  4. Pretty sure Luc and Tank would both agree that I still have no idea wtf a TIE is, and even less of an idea of how anything they did affected us outside of whatever micro drama they wanted to stir up.
  5. Kap. There is no groundwork that was laid by you that made all this happen. None. We didn't get into a planning room and say "hey you remember that weird Puerto Rican dude who dreamed far beyond his actual ability? Yeah lets do what he wanted to do." IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK ACTUALLY WENT DOWN? 🤣oh my My guy, literally all you've managed to do in the last few years is preside over another rolling of TPF, the implosion of your !@#$%* micro bloc, and then some weird one man army thing against CCC which ended in abject failure for you and near enslavement of your friends to terms for the better part of a year.
  6. Point to me exactly where in my post I referenced NG. I'll wait. I think we still live a little too rent free in that empty dome of yours.
  7. There's a difference between an annoying mosquito occasionally buzzing by your head, and then an anvil dropping on you. I like Luc as a person, but his "disruption" of doom was quite literally nothing compared to what we're doing. It's also quite separate. Luc had nothing to do with any part of this coalition forming, nor any of its management. Just because someone splattered some !@#$%* paint on a wall doesn't mean it was a young Banksy. What are you smoking? Read Devo's response below:
  8. Sounds like you really made Polar think twice about staying in Oculus, this is some STRONG projection.
  9. eh, 34% in PM. 26% slot usage to those that need aid isn't terrible. It's not like we're running tech deals while at war.
  10. Don't you have a manwha giveaway to attend to, Cress?
  11. perfect! see you out there, or maybe I won't. You have lots of time to post but not launch nukes apparently?
  12. #1 aka bloated weight that is completely irrelevant to this war and the next. Congrats for uh... not playing the game?
  13. And for his next magic trick, watch DA drive NPO straight into the ground like he did with Sparta!
  14. Literally no one is telling you to surrender. You've been incompetent since Sparta, and it's starting to show again. White peace all around, and you can plot polar's demise over the next year or so like CN has always done. Or you can get continue to get clobbered here and now like Krabs pointed out. Ball is in your court.
  15. What's laughable is that it wasn't white peace, it was white peace and oh yeah leave your MD ally on the field for an indeterminate period. Shut up, Tevron. No one listens to your nonsense.
  16. Except... I'm still right where I started, never alliance hopped looking desperately for fame and recognition, and continue to be more relevant than you have ever been? So yes, quite well taken care of, thank you.
  17. Oh hey look more trash that didn't make it...
  18. You realize TBB is uh... Polar, right? Polar asked TBB for help with Polar? ARE YOU OK, SIR? Do we need to call an ambulance for a potential stroke?
  19. how dare you try and take this from us 🤣
  20. Another stunningly LITERATE example of Doom's finest. Truly.
  21. Standards are why you're an "ex." You sure didn't meet ours. Do you even contemplate the words that spew from your blowhole before throwing them forth into the world? Or does looking like the class moron just suit you that well.
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