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Everything posted by Defiant

  1. sup allies? yay Red Sphere buds
  2. I disagree. I think the money is pretty good as is. Perfect amount for you to either grow high with infra, invest in mil, or even out with all.
  3. Maybe lowering the requirements for nukes some. a need for less infra and less tech would make it easier for more people to get them. also, maybe lower the different airplane tech/infra requirements. if its all out war, no one is going to be able to get to level 9 aircraft when they need a load of tech. just a thought.
  4. Red is such a trendsetting sphere. Posers
  5. *draws lines in special tournament edition sand*
  6. yeah. i was wondering why there are only 189 nations. shouldnt the script or whatever automatically stop at 200? Or did you have a time limit? Manually done?
  7. fo sho. thats how we roll. and this will more than likely carry over into the regular Tournament Edition.
  8. really? thats quite strange. I got it like right when it turned to update and it went smoothly.
  9. This is great! I always loved CNQ, it helps with learning history Can't wait to see the new vid.
  10. I, Defiant of Ebedron, hereby surrender to the New Pacific Order, resign from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, and apologize for any transgressions against hamsters.
  11. Bye Bye NFL. Good luck with GATO
  12. seriously. U never got the memo?
  13. didnt we send u the outline on our "Ice Cream Tax" and the "Choco Bar Tax"? Ya, we get 3 tons for every one ton for you and its 4-1 for chocolate bars
  14. Ya'll better be stickin witch yo cookies. Us GATOans have monopolized the cake industry so Back off from GATO to NFL
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