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Posts posted by oinkoink12

  1. Unfortunately because I can only deploy them once per day, if I want any kind of chance fighting against all 3-6 of my opponents each day it becomes kind of necessary <.< I should only get to attack the first one or two of them and then not have enough soldiers left to fight the rest of them with decent odds? Fair indeed.

    Its not supposed to be fair 1 vs 3

  2. Maybe your alliance should have used peace mode effectively and used strategy suited for a long term war instead of a blowing all your offensive capabilities vs Poison Clan.

    Alas, it's far too late for that.

    Most of your deployments vs Poison Clan were suited for a quick, one round war against an outnumbered opponent, so don't cry to me when each PCer you hit put multiple Valhallans (who most often were fighting just 1 (!) offensive war) into nuclear anarchy.

    I think you are right. :)

  3. awww little wittle valhalla, im so sorry. It brings a tear to my eyes when big bad mean alliances pick on wittle ones... *sniffle*


    \o AO

    I dont really care, I like a decent war.

    o/ Casualties :D.

    But the fact that my slots are full and I promised one to Tryp is a bit hurting me :(

  4. Actually in the wars declared on you, you held the numerical advantage in member count / NS / tech until RIA joined.

    ill take you up on that one.

    Valhalla: Prewar: 122 member, 4.5 mil ns 199k tech (avarage NS 31k)

    Kronos: Prewar: 23 members, 1.1 mil ns 69k tech (avarage NS 47k)

    Umbrella: Prewar: 83 member, 4.4 mil ns, 241k tech (Avarage ns 51k)

    so yes, we had more members. we had 1 mil NS less on our Defensive wars

    and we have never had more tech than Umbrella alone.

  5. Ah yes FARK must be troubling you immensely with all that 1 declaration, which what would you know happens to be on youself. Don't break a sweat on the enormous odds now! Congrats to our allies in FARK, it only takes one of you to make a piggy squeel.

    Likewise FAN, Vox Populi and Internet Superheroes? Ok admittedly they have more declarations than you have balls, but why the hell would you warrant including them?

    Why not include None aswell? Hell, not even sure why you'd mention Poison Clan, who if I'm correct, you declared on?

    Your attempting to paint a picture wherein you were up against the world, whereas initially you had the numerical advantage. This is no glorious fight against extreme odds, that say Mushroom Kingdom provided in the noCB war. This is simply one alliance biting off more than they could chew and being strategically out-maneuvered.

    As for the two stray DoW's on RnR, it's pretty apparent that they are strays. !@#$ happens. Guess it's one of the problems of having a nation name which matches that of an alliance. The joke was kinda killed at the time it happened tbh.

    I actually have a Fark opponent, a RIA opponent, and an Umbrella opponent.

    And we never had the numerical advantage.

    But good luck with the wars.

  6. Yes, because all those alliances are enormous... :rolleyes:

    Welcome back to the fray AO. :wub:

    Glad to see you used the omega thing mike. :P

    The ones he's missing are RIA and FARK, and yes, those are quite enormous.

    Also, is this DOW for RnR aswell, cause 25% of your declarations went to RnR but I cant find the topic.?

  7. Welcome to last year for quite a few of us. Put your big boy pants on and deal with it. You Continuum types want to have it both ways, you want to be able to tell people "do something about it" whenever it's your people trashing someone else but when someone does it to you, oh pooooor you. Man up.

    I guess your right, but everybody does it :)

  8. We were the first ones to declare alongside Fark. Also, we expected a very tough fight since almost all upper rank IRON nations were assigned to Gremlins. We also didnt exactly count on MHA coming in so quickly (o/ härmlins).

    You got to be kidding me right?

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