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Posts posted by oinkoink12

  1. Oink, you went to GGA? :wacko: Good luck with that ...

    Oink oink baby.....

    Vanilla oink oink baby.

    All right stop collaborate and listen

    Oink is back with my brand new Alliance!

    Ironchef grabs a hold of me tightly

    Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly

    Will it ever stop yo I don't know

    If you nuke me than I'll glow

    To the extreme I Raid like a vandal

    Go to the toilet and take a dump the size of a candle

    If there was a problem yo I'll solve it

    Check out the Pig while Ironcheffie revolves it

  2. Dear Planet Bob,

    I come to speak with an opinion on this here thread. Although many a bright mind have posted their own strong opinions about shaneprice's leaving of the Grand Global Alliance, and then the open trolling and dissing of said alliance, there are reasons that such a member left. Do not think that he was "kicked out" under "stupid reasons". He was let go for he committed a vile act. Shaneprice was convicted of speaking out against the New Pacific Order as well as IRON and also suggesting that the Grand Global Alliance "leave" OneVision. Now one may think that these reasons are "pathetic", but put your alliance in the shoes of the Grand Global Alliance. How would you take it if a member of leadership were to speak out against an ally who has stuck by your alliance since it's birth, or in this case "rebirth"? With that said, shaneprice was given the option to either leave with a partial good note, or be kicked. I, as Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance, stand by the decisions of our leadership. Shaneprice nearly brought war to the Grand Global Alliance with his little "outburst". Think about it.

    ~Dephire, Chancellor of the Grand Global Alliance.

    Keep pushing her, in this rate, she'll be back before breakfast :)

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