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Posts posted by oinkoink12

  1. Ok people from valhalla, we need to take a look at this.

    If we wanna keep up with our evil image, we need to have something way worse than "terms before the possibility of terms"

    I say we give them Terms for every infra WE take of our opponents.

    /me takes notes.

  2. Yay for IRON getting peace. Now its time for a race who's back to their original NS the fastest.

    Good luck IRON.

    Ow before I forget, I need to do the evil valhalla thing.

    You are all gonna pay for this, EBIL KARMA,

    next time the reps will be ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

  3. So you're couping the government?

    And do all the work? Never! ;)

    yes Pigglet, I am an infamous troll that no one has ever heard of right?

    Leave it to you and few others to not disappoint me and show your colors on the OWF, again. Keep going, its doing wonders for you. I will not continue past this post. I will say that I am not a happy hug it out kinda guy, and people like you and a few others that like to bait in your private channels really are the class that holds it all together arent you?

    Take care.

    That is all from me.

    If thats the way you think about valhalla, its obvious you werent suited to begin with :)

    I wish you good luck on where you go too.

    And I wish RIA good luck aswell.

  4. Have you been reading our codex?

    Anyway a sentiment I can agree with

    IRON should get fairly lenient terms, they had to face us which should be enough of a punishment for any alliance, and they made a good fight of it, they haven't hid there upper ranks in PM (other than those few without a war chest). It's been a good war

    I have been reading your codex. And after a few discussions about the meaning of a few points your codex is meaningless in coordinated efforts. Allthought Gramlins dont want reps themselves, they dont care what others ask. Cause the codex only applies to Gramlins.

  5. Lol, so it's a mystery? :P

    The following things have been ruled out

    Session Ident: CNA

    14[08:20] <oinkoink12> Hello admin, can I ask you a small question

    [08:20] <CNA> go

    14[08:20] <oinkoink12> how is it possible that Cruise Missiles have different infra damage ?

    [08:21] <CNA> the damage is randomly calculated

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against Nitronia was a success. Nitronia lost 24 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 24.42 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against Nitronia was a success. Nitronia lost 24 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 24.42 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against Ender Land was a success. Ender Land lost 24 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 19.54 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against Ender Land was a success. Ender Land lost 24 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 19.54 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against CSU Ram Country was a success. CSU Ram Country lost 0 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 24.42 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> Your cruise missile attack against CSU Ram Country was a success. CSU Ram Country lost 0 defending tanks, 4.88 technology, and 24.42 infrastructure.

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> thats kinda strange isnt it?

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> those on ender land?

    [08:21] <CNA> the damage is randomly calculated

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> srsly

    14[08:21] <oinkoink12> they always hit the same 24,42 for me

    14[08:22] <oinkoink12> only not on him

    [08:22] <CNA> Missile Defense

    14[08:22] <oinkoink12> they all have them

    [08:22] <CNA> tech

    14[08:23] <oinkoink12> my tech stayed the same

    14[08:23] <oinkoink12> its from today

    [08:23] <CNA> his tech

    14[08:23] <oinkoink12> his tech doesnt apply in CM attacks

    14[08:23] <oinkoink12> and his tech is actually 4k lower than the others

    [08:23] <CNA> god, you're going to make me dig into the code aren't you

    14[08:23] <oinkoink12> well, i could also open a topic

    [08:24] <CNA> hang on

    14[08:25] <oinkoink12> check, other people dont have it

    14[08:25] <oinkoink12> [08:23:54] <%Pansy> Your cruise missile attack against Ender Land was a success. Ender Land lost 17 defending tanks, 3.38 technology, and 16.91 infrastructure.

    14[08:25] <oinkoink12> [08:24:27] <%Pansy> Your cruise missile attack against Ochocinco was a success. Ochocinco lost 0 defending tanks, 3.38 technology, and 16.91 infrastructure.

    [08:27] <CNA> do you by chance have navy support on the others?

    14[08:28] <oinkoink12> nope

    14[08:28] <oinkoink12> dont use navy actively

    [08:32] <CNA> all your opponents have full missile defenses

    14[08:32] <oinkoink12> yes

  6. I don't think that is correct Bob unless oink had REALLY bad luck in his war against me - he fired two CMs that had exactly the same value, except it was significantly lower than the other four he fired that day (all four were the max damage).

    yeah I talked to admin about this, he was on IRC when that happend. He would look into the code, but didnt find anything

  7. I find it rather odd that you contradict what my leadership says. Would you care to provide the logs where PC leadership "made up these terms"?
    Valhalla have agreed to the following terms :
    . Valhalla formally surrenders to the collective forces of Umbrella, Kronos, Poison Clan, Random Insanity Alliance, Fark, Coalition of Royal Allied Powers, Internet Superheroes, and Alpha Omega.

    2. Valhalla agrees to declare neutrality for the rest of the current conflict and not aid any nation at war.

    3. If any member of Valhalla changes their Alliance Affiliation to that of one that Karma(for our purposes everyone listed in the wiki) is at war with, their nation will immediately be open to attack. If any member of Valhalla's government changes their alliance affiliation to one at war with Karma, the alliance as a whole will be considered in violation.

    3a. Violations will be addressed on a case by case basis.

    The following terms last for three months, beginning on May 9, lasting until August 9:

    4 .Valhallan nations must decommission all naval units and will be restricted to 3 nukes per nation with a limit of 20 for the alliance as a whole.

    4a. Nations with Weapons Research Complexes may not possess nukes.

    5. All of Valhalla's treaties with multilateral military obligations(meaning MDPs, MDoAPs, and MADPs) are hereafter suspended.

    Clauses dealing with bloc treaties:

    5a. In PEACE's case, Valhalla will not be able to partake in any actions pertaining to Articles IV and V of Posideon.(PEACE)

    5b. For the Möbius Accords, Valhalla will not be able to participate in any actions covered by Article III. (Möbius)

    6. No new treaties may be signed and no existing treaties may be upgraded.

    6a. During this period Valhalla will be under the protection of Umbrella, Kronos, Poison Clan, and Random Insanity Alliance.

    6b. No offensive war declarations are permitted during this time unless given authorization by the aforementioned alliances.

    6c. Upon agreement from Valhalla's protectorates, Umbrella, Kronos, Poison Clan, and Random Insanity alliance pledge to jointly protect them alongside Valhalla.

    7. While these terms are in effect, no external aid can be accepted by Valhallan nations.

    7a. Aid from nations who leave Valhalla after these terms are put in place is exempt from this restriction with individual approval by the alliances to which Valhalla surrendered. Forwarding aid from outside sources through ex-Valhalla nations is prohibited.

    7b. Aid from alliances charged with protecting Valhalla is exempt as well.

    8. Valhalla will have 72 hours to come into compliance with the above terms. If the majority of the alliance is found to be in violation, a state of war shall resume. Individual violators will be given 48 hours notice to comply or be attacked until they choose to follow the terms

    Signed for Poison Clan,

    Chinatownbus - The Toad

    TwistedRebelDB47 - Master Killer

    Pooksland - The Centipede

    Syrik - The Snake


  8. Ahhh ... and here in essence is why white peace is gonna bite you in the $@! ... sense the sarcasm? that little tinge of delight, the glimmer of hope and the arrogance because they got off easy? this isnt what you want, the defeated trolling surrender threads ... didnt take long did it? man ... just a matter of time before they come back for you

    The sarcasm is because of people like you repeating the same old for the last 50 pages. Specially when your alliance made up these terms aswell, if you dont agree, talk to your leadership.

  9. Perhaps tech deals could be arranged with STA (assuming the alliances who signed this are willing to waive the external aid restriction for STA)? My point is, if you feel like you've done something wrong then you don't need to be forced to make it right with surrender terms. You are always free to clear your conscience on your own accord.

    i'll buy some tech from them :)

  10. Reflect on it, yes. But I'm talking about actions, chefjoe. Will Valhalla, in future, give terms such as these to vanquished foes?

    I think it will depend, as multiple people allready said, there were harsher terms, and we paid them in infra. I think that when we would be in this situation ourselves (THIS TIME) our terms would be way, WAY more $%&@ed up.

    But now we got these terms, and see that its possible to have a cool war, without turtles and such, I will make sure everybody in our gov will be reminded of these terms when we hit an offensive war.

    thats all I can do.

  11. So I can expect TOP and others fighting on your side to be repaying NpO all the tech they handed out? ohwait, i forgot it only matters if you were part of giving out harsh terms if you remained friends with NPO.

    Not really, its the same reason that the people who stayd in Q for 18 months are the evil NPO henchman, and the people who were in there for 17 months were honorably.

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