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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. Congratulations raasaa. I've seen nothing but really good things from you and I'm convinced that you'll lead NV into greatness... or into the ground... one of the two. :P

    In all seriousness... Congratulations again, best of luck to you in your new role.

    o/ raasaa

    o/ NV

  2. MoFA and MoW are the most important people in an alliance, besides the leader of course. MoFA edges out the MoW for two reasons:

    1: It's my job :P

    2: Any MoFA should be skilled in diplomacy and have the ability to talk to people. If an alliance has a poor MoFA lacking in diplomacy skills or is just an ignoramus, the MoW should be prepared to wage many wars throughout his term.

  3. Well if I am being accused why not join them?

    They are my friends, but I had no part in stealing money(that wasnt stolen) or planning to bring down FUC(Which has not been brought down, though it doesnt look like its too long), and I had no plans to "mess with government" as Kyle says, and I never attmepted to police the IRC as Millhouse says.

    You guys have no proof, but now I see why Blanketman would do something like this.

    If you were innocent, why wouldn't you try to distance yourself from these two. You are not helping yourself to look even remotely innocent.

  4. 2. I'd like Diogenis to post everything due to the fact that I've only done this to get members out of the alliance that didn't want to be there (which is in the logs cause, I said it 2-3 times.) but, they were afraid to leave due to your threats ^_^. If we are going to do this lets do it right mister Kyle.

    I'd like for you to provide evidence of these threats as well Blanketman. It is not in the policy of First United Council to issue threats.

  5. Ok, now I'm reading through the logs some more and finding some more evidence. This will have to do until Diogenes can get you some screenshots.

    09[23:19] <Diogenes[FUC]> blake, or squid?

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 squid

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 blake lives near me though

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 happy.gif

    09[23:20] <Diogenes[FUC]> ah

    [23:20] <Blanketman> 4 but, anyways

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 basically

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 millhouse has threated him with attack if he leaves

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 I also might have to make a new nation as well

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 the second I'm off red team I'm going to get attack

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 attacked*

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> dont go off red team

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> lol

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 I know..

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 so we are figuring we'd wire our money, tech, etc. to squid

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 then just get it back with our new nation

    09[23:23] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya, have squid sit in peace mode

    09[23:24] <Diogenes[FUC]> ill go into peace mode too, and just save to build you all up

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 hmm

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 also

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 the trigger might be changed to tonight..

    09[23:24] <Diogenes[FUC]> tonight?

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 acutally in moments

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 although we still don't have a forum but, it will get done soon

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 you don't have to leave tonight though

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 you can wait

    One can only assume since he mentioned both Blake and Squid (Cadeo) earlier in the conversation and the money is getting wired to Squid that the "we" mentioned in the conversation is Blanketman and Blake Alexander. Since there is also a "trigger" mentioned to set off the downfall of First United Council, we had to act quickly so no action could be taken. Squid is not active on our forums and since Blanketman was already masked as a guest, we knew he couldn't post anything so Blake Alexander was banned before he could set off this "trigger".

    I will have Diogenes post the full logs and any screens he might have ASAP.

  6. Yeah and Kyle is counting on TPF support, because Millhouse tried to force a small nation in the alliance (Blanketman, which I assumed evoked this little plan) to accept aid to keep NS up so TPF kept protecting them, they really think about their members.

    Blanketman brought this upon himself:

    [20:59] [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 ok well from day one I've done exactly what I wanted to do

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 I've built my alliance

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 happy.gif you may not have realized it

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 but, I did

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 why do you think I stressed the "chat" so much?

    09[21:00] <Diogenes[FUC]> ah

    [21:00] <Blanketman> 4 why do you think I provided my ideas?

    [21:00] <Blanketman> 4 1. to get reconignition 2. the chat was my weapon of descrution

    09[21:01] <Diogenes[FUC]> ok, now knowing that, why didnt u accept the 3 mill? to me....and im not trying to push here, just trying to figure this out....it would help

    [21:01] <Blanketman> 4 also the lottery was another weapon

    [21:01] <Blanketman> 4 this is because I had to put up an act

    [21:01] <Blanketman> 4 duh..

    This got excluded from the original post due to us not thinking it was important.

  7. FUCFlag3.jpg


    This is a sad day indeed for the First United Council. I come before you to announce that we have had a person involved in First United Council that has developed a plan to bring down everything that FUC has built since its existence. Blanketman of Blankettopia has set up a plan that is evidenced in the following logs from a conversation between one of our most loyal members, Diogenes, and him. Not only was Blanketman involved, two of his RL friends, Cadeo of the nation Rapio, recommended to the Treasury Secretary position to take funds from First United Council as evidenced below, and Blake Alexander of Kosauo, nominated to the Supreme Court to mess with government. Logs will be posted later to prove Blake’s involvement.

    [20:52] <Blanketman> 4 I'm starting my own alliance

    [20:54] <Blanketman> 4 but, there is alot of things that I also planned that I can't let you know till they're complete

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 ok well from day one I've done exactly what I wanted to do

    [20:59] <Blanketman> 4 I've built my alliance

    [21:00] <Blanketman> 4 why do you think I provided my ideas?

    [21:00] <Blanketman> 4 1. to get reconignition 2. the chat was my weapon of descrution

    [21:02] <Blanketman> 4 plus as of now I've got 3 differnt plans that are going to commence that are basically goign to bring down FUC

    [21:02] <Blanketman> 4 they all have one trigger

    21:12] <Blanketman> 4 which I'm also taking the "active memebers"

    [21:12] <Blanketman> 4 so they won't have anyone to replace people with

    [21:12] <Blanketman> 4 so yah

    09[21:12] <Diogenes[FUC]> you mean to your alliance

    09[21:14] <Diogenes[FUC]> trying to recruit people from FUC, or just take them out of powerful positions?

    [21:14] <Blanketman> 4 both

    [21:14] <Blanketman> 4 at the same time

    09[21:14] <Diogenes[FUC]> kk

    [21:15] <Blanketman> 4 kill two birds with one stone

    [21:15] <Blanketman> 4

    09[21:15] <Diogenes[FUC]> yep

    09[21:15] <Diogenes[FUC]> makes sense

    [21:15] <Blanketman> 4 I've also got other ideas that if FUC wants to retaliate

    [21:15] <Blanketman> 4 acutally other plans

    09[21:15] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    [21:15] <Blanketman> 4 also sub-plans for the plans that don't go according to plan

    A private message from Blanketman to Cadeo, a.k.a. Squid on our forums, shows the involvement of Cadeo in Blanketman’s plans.

    My New alliance

    From: Blanketman

    To: Squid

    Sent: June 29, 2008 03:01 pm

    Subject: My New alliance



    Follow these directions very carefully ok.

    I have a feeling you're going to become the new treasurer. I want you to accept it and, then say "I need aid for my nation" take anywhere from 3 mil-8 mil. If you have any questions call me. I'll talk you through the rest.

    At this time, I am sentencing Blanketman of Blankettopia, Cadeo of Rapio, and Blake Alexander of Kosauo as rogues and to perma-zi due to actions detrimental to the development of First United Council. I welcome any alliances looking for a few of nations to hold training exercises for their smaller nations to attack these three, though I cannot guarantee that they won’t fire back.


    Kyle Smith

    Secretary of State

    First United Council

    EDIT: The logs about Blake and some more stuff: (Sorry for the lengthy read... no time to edit)

    [23:17] <Blanketman> 4 if you'd like details you can have them

    09[23:17] <Diogenes[FUC]> doesnt matter.........u know the details, so you know if i should know them or not.....will they matter when all this goes down

    [23:17] <Blanketman> 4 oh,

    [23:17] <Blanketman> 4 wait

    [23:18] <Blanketman> 4 squid's going to be the pres

    09[23:18] <Diogenes[FUC]> ok

    [23:18] <Blanketman> 4 but,

    [23:18] <Blanketman> 4 I'll be running the shots in screat

    [23:18] <Blanketman> 4 secret

    09[23:18] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    09[23:18] <Diogenes[FUC]> best place to lol

    09[23:18] <Diogenes[FUC]> put someone elses head up there,

    [23:18] <Blanketman> 4 well

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 he offered over the phone

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 we are good friends in rl

    09[23:19] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    09[23:19] <Diogenes[FUC]> blake, or squid?

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 squid

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 blake lives near me though

    [23:19] <Blanketman> 4 happy.gif

    09[23:20] <Diogenes[FUC]> ah

    [23:20] <Blanketman> 4 but, anyways

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 basically

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 millhouse has threated him with attack if he leaves

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 I also might have to make a new nation as well

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 the second I'm off red team I'm going to get attack

    [23:21] <Blanketman> 4 attacked*

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> dont go off red team

    09[23:21] <Diogenes[FUC]> lol

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 I know..

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 so we are figuring we'd wire our money, tech, etc. to squid

    [23:22] <Blanketman> 4 then just get it back with our new nation

    09[23:23] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya, have squid sit in peace mode

    09[23:24] <Diogenes[FUC]> ill go into peace mode too, and just save to build you all up

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 hmm

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 also

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 the trigger might be changed to tonight..

    09[23:24] <Diogenes[FUC]> tonight?

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 acutally in moments

    [23:24] <Blanketman> 4 although we still don't have a forum but, it will get done soon

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 you don't have to leave tonight though

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 you can wait

    09[23:25] <Diogenes[FUC]> dont rush this

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 we haven't

    09[23:25] <Diogenes[FUC]> why today?

    09[23:25] <Diogenes[FUC]> so what do you want me to do

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 blake recieved a nice little pm from millhouse

    [23:25] <Blanketman> 4 you can stay as long as you need (spying if you will)

    [23:27] <Blanketman> 4 it's happening now

    [23:27] <Blanketman> 4 or, it's about to

    [23:27] <Blanketman> 4 anyways happy.gif

    [23:28] <Blanketman> 4 lol you're going to love the way we are going to pull this off

    [23:29] <Blanketman> 4 um,

    [23:29] <Blanketman> 4 you there?

    09[23:29] <Diogenes[FUC]> yep im here

    [23:29] <Blanketman> 4 you didn't say anything..

    [23:29] <Blanketman> 4 can you tell me what blake's post says?

    [23:29] <Blanketman> 4 also could you let me know what kyle said..

    09[23:30] <Diogenes[FUC]> 1 min

    [23:31] <Blanketman> 4 blake was banned sleep.gif that's ridiculous..(don't say anything about you knowing he's banned to kyle)

    [23:33] <Blanketman> 4 so, what was said?

    [23:33] <Blanketman> 4 in the post?

    09[23:33] <Diogenes[FUC]> which post u mean?

    [23:33] <Blanketman> 4 idk..

    [23:33] <Blanketman> 4 how many are therE?

    [23:33] <Blanketman> 4 there*

    [23:35] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 hmm?

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> whats with the notFUC? lol

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> did the trigger?

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> hes still posting something, seems big

    [23:36] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 kyle is?

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> in the alliance news section

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> ya

    [23:36] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 ah

    [23:36] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 let me know when it's done

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> yep

    09[23:36] <Diogenes[FUC]> this is going to be intersting lol

    [23:37] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 ok

    [23:37] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 it is happy.gif

    [23:37] <Blanketman[notFUC]> 4 lol

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