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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. Here's a hint to the OP. You can't declare on anyone in anarchy.

    Muhahahaha. I slid to hippy...now I can declare on a few lucky nations in a final fury of nuclear holocaust before I depart Planet Bob. It will be a glorious.

    Hooray for one final nuclear winter for Slayer and company. I'm sure it will be glorious and I'm glad I'm not going to be on the receiving end...

  2. If you were to start another alliance Mogar, who would you look at for protection (as unbiased as possible because I know you'll pick TPF :))?

    EDIT: thought of another one, When will we be able to freely get on at update again?

  3. How do you feel about your Q&A Session Thread getting more posts than some alliance Q&As?

    Building on this, How do you feel about your Q&A session thread getting more posts than some alliances get in significant announcements? :laugh:

    Edit: adding some emotion...

  4. Just out of my own curiosity, how would you rather have an ally present themselves in a conflict similar to the one we've been watching over the last month-ish: back out of the treaty and avoid the conflict, fight for as long as humanly possible and peace out when resources are depleated, or fight until death/disbanding?

    As a side note, forget who I am and the decisions I've made. I want to know what you think about this. I have made my choice and I know I did what was best, regardless of what others think.

  5. TheStig,

    Hope this one turns out better than some alliances have in the past for you. Please feel free to come by UF, we'd like to get to know you.

    One minor thing I noticed in the Articles of Prosperity though. Under sub article 1.2, majority =/= super majority.

    voting will last for 24 hours at which point the majority vote will decide if they are permitted into the Realm.
    If the vote passes by a super majority of 67%, it will then be passed on to the Emperor to approve.

    Other than that, looks like a well written document. Here's to the best for you all...

    Kyle Smith


    United Foundation

  6. First, what is the best seat in the house for post-intermission? I want a good seat...

    Second, where does IRAN stand with TPF/OPP? Through the Batallion debacle, I seem to have lost track. My apologies if I've missed it somewhere along the way.

  7. Logs



    The discussion referenced (you will notice there was never any mention of peace there) - http://!@#$%*.com/m57b061ac

    I figured I would save us another topic on this and just post here:

    In reference to these logs regarding a merger between 64D, UF, and IRAN, I, as president of United Foundation, ended talks with IRAN and by the tone of this OP, 64D isn't interested. I thank all parties involved for an entertaining evening discussing this, but this is not the right direction for United Foundation at this time.


    Kyle Smith


    United Foundation

  8. from what i gather Karma never lied to 64D. it was IRAN and UF who did so. Karma simply said that since 64D did not want to surrender to leave the peace talks, which makes sense, since 64D did not wish to surrender. They then stated the terms were white peace, no readmittance into the war, and no aid to any nation at war. Which is pretty darn lenient if you ask me.

    so what tactics do you speak of? cuz it looks like 64D were lied to by their own allies, not Karma. but hey, blame it on Karma cuz it is easier than admitting that it was alliances on your side.

    UF never lied to 64D. I was also under the impression that 64D wanted peace. I respect 64D for remaining in the conflict, but staying in was not the move I thought UF needed to take. With more than half of my alliance floundering, inactive, or flying the POW banner, I made a move that would help my alliance survive. Infra can be bought back daily, but you cannot form an alliance and have it survive 16 months (between FUC and UF) every day. United Foundation is very special to me as it was formed by a close friend of mine and I will not let it fail under my watch.

    o/ 64Digits

  9. Did TPF negotiate these terms for the OPP members as stipulated by the OPP agreement? Does TPF intend to surrender as they have allowed their protectorates to have done?

    Well, this may as well be stated here as I'm sure questions will be asked. A formal announcement will be made in a couple of days.

    As of 2:00 am EST, United Foundation has tendered it's resignation from the Overlord's Protectorate Pact. Reasons were given in private.

  10. TBB,

    First United Council/ United Foundation owes you its survival. It was your quick action when we lost the protection of NEO that ensured our survival. I want to personally thank you for all you have done for us.


    Kyle Smith

  11. FAN means the Federation of Armed Nations. Their flag has a minuteman with a rifle on it. They're famous for gun pron. Hence the gun. So a fan is not really a good representation.

    On another point, a gun does make a good fan. When you get shot by one you get etremely cold after awhile.

    Yes, I know what FAN means... Just trying to make a small play on words that apparently you didn't get... Sorry.

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