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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. President: Jason the Great (TheStig... you're the man)

    FA: he who came in b4 all (amsgs galore)

    War: Battalion (who can deny his three way break off flank maneuver during the Karma war)

    IA: RyanGDI (he'd be fitting at any position)

    Guess I've never really thought of this... Always thought of people I'd like to work with, but never the people I'd hate to work with.

  2. Most excellent.

    I would just like to thank the people at SSSW18 for offering up this protection to us. I know that they'll be assisting us through the good times and bad. I'm looking forward to working with them.




    Kyle Smith

    Triumvirate of Foreign Affairs


    First spam is so two years ago.

    Also, I invite people to join us at #cpac on coldfront if you're interested in getting to know us or at cpac.b1.jcink.com if you're interested in an embassy.

  3. i hold a government position in the GSA

    and their are many more government positions open.

    so saying you have a government position would not mean anything to me.

    PS. you are not the only one here with a government position

    While I disagree with the reforming of GDI, I strongly disagree with what you're trying to do here sir. It is strongly frowned upon to recruit from another alliance, especially in it's Declaration of Existence. It would probably be to your advantage to stop this.

  4. Is this the stigma you were talking about? CN players have this "people never change" notion. Get rid of it.

    This is definitely not helping your image. Snapping at people when they make a suggestion will not get you far in foreign affairs, or with this new GDI. If you want to stick with GDI, you're going to have to work very hard to make people believe it's different.

    /me refers back to the duck quote.

    I really do wish you the best, but it's going to be a long, tough road.

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