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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. ... Sign a nice PIAT with them...


    First United Council/ League of United Armenians (LUA) PIAT.

    A Peace, Intelligence and Aid Treaty between LUA and FUC.


    In the interests of greater prosperity and friendship between their esteemed alliances, the LUA and FUC agree to the following terms.

    Article I

    Both alliances and their respected members shall remain sovereign of each other.

    Article II

    Neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action against the other signatory. If a nation is found in violation of this they will be ordered to offer peace and reparations equivalent to 1.5 times the total damages inflicted. It is required to wait until a diplomatic solution is found. This way we can more easily assess how much is required in reparations.

    Article III

    Neither alliance will engage in or endorse espionage against the other. If either alliance receives information concerning a direct threat to the other, the receiving alliance will notify the other signatory and provide the relevant information.

    Article IV

    Both alliances and their respective members shall remain civil to each other at all times, especially in public forums.

    Article V

    Either signatory may terminate this pact at any time; however, the withdrawing alliance must notify the other signatory through diplomatic channels 48 hours prior to this, except when the countersigned has violated Article II or III.

    Article VI

    LUA and FUC may ask for aid from one another. Any member of either Alliance willing to give aid, be it Financial or Military, must first be authorized to do so by the Governing Body of the Alliance to which they belong.

    Signed for League of United Armenians

    Hayastan - Foreign Minister & Deputy Chancellor

    Signed for First United Council

    Millhouse, President of First United Council

    Kyle Smith, Secretary of State

    ...oh the possibilities with this acronym...

    o/ FUC

    o/ LUA

    o/ friendship

    EDIT: Special thanks to Vladmir Vasquez who helped immensely with this treaty.

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