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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. As of right now all FUC members are under our protection until such time they can find a more permanent protection agreement. I see no reason why FUC should be put at risk over NEOs failures. If anyone gives you any trouble come see me at #TPF.

    You are a stand up fellow The Big Bad, thank you very much. I have signed up at TPF's forums and hope to create a friendship with you.

  2. FUCFlag3.jpg


    As Secretary of State at First United Council, I feel like I'm obligated to state that New Eclipse Order has given notice of cancellation to FUC regarding our protectorate status. The protectorate treaty stated a 48 hour grace period that FUC would be affiliated with NEO after notice of cancellation. As of this time, due to this post, I am effectively ending First United Council's relationship with New Eclipse Order early as they have declared "war on every alliance in this list," of which First United Council is a part of. This is truly a classless way for NEO to depart from Planet Bob, but decisions were made that are unbecoming of an alliance. Best of luck to those former members of NEO that will be mingling throughout Planet Bob.

    o/ FUC

    Kyle Smith

    Secretary of State

    First United Council

  3. Wait... umm... what?

    I'm sorry to see this happen NEO, I wish I would have known this might happen before signing that protectorate with you... Best of luck, I guess

    On a side note... this was announced on the forums...http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=23421 :D

  4. What alliance? First United Council

    Is FUC aligned with a purple alliance? No sir

    What is your nation strength? 16,000.078

    How much do you value yourself? I value myself and how I've grown over the years but I'm not self involved...

  5. FUCFlag3.jpg

    Today I am pleased to announce that First United Council has worked out a protectorate with New Eclipse Order. Since the Order of Feudalistic Security disbanded, FUC has been laying low but now we hope to, once again, become more involved in the happenings of Planet Bob. Special thanks goes out to Whiplasher12 for helping this through the NEO government and to President Millhouse for starting a relationship with NEO.

    NEO-FUC Protectorate

    Preamble- in the interest of safety, stability, civility, friendship, and white unity, The New Eclipse Order (NEO) and The First United Council (FUC) hereby enter into this protectorate agreement.

    Article I. Declaration of Mutual Amicability:

    We, the undersigned representatives of The New Eclipse Order and The First United Council, do hereby agree to the following for ourselves and all underlying nations within our respective alliances. We acknowledge the mutual right to abandon this agreement if we give 48 hours notice to the other party. The tenets of this declaration follow:

    Article II. Peace

    NEO and FUC will coexist in a state of peace. No member of NEO will attack or threaten to attack a member of FUC. No member of FUC will attack or threaten to attack a member of NEO.

    Article III. Protection

    FUC will be protected from attacks by both rogues and hostile alliances by NEO.

    Article IV. Aid

    Both parties will endeavor to assist each other with military, intelligence, and financial aid.

    Article V. Aggression

    FUC agrees to alert NEO prior to its engaging in an aggressive war so that NEO may assist in trying all diplomatic channels to avoid such wars.

    Article VI. White Team Senate

    For the duration of the protectorate arrangement, FUC will support the NEO candidate for the White Team Senate. Progressively campaigning and educating it's own members on how and when to vote.

    Acticle VII. Foreign Relations

    FUC shall consult NEO before the signing of any treaties.

    Article VIII. Cancellation

    This treaty can be cancelled by either party with 48 hours notice.

    Article IX. Transformation

    Should the time come when FUC feels that it is no longer in need of NEO's protection, this treaty can be downgraded to a PIAT, MDP or MADP with the consent of both parties.

    Alliance Signatures

    First United Council:

    Millhouse, President

    Kyle Smith, Secretary of State

    New Eclipse Order:

    Blaze - Prime Minister




    EDIT: Fixed a typo...

    EDIT #2: Fixed more typos...

  6. Man, that was a crazy party... I remember all these UNH people coming over then it was all a blur... When I woke up... I found this:

    The "PARTY AT #CNFUC" Treaty of Amity

    First United Council [FUC] and United Nations of Honour [uNH] hereby commit to mutual respect, non-aggression, and protection as outlined in this Treaty of Amity.


    This treaty is signed in good faith and is seen as a formation of friendship between FUC and UNH.


    By signing this treaty, the signatories agree that FUC and UNH shall remain sovereign.


    No member of either alliance shall declare war, provide aid to enemy nations, via monetary or military aid, exchange inside information to an enemy nation, or perform espionage on the other alliance.


    Signatories of this agreement commit to continuing the friendship created by the former protectorate.


    Concerning hostile foreign alliances, neither signatory alliance is legally bound to grant requests of military action or financial aid from the other. However, should such a request be made through official channels by one signatory, the other is highly encouraged to participate, and is required to hold a vote in their council on the issue.


    If either alliance feels that the terms of this treaty do not fit their needs and resulting diplomatic talks do not develop a resolution to the problem, the ability to withdraw from the treaty is granted. Notice from the withdrawing alliance must be given forty-eight hours before the treaty is considered void.

    First United Council

    Millhouse, President

    Kyle Smith, Secretary of State

    United Nations of Honour

    Lord Stark, Triumvir

    Czerwony(Kamil), Triumvir

    Jho007, Triumvir

    StJimmy, Secretary of Interior Affairs

    Crowdog, Secretary of Foreign Affairs

    Shovel, Secretary of Finance

    Former, Security Advisor




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