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Kyle Smith

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Posts posted by Kyle Smith

  1. Article I - General

    All member nations of the Allied Defence Network (ADN) are hereby recognized as a protectorate of the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics(FEAR).

    Article II - Defensive Wars

    Any unprovoked attack on ADN will be treated as an attack on FEAR.

    Article III - Offensive Wars

    Any offensive declarations by the ADN will not necessarily be supported by the FEAR. However, FEAR reserves the right to do support the ADN if they choose to go to war. This treaty superceeds NAPs and PIATs.

    Article IV - Internal Affairs

    Should aggressive actions be committed by members of one signatory towards the other, such actions are to be handled through private channels first. If said diplomatic measures fail, the recommended punishment for the aggressor is expulsion.

    Article V - Modification

    Should either FEAR or ADN wish to modify this agreement, said modifications are to be announced to the other, at which time they shall negotiate the specifics. If both sides can come to an agreement, then the proposed modifications become a binding part of the agreement.

    Article VI - Termination

    This treaty shall only be terminated if either undersigned alliance chooses to exit this treaty. If one of the undersigned chooses to terminate this pact, they must give five (5) days notice before the treaty is officially dissolved in which they remain fully bonded to the provisions contained therein.

    Signed for Allied Defence Network(ADN),

    Diogenes, Head Commissar

    Millhouse, Deputy Head Commissar/Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Great Nig Bigger, Military Commissar

    Kyle_Smith, Commissar of Finance

    Chief Grand Cherokee, Commissar of Manpower

    Signed for Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics,


    Bladegolem47, Vice-Chancellor

    Kage Katsu, Director of Domestic Affairs

    Gaius Aurelian, Director of Foreign Affairs

    Canik, Director of Recruitment

    Lord Boris, Director of Defense

    Mad Larkin, Director of Finance

    Curly Mullet, Director of the Press, Courts, and Crisis Management

    There is the protectorate agreement, word for word, from the NHN forum. Note: NHN was known as ADN when the protectorate was signed.

    We would be, if that was the situation.

    How do you know what the situation is? We've been discussing the termination of this agreement for weeks now, long before any of the current events came about.

  2. So much for standing by your allies <_<

    o/ dishonour

    Why can't you people be proud of an alliance that has finally grown enough to decide that a protectorate is no longer needed? This is a huge day for the members of NHN and you people seem to be looking for a way to ruin it. You should be ashamed of yourselves.



    This treaty is signed to increase relations between the alliances of New Horizon Network (NHN) and Western Army Recon (WAR). This treaty is to be signed in an effort to promote peace, inform one another of crucial information, and aid each other in extreme circumstances.


    In signing this, both NHN and WAR agree to act peacefully toward the opposite alliance.


    Both aforementioned alliances agree not to attack a member of the opposite alliance, provide aid to the enemy of the other alliance, or commit acts of espionage against the opposite. Should this be violated, the aggressive nation must declare peace and pay reparations with in forty-eight (48) hours.


    This treaty ensures that the members of NHN and WAR will treat the members of the opposite alliance with the utmost respect.

    Military assistance

    Neither alliance named in this PIAT is required to assist any member nation in the opposite alliance that is engaged in a war or to financially aid nations under attack.

    Financial Assistance

    In case of a conflict involving an attack on a signatory alliance by a third party, the attacked alliance may request financial aid, and the requested alliance, while not obligated to, is strongly encouraged to send available aid. This article can be enacted by the leadership of either alliance, and legitimate requests for financial assistance include, but are not limited to: rogue attacks, both conventional and nuclear; wars, both large and small scale. The signatory that has been requested to provide financial assistance has seventy-two (72) hours to either approve or deny the request. This article may not be enacted if it would be in violation of any other signed treaty, document or instrument of surrender


    If either alliance feels that this treaty has been violated and diplomatic negotiations sprouting from this violation have not brought about a solution, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty. Notification of withdrawal must be given at least seventy-two (72) hours before revoking the treaty. Upon notification of withdrawal, a report stating why the withdrawing nation had made its decision must be given.



    Head Commissar: Diogenes

    Deputy Head Commissar: king dog

    Commissar of Foreign Affairs: Kyle Smith

    Military Commissar: Shishire Maiga

    Commissar of Finance: king_ameris

    Commissar of Manpower: Jason The Great


    Emperor fiercesob

    Imperial Regent


    Triv Of War

    Ares god of war1

    I'm quite happy to announce this treaty. This should lead to a wonderful relationship between NHN and WAR.

    Kyle Smith

    Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    New Horizon Network

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