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Everything posted by Mintner

  1. Excellent. And good tidings to you. Great vid in the OP.. You just know that had to be set up.
  2. We have come into a new Era. Rejoice and be one with the universe.
  3. so for 100 tech we can get from you 3 million sigs. Thats just awesome.
  4. That was a quick turn of events.. I happy you were able to find peace.
  5. Nicely done Sunstar... congrats to those new in office and still holding office.
  6. looks like some fun will start now.. I must say though I find it great that many alliances had respect enough for one individual to stay on the side lines for so long.
  7. Come one, Come all. whom wish to Join an alliance.
  8. ok be sure to register your nick /ns register password email be sure to be on the nick you wish to use password is the password you wish to use for your nick for when you identify and email is your email address for the auth code be sure to copy the whole code of the auth code and paste it into the irc then you will be able to identify you nick when you access irc
  9. try one of the other servers listed and be sure to use port 6667 and if you are trying to access from a work place or librarry or school it may be blocked
  10. I think karthikking was attempting to highjack the thread since the original question was answered in his opinion.
  11. he did not ban everyone from the channel. He just kicked everyone out because there was too much chatter about nothing related to CN. the channel has been set to invite only and you can not knock to get the attention of the ops. I hope they will set up the channel to only permit registered users of IRC and have them sign up on the forum with their registered nick to allow access via irc's access list.
  12. This is a pure win win situation. Active players always get more enjoyment out of being in an alliance.
  13. Your technology level: 2,159.17 Your cost / technology level: $297,800.88 Do you have the following resources: Gold: yes Microchips: yes How many University improvements do you have: Do you have the following wonders: Great University: no National Research Lab: no Space Program: no
  14. Trade circle filled.... Mod's please close at your leisure.
  15. Hello, While it will not be mandatory for the new member of the circle to be Orange, it would be to that nations benefit for the additional happiness that comes from trading in your own color. I have a trade circle in mind that involves the following resources (if you would like to join reply in this post): Currently need gold and silver oil: Foodtank gold: silver: gems: Winouh coal: BenDK marble: The Dark Knight lumber: BenDK rubber: Winouh aluminum: Mintner lead: Foodtank fish: The Dark Knight iron: Mintner (bonus resources: steel, fine jewelry, scholars (litteracy rate must be 90% or higher), construction, asphalt, automobiles, microchips, radiation cleanup) for a total of: initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -23% Population increase: 8% Citizen income increase: $9.5 Population happiness increase: 14 Initial land cost: -15% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: -13% Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -8% Tank upkeep cost: -18% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: -25% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: -20% Cruise missle upkeep: -20% Nuke cost decrease: -20% Nuke upkeep: -20% Navy upkeep: -30%
  16. Yes, Yes, YES come join today for some fun. You will not regret it.
  17. If you could leave just after 20 days of joining you were never interested in being a member of another's alliance. It takes more time than that to get to know and alliance and for them to get to know you.
  18. Im sorry this really does not make sense to me. It is not realistic at all. Defcon in the real world can change in a minute. Troops are always deployed and ready to go in the real world. Home based troops can be deployed and mobilized in 24 hours. And the fact that the defcon affects how much money a nation can make is ridiculous.
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