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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Ambassador Ushakov chuckles "Yes the Uyghur Khaganate. They believe they are better than us yes? From day one they have accused us of attempting to impose our will upon others, when infact we're merely protecting ourselves from those who seek to impose their will upon us. They supported Nordland in the war, and badmouth us every chance they get. all I can say is we wont be able to ignore it for long."
  2. Ambassador Ushakov interrupts. "Yes yes yes, the missile defense, the rail roads, the currency, all this can be done very easily. I say we begin immediately.
  3. Lol I noticed you mentioned REPO in another thread. REPO wasnt even that great, and there was no golden age.
  4. I agree with these two gentlemen... (ladies?) they are the greatest thinkers of our time. Time's up
  5. If I wanted to rp in an apocalyptic anarchic world I would find a apocalyptic anarchic rp board.
  6. I won't. It puts too much power into the hands of one nation.
  7. Ambassador Ushakov is beginning to wonder if the RUSSIAN pact is beginning to stagnate FB and Rossiskaya seem to have retreated from world affairs.
  8. Ambassador Nikolai Ushakov and his assistant are already on their way.
  9. Lol, I believe its been said many times on these forums that common sense isn't that common.
  10. Im not even sure how you're able to pull that off since you have a new nation now. Rp'ing your nation + the population of your former nation = im not buying it.
  11. If you reset cnrp you risk killing the whole thing. I for one won't do it, and I'll keep my current lands if there's a restart or not. This isn't the KMRP boards where we reset every other week... edit: nvm
  12. The current reason for war was real. Nordland is unchecked because all of Europe excluding Slavorussia bows to the Kaiser and cater to his every whim. Thats evident with the welsh merging into Magna Europa, as well as Belka and HL declaring war on the Northern Empire and allies even though there was no threat of them being invaded.
  13. Why do you have to come on here cursing and acting like your fecal mater doesn't stink? It doesnt do any good. It's not just you, I see a lot of ppl come on the forums and say "OMG STOP !@#$%*ING ROFLERCOPER KTHXBAI!" It's almost as annoying as the arguing.
  14. I don't like mergers anyway. I was glad when Greater Nordland was formed only because apart they each had most horrendous borders imaginable. However merged nations create problems. For instance multiple rp’ers for a single nation. I personally wouldn’t ever merge with another country but If I did I would probably use my own stats, and not try to average our stats together. I might show an obvious increase in population, and a larger standing military but that’s about it. Anyway thats just how I feel about it.
  15. I never said I was giving up, not seriously anyway. I have a problem with the realisim of your rp however, and I've already pointed that out. I'll fight until the very end but I don’t find yours, Lavo's or Reimer's rp as realistic. I'll admit I fouled up my offensive and that’s why I'm now on the defensive now, but I'd like you to remember we had planned for you to strike back, so I wouldn’t expect Slavorussian line to just be eradicated.
  16. I just wanna point out I rp in real time, with some exceptions.
  17. Slavorussia has signed 2 new MDoAP's http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=41226 -with Sarnian Empire http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1075594 -with the Eastern Union Also if Villarus's signature should be removed from the RUSSIAN Pact, since it no longer exists.
  18. Since Distopya doesn't exist anymore it has been removed from the RUSSIAN Pact.
  19. The Representative Union for Security and Stability In Asia North Pact: Current Members Slavorussia Forever Battlefield the Garretian Federation The Villages Rossiyskaya Tyranar Vaule Slavorussia is also part of REPO.
  20. Mechs are dumb... that's all I have to say about that.
  21. I used to do that when I was a fresh rper but then everyone got all crazed. Always whining "rp according to your ingame nation's abilities" Which personally I thought was stupid and constricting, and I still do. I much prefer what Lavo is suggesting. on another note did anyone notice how expensive navies are? Gonna be pretty hard to rp a full navy like most of us are used to doing.
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