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Everything posted by Pearl

  1. Best Propaganda Staff MK - "RON" during karma. I lold every time Sethly made a pretty sweet sig with NPO dropping stats as well. Best Flag Sparta Best War Flag Sparta Best Alliance Leader Tulak Hord
  2. Alyster, you seemed like a good guy on the boards. Sorry things weren't what you hoped for. Have a good day.
  3. Welp, we might have been able to do that, had you not attacked us the day after we got out of another war. Now we will be so low on the totem poll it wont be that exciting at all. And you're right. We could just surprise attack you later or in the next round. But maybe we aren't REALLY that mad. I dont see what you guys are getting all worked up about. I think you feel guilty, and you are just acting all angry and making excuses (i.e. "quit whining, its not that bad") to justify what now looks, feels, and smells like a curbstomp.
  4. Oh bawww. The blatant "lawl, quit complaining, because I have never and will never complain" is ridiculous in these threads. Of all people that have "invited" war as you say, the NPO now bawww about their loss of pixels every opportunity they get. Everybody does it. Don't try and say you or your alliance won't when it happens to you, as history has shown with the NPO and many others, that self assessment is clearly clouded. Anyhow, good luck to both parties. The three CTA dudes attacking me seem to be pretty nice dudes.
  5. HAI, I KNOW YOU! QUIT BEING MEAN TO MY ALLIANCE! *Shakes Fist* [ooc]Also, how you been old chap? I recently returned to CN. Long Tiem No wilderness.[/ooc]
  6. Guy 1: Hey gais, let's pick on a target that is smaller then us, so we pwn them Guy 2: Better yet, lets pick a smaller target that's injured. Guy 1: Yeah, I feel tuff nao. Guy 2: Me too Bro I hope you gais feel good about yourself.
  7. Dang, look at those shock waves. F22 is so win. Also, Sparta FTW. Ive been a member of sparta for ~3 years o/ Sparta \o
  8. King Death, I've seen you in the news a lot lately. You are an interesting character. Keep having fun dude. That public nuisance banner is pretty sweet. I might have to steal that for my own sig on Sparta boards. >_> EDIT: I fail at english
  9. A mod edited my nation bio once before I quit/re-rolled. It turned out, the mod who edited it did it for the lulz. It scared the hell out of me. I thought I got h4xed
  10. Ouch. GL in your future endeavors UED/King Death
  11. Im sorry, I made that unclear. I was saying that from the standpoint of no war at all.
  12. LOL, Please explain more. You seem to imply sparta can simply "grow" big enough to take down the NPO. :lol: My brain cannot compute exactly how you expect the smaller, and considerably younger, of two fully developed alliances to simply "grow" big enough to take down the biggest alliance in the game. I think my favorite part of you post, is how easily you imply score growth is. Dont we all play the game the same? I am fairly confident we at sparta buy infra and tech the same way the members of NPO do. As such, we are subject to the same aid/trade restrictions as any member of the NPO and CN. Idk everybody, maybe I am wrong. I could be very wrong on that. Maybe Spartans aren't limited to the same restrictions and limitations as everyone else in CN. *Ephiphany* Maybe that explains how The Aut grows so fast! Aut, I am one of Spartans economic gurus. If you have any secrets for me. Im on sparta's IRC chan quite a bit. I would love to hear from you. It would be my honor to enact your economic plans within Sparta. Be it then, Sparta could redeem themselves in your eyes. /end gross sarcasm
  13. Slayer, We didnt talk much, but I was a in Sparta govt when you were in power. I was also a Spartan diplomat to TPF during TPFs engagement with Sparta. I encourage you not to make a brash decision. Things may not look good for TPF right now, but after the storm settles things will go back to normal. If you do quit, I think you will be back GL in RL mate.
  14. LOL, GtG. lmfao @ quote o/ MoG news
  15. GDA, come on dudes. Seriously. wtf. I saw the inital PIAT cancellation. Then I saw the cancellation of the PIAT cancellation. Also, I hate to state the obvious, but lying doesnt make you look very good.
  16. No offense dudes, good luck with the war and stuff, but that was a terrible post OP.
  17. alright, .24 gain. I hope we do well again today.
  18. If the people are wicked sweet, and they have good ideas, they will probably have alot of members
  19. Yeah man it like the guy above us said. It is just incentive to join our alliance. We would give nations more, even equal amounts for each nation but our nations can only give so much. We must stay competitive with other alliances. Most alliances give out aid packages. I was in an alliance that didnt give out aid packages, ever, it wasnt until after I left (and joined sparta) I realized how crappy that alliance was. It doesnt exist anymore either (thankfully). As for getting several recruiting messages, I am sorry we didnt meet your standards for good recruiting, but if you were like me, Atlantis' disbanding was an absolute shock and no one really had time to plan out which nation range they were going to recruit.
  20. Your right, we shouldnt recruit those nations. We should let them get raided to pieces. Idk how many nations I talked to are like, Hey I have two wars on my butt, can you make the third? I mean seriously. I cannot understand why anyone would be in search of an alliance in a time like this. In fact I agree with some of you guys SPARTA YOU MAKE ME SICK.
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