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Posts posted by Junkalunka

  1. The Viking Horde laid siege to his holy shrine and let it burn as a beacon to the sky.

    The time of Gods is over. The age of Men has begun.

    This reminds me of the fall of Numenor. :P

    And they broke the Ban of the Admin, and sailed into forbidden seas, going up with war against the Deathless, to wrest from them everlasting life within the Circles of the World....

    In an hour unlooked for by Men this doom befell, on the nine and thirtieth day since the passing of the fleets. Then suddenly fire burst from Mt. Franco, and there came a mighty wind and a tumult of the earth, and the sky reeled, and the hills slid, and Pacifica went down into the sea....


  2. Gustav was this post really necessary? If so, please go and post the same thing in the Joint Imperial Announcement regarding the solidarity of the Ordinance of Order. That's propaganda too, right?

    I'd pay to see that post. :popcorn:

  3. In the unfortunate event that this pact must be annulled or canceled, the initiating party must provide both three days notice before its cancellation, and a legitimate reason for its cancellation.

    Reason: Might be teh big skerry warz!!!

    But seriously, Valhalla managed to produce a solid public reason to cancel their treaty, why doesn't Sparta? Are they ashamed?

  4. These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine treaty partner will, in this crisis, shrink from the defence of his ally; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

  5. Size has nothing to do with it. Both alliances should have made a better effort.

    Sure, but you should know by now that that is not how it works. When tiny alliances came to IAA we didnt spend all our time and effort going out to increase relations with every one of them; they generally came to us, befriended us, we got to know them and think they were cool, and so on. That was how it was with your old alliance Browncoats, and with our various protectorates and smaller treaties.

    Many got nowhere and never passed the NAP or PIAT or even first meeting stage... why would we invest our time and effort with them when they had no interest in us? I believe it is the same with NpO.

    The difference is that NpO trolled AO's better allies. AO doesn't go around saying bad things about NpO's allies.

    oh, and that's a real reason for a treaty cancellation? What of the fact that TOP trolls NpO?

    Should NPO, FCC and a myriad of other alliances cancel treaties solely because their various allies and partners troll each other?

  6. And why couldn't NpO have put serious interest in the relationship? Friendship in CN is like friendship in RL. It's a mutual thing.

    They did, that is why they signed the treaty. Of course you and I both do not know the details, but it seems as if AO was not interested in promoting relations with NpO, getting to know people, etc, and it seems likely that any efforts by NpO would have been a failure.

    In addition, AO is by far the smaller and less well known alliance, a solid friendship would likely been of greater benefit to AO than NpO; so while NpO was probably willing to have one (thats why they signed this treaty), AO would be expected to make the effort of befriending the leadership and membership of Polaris.

  7. How unfortunate, because all of AO was really counting on any help from the NpO.

    Perhaps you could have if you were interested in a serious relationship from the start and put in the maintenance.

    Instead, you have probably permanently damaged relations between your two alliances.

  8. While Random could have handled the news of the treaty cancellation better, it is also a stretch to claim that his remarks constitute a threat against AO; to me, it seems he states that Polar will not be there for AO should anything unfortunate happen to them.

    Considering that AO is by far the weaker and smaller alliance, NpO probably cannot be blamed for the lack of relations; normally the smaller alliance pursues them (with exceptions, of course). As Random noted, with Polaris these treaties are started to introduce and fertilize a solid relationship with other alliances.

    AO was not interested in any meaningful friendship and confirms this with their cancellation (which of course takes place during a time when NpO is hitting a rough spot).

    While I will not speculate as to the real reasons for the cancellation, it seems rather silly that trolling TOP would be among them, as TOP and NpO have trolled one another for eons.

    I do know that as Regent of IAA, when we were interested in friendly relations with other alliances we reached out and supported them in times of trouble (for example, the Sons of Muspel). While this led to inevitable backlash, it was a real and meaningful sign of friendship.

  9. How is that post flame, by your definition. The man speeks the truth, Blue did loose a lot of power, and there was more than what the public seen, i see nothing that was intended to, antigonize Bleu, it was a simple statement of truth.

    I can see it, because I recognize the techniques ;)

    He may or may not speak the truth, that is irrelevant, considering the structuring of the statement and the fact that the only objective I can see is antagonization (unless he just says things that could annoy other alliances without thinking), it's a form of trolling.

  10. Define trolling and then highlight where a member of TOP or Gramlins have done so.

    I know you will not be able to.

    I'll go with a definition from urban dictionary that I like:

    Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet, generally on message boards.

    In addition, the act of flamebaiting.

    Wow. BLEU is really falling apart, there's presumably some internal friction there we're not seeing. I never thought I'd see this (as with MCXA), particularly after you recently upgraded your treaty with the NpO. The loss of both you and MCXA leaves BLEU's strength greatly depleted and its near-monopoly on Blue politics damaged

    Of course the rest of the post is couched in courteous words, but as a member of Gramlins and a fairly major alliance figure (and I presume not a noob) in a thread totally unrelated to his alliance what objective could such speculation be other than antagonization?

  11. ZI listed for attacking the NPO .

    Lol, so attacking the NPO gets you ZI listed now?

    Must other former Imperials keep this in mind?

    He ran out on his alliance said he was quitting the game.

    Walked off and left his nation at war and his alliance to die.

    He was happily rebuilding somewhere else.

    Real nice stuff.

    If crime and cowardice that be, then it was against the IAA and you should have come to us to discuss it. Unfortunately it seems that he was ZI'd for these "reasons" without contacting him nor others, thus endangering other alliances he might like to join in the future without his knowledge.

    Real nice stuff.

    Somehow I have a nagging feeling he was ZI listed after certain people figgured out he was joining Greenland Republic.

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