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Peter Ilyich

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Everything posted by Peter Ilyich

  1. False Emperor Claims the Commonwealth LEXINGTON- Recently, news circulating comes from the town of Lexington, Massachusetts, as a man named Daniel Wordsworth claims to be the king of the Kingdom of Massachusetts, and that the Commonwealth's claims are false and irrelevant. This man, nicknamed the "False Emperor", is now attempting to build up weapons to defeat the Commonwealth. As he has lately been very public about what he is doing, he has made it clear that he intends to "drive out the imposters and make sure they understand that I am the leader of this nation." but, interestingly, he obviously has no clue where he is going to recover these arms to create open rebellion. Unfortunately, all of the recent war going on involving the Commonwealth has made certain storage areas of weapons unable to have worthy security, meaning that if he discovers this information, he could recover the arms he needs. Newly-elected Senator Johnathon Kennedy recently, when asked by the press about Wordsworth, said, "Wordsworth is someone who doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt," implying that the government may take action against him.
  2. Second Address to the Republics, Listening to Belfast, Alexandrian Water Contamination. Cardiff Caerdydd- Yesterday the second address to the republics, the first being the opening speech in Alexandria, took place in Cardiff Caerdydd, the capital of the Worker Republic of Wales. Wales has been the quietest of the Republics since existence and is expected to turn out to be the shortest of the addresses. However, we will go over what exactly His Majesty, President Alexander, said and what his goals for Wales are below. The speech was measured as twenty seven minutes long, which makes it the shortest speech President Joseph Alexander has made since his assumption of the position of Head of State of the United Worker Republics. “Since what I would refer to as the Second Elizabethan Period, our isles have been in a state of transition. Dozens of governments claiming sole ownership of the isles, only to each fall after failing to sustain a decent government. Thanks largely to Wales, the United Worker Republics have been able to create a government in the isles that works…a land of opportunity and absolute gain. And in this land that we have created, it is important to remember that we are all in this together, and one man being superior to another is simply greed and arrogance. Hence why this new government has been created; not to overpower you, but to represent you.” Was the opening announcement of Joseph Alexander in his speech. The remainder of the speech is available online. Belfast- The next scheduled Address to the Republics is to be in Aberdeen of the Worker Republic of Scotland, which will be in 3 weeks. However, that one is expected to be fairly similar to the opening one in Alexandria 2 days ago. Therefore, the notable one, and one that should be listened to by even people not in the Republic, is the Northern Ireland Address in Belfast next month, a week following the one in Aberdeen. So, how come Belfast could be the most interesting Address? Northern Ireland is, surprisingly, the least known state in the Republics only second to the Isle of Man. Northern Ireland is commonly misinterpreted as part of Ireland, which occupies five sixths of the island known as Ireland. It is the one state who will have a speech significantly different from the opening one in Alexandria. Scotland, Ireland, and Wales will all have similarities with the Alexandria opener, while Belfast, the quietest of the states, will likely be very different and unrecognizable compared to the others, despite Joseph Alexander making all of the speeches and announcing them himself.
  3. whoops, thought I typed biography :) was in a rush I guess. Ironically, I was telling myself to make sure I typed biography. Nice catch.
  4. A Meeting of Congress, The New Constitution CHAMPLAIN- Today Congress made its final ground-breaking moves in the match. The new constitution guaranteed following the Coolidge Rules Act, written by Malcolm Nichols, has finally been approved and passed for ratification by the states of Massachusetts and Maine. Under it, some major changes have been made. First of all, execution has been made legal once again. This major change has angered many. The largest change, however, is likely the addition of the Second Act of Parliament, which turns both acts into amendments to a Bill of Rights, and calls for congressional dissolution on every 10th year with a presidential election. This has made many feel like the Massachusetts government has turned into a parliamentary system, and one not supported by the popular opinion. PREAMBLE: We the People of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in attempt to ensure a perfected state, to establish justice and to ensure all tranquility, provide for our own defense, promote the welfare of all, and secure His blessings for ourselves and all others, to ordain and ratify this new constitution for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. And when it comes necessary, allow the people to decide when to raise the army, and be it the right of the people to rule, and the governors to not govern, but serve, as they were established to do, and will vow to pledge allegiance to the nation for all life to come and go, this new constitution may be into effect. The constitution is very closely modeled after the one of the United States of America, as should be expected by Malcolm Nichols, the former Harborcrat and current Vice President of the nation. The constitution, after ratified, will be put into effect 2 weeks after ratification. It is expected that both states will approve it within the next week, leaving about a month until the new constitution is into effect.
  5. Well, I have never been engaged in CNRP1 that much, so didn't interact with you that much and hence why I am really of no importance in this conversation, but nonetheless, sad to see you go. just a note for all RP's: Sorry I haven't been that active, but i've been working on my biography of Francis Scott Key, so really haven't had much time lately. I'll be back to regular activity soon, though.
  6. Thoughts of a Free Man Name: Thoughts of a Free Man Author: Thomas Whitney Published: 10 ACI, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Thoughts of a Free Man by Thomas Whitney, often just called Thoughts of a Free Man, is a novel written by Thomas Whitney supporting an armed rebellion against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and its government. It was first published 3 weeks after the inauguration of Percival Proctor Baxter and was the driving force behind the revolution. It represents American values, and it is thought that Thomas Whitney was a Harborcrat, and possibly a founder of the Harborcratic Party, but this was never confirmed, and there is still debate on if Whitney actually wrote it, as he would be only 14 years ago when he wrote it. THE WRITE It seems not all that long ago when the Mayflower landed upon Plymouth, and even sooner when an armed rebellion led by George Washington shook the nation. It seems that our nation has abandoned the traditions it should hold dear. That is why we must rise up. But the most important question we must ask is not why, but when. We spend too much time thinking about if it might destroy us, and too much time thinking that our leaders will do something awful to us. The answer is that yes, of course they will do something to us, however they will not succeed. They will not succeed because God is on our side. Without the power of Him, one has nothing and but that is what matters. It matters not that They will mean to kill us, because they will; and it matters not how, because if we all band together, anything may be achieved, no matter the odds, no matter the chances. I have grown up in Auburn, Maine. I witnessed the might of this nation grow and grow as now hundreds of hundreds of planes are stored in my very own backyard. Yet somehow, I still live with the feeling that some day I might change the world for the better. It is just unfortunate that it seems to be coming this way. I understand that if need be, I am willing to die for our freedom, yet I feel that I might live on in the hearts of my family and friends, and that I might be remembered, and that very same remembrance will carry my soul. Death means not to die, but it means to be born again. The mentality is what matters, not the odds or the chances, or even the facts. Optimism has carried us thus far, and it should continue this way. When have the odds actually been right historically? Then why do we continue to believe in the odds, when those who care to believe seem to be the ones to succeed? What is written on this parchment may be considered nonsense, but nonsense only if you believe in tyranny.
  7. Massachusetts Name: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Motto: "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty" Capital: Champlain Largest City: Boston Official Language: British English Government: Commonwealth-Republic -Provided: Articles of 1950, Article I Population: (estimate) 17,500,000 Currency: Massachusetts Dollar Drives on the: Right Massachusetts, formally the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is a sovereign nation located on the Atlantic Coast, situated on the North American Continent, and claiming the land formerly parts of the US States of Massachusetts and Maine, and before that, the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It contains two states, Massachusetts and Maine, and one federal district, Champlain F.D. It borders no stable entities, however is northeast to the Communist States of America and is west from the Spanish Empire. Called home to over 17 million people, Massachusetts is one of the largest in terms of population, the fastest growing, and the most diverse nation on Earth. In 1630, under the British Crown, the Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded. For over 100 years the Massachusetts Bay Colony prospered under the crown, but in 1775 chose to attempt to win independence from the crown, which succeeded in 1783. The Colony, renamed simply "Massachusetts" survived under the United States of America (As stylized under the Articles of Confederation) until its fall and collapse in 1918, following World War I. Massachusetts sat idle a long time until 1934. In 1934, Massachusetts was driven to survive under a man named Calvin Coolidge, the former governor of the State of Massachusetts. He proceeded to establish a small Congress named the New World Congress, considering it was the only government known in the American continents. The New World Congress pushed to make difficult changes to the ways people lived: in poor, collapsing houses, buying food from people 60 miles away, etc. The New World Congress, which in its entirety was commanded by 3 different Presidents: Coolidge, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. , and the youngest of them all, 22-year old Johnathon Fitzgerald Kennedy. Under these three New World Congressional Presidents, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts thrived. In 1937, the New World Congress had completed its job. The Fourth New World Congress was the first to be through public election, and John F. Kennedy attempted at election to be the provisional governor of the State of Massachusetts. However, he was instead passed up, with Calvin Coolidge winning the position as the provisional president of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The New World Congress was dissolved, and a provisional congress took its place.
  8. [size=7]Dakota Indian[/size] [size=7][size=5]News & Actions[/size][/size] General Information Name: Dakota Indians Government: Native American Confederacy Date Founded: N/A Major Dakota Tribes: Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow, and Sioux Chiefs for Each Tribe: Dakota Indians: 3 Blackfoot: 2 Cheyenne: 2 Crow: 2 Sioux: 2 Major Tribe Chiefs Dakota Akando Dakota Lallo Dakota Shoemowetochawcawe Blackfoot Ouray Blackfoot Bodaway Cheyenne Ahtunowhiho Cheyenne Mantotohpa Crow Bemossed Crow Bimisi Sioux Dowanhowee Sioux Enapay Other Tribe Chiefs Abukcheech Adoette Anakausuen Cha'akmongwi Chansomps Demothi Dohosan Fala Yepa Yuma More Information Territorial Claim: Dakota Territory Foreign Relations: Minimum Military: Prepared
  9. Eva: I am going to focus on a slower role-play style, so if I could have one last try, this time using all the borders except the light blue part on the bottom. below as a Native American Nation, it would be appreciated, but I understand if you say no. If she says yes, please mark all the Brown as Dakota Indians. DoE soon.
  10. (OOC: This is an Encyclopedia anyone in CNRP'40 can contribute to! Please, only serious posts. This is what it says: An Encyclopedia. Please learn how an Encyclopedia works before posting. All you need to do is post a page of information on a topic, and i will put it alphabetically in the table of contents with a link. Remember this is constantly being expanded, and is never finished! Thank you!) The Encyclopædia Wampanoag Volume I: Published in Boston, Massachusetts c. 1940 A: Act of Parliament American Independence Day American Party B: Baxter, Percival Proctor Border Crisis, 1 ACI Boston, Massachusetts Byzantine Crime Jurisdiction C: Carlson, Allen Champlain, Massachusetts Charlestown Naval Yard Chief Officer of the Harbor Party Coast Guard Constellation, CMS Constitution, CMS Constitution of 1940 Coolidge, Calvin Coolidge Rules Act Crawford, Eric D: Democratic Party(Massachusetts) E: F: Farewell Speech of Calvin Coolidge Fenway Park Fenway Park Bombing Flores, Will G: Gare Saint Lazare Global Collapse, 2 BCI Global Collapse, 6 ACI Gun Rights Act H: Hamed, Abdur Raheem Harborcratic Party Harborcratic Party Rallies, 2 ACI Hurley, Charles F. I: Islam Islamic Republic and Initiative of Massachusetts J: John Hancock Hospital K: Kingston, Jamaica L: Lawson, Erik Logan, Peter M: Massachusetts Massachusetts Economic Crisis, 9 ACI Massachusetts Dollar N: Naval Act of 1794 New York Nichols, Malcolm O: Operation Manhunt Operation Manhunt: Bravo P: Pennsylvania Pittsfield, Massachusetts Plymouth, Massachusetts Portland, Maine Q: R: Republican Party(Massachusetts) Revere, Edward Paul S: Uniforms, Massachusetts Military T: Thompson, Paulette Tobin, Maurice J. Tobin's Army Act U: V: Vermont W: Whig Party White House(Massachusetts) X: Y: Z:
  11. I just can't keep up with the whole government story. I will reroll somewhere... Sorry guys, I am going to try and keep up a different role-play style.
  12. Coolidge Farewell Speech, Passes Away BOSTON- Calvin Coolidge made his final speech to the people of the nation earlier today in Boston in the final hours of his life. The announcement, lasting only 15 minutes, was great and he put his trust into Percival Proctor Baxter, Malcolm Nichols, and Edward Paul Revere to continue to bring the country to greatness. 6 Hours later, Coolidge breathed his final breathe. He has been in our politics since day 1 of the provisional government, to today, year 10 of the permanent government. Unfortunately, the mourning period must be increasingly shortened with the war in which has heated up, and we must hope Percival Proctor Baxter is the right and able man to save the nation.
  13. New Military Uniforms, Coolidge Hospitalized AUGUSTA- Today two pieces of news were leaked into the public eye, which, are two nearly unrelated topics, one of which will bring the nation into a mourning state. The first is the approval of Act 83, or the Tobin's Army Act. This provides for the uniforms first proposed by Maurice J. Tobin only days after his inauguration. The next is the announcement that incumbent president Calvin Coolidge is currently in the hospital, and is considered in critical condition. With that being said, this means that Percival Proctor Baxter will take over as the president until Coolidge is recovered. The new uniforms, in which were first suggested in the inaugural address of Maurice J. Tobin, were finally accepted to be brought into the legislative ballot. The bill for new military uniforms was voted yes upon mostly Democrats and Republican-Americans, and few American-Harbors voted. The lack of Harbor votes is likely because of the resemblance to the uniforms of the former British Empire, of which ruled over the Commonwealth until the Independence of the United States following the Revolutionary War. All four of the uniforms above will be used by the Massachusetts Armed Forces. As for Coolidge being brought to the hospital 3 days ago, it is unknown why he is in the hospital, however we are made aware that his critical condition likely will not rise to the point of him being able to finish his term as President. We have been made aware that he has appointed Edward Paul Revere, Secretary of Defense, as Secretary of State under the circumstance that he must resign or passes away. Under those circumstances, Percival Proctor Baxter will become president and Malcolm Nichols would be the Vice President.
  14. The Act of Parliament, Capital Moved BOSTON- Today, an action passed by the Coolidge Congress, or the legislature set up under the Coolidge Rules Act, was sure to come as a surprise. To avoid the corruption that many nations face today, a dissolution of congress has been provided for under the new Act 80, or the "Act of Parliament," as some have referred to it as. The dissolution will occur following the next elections, and an entirely new group of senators and representatives will be voted upon. This move, theoretically, should prevent corruption, at least for a while, until the aristocratic ways of democracy creep back in. This act, Act 80, is the first major act passed during the Second Coolidge Administration. Something not very common in our type of government, the dissolution is found in Parliaments such as that of the United Kingdom, hence the nickname the "Act of Parliament." The Americans having a strong majority for the first time in a long time, it allows them to do nearly anything they want. Possibly enough power to be considered Aristocratic. Thankfully, the Harborcrats in the Party are sure to make sure the American values of Democracy are upheld to the finest of ability. On a separate note, today is moving day for the Massachusetts Federal Government. After a long construction period, Capital Park is completed and it is time for the government to move there. Moving should be completed within 2 weeks, in which time the non-government parts of the city will continue to be built.
  15. Railways in Champlain, Capital Park Completion CHAMPLAIN- Many people do not like automobiles, whether it be the cost, the traffic, or the upkeep. Especially when you consider the Capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you know there is going to be traffic going around. That is why a new railway, along with multiple large terminus train stations, are currently in the works for the capital. The new terminal will be called Gare Saint-Lazare, named after a station and terminal located in Paris, France. In 1877 Claude Monet rented a studio near the station in France and painted 7 paintings. Today, only four of these are surviving and the Commonwealth has been given the honor to display two different paintings to display at the new terminal as part of a French Mueseum, which will include mostly Impressionist-Period art.
  16. American Flag on Display Outside Capitol BOSTON- Just today, thanks to the hard work of Secretary of State Malcolm Nichols and other Americans in Congress, it has been approved that an American Flag will be displayed on all major United States holidays, including Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Flag Day. The Massachusetts Flag will be flown Parallel to the American Flag every day of the year, placed on either side of the nearly-completed new Capitol Building in Champlain. The American and Harborcrat merger changed the politics. This allowed the new party to seemingly dominate in the overall numbers of the Senate and House. Democrat influence was basically shrunk to none in Maurice J. Tobin's last year in office, and thus he had to be careful to basically do whatever the Americans want him to do. Now, he is out of office and the job previously up-for-grabs was a dominating victory for Calvin Coolidge. The American Flag is just another step we are taking towards the goals of the American Party: A Second United States of America. Unfortunately, this will require doing something the Republicans were against for the entirety of the nations existence: Expansion. This will likely cause division, and will result in a likely failure in any legislation about the topic. There is division everywhere else, now it is in our own parties?
  17. Coolidge Inaugurated, Begins Peace Plans BOSTON- Today a long United States tradition continues with the inauguration of the new Commonwealth president, Calvin Coolidge, serving a second term non-consecutively. The last President to be inaugurated in Boston was inaugurated alongside Vice President Percival Proctor Baxter and Secretary of State Malcolm Nichols. In his follow-up speech, he stressed the importance to end many things Maurice J. Tobin felt the opposite about, including the war and the inflation. Coolidge was given a large amount of support with the most listeners on the radio ever at an inauguration. Not to long ago, it was made aware to us that the capital is moving to Champlain, Massachusetts. This inauguration was the final inauguration taking place in Boston before Capital Park is completed and the capital is moved there. Coolidge was inaugurated in front of the State House, and in his inauguration speech went deep about many of the most important current events in the nation. The failure of the Rhode Island invasion means that we have a major war on our hands to the south, a possible terrorist threat, and the Cuban Blockade also to the south. Coolidge has, in his speech, vowed to bring an end to the wars, and if he doesn't, his second term can be considered to be a failure as his ultimate goal has not been reached. In the final words of the Baxter speech, Percival Proctor Baxter stated that he hopes for a blessing for Calvin Coolidge, and that this term goes according to his plan. Maybe the most interesting of speeches came from Malcolm Nichols, who at one point made a statement: "We have been given God's Blessing for 9 Years, descended from a line of more blessings, climbing as far back as at this very building, in 1770. It is time that we opened our eyes to realize that leaders are not going to appear one day and assume a throne, but leaders must be made. They must be made through education; this is not just the education we have in schools, but we must learn of ourselves. Our leaders have to be made, not spawned. It is time that you, me, and all of us, stood up and took a stand. It is time we all found the leader in us. It is time that America is made once again. A government of the people, by the people, and for you, the people."
  18. Is it possible to get any color more bearable than orange?
  19. Champlain to be New Capital CHAMPLAIN- As time passes, so does history. As our history passes, some of the good things about our nation goes with it. This seems like it might be the case now that we know that Boston will no longer be the capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but rather, the new city being constructed at the end of the North River. Although it has been known of a new city, both the name and the significance of the city were unknown. Now, it is known that the new city known as Champlain, Massachusetts, will be the Capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For the entirety of the existence of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it has been very well known by the national and international communities that the historic Boston, Massachusetts, was the capital of the nation, and that the congress was based from the Old State House. Last year, it was made known that a new city, called Champlain, was being constructed from the ground up. It was made known that this city was in collaboration with the federal government. It was not, however, made known that a new capital was being built. Senator Aaron Wright form Maine made the first public announcement on the topic last week, stating: "Sometimes you just have to stick with tradition; stick with the simple way. We reject what is easiest, what is smallest, and will construct the new capital from the ground up, and we will make this new capital 500 times greater than anyone could ever imagine." In the geographical center of the city will, as told to us by reliable sources, be a plaza known as Capital Park. Capital Park will house most, if not all, major government buildings such as the Capitol Building and the Executive's Mansion, which has already been completed. Capital Park will then stretch nearly a mile to the north, where it will feature many National Monuments and give you a tour of the inner city, as well as more government buildings. Once the city is completed, it will be the second largest city in the Commonwealth.
  20. Coolidge Elected, Takes Office in New Year BOSTON- Some people might say that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is no longer what it once was; that it has advanced in almost every aspect, destroying all of the history we have had in the eight years this nation has been. However, it seems that the facts have absolutely proven those people wrong as Calvin Coolidge has been elected to serve the next four years as our nations President. And, if you remember, he was also the first president of the nation before being taken out of office for the past 3 years. It seems our nation just can't get enough of Calvin Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge, for all the years the nation has existed, has been active in Massachusetts politics. He led our nation through the best times it has had, and avoided things that would make those times any worse. A lot has changed, however the passing of the Coolidge Rules act, a government structure plan created by Coolidge, gave him the boost he needed to take down Maurice J. Tobin the "tyrant," as Coolidge said in his Radio Campaign Speeches. Coolidge, in his aging body, has announced, following his election, that this will be his final run in politics. As his Vice President, Percival Proctor Baxter will attempt to build off of his successful mandate as Coolidge's assistant in the next 4 years. If he has the best of luck, his Vice Presidency may be something to build on in a future Presidential campaign. Separately, it was no surprise that Malcolm Nichols, a former Harborcratic and now American Party activist, was selected do be Secretary of State-elect by Calvin Coolidge. A Presidential Nominee in 6 ACI for the Harbor Party, Nichols is by far the most known Harborcrat and one of the most active enthusiasts. Previous to the past elections, Malcolm Nichols was Secretary of the Interior for both Calvin Coolidge and Maurice J. Tobin. The new lineup for the Executive Government is set to be inaugurated and take over on January 1st, 9 ACI at the new Executive's Mansion near Soginese Creek, the site of the up-and-coming new city in Massachusetts.
  21. Expansionist Projects Rhode Island 2/7: The next actions taken by Massachusetts forces in Rhode Island was the invasion of Providence. This took extreme care in terms of strategic planning, however in the end it was a large success. The resistance forces were pushed back farther south. Rockingham 2/7: The committee to join the states decided to pass official expansion permits to Rockingham county, New Hampshire recently. The next actions taken in this region was the occupation of all of the borders of the county, allowing them to slowly move in and crush resistance. They would not begin the expanding yet, but instead they would set up fencing and other required county borders. Strafford 2/7: Strafford would be easily accessible from the border of Maine. the next phase in Strafford expansion would result in the expanding of Commonwealth occupied territory down to Stratham Station, located near the southernmost section of the Great Bay. A successful movement would occur, without any resistance due to lack of major cities.
  22. Either way, I am about to launch my thread, modern timeframe however with an alternate history. Anyone interested PM me & i'll tell you more.
  23. I think I'm going to start a private RP to carry my dream of making a US Kingdom in a rp, if anyone is interested in maybe joining as a nation...
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