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Everything posted by Euphaia

  1. "If your nation is willing to accept those three conditions, than we will be wiling to accept the Compromise and move our soldiers to Lodz. On another aside, though, if Alvonia insists on complaining over land that was once theirs, than they have no right to dismiss Hungary's complaints over land that used to be ours, especially since Alvonia is still in possession of those lands. "
  2. "We could agree to that on three conditions: 1) 5,000 soldiers maximum in Lower Silecia 2) 95% of them have to stay 2 hours or more (approximately 120-140 miles) away from the border with Hungary-Slovakia 3) Alvonia agrees to a Non-Aggression Pact with Hungary-Slovakia.
  3. "We would be uncomfortable having too many foreign troops so close to our northern border. If you wish to complain about losing land, sir, I remind you again that Alvoni is still in possession of land that was once Part of Hungary, prior to the end of World War 2. I am not sure why you expect us just to hand over land for free, when Alvonia has never offered the same courtesy to us in regards to land that once belonged to Hungary? "
  4. *looks over his notes.* "December 3rd, our soldiers move into five Polish regions, including Lower Silecian. December 4th, I inform you that we are fine with Alvonia having a Polish Protectorate, so long as it isn't any of the five regions we currently have soldiers in. December 10th, we move 30,000 additional troops into the five Polish regions, bringing our troop strength in those regions to 50,000."
  5. "We stated the five regions that make up southern Poland, Lower Silecia is part of south Poland, and is too close to our borders to feel comfortable having foreign troops located there. Hungary-Slovakia is not keen on being a part of some containment policy."
  6. "You are free to have Lubusz and West. We also made it very clear which provinces we claim, and you raised norotest. Might I add that Alvonia is in possession of lands that used to belong to Hungary prior to the end of World War 2. We lost over a third of our land. I must inform you that unless your forces leave immediately, you will be committing an act of war against Hungary-Slovakia."
  7. "Lower Silecia was mentioned in the talks as one of regions Hungary-Slovakia wishes to protect. No objections were raised. Also, as an aside, Alvonia is still in possession of much land that was at one time part of Hungary. *shrugs*
  8. "Just a minute. I am receiving word that your forces are already in violation of the agreement we are currently discussing. That is an act of war against my nation, and a very serious breach of trust, and if they do not leave Lower Silecia immediately, this entire agreement will be completely off the table."
  9. Not Public The Hungary-Slovakian military would be placed on high alert upon news of Alvonia possibly violating the agreement.
  10. 50,000 Hungarian soldiers would already be in Lower Silecia, and would halt the Alvonians at the border. "You know the agreement. This was agreed to be a Hungary-Slovakian protectorate. No Alvonian military personel are allowed in this Voivodeship. Proceeding further will be viewed and treated as an act of war against Hungary-Slovakia."
  11. Please mark Lesser Poland, Lower Silesian, Silesian, Opole, and Swietokryzyskie voivodeshipsa as a Hungary-Slovakian Protectorate. Thanks.
  12. Not Public The latest report given today to the parliament pegs the number of Hungarian deaths in Poland at 15 soldiers, and the number of combined rebel and militant deaths at around 300, thanks in large part to the increase in Hungarian soldiers in Poland, the installation of heavy guns at the south Poland bases, and the handful of assault helicopters brought into south Poland.
  13. Public In other news, 15 merchant freighters, 50 sailors and marines, 4 corvettes, 5 patrol boats, and 4 fast attack crafts have reached their leased port by the North Sea this afternoon. Hungary-Slovakia is very pleased to now have two ports for carrying out trade with -- one in Yugoslavia and one in Northlands.
  14. Public In light of the recent deaths of south Poland's political leadership, and the chaos and complete lack of order this has caused, Hungary-Slovakia has claimed the regions of Lesser POLAND, Lower Silesian, Silesian, Opole, and Swietokryzyskie, as once again being one Hungary-Slovakian Southern Polish Protectorate. An additional 30,000 soldiers have been assigned to the South Poland Protectorate, bringing the total t now to 50,000 soldiers, in order to better manage the rebel and militant backlash this news will surely create. 1/7
  15. "We would only have a mininal amount of small military vessels and a likewise minimal amount of marines at the port, to provide some protection from pirates, for the merchant ships there. Something like 2-4 corvettes, 4 coastal patrol boats, and 3-4 fast attack craft. The rest would all be various merchant cargo ships. The protetctive ships would stick to within 13 mile radius of the port, except in the case of chasing down pirates that would be foolish enough to enter inside that radius. Would that be acceptable?"
  16. "I believe my government would have no problem with such a non-aggression pact."
  17. Public/ Breaking News Earlier today, an explosive blast ripped through a government building in southern Poland, killing the remaining political leadership of south Poland, who were meeting there today for government-related business. This leaves south Poland governmentless, leaderless, and without any order. It is believed that Polish State militants were involved in the explosion. Many citizens, as well as rebels and militants, have already begun taking advantage of the chaos and complete lack of order that has now been created in south Poland, rioting in south Poland cities. In response, Hungary-Slovakia has declared a State of Emergency and Martial Law in southern Poland, and is sending an additional 5,000 soldiers into southern Poland to support the current 15,000 soldiers already there."
  18. "That sounds like an excellent suggestion, Ambassador Kover. I believe my government would be very open to working on a joint rail project with the Northlands. It shouldn't be too difficult to connect the two rail lines together in the near future. We would be interested in leasing a port on the North Sea coast, if you have one available."
  19. "Hungary-Slovakia wouldn't have any problem with such a board. It is certainly worth looking into."
  20. *After a few more attacks that ended in even heavier losses and being routed, the Polish State attacks on the bases ceased. The machine guns and such that had been delivered and installed did the trick splendidly. Now the Hungarian military was free to concentrate their efforts on hunting down militants and clearing out any defenses they come across in southern Poland. To help locate and clear out all remaining militants in southern Poland, the commander in charge of the operation would send a request back to Budapest for 3 Apache helicopters to be sent in to southern Poland.*
  21. Not Public The transport convoy would arrive a few days later, and the machine guns and etc. would be installed around the perimeters of the bases.
  22. "As I have stated before, Hungary-Slovaki intends for southern Poland to be a Hungarian protectorate. We don't currently have any plans on annexing it. Even if we ever did, we would hold a referendum to let the southern regions decide if they wish to stay as a protectorate or to become part of Hungary-Slovakia proper. As far as travel goes, we have already offered what we are currently comfortable with: 3,000 travel/visitation visas to Burgenland, and another 3,000 travel/visitation visas to southern Poland. So long as they don't bring any firearms or ammunition into those regions, and do not have any violent crimes or felonies on their records."
  23. *The battalion of 1,000 Hungarian soldiers would continue their sweep of southern Poland, clearing out any Polish State or White Army militants that they came across. Meanwhile, the sporadic attacks against the Hungarian-controlled bases in southern Poland still continued on and off throughout the day and evening, usually only claiming a few Hungarian lives each time, while costing the militants usually a decent 8-12 lives at a time. However, the frequent attacks would finally lead the Hungarian commander that was put in charge of the southern Poland operation to send a request back to Budapest to transport some machine, chain, and mini guns, as well as a few modern rotary canons, to the five Polish bases to help with their defenses.*
  24. "That is an excellent point you brought up. I concur with it needing to be clear that each portion/protectorate is separately administered. "
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