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Everything posted by Euphaia

  1. Just for the record, it would be against rules to execute somebody's leader. That would be crossing into playing somebody else's character. :P
  2. *Upon receiving word that Sparta did not want to-- and will not-- get involved in the upcoming war, Hungary-Slovakia moved it's forces to 10 miles outside of Beograd, and begun setting up more breastworks, sandbag emplacements, and moved it's machine gun emplacements to be set up at their new location.*
  3. "Nah, the ambassador gave up booze three years ago, he's been sober ever since."
  4. Not Public The Hungarian ships and port personnel would dock at the ports of Novorossiysk, Mariupol, Rostov, and Sochi.
  5. Not Public On Yugoslavia's southern border, Hungary-Slovakian soldiers would begin setting up heavy, medium, and general purpose machine gun emplacements; breastwork fortifications, and sandbag emplacements and bunkers, as well as Czech hedgehogs.
  6. Not Public Hungary-Slovakia would begin laying minefields, tank traps, Czech hedgehogs, and building watch towers, bunkers, military pillboxes, breastwork fortifications, and sandbag emplacements & bunkers, along the borders with Romania and Prussia. It would also beginning moving the remaining 330,000 soldiers, 600 or so medium and main tanks, it's artillery, and mobile SAMs to defensive positions close to the Romanian border, as well. Mines, tank traps, and watchtowers would also begun to be built or placed along the border with Prussia, as well. Mounted, large caliber, Heavy Machine Gun emplacements - as well as medium and general purpose machine guns - would also be set up across both borders. None of them would fire unless first fired upon themselves. Public Our ambassador has already left and we have already closed the embassy yesterday, so we are not sure who Romania approached to kick out. The guy sitting outside the gates of the closed embassy with a booze bottle in his hand was just some homeless bum, not our ambassador.
  7. Private to Moscow The Hungarian Navy and Merchant Marines formally request permission to dock at several Russian ports in the Black Sea.
  8. Public Due to recent aggressive actions towards Hungary-Slovakia, all trade with Romania has been halted. Also, both the Hungarian embassy in Romania, and vice versa, have been evacuated and closed. Not Public The port in Romania has been vacated, and all personnel and ships that were assigned to it, have been moved and reassigned to the nearest Yugoslavian port.
  9. Reply to Bucharest We have made it clear from the start that we are only getting involved defensively, and have personally assured Romania that we have no intention of aggression, hostility, or engaging in combat with Romania or any of it's military. The only way we would do so is if Romania chose to engage our troops offensively first. Furthermore, Hungary-Slovakia has done nothing hostile or aggressive towards Romania. On the contrary, it has been Romania who has been acting aggressively towards Hungary-Slovakia, by engaging in gun-boat diplomacy, in clear violation of our pact."
  10. Classified to Sverige In response to aggression against our ally Yugoslavia, Hungary-Slovakia has mobilized half it's military and transported them to Yugoslavia's south. We will be there solely for defensive purposes, and do not intend on opening fire unless we are opened fire upon or are engaged first.
  11. Classified 300,000 Hungarian soldiers would be sent to Yugoslavia's south to aid in it's defense, with the remaining 330,000 remaining in Hungary-Slovakia. 10 mobile SAMs, as well as several dozen attack helicopters and a few hundred medium and main tanks would accompany them. They would be stationed at several Yugoslavian air fields and between 4 or 5 different military bases in Yugoslavia's south, until they were further needed.
  12. Not Public Shipping and operations would continue as normal at the leased Latvian port.
  13. Not Public The 2,000 troops in Ukraine have been recalled back to Hungary-Slovakia, in case they will be needed for defense.
  14. Not Public The Hungary-Slovakian military would be put on alert and on stand-by, in case Yugoslavia should request defensive military assistance.
  15. Public Prime Minister Beres has concluded his goodwill tour, and is expected to land back in Budapest in the next 3 hours. Classified Shipping has been diverted to the Latvian port.
  16. Tanks M8 Armored Gun System : 200 M3 Bradley CFV: 200 M1A2 Main Battle: 600 Machine Guns M2 and M2A1 Browning .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Guns M60E3 and M60E4 General Purpose Machine Guns M240B, M240G, and M240L General Purpose Machine Guns M1919 .30 Caliber Medium Machine Guns M249 Light Machine Guns Mk 48 Light Machine Guns
  17. Government Type: Parliamentary Republic Current Prime Minister: Rikard Beres Current soldier count: 636,380 Fast Attack Craft: 3 Patrol Boats: 8 Skjold Class Corvettes: 4 Fridtjof Nansen Class Frigates: 1 Lockheed U-2: 3 Boeing E-3C Sentry AWACS: 2 Northrop-Grumman E-8C JSTARS: 2 Boeing RC-135 Rivet Joints: 3 Howitzer Artillery (various): 300 Super Stallion helicopter: 20 Black Hawk helicopter: 30 Apache helicopter: 40 Super Cobra helicopter: 40 Chinook helicopter: 20 Boeing C-135 Stratolifter: 15 Planes & Jets (various): (TBD) Total Aircraft: 360 (200 currently unlisted) Mobile SAMs: 100
  18. Not Public With the current rise of tensions in the region, Hungary-Slovakia has brought it's DEFCON to 3. Classified to Romania Hungary-Slovakia sends its strongest assurances to it's ally, Romania, that Hungary-Slovakia will honor it's defensive alliance with Romania, and will not engage in conflict with any Romania military personnel. Classified to Yugoslavia Hungary-Slovakia sends it's strongest assurances to our ally, Yugoslavia, that Hungary-Slovakia fully intends to honor it's alliance with Yugoslavia, and will not engage in conflict with any Yugoslavian military personnel. While we cannot and would not engage any Romanians and Belorussians, due to our also being allied with Romania and Belarus (very staunchly so, in the case of Belarus), should Yugoslavia find itself offensively assaulted by any of Yugoslavia's other neighbors in the near future, and finds itself in need of defensive assistance at that time, please feel free to contact the Hungary-Slovakian government.
  19. Public The Hungarian parliament, in one of it's last few meetings before elections, would manage to narrowly pass a resolution, allowing up to an initial 500 Alvonian foreign nationals apply for and receive visitation visas for Burgenland. After two months, a larger amount will be debated by the parlilament. A second bill would be passed shortly afterward, this time by a greater margin of votes, banning any weapons or ammunition from being brought into Hungary-Slovakia (including Burgenland) by any visitors or tourists. All discovered weapons and ammunition will be immediately confiscated, and the offending person or persons will be denied entrance and likely detained.
  20. "Indeed we have. Something two months ago I would have thought to be an impossibility." Beres would say, smiling for a moment afterwards.
  21. *Prime Minister Rikard Beres would look over both treaty documents handed to him, and would sign both the Hungary-Russia and Hungary-Sverige treaties for Hungary-Slovakia.*
  22. "Thank you, Minister Drazen, for having me and your hospitatlity. Yes, unfortunately, I must be on my way. I am sure there is a pile of work to do back at my office, especially with the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister both being out of country as well." *Deputy Minister Kovach would shake Minister Drazen's hand once more, before departing for the airport.*
  23. *Deputy Minister Kovach would nod as he listened.* "That is actually where the Foreign Minister is at today. We, too, hope to put constant war and rumors of war behind us too. As much as we tried to suppress it, I am sure some news has reached Sarejevo of the large protest we had a few days ago. Our populace has spoken, and to ignore them would likely just cause more unrest."
  24. "Excellent, thank you, Minister Drazen." *Deputy Foreign Minister Oszkar Kovach would proceed to sign for Hungary-Slovakia, and then would rise from his seat and give Minister Drazen a firm handshake.*
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