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The Zigur

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Everything posted by The Zigur

  1. I had nothing to do with the brown team sanction being removed. The last thing I want is for other good people to be attacked or PZI'd by the hegemony, that's why I asked for no help or aid from anyone. He had a conscience, as should anyone who believes in the responsible use of sanctions against rogues. But, I hope everyone notices your brute thuggery in attacking anyone who doesnt align with your narrative and submit to your demands. First they came for the Neutrals and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Neutral. Then they came for the Independents, and I did not speak out—Because I was not an Independent. Then they came for the Senators, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Senator. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
  2. I attempted to negotiate a sane peace with Polar today but Grub stated that they will not remove me from sanctions or target list. Their intent is to perma-war me, and attack anyone who aids me, in an attempt to bill-lock my nation and force me from this world. Meanwhile, Polar is attacking an independent brown team senator who disagreed with their abusive use of sanctions. This shatters the hegemonic narrative of the world willingly cooperating with Polar, because they will threaten and use violence against any who disagree with their aggression. With PZI and 2008 style tyranny on the table, it is clear that these psychopaths represent a threat that transcends our own reality. While we can hope that Polar's hegemony someday fails, they remain supported by Oculus, and we can only warn others of this existential fascistic danger.
  3. Sorry lads, had to command alot of battles this weekend.
  4. I have no complaints against alliances like IRON in Oculus. Sincere people condemn hegemonic violence not because of who is doing it, but because of why it is done. In this instance, the Polar initiation of war against ISX has made them the primary face of hegemonic power. This is all fine and dandy, but it didn't get Sengoku anywhere and it is very likely to backfire on Polar as well. At some point, just as Polar threw ISX to her enemies, those in Oculus may find it convenient to do the same with Polar. Would Polar do well without being protected by the majority of Oculus, with all the enemies people like Terminator made? I suppose I will have to remain in peacemode until we find out.
  5. A lynching is not the same as law. Legitimate law is derived from representative rule, not the dictates of those who happen to have momentarily seized power.
  6. The general who is skilled in defense hides in the most secret recesses of the earth; he who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. Thus on the one hand we have ability to protect ourselves; on the other, a victory that is complete.
  7. If people disagree with the right party then it speaks ill of either their character or knowledge.
  8. It's a terrible analogy though, Polar isn't operating according to law that is voted on by a representative CN-wide govt, they are enforcing their aggressive wars against non-subject foreigners. It's not an "arrest," it's war crimes and genocide.
  9. I do not recognize the authority of Polar to "arrest" me, therefore I remain in my bunker using nonviolent resistance techniques until guerrilla operations are feasible (assuming Polar refuses to grant peace).
  10. The fact of the matter is I have offered to walk away without fighting, but Polar wants to attack me. This means I am not the bad guy, nor a rogue, since I want to give peace a chance. Because I am the defensive party and tried to reach out for peace, this justifies any sort of guerrilla warfare I am forced to resort to in defense of my liberty. This means I can simply bide my time until an opportunity comes to make my firepower more effective. As Polar has a hegemony to run, this places them in a dilemma. On the one hand, if they stay out of further aggressive wars they can focus more attention on keeping me pinned down. On the other, if they launch another aggressive war, this would give me an opportunity to engage in guerrilla operations and even coordinate the opposition using my milcom and targeting experience. Furthermore, if Polar finds themselves in the same situation as NPO did in 2009, I get to claim final victory. Now, one could argue that my personal impact in a conflict is minimal. On the other hand, if I am there to publicize Polar's vulnerabilities this will weaken their image of hegemonic control. So, my planning is carefully thought out in case Polar doesn't want a peace with me. I am still planning to speak to Grub in the interests of promoting peace, but with the seeming arrogance of Polar at work I am not totally optimistic about it. However, if my own personal resistance does indeed prevent or reduce the effectiveness of future Polar aggression, I have done the world a favor.
  11. Meanwhile in Polar, Terminator the Butcher receives a reprimand.
  12. Taking the opportunity to get rhetorical jabs in against someone you already didn't like, doesn't make you a shining example of universal support. Neither is giving me the cold shoulder an actual punishment, since I don't have to answer your low IQ posts anymore.
  13. Ok so are you saying Im free to join an AA? Because term said I have to fight "several rounds" (read: until bill-locked) and then Polar still might threaten/attack anyone I try to join or get aid from. If thats true literally the most rational option for me is to remain in peacemode until I can volunteer to defend Polar's next victim.
  14. If you guys don't like my posting Polar could simply leave me alone instead of hounding me.
  15. The treaty was an ODoAP. That means if I somehow legitimately got ISX in trouble, Polar wasn't obligated to defend us. Polar didn't seem to mind my mouth when I was doing what Polar wanted. I can drop logs and texts if you really want to contest that. However, once Polar got into Oculus I believe you found it expedient to throw us away (on Banned's birthday), and let us nuke your strategic adversary for you. Considering ISX was in trouble with Banned in the first place for not bandwaggoning Polar's ally, it was certainly a very Machiavellian move. I never said Polar was an outright barbarian alliance, but your nihilistic beliefs have lead to the contamination of Polaris with barbarian customs like casualty worship. If you want to give up debating, that is understandable. I am but one dissident and many weighty matters no doubt rest upon your shoulders. If none have the wit or intelligence to meaningfully debate with me, then I will simply narrate monologues by myself. However, it is silly to say I have a chip on my shoulder when I would be perfectly content to walk away from this without any fighting. It is Polar who hounds me, a "rogue" who never actually attacked Polar.
  16. I will concede I spoke too harshly in regards to barbarians backstabbing. I was thinking of Polar's cancellation on ISX taking effect on Banned's birthday. Actually, Maine's shilling was enough to throw me into using invectives when I shouldn't lower my debating to the level of others here, so I apologize. The term barbarian isnt necessarily an insult, but rather reflects the embracing of behavior that is counterproductive to the development of civilization. Barbarians are certainly less of an existential threat than tyrannical hegemony, and I know of at least one situation where a commander of civilization lead a barbarian revolt [ooc: Arminius against Roman occupation of Germania). As to free speech, it is one thing to counter speech calling for aggressive violence, it is another thing to shut down dissidents and debate. Indeed, shutting down free speech reduces the circulation of new ideas and leads to corruption and decay.
  17. Do you really think the culture of every alliance is the same? Is culture comprised of the things you mentioned or something more? The great thing about alliance sovereignty is that it allows people who are similar to forge those similarities into a larger theme. For the Imperium cultural values includes kindness, self-sacrifice, philosophy, freedom, endurance. For a barbarian alliance, cultural values includes things like sociopathy, backstabbing, casualty worship, violence in response to free speech, and so forth. Polar seems closer to the latter these days. They will not give me peace, they will not let me be part of society. I have nothing better to do for the next few months than to post content and wait in peacemode until Polar starts another war of aggression down the road.
  18. Grub.exe has stopped working Anyway, my ideas are not "soundly" rejected unless they are debated on the basis of their merit. You confuse material success with philosophy and your primary argument against my ideas is that I'm being successfully hounded by the hegemony. However, I am arguing against the premise of the current hegemony in the first place, therefore my personal material position is irrelevant beyond providing a partial motive for my words and actions. I see you have latched onto Mihails somewhat on-point cult analogy and try to use it as a rhetorical weapon. However in reality the hegemony itself is also like a cult, one who's foundations I am vocally challenging. I plan to discuss this particular point further when i finish my essay about hegemonic influence on the Overton window. It used to not be considered unusual for a personality to be a world leader one year and a fugitive the next, however it seems that I am simply one of the last such people around because everyone else gave up.
  19. Yeah well don't expect people to love a shill that's in an alliance attacking them I guess. You can blather on about "lies" and "rhetoric" yet you are so eager to play the propagandist that you resort to these yourself. Maybe in your obnoxious obsession with me you are missing the part where my arguments are actually based on sound logic rather than personally attacking the messenger.
  20. I think that is an unfortunate thing to believe. It would be different were I running things. Because I take more joy in building than in destroying.
  21. While I did actually command a few victorious expeditions, I never had the goal of beating down other alliances. My goal was to create an alliance culture that was resistant to the barbarism seen abroad, that rejected unnecessary violence and championed philosophy and free thinking. I have always wandered the ruins of a far greater Empire, hoping to re-establish the past, even as I try to guide thinking towards the future. Being a target of aggression however is not anything new to me.
  22. I made no claim beyond using reason to defend against the excesses of tyranny. I don't have the political or logistical means to defend myself otherwise.
  23. The reasonable position would have been to not attack ISX at all. However, relative to Terminator, Grub is open to reason. And reason dictates that policies like EZI and gag orders create more problems than they solved. I really have no position to bargain from and solely rely on reason to guide Polar away from the irrational dictates of those like Terminator. As to ISX being attacked, the alliance has suffered massive infrastructure losses that will amount to untold billions in warchest and revenue losses. There's no rational purpose in fighting high-tech EMP turtles unnecessarily, which makes this peace agreement possible despite threats of a longer-term war.
  24. Only the low IQ calls someone a "liar" without actually explaining the lie. My views on the war itself are not changed, and Terminator was demanding alot worse until Grub interceded and made it seem less like 2008.
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