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The Zigur

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Blog Comments posted by The Zigur

  1. Being a member of a CN alliance is a simple administrative matter of passing entrance. Being Pacifican goes beyond that. Something that holds true for as well also other CN present communities and cultures.

    Now, spam ahead.

    The idea that there was something mystical and undefinable about Pacifican exceptionalism was something Vladimir always rejected. NPO's success in the hegemony was based on philosophy and materialist analysis, not the weak and vision-less mysticism and jingoism that infects the leadership today. Ironically, TOP is closer to Vladimir's line of FA thinking than NPO these days.

  2. I'm a little more than just a "grunt" but you keep thinking I'm just that that's fine. I'm explaining to you how the last time these sort of demands were placed on us, Pacifica, in DH/NPO. At the time we had to accept the terms because absolutely no one was supporting us in the war it was us against DH, FAN, and NoR. We actually build our nations to fight those sort of wars because we have regularly found ourselves fighting in major conflicts with people shouting down the ebil NPO whether it's for the way we treated other alliances, or how we choose to play CN (ie our use of banks).

    Since DH we've been able to build relationships with other alliances so that we wouldn't be forced into the same position, and yet still at this point your coalition is still trying to force us into a similar position with NPO having actual allies who we've fought alongside and supported, and who we support and go to war alongside in return, as we are doing for NSO in this war.

    So now by "besieging" our "meaningful" nations you're going to war us like we warred FAN before Karma? Last time I checked we already paid for in Karma and the reps that followed. Once again a reason why our allies choose to fight alongside us because it's ridiculous, and you're making yourself look more laughable in the process by trying to make an argument that doesn't hold water on your terms.

    This war is not about karma. This war is about survival. If action was not taken, do you really think there would have been peace forever after? You had leaders amongst your direct allies talking about how easy it is to manufacture a casus belli.

    If Polar and TOP did not act, Pacifica and her aligned regimes would have rebuilt for war completely and struck. The core front of this war is no different than the cold war between the western and eastern hemispheres. On the one side you have first world democracies and stable autocracies, on the other, triumvirs and dictatorships hell bent on revenge.

    Inaction is Defeat. "To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself." Polar played the strategic game better; they won, you lost. This isn't "grudge match," many of us have more vision than simple revenge. It's time to take personal responsibility for failure and start working towards peace in a mature manner. Decisions have consequences, own up to them.

  3. The fact that you are building "meaningful relationships" is of even more concern, because that just means more problems down the road and an inevitable repeat of the same doomed scheming that started this war. A good war is about neutralizing a threat via reduction. If an enemy is a threat, it hasnt been reduced enough.

    "Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.

    But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life." Sun Tzu

  4. This wasn't well thought out for three reasons

    1. NPO's allies have already been told we can leave without any ramifications. We are here because we want to be, not because we are meatshields.

    2. Larger/More Competent Alliances lose NS slower for obvious reasons. Ignoring this makes your analysis faulty.

    3. There is no rational for why NPO is being targetted given beyond they used peace mode a lot. I don't see NpO whining about TOP's use of peace mode and yet when its NPO its a crime.

    I didn't include ODN in the blog post because (a) ODN isn't allied to NSO and didnt take part in the conspiracy and (b) most of your nations are in peace mode.

    That aside, I explained that NS is not a useful indicator, and which is why i went into score and tech reduction.

  5. "1. Allow their allies to surrender, and submit to terms when the time is appropriate."

    You just made my point for me we've already told our allies if it's in their best interests to bow out to do so, TPF did, the absolute bumbling your coalition has done to engage our coalition, and really pressure us and our allies to even consider any terms at all has strengthened the resolve of the coalition and pulled in more periphery alliances like R&R

    Was talking about this on IRC, when someone is rallying the troops and says in their speech "Any man who doesn't want to fight can go home," do you think anyone will actually go home?

  6. Sorry, I wasn't aware that 9m of NS damage was caused by men that fought without honor.

    This war continues because the Polar coalition is targeting us, not because our allies want to defend us from damage (which is the entire point of an alliance - if people should just give in and "accept a damage quota", then there would be no point in calling in allies in the first place since the damage quota would be achieved faster without them.)

    Then again, for a coalition that publicly beats up its own alliances like Valhalla that question their decisions, I guess the concept of allies defending us out of their own free will and being free to make their own decisions at anytime they want might be a bit difficult to understand.

    As I discussed in my blog post, NS is not relevant, especially since much of it is cheap infra rebuilt for nuking.

    But seriously, find new material. Of course NPO is being targeted, but the reasons why are obvious. NPO is shirking the damage and hiding their top nations in peace mode, while their allies burn. Why try to spin up some elaborate plot to destroy the NPO when it's obvious?

    I could just as easily spin a tale of how NPO wants permawar as part of a grand Francoist experiment.

  7. Nobody wants NPO to die, least of all me. Is NSO or NG dead? Of course not, yet NPO hasnt even been reduced to that level and you are being dramatic.

    You could always just lead pages worth of pm nations into glory like IAA did. I did that even knowing we would never get peace. NPO wont be disbanded or EZId. What is there to be afraid of?

    Allow your men to fight with honor Letum.

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