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Everything posted by Longshadow

  1. [center][quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1356038810' post='3066393'] [b][i][color=#FF0000] [/color][/i][/b][b][i][color=#FF0000]“Those heroes that shed their blood, and lost their lives … [/color][/i][/b][/center] [center][color=#FF0000][b][i]You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. [/i][/b][/color][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i]T[/i][i]herefore, rest in peace. [/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i]There is no difference between the Siths[/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i]And Kaskus to us where they lie side by side, [/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i]Here in this country of ours [/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries … [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]Wipe away your tears. [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]After having lost their lives on this land, they have [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][i][color=#FF0000]Become our sons as well”.[/color] [/i][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center] [/quote] I like it but you must understand something. We Sith don't give up. Through Strength, we attain Power; Through Power, we attain Victory; Through Victory our chains are broken. I'll let a Sith Lord explain it for you [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1356045985' post='3066450'] also a dumb statement; this war is a GREAT thing for NSO and you're doing us a big favor. You've got no idea. and still fails to grasp my previous point. [/quote] [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1356044665' post='3066434'] Is wakakakaka Indonesian for surrender? [/quote] It sounds like Shakira, maybe they just want world peace and us to sing kumbaya. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448'] Yes clearly. What will happen is you'll get your fill of UnknownSmurf, despite what it costs you in NS, land, tech and all the good stuff. Once that is out the way and for a prolonged period of us not surrendering, white peace will be declared due to peoples realize how retarded it was to fight in the first place and waste so much over 1 person.[/quote] One you are wrong, this war is great for us, and two as much as you think this isn't worth it; it most definitely is. Smurf made a big mistake and we are not about to let some half-cocked alliance try and tell us we can't hit someone for crossing us. We are Sith we will do as we wish. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448'] Yea Egg on my face. Egg on your face for loosing so much over 1 person.[/quote] There will be no egg on our face, the whole of CN agrees that what we are doing is acceptable, while many don't like us they agree that its the right course of action. Too bad y'all over at Kaskus couldn't realize that if you wanted a war all you had to do was ask. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448'] I've kept it quite cordial to my opponents so far, I plan to try and keep it that way. I like a fight and it's the best part of this[ooc] game[ooc]. I'm less tolerant of rubber nutted peanut gallery types that make terrible comments. So forgive me if I come across as a bit short. Goodnight. [/quote] You really do sound mad, would you like something for it? I could definitely get you some help: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i1IpGWYROs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i1IpGWYROs[/url] You should listen to them, they know what they are talking about.
  2. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356029119' post='3066339'] Is umbrella being rolled? Have I missed an announcement? [/quote] Oh I just love Hiro's posts, they make giggle on the inside. While I agree about Umbrella being a terrible alliance I won't allow an insult on Kaskus to go unnoticed. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1356028758' post='3066338'] Nothing like the rolling of a !@#$%* alliance to bring everyone together for the holidays. [/quote]
  3. Kaskus growing in size already. Boy I just love bandwagoners Let's have fun shall we gents?
  4. Porksaber just made this thread 10 times better. Thank you porksaber for brightening my day.
  5. [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1355967170' post='3066138'] NSO rejected a furry's application? Did I ever tell you guys that I like you? [/quote] No but thanks! [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1355968742' post='3066145'] It's a trap! [/quote] Its always a trap, haven't you learned yet we love springing traps? We just love the feel of that green glowy substance that follows us around all the time.
  6. [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1355964482' post='3066116'] I'll be watching you... [/quote] Did the nooks turn you green?
  7. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1355963692' post='3066108'] Please tell me you're !@#$@#$ kidding. [/quote] I really want to know what he's saying.
  8. [quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1355903150' post='3065726'] But they tell me I'm so pretty and witty and bright [/quote] Don't forget gay.
  9. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1355941193' post='3065908'] War before update, can't do quad attacks!!!! you're pure genius you are. [/quote] War in the morning is way before update. You sir seem to miss the point, all this talk of Kaskus going to win is laughable considering the problem that they won't be using the best strategy to attempt to win. But its okay Hiro, you will understand in time I'm sure [quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1355941545' post='3065911'] It's okay. We accept you for who you are. Good luck NSO. o/ [/quote] Nooks.
  10. [quote name='Master Hakai' timestamp='1355941057' post='3065906'] NSO is racist against blue people [/quote] Don't forget green people. We don't like those green people.
  11. Kaskus can't even get quad attacks right. Oh how this is quite hilarious. I can't wait to start blowing y'all up!
  12. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1355890239' post='3065618'] Since Karma, our greatest risk of defeat was at the dawn of BiPolar. We were in a pretty poor state after DH-NPO, too. Given the cyclical regularity of our so-called "down" periods, this one does not concern me to an extent greater than the previous. We have the capacity to fail just the same as always, just the same as any other alliance. We similarly have the capacity to triumph. And it is through the continued potential for either outcome that I find things to be exciting. We go to the border or it comes to us; either way I am content. [/quote] While I may not agree with this all the time, due to my own personal experiences with MK, I must admit that Ardus does have a few points that are accurate. All this talk is useless until action actually is taken and the pieces fall where they may. The lines are being drawn and once those lines have been fully drawn war will come and it will be time to start glowing green. But until that day let us all just have fun making fun of the people that we all hate! Brickyard and Smurf!
  13. [quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1355897015' post='3065692'] You're [i]all agreeing what[/i] [/quote] I think sigs need to be created for this very special of days when all of these people are in agreement. Its monumental.
  14. [quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1355896599' post='3065689'] Depends -- so much of "full retard" is in the eye of the beholder, which begs another question: Do you think NSO will go "full retard" and bring in their entire bloc to defeat Kaskus, thereby setting in motion the implosion of that very bloc? Asinine rhetorical questions aside, sad to see diplomacy fail so hard here. [/quote] Well first their MoFA was terrible, then followed swiftly by the fact that their top gov don't use IRC creates the issue of the fact that diplomacy never really had a chance. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1355896605' post='3065690'] I support this on the condition that I get a slot on the way down. :colbert: [/quote] Get in line, he's mine.
  15. Gosh darnit you jerks! Now I have to rejoin! D:
  16. I love how Kaskus ran its MoFA out of office through war and then out of the Alliance the same way. This did turn out to deliver! I agree with Tasuki Black Sheep should get an award.
  17. Sad to see Alliances leave Bob but times are rough on lots of people. Good luck in whatever endeavor you choose to pursue!
  18. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355767865' post='3065017'] EDIT: Nevermind. Find me on IRC if you don't understand and want an explanation. I'm pretty sure you are just being obtuse intentionally though. [/quote] You seem to like the word obtuse. I remember you using it on me last night when you came up to me to "clear up some misconceptions." It was quite hilarious.
  19. [quote name='AlaricTheGreat' timestamp='1355767905' post='3065018'] But I see no whipped cream, leather or whips/chains. This isn't like any orgy I have ever been to. I call foul. [/quote] *Brings in the chains, whips, leathers, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, rope and handcuffs* You called?
  20. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355728373' post='3064920'] Heh its funny that you bring that up; its a perfect example. SonicPluto thought we needed buyers so he went to olympus not asking anyone? Good right? Well problem was we had those 75mill/1k tech deals going on with ragnarok and he $%&@ed up all of our deals for 10+ sellers! In his mind it was a simple gesture of good intentions at the time; he had no way of knowing how much of a problem it would cause. Same deal here; except involved with another alliance instead of just a couple of botched aid slots... but imagine if that was for reps we were paying? We could have been attacked for his inexptitude! [/quote] No no no Smurf, you are not going to get away with shifting the focus of the thread. This is about what you did and how you messed up. Not about anyone else. Remember all those times mommy and daddy got mad at you and you wanted to say "But so and so did this!" It doesn't matter, mommy and daddy are mad at you. You seem to be missing the point that it doesn't matter that others have messed up too. You messed up in a way that has put you in a position that is CB worthy in the eyes of any notable alliance. Not to mention the fact that you are trying to, and your leaders are as well, saying that "We don't like conventional methods of communication and by the way our Minister of Foreign Affairs? He actually isn't Minister of Foreign Affairs, he's just a patsy! Carry on!" You see when you do stuff like that you give the impression that you don't atually CARE about resolving this issue. Doesn't matter what you say when your actions are speaking louder than your words currently. Yet again NSO's method of government is working, yours is not. A MoFA is much different than a MoIA or a MoF; the latter two positions are INTERNAL ALLIANCE positions whereas the former is an EXTERNAL ALLIANCE position. The MoFA is supposed to have some kind of authority in dealing with other alliances, its why they are MoFA they lead the FA department while the High Gov deal with other business such as moving the Alliance in a given direction and meeting with other high gov positions. The MoFA is the first point of contact if high gov can't be reached, and since Tan and R HATE IRC and don't use it then you can't expect Rayvon and co. to bend over backwards trying to reach them when logically Isaac should be good enough to deal with a situation such as this. But since its Kaskus it has to be toned down to grade school level diplomacy where its the business of he said, she said all the while a war is brewing. Congratulations to Kaskus for its monumental failure in the foreign affairs field. A+ [quote name='Haraldson' timestamp='1355761296' post='3064983'] Now either YOU are a telling pack of lies or Unknown Smurf is telling a pack of lies that he needed time to dissuade you from from declaring war on us. Which one of you two is the liar? [/quote] I think they are both liars and neither should be trusted since both are gov't, its quite obvious that Kaskus is just playing ring around the rosie with NSO hoping to stall them long enough that NSO just says "$%&@ IT!" Here's to hoping that Kaskus gets a spanking and learns that playing around with issues like this and protecting members who like to spy and cause a ruckus only gets the alliance rocked.
  21. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1355719696' post='3064873'] To be fair our current govt level is about equivalent to your marauder level. With bitburg as master, tan as sith lord and R as emperor. Please don't tell me you would hold furqan to the same standard as Kain. [/quote] So wait... Let me get this straight... The way you run things is to have minister level positions be entry level gov positions with absolutely no power and only 2 people hold any real say in what happens in the Alliance. This makes as much sense as everything else you've posted... [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1355719927' post='3064878'] I'm not saying to you guys stop, it's funny to watch, well, sometimes. [/quote] I love watching Smurf and Isaac grab at straws trying to attempt a comeback in the thread only to be immediately shut down again. Oh it makes me happy to be back!
  22. Smurf and Kaskus as much talking as you'd like to do it doesn't change how much egg is on your face right now. I will continue to eat popcorn waiting to see what transpires. Cheers
  23. Oh the blatant disregard to information and facts and criticism is so high I might get high off of it! Let's all join in the hitting of brick walls together as it seems to be a hobby in Kaskus!
  24. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355700031' post='3064709'] I am the one with the issues in tact, you can't stand to wait. I have to say you have run one of the most unprofessional FA missions I have ever seen. From your sovereign going into a meeting drunk to your [b]peanut gallery[/b] laughing it up in a government announcement thread. [/quote] The bolded section is funny considering the majority of the people posting in here now are not members of high gov and therefore do not control the fate of the decision on whether this turns into an all out war ( ) or if Smurf simply gets what he deserves. Secondly you saying they were unprofessional is just icing on the cake! [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355701867' post='3064730'] I approached your leader in a perfectly tactful manner, of course you weren't there were you. -Snip- [08:27] <Isaac[K|MoFA]> [b]Listen Rayvon[NSO], I am the one deciding if this becomes a big issue or a small one, if you want to be condencending to the Foreign affairs department of Kaskus then I am wasting my time.[/b] [08:29] <Rayvon[NSO]> lol ah there's the big boy pants .. Perhaps you may be .. Do you want an apology? [08:29] <Rayvon[NSO]> Would it make your britches less bunched? This was in the first conversation between our alliances the first few lines in fact...ever. And you wonder why we are not so keen to being friendly with you. [/quote] Oh my look at that bolded section. Up until that point Ravyon was simply illustrating what NSO wanted and tried to illustrate what Smurf was doing by cowardly not accepting personal responsibility for his actions. Then you go on and throw out your cards, what Smurf did was a big deal and the solution to the problem is one that has been used plenty of times in the past. I'd feel bad for you if you had been in my shoes when MK decided to throw out those 15mil 250tech reparations at the NSO a year and a half ago. Dang you would not have handled that well at all. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355703375' post='3064746'] Nowhere near as tactful as you'd make them out to be however, and nowhere near deserving the level of respect you expect coming from me or Kaskus. We approached them with friendship, they approached us with insults. [/quote] Not going to say what's already been said but I think the insulting part is how you decided to respond to NSO saying they want to war Smurf for a little while for what he did... I'll quote you to show you what I mean... [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355703905' post='3064754'] Unfortunately they did not mention it to us until after the fact, This is why I tried to solve it, but then they made it obvious that [b]they were not interested in being adults and so we kept him[/b] in and because of his work made him gov. When we made him gov is when they got their panties in a bunch. [/quote] I don't know if you should have said this... That bolded part sure does look like y'all really want to protect a guy who really is working hard to get y'all thrown under the bus Rayvon told you about. Its quite hilarious that we now have proof on the OWF that Kaskus is saying no to the NSO because they're feelings got hurt in how NSO wanted to handle the situation. A little advice for you in the future Isaac, when someone does what Smurf has done to the NSO its a much better idea to let them deal with the lumps they have so deservingly earned. NSO doesn't want Kaskus, they just want Smurf in all honesty that is quite reasonable. As to them getting angry when you made him gov? I think anyone with half a brain would realize that making someone who goes out of their way to try and mess with another alliance is not the best choice for a gov position. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1355704950' post='3064762'] I do understand that it is a no no, even US didn't know he was on a ZI list, and from what you said Kain it sounded like a personal beef since you were joking around in #Kaskus. Now if you want to have a real conversation about this we can I am more than happy to. I am tired of this pissing contest as it seems to be going nowhere but down in IQ and purpose to a point where no matter what the other guy says it is wrong and shame on him. [/quote] The only people in the wrong are you and Kaskus for harboring Smurf and protecting him from well deserved justice. He screwed up and as such should be forced to deal with the consequences. Secondly I find it HARD to believe that he didn't know he would be put on a ZI list for what he did. Like anyone with half a brain knows when you do something stupid like that you are going to have some serious consequences.
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