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Blog Comments posted by commanderragnar

  1. The primary military objective, from MI6's standpoint, was to showcase ourselves as a premier military alliance at our tier. We feel like we've done that - we effectively blunted the early Pacifica attack on our Paradoxian allies and have dealt more damage per capita than any alliance on our side (and it really isn't even close). It was a bit of a coming-out party - most alliances' first wars are far from perfect, but I am quite proud of how we've performed overall. As to the coalition's primary objective, well, I'd say it was returning the game to a state of parity. There's 3 or 4 loosely affiliated spheres now, each of which could be the dominant power in CN should the winds of war blow their way. I think that's a vastly more exciting state of politics than a larger dominant force.

    You guys are pathetic, I like the fact that NPO brutally destroyed you guys on the night of YOUR blitz.

    But keep dreaming about actually doing well against Pacifica, you gotta have dreams I suppose eh?

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