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Evangeline Anovilis

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Everything posted by Evangeline Anovilis

  1. I'm sure a good few people would deem Korea interesting. The Middle East and Africa can be too, as MrDirector said. I do see though that for people like you, not much is around. But while I can't say France is going to be open soon, you may have seen, the Americas are opening up (or being opened up by Japanese military force).
  2. I'm rude, but so are you by being ignorant about the topic and about my posts, throwing in lines that do not contribute at all. I already stated that the people who don't give a damn about reforms need not care about this, given I'm not trying to cater to people where it's a hopeless case. If you want to make this a thread where you get to bitch and whine about Triyun, well, it would be better you just stayed out of the thread. But it is good to know you tell me there'll be consequences because of that...
  3. Read what I write and just kindly shut up if you got nothing worthwhile to add. Because I may not make you like anyone, but you are on the best way to make me dislike you.
  4. There's enough people that ask me how the new RP is doing that I know that some might prefer the status quo, but there are those who'd be up for reformation and potential reunion. And it is because of those I put effort in, because people who mostly just want to stay out are a hopeless case for me anyway.
  5. Public Three Korean soldiers on patrol Given Japan's responsibility to protect the Korean peninsula, the National Diet has approved a plan by the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Navy to establish special Korean armed forces that recruit themselves from the Korean population to avoid excessive stationing of Japanese personel in Korea. These armed forces will be paid for by Japan and will be under the command of the Japanese military, given the protectorate agreement, however, Prime Minister Akiyama expects Koreans to have less issue with Korean soldiers patrolling their country, given it can be commonly assumed their interests lie with their country. The Chōsengun will consist out of a planned ten divisions of Korean soldiers, tasked with keeping order, preventing enemy assault on Korea and securing the peaceful border with Tianxia. A further two Japanese divisions and Japanese training personal are going to stay in Korea, to augment the defenses and train Korean soldiers to Japanese Army standards. Additionally, the Korean Fleet Construction Plan, as it has been called sees the creation of an added flotilla of twelve light destroyers and four heavy destroyers to increase Korean presence also in maritime defences. Confidential 16 ships are to be constructed by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Maritime Engineering. This is expected to happen with assistence from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and boost the reestablished industries. The Chōsengun is to consist out of eight infantry divisions and two armoured divisions and be equipped with Japanese and captured Korean equipment. The Chōsengun is organised as a Japanese Army (Nihon Rikugun) army command equivalent to a Japanese Area Army (Hōmengun). It answers the same authorities as all other Japanese Area Armies.
  6. It had been already a good bit of time since the commencement of offensive operations against the American Commonwealth and despite the original scepticism by parts of the Japanese elite and within the armed forces, the overwhelming successes of the early actions caused Prime Minister Akiyama Kagami to be rather confident in the Japanese position. Encouraged by the firm successes of the Japanese forces and the refusal of the Commonwealth to respond up to now, Akiyama for the first time approached the media to deliver a speech on the situation. In front of cameras and microphones of the NHK, Japan's public broadcasting agency, the Prime Minister appeared with a confident smile and rather calm, given her nation was involved in an ongoing war that had only just passed through its opening stages. "Konbanwa to all out there watching this. I am adressing you this evening, as our valiant forces have been engaged with Commonwealth forces for a considerable time now. This action, which has up to now managed to secure most of Alaska has been launched not in a desire to establish overseas colonial territories for our nation, but it still is a fight we feel necessary to continue. The Japanese Empire has long enough watched idly as the American Commonwealth expanded its influence over North America, crushing the freedom and sovereignity of people and nations it encountered and causing harm, stagnation and security complications in the Western Hemisphere and by extension to the Pacific community. In order to reassert for ourselves our security and rightful place among the nations and for the oppressed people of the Americas to regain their deserved freedoms and rights, the Nihongun is fighting with all its might to break down the monolith that weighs down North America and we will march on Washington if such be necessary. The American Commonwealth has proven incompetent both as regional hegemon and as a peaceful neighbour of our great Empire and I thus see it as the duty of ours towards ourselves and towards humanity to contain the creeping death of the Americas. While I have the full confidence in the Nihongun to be able to defeat the American Commonwealth, Japan is willing to cooperate with all those who share our objective of a more vibrant and secure American community of nations that can freely develop their culture and political systems without interference by an obstructive and even destructive overlord. As said before, I do want to reassure the nations of this world that this war is not waged to replace Commonwealth tyranny with Japanese one. What we do, we do to liberate, not enslave and we welcome all those seeking for independence of American states, as they shall have our cooperation in their efforts." Once Akiyama had ended her speech, she left, refusing to respond to any questions of the news at this moment. She had said what she felt necessary to be said. The sole thing that followed the next day was the establishment of the Foreign Recruitment Bureau, tasked with recruiting any volunteers for the war effort that were not of Japanese origin.
  7. You'd think someone would check their nation within two weeks or at least lock it. But seemingly we are at a stage where we go into holidays or whatever without bothering. Not like we'd ever get attacked...
  8. While for some time now, Japan had established a protectorate in Korea, the matter of what to do with Korea and how to improve the post-communist economy were still debated, while Korea itself stagnated. Only after about a year, the first Plan for the reform of Korean industry was approved by the Kim cabinet of Korea and the Akiyama cabinet of Japan, to properly establish a market economy on the peninsula, and with it democracy and stability. While the Japanese government originally proclaimed to stay out of Korean internal affairs, the Chōsen Kaihatsu-chō (Korea Development Agency) was created, in order to oversee the efforts. This measure, though not incredibly popular was legitimated by the necessity for Japanese financial and technological assistence to be utilised well and not to vanish in a post-Communist money sink plagued by corruption. The Chōsen Kaihatsu-chō set up its main office in Seoul and soon started its activities, supervised by the Resident-General in Korea. Mainly, the Agency organised Japanese capital to provide loans to Korean enterprises. These enterprises would be expected to use the money to set up their business, buy the necessary equipment, undergo training in entrepeneurship and other business-related skills and to find ties to related business. These would mostly be smaller private enterprises related to light industry. Heavy industry meanwhile would be a different story. Formerly state-owned heavy industry would be privatised into special partnerships of Japanese Keiretsu and Korean reestablished Chaebol, with the former providing assistence in setting up competitive enterprises, while in turn gaining part of the profit and establishing cooperations with the new conglomerates. Most notable among these would be the Mitsui and Mitsubishi keiretsu, which established ties to mining and shipbuilding respectively. Mitsui in cooperation with local Koreans set up a new model mining company i the Northern parts of the peninsula, importing modern technology and practices to improve worker safety and efficiency, integrating the mining with metal processing and nuclear energy generation. Mitsubishi meanwhile focussed on steel industry in the South and the local shipbuilding sector. This scheme was seen by many as a good way to promote cooperation and assistence, though it also functioned in a way to integrate Korean potential into Japan's existing economy and thus limit negative impacts from increased competition. However, not just industry was seen as responsibility of the Chōsen Kaihatsu-chō, as also democratic and cultural development were considered relevant. Not to mention, the potential establishment of proper defenses, given after all, Korea was a protectorate - to be protected.
  9. CNRPA is not a reform. Reform is working on something existing. CNRPA is as much reform as the CSA was an attempt to reform the US. It's seccession. When I am speaking of reforms, I speak of actual attempts to improve CNRP, not about other RPs, so, yes, up to now reforms generally kind of failed. Given you defend the barriers to entry based on not wanting to accommodate the more egoistical and spoiled people in the community, I guess you want to tell me that the people that were mainly to be excluded are exactly that. Egoistical and spoiled. And of course, the people in your RP are not. You know, I can kind of agree I don't want to put up with egoistical douchebags who can't even bother to look beyond their blinders and just rage on about how theirs are the sole legit interests to be accommodated, but I deal with it in a manner that doesn't go "I'm too noble for this RP". I've seen a lot of vitriol too, but much more so from people who aren't barred from CNRPA than those left in CNRP. I cannot force you to join any RP, but please don't just rant about things you don't seem to want to improve either. What I get from your post is a "I don't want to RP with certain people (we all know who they are), so I approve of the way it is currently", which is not only pretty petty, but also kind of non-conductive towards the purpose of the thread.
  10. I prefer 3 GMs with manageable powers and checks on it, who have power where necessary, while not getting powers where there is no need for it. CNRP2 in my opinion had far too powerful GMs, who could do whatever. For example, wipe the war or rule against inactivity rules. There are to be basic rules that cannot be overturned by the GMs. Constitutionalism is a good thing. Also, nice Nyotalia...
  11. I never try to be funny. So if I am, then by accident.
  12. Well, personally, I feel like others got more issues with me than I with them, but overall, the rifts are an issue to the quality of the RP. Doesn't matter that I'm neither Mogar nor Triyun, but if there's an issue that causes OOC community problems, it even affects me when RPs seccede. A true tragedy.
  13. The reason I even wrote my post on it, is because to me, it is one issue (out of a few) that causes community rifts. That we blame others for our failed diplomacy too much. And I normally don't talk as much to people I feel are my principal adversaries, than I spend talking to secondary adversaries, those allied to principal adversaries, to keep them out of fights and have them act as mediators. Because two people can hate each other, but if an influential friend of both is inbetween, normally there's no war, because they will not just sacrifice that tie. Kind of why Triyun was able to mediate relations between MGL and me, not because I ever felt MGL was right (I'd not be standing in Alaska if I did), but because it is politically unacceptable to both sides to sacrifice ties to Tianxia. Your situation overall was pretty bad, but it can profit from entanglements and concessions. This may seem like there's a lot of restrictions and not much can be done, but that is what happens in a complex treaty web. Germany had that issue under Bismarck, that it was entangled everywhere and had no free hand. After Bismarck, Germans attempted to losen these ties, leading to more immediate freedom, but getting set up in WWI. One can learn from this. Romania certainly had not too much room to maneuver, as all freedoms I had was in isolating Alvonia, which, despite popular opinion, still happened after talking to my allies who got consulted. But I was hopeful that the ties that were set up would get me security.
  14. OOC: Auto approved here. IC: Confidential The Japanese advances seemed to be hardly opposed. In Unimak, local police surrendered the False Pass and the island without any fight, allowing the Japanese troops to freely occupy the island, fortifying their position. Similarly, the town of Bethel fell after some fighting between local Commonwealth troops and Japanese Kaiheitai. A Commonwealth unit of around 15,000 tried to oppose the landing, was however forced to retire under the heavy bombardement by the battleships and battlecruisers. On their retreat, the troops were utterly routed as the around 6,000 Japanese units pursued them with air support and long-range naval artillery fire from Mutsu and Dewa, capable of unearthing most units from any fortified position. Still, around 550 Japanese units were reported missed, dead or wounded, while the defenders either died or surrendered to overwhelming firepower. With Bethel and surrounding lands secured, a Japanese unit of multiple hundred Kaigun Rikusentai specialising in alpine warfare would start their advance towards the interior along the Kuskokwim River. Usin mostly skies, carrying their equipment either on their backs or in sleds, and clothed in white winter camouflage, these units would use their light mobility and low profile to avoid getting into greater fights, though they could call on air support from Dutch Harbour if necessary. However, much relied on the denial of enemy air superiority. Operation Yukihime III Operation Yukihimi-San followed the exploits of Yukihime-Ichi and Yukihime-Ni, trying to capitalise on gains made and would be the first operation that used the bases in America for its operations. With the airfield in Dutch Harbour somewhat restored and troops being ferried in, the town soon resembled one large military base, with hundreds of Kaigun Rikusentai patrolling the streets, guarding military installations or awaiting further deployment to Umnak, where the main ground unit base was established for now. The base at Dutch Harbour served more as logistical hub for naval and air force assets. Yukihime III was commenced by the launching of a wave of 36 F-5 carrier aircraft from the three combined Air Fleets of the Japanese Navy, which were armed with a mixed internal air-to-ground loadout. This wave, flying in a slightly dispersed pattern towards the target to avoid giving off a large radar return was set up to coincide with the arrival of another aerial unit, two wings of Kawasaki B-1 bomber aircraft, launched from the Home Islands. These aircraft would launch a combined assault, as a few B-1E electronic warfare versions started looking for enemy radar signals, in order to deploy stand-off ammunitions against enemy radar. However, due to the great radar stealth of the more advanced versions of the B-1 and the F-5, the Japanese attack preferred to not take any active measures to deceive enemy radar, as to avoid warning the enemy of impending attack. Additionally, first wave missile attacks were reported to have caused considerable damage to enemy airfield structures. The two wings of strategic bombers would fly high above their target, Anchorage, as the B-1B, mainstay variant of the bomber wings, opened their bomb bays and unloaded a carpet of hundreds of bombs on military installations in and around the town. Utilising a mix of 250 kg general purpose bombs and 500 kg bunker busters, they were sent to wreck any and all military structures present, devastate troops stationed there and take out the Commonwealth's last great stronghold in the region. While the B-1s caused terror from the sky, the F-5s watched out for any aircraft that may take off from the devastated air base, to down it immediatly with their internally carried AAM-8s. Additionally though, these units would drop their own 500 kg precision-guided bombs at naval targets in the bay and at units in the open, as well as radars and missile emplacements. Once the aircraft were done with wiping out the remainders of the Commonwealth military presence in Alaska, they would return to their fleet carriers and home bases, while the fleet itself closed in. With Anchorage bombed out, the Japanese fleet was to land several hundred Kaiheitai that were transported on the battlecruisers to capture the town. Kaigun Rikusentai brigades in Unalaska meanwhile were transferred to False Pass, in order to land on the Alaska peninsula and make their way overland, to capture the territory inbetween. At this point, the Japanese leadership felt rather confident in the success of Operation Yukihime, as the last stages were pretty much a guaranteed success (given the demolished defensive capabilities from the first missile waves which were not yet restored), Japanese troops were landing in the thousands in Dutch Harbour safely, together with supplies, and the American Commonwealth seemed to rapidly lose ground in the area, having been cut off by logistical strikes in an area and during a season where overland transport to regain Alaska would be more than difficult, while Japanese ships ruled the waves of the Northern Pacific. It all seemed to go according to Keikaku*, and admiral Nishi already made preparations for the Fleet to conduct the next operation. OOC: *Keikaku means plan.
  15. Historically though, it often also shifted alliances on perceived threats (like in the diplomatic revolution between the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War) and there is a case to be made that British policy towards Imperial Germany was less focused on containing Germany, than it was to avoiding issues with Russia, a policy that was entertained because while the Anglo-Japanese alliance gave some security, Britain worried about security needs if the Great Game resumed. Imperial germany was an aspiring power, but not in any position to challenge the British position sufficiently. But yeah, just pointing out, British foreign policy is more complex at times.
  16. It becomes my world, when others let it become my world. If you don't like that, feel free to work on that. And no excuses of me being "too OP", because my stats are nice, but far from the greatest. You aren't in the RP, but feel free to join and do something about it. I had pretty similar points of view on both the war in Britain and in South Africa, IC and OOC. As I support hegemonial systems based on them providing security, stability and some level of international governance, the wars both were to me a failure of hegemonial order, as both wars solely gave reason to distrust the reliability of the hegemony to provide security benefits and it was mostly my war with MGL that prevented me from being that concerned about other issues. There's a reason I finally tried to get at least the non-proliferation regime to be enforced, because it's the last cornerstone of old order. I have argued multiple times already, even if not a moral issue, the actions taken back then have not benefitted the hegemony in the slightest and have not improved the world. Not that it matters much now, when hegemony has stopped working apart from nuclear issues. For better or worse... I'm working on my staying power, given I acknowledge that it is my major weakness. Of course, time will show how successful that is. But yeah, that's indeed the one point I was not all too reliable in. As the person RPing Romania, I can only agree on the Anglo-Spartan notion, mainly because after people turned my whole western border into a hostile one, I think noone should complain that I only strengthen my ties with Carthage and Britain, first being a reliable ally (and Cent can tell you that prior to CNRP2, we weren't on the greatest of terms), second being a good choice based on geostrategic positioning and my confidence that Triyun would not let me hang, because at that point, IC objectives aligned in preserving our countries and stopping the growing hostility coming from the lands inbetween us. While I had considered ties with France, due to Romanian Francophilia, such an option died with France being much closer to the enemy position (Alvonian-Yugoslav position) than Romania, same with Sweden. Only once that whole system collapsed and the immediate thread collapsed, approaching France cooperatively (at least as cooperatively as the situation allowed) was an option that would not just end in wasted time. We also are working on that and while I don't think I can disclose much, I can tell you, we are trying to keep personal grievances out, given that founding an RP based on that is counter-intuitive to the whole rationale of why PD and I started this. The one reason where you got threatened was over Savoy. And without trying to argue the validity of the case, this was an IC issue that is related to the issue that backing Cisalpina was a better option to pursue. Triyun's reasons are his to explain fully, but given Romania followed a kind of mirrored policy from the East, the backing of Cisalpina happened most of all due to them opposing Markus, who was seen as key opponent of Romania. That this led to issues with France was mostly something that came up when Lyser brought up France, before it got all wiped, but had it not occurred, the issue would have already led to adressing the French grievances then. The endgame for Romania was mostly to work within the Eastern Bloc to keep Eastern Europe stable and avoid threats from that neighbourhood, Cisalpina and Northlands were partners based on keeping Alvonia down, as Markus was inevitably going to be revanchist and his policies showed as much. Carthage was an important ally, for keeping my maritime traffic in the Med safe, Sweden was approached once in the hope of a partnership in exchange for keeping Alvonia isolated, France and Britain joined in this only at the very end, mostly Britain as potential counterweight (which it ultimatively was) and the Franco-Italian issues over Savoy were hoped to be overcome via diplomacy, given that neither pushing France into Alvonia's embrace nor sacrificing Cisalpina looked very appealing. The final issue was however really that with the Eastern Bloc crashing down and Rudolph joining forces with Markus, my security policy for Europe failed and the only viable option became allying Britain to keep you people from gutting Romania or at least to have a fighting chance. When however Zoot uncovered Rudy trying to sell of parts of my country (which would not be gained without war), it was clear war was inevitable and you know... I rather fight it in his land than in mine. The issue with CNRP2s war is that it IC happened due to failed diplomacy. Why your side felt compelled to not seek diplomatic solutions (Why did Yugoslavia prioritise Alvonia over keeping Romania on good terms, unless he wanted war? Why did France never seek to prevent Anglo-Romanian ties by providing an incentive for cooperation?) is the IC disaster that remains a mystery. The true disaster however is the OOC one, which is that your side was (apart from you) not willing to carry the IC consequences. Instead, people rather first made it a messy war and then ran for a new RP. People like Rudolph used as reason for leaving that I'd inevitably split up his country, based on talks with Euphaia, which kind of became invalidated as I signed a document that our coalition would not aim for land gains (which we did so people overreact less, which is OOC anyway, but well).
  17. You can't remove people from canon in CNRP and that's better that way. The introduction of any such issue is not conductive to the community and if someone can get a 60% to agree that stuff is broken, they should use it for a systemic reform. As long as we continue attack people, not systems, there will be hardly any unity, which is why I detest of the idea of kicking people and why I don't want you to make my thread merely a basis for throwing dirt at Tricent. It is true they may not share the popular opinion on reforms, but that doesn't mean they are everything wrong with the RP. Feel free to throw in opinions more often. I agree with part of your post and think we need to establish a more conductive and actually cooperative spirit that values communal unity and not just an egocentric bashing of everything different than oneself. There are issues, which are not addressed, mostly because those who are at the receiving end blame people over skewed rules and by doing so mostly just give the other side ammunition against the irrational hatred that should not be sanctioned with giving in.
  18. No you won't be the unifying hatred. There's bickering about not just technology, but just about everything.
  19. The anti-hegemonial rule? It's pure garbage. Not that I say there are no issues, but there are better ways to fix it. I reasonably enjoy #hegemon, wasn't ever #nordic. But I like to treat it as an OOC community, not IC. Indeed you were and I argued already before that it wasn't the greatest thing to have you nuked. But it just shows that the lack of success here isn't related to your person, nor would I say is the success of other RPs. The simple reality is this community does not have to stay in any singular world, we can all make our own individual RPs if we so wished, why play in a sandbox that has a predetermined result? that limits the vast majority of the community to minimal stats that will do nothing against the TSI trifecta that controls RP1? Dillon could tomorrow make a RP in which he is god king and has the same statistics as everyone else in the world put together, and if he found enough people willing to play the map would get pinned and it'd be yet another option for people to choose. I already stated before and will do so again... there was a time when people persevered through this and tried to overcome it. I'm not saying that rallying a grant coalition would work, given you most likely lack stats and we kind of saw in CNRP2 how throwing mass alone works (not at all), but a community can initiate reform and democratically pass it. Technically it's seccession and for a good part it isn't a real issue, but I know I'm not the sole person who'd prefer more unity. It's a matter of what one wants to achieve and what one would find acceptable to sacrifice for it. I do not think there are no issues, but I kind of "grew up" under the tutelage of a person that fought even against the most damning odds and would at the end just try again. I'm not going to say I can do much on my own and I don't have much faith that much will happen (based on reactions up to now), but if CNRP can be reformed, I'm all for that over any off-shot. Sadly, I do not think such will happen though.
  20. Just that that one didn't go full circle, it never even managed to overturn anything. It pretty much failed to do a thing utter than getting utterly trashed by royal soldiers, which is why it is so forgotten compared to the Revolutions of 1789, 1830, 1848 and 1871.
  21. You do know that the revolution in the story ended with a lot of people dead on the streets and old order prevailing, right? There were no reforms and the monarchy would continue till 1848, when it was replaced by a republic, though the first President declared himself Emperor of the French and a lasting republic would not be established till 1871. For all the great songs, Les Miserables is not a story about the glorious triumph of the people.
  22. You still have a long way to go before you can be a real tyrant and oppress the poor masses.
  23. Confidential Japanese Army 203 mm M110 self-propelled howitzer, base of the Type 17 In an effort to increase Japanese heavy firepower, the Japanese Army has requeste from Japan Steel Works the conversion of several of its M110 heavy howitzers to provide a modern-long-range self-propelled heavy artillery. The conversion plans to equip the M110 with a 70-caliber long 170 mm gun, which will be lighter, but have greater range and be more accurate. Japan Steel Works also is to develop several ammunition types, including guided ammunition, for the gun system, to improve extreme-range accuracy. It is expected that the range of the new gun could be similar to the M107 175 mm howitzer, at around 40 km and around 50 km with ER ammunition. Due to the limited number of M110s to equip the armed forces, the Type 17 self-propelled howitzer will also be installed on captured Koksan artillery pieces from Korea (where upgrades to gun and propulsion are planned) and new guns will be installed on the chassis of old Type 74 main battle tanks.
  24. So you are handing power over to a barely existing entity? Makes it no less stupid an idea.
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